Clubs listings

Glasgow Saturdays continues

I VEGAS! at the Renlrew l'erry. Nest (late 23 ()ct.

I Voodoo at the (‘athouse 5pm ()pm. £5 (£3). Weekly. Scotland‘s only alternatiye tinder lh‘s cluh. The sight ol all the w ce punters quetiing up t'nion Street has put the tear ol (iod into the good people ol (ilasgow (or some little now, so it you are under the age ol lh’. why not see what all the fuss is ahotit'.’

Chart & Party

I Base at the 'l'unnel. l().3()pm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. ('hris and Martin llesketh. along witli (‘hris Harris and Al Kent. w cay e a line lahric ol (unky house attd R&B at Mitchell l.ane's linest dattce emporium.

I Budda at Btidda. t lpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. Big tunes and sc\y house grooyes with residents AJ atid laii 'l‘hompson. Bttdda looks to he getting hack on track after the relaunch.

I Groovejet at 'l'rasli. l lpm 3am. £3. Weekly. l’ittti Mejia presides (net the city's most popular R&B and soul night. attracting a loyal crowd eyery‘ week. Room I has the Brown Brothers playing meal and commercial house and Room 3 has Dayc with the party anthems.

I Jamboree at Reds. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. John Lyons and Martin llcsketh of Velyet Rooms fame mix tip a hlend of commercial R&B and sottl.

I Saturdays at Blanket at Blanket. l().3()pm 3am. £7 (£5). The funkiest R&B in the city rocks the hig hack hedl'ooln on at Sat in Bed with the legendary Raymond Woods. Jim da Best and his musical antics keep yott awake in the front hedroom making this new Sat night one of the most popular in the city. I Saturdays at the Garage at the (iarage. l().3()pm 3am. £7 (£4 £(i). Weekly. (ierry' Lyons hosts a mental night in the main hall. playing all your layourite classics. anthems. pop and indie hrilliance. Kenny's in the attic and Brian's in (i2.

I Seduce at .Archaos. l lpm 3am. £ts' (£6). Weekly. (‘harty dance and R&B. not to mention an unhealthy smattering of cheese on this huge Sat nightcr.

I Shack at the Shack.

l().3()pm 3.30am. £7 (£5). Weekly. (iracme l-erguson plays to the crowd with a fine line it) Shack favourites, so hit the dancelloor and get moving. will you‘.’

I The Shed at the Shed.

|().3()pm 2am. £(i. Weekly". Demand is high for this one. so get there early. 'l'uneagc deploy ed by litian .\'eilson and .Andy' Rohet'tson.

Glasgow Sundays


I Bite at the ('athotisc. l().3()pin 3am. l'ree hel‘ore l l.3()pm; £2 l .5()) alter. Weekly. A milder mix of indie and rock than you‘ll find at the city‘s premier rock yenue on liri or Sat.

I Boogaloo at the Social. 9pm 3am. liree. Weekly. Block style party grooycs. urhan R&B. scratch hip hop. liy'c percussion and guest M('s all in a swanky .\'ew York-ster setting.

I Cabaret at the Tunnel.

l l.3()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. The 'l‘unnel's second gay eluh tiiglit. Things are definitely fahtilous at this Sunday night party.

I Chill on the Hill at Brel.

3pm 0pm. Free. Weekly. llushpuppy and regular friends host this outside party with all the hill-dwellers on a weekly basis throughout August. so get to the start of Ashton l.ane for it.

I Club Tropicana at the (iat‘age (Attic). 1 lpm—3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. lndie. hoth classic and contemporary. with a healthy dose of Britpop.

I Disco Badger at Batiihoo.

l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Scottie B. Dominic Martin and Rohiii keep the Sunday throng satisfied iii the yentte whose marriage of RcyB arid house has heen an unqualified success.

46 THE LIST .‘t‘ All.) :3 Sop, COO-1

I Free Sundays at the t'niyersal llpiii 3am. l~ree. Weekly Hip hop. lttiik. soul. reggae. house and [all all it) this great. yirtually unknown \cnuc lust hehind Sauchiehall Street

I The Good Vibrations Sound System at l.|t|tll(l lounge. llpiii 3am £5 (£4). Weekly. Resttlelth the Downtown llustlers and the Reyenge spin at this great ('arhon-inspired party.

I Liquid Cool at the Bclo ‘tpm 3am. £5. Weekly. AJ. ls'ris Kecgan and Ian 'l'hompson play top-notch \ocal garage and house to a cltih packed w ill) hyper- hedonistic twentysomcthing resellers. all of whom seem to hay c lorgotten that they hate work in the morning. It quality tunes and glamorous antics are your hag. Stiii at Bclo is unmissahle.

I Mungo’s Hi Fi at the Hull.

h’pm 3am. l‘ree helore I lpm; £5 alter. Weekly. Scotland's numhcr one reggae dancehall collectiyc. lormcrly residents at tlte W'oodside Social. do what tltey loy e tiiost at their iiew yentic. playing in a sound system style. and packing in the masses with their roots riddims and mic action.

I Optimo (Espacio) at the Sub ('luh. llpiii 3am. £(i (£5). Weekly. 'l‘witch and Wilkes play anything at the party known all to er the world for it's mind-opening attitude and approach. t'ter play liye on 3 Sep. and look ottt loi' some hlinding liye action oycr the month.

I Pee Wee’s Hot Wax Session at The Buff (‘luh .\'e\t date 2‘) .Atig.

I The Priory at Blanket. l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. This cltih‘s something of a misnomer. t'nless of course dancing all night to student anthems and R&B is how you detox. Jl’ and the 'l‘unnel's Richard l.ey'inson are the hosts.

I Spunk at the (‘athotise. l lpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. (iet a good spanking on the Sahhath. DJ Barry plays alternatiy'e. ptiiik. classic rock. hip hop. metal and crossover industrial to it late weekend crowd.

I Subculture Boat Party at an undisclosed location. Times the. £thc. 2‘) Aug only. 'l‘hey'y‘e kept most of the details under wraps as usual. htit we know ahottt one \‘ital piece of information: this is going to rock like a motherfucker. llarri and Domenic do the music.

I Sunday Shoutin’ at Mas.

I (put 3am. £thc. Weekly. A club named after Johnny ('orporate’s floor-lilting Defected classic was always going to he pretty darn fine. Big yocal house ntimhers and a wry sweaty dancefloor.

I Transistor at the Polo Lounge.

1 lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Real pop for real people with DJs Niall Mthirray and Wayne Dixon.

I Urban Vinyl at Blanket. I lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Raymond W'oods. l’aul N‘Jie. Naeem and Stuart Mc(‘alltim present followers of urhan music with the very hest in hip hop. R&B. sotil. and every other kind of tirhan heat.

Chart & Party

I B’Lo at B'l.o. ()pm-3am. l-‘ree hcfore l lpm; £5 (£3) after. Weekly. l.ook’ ottt your Sunday hest for a night of smooth. classy dance music.

I Budda at Btidda. l lpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. Relaunched yenue hack on track With details still the.

I Dream at Straw herry l-‘iclds. l().3()pm 3am. £l5. Weekly. l‘iftecn qtiid to get in'.’ You're ‘ayin' a laugh. ain't ya'.’ But w all: the bar is completely free all night. so stop moaning and get drunk.

I I Candy at Trash. 1 lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. DJ Rob has the hig anthems and lloorl'illers to keep

(‘ilasgow 's heatitiftil people dancing all night long.

I Streaker at Shack. |().3()pin 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. DJ James ‘the Boy' (iardner spins the tracks for those enjoying immature antics and naked fun. I Sunday Surgery at (‘uhe

l lpm -3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. ('ameron

('raig dispenses some salye tor yotit soul at this medical~themcd w inderdownei I Sunday Best at the Shed

ll) 3()pm 2am £3 (£2) Weekly l1uan \eilson and Andy Rohertson are in charge ot the times at this massiyely popular southsidc cltih .ltist he quiet when lcay mg the premises. please

I Temptation Sundays at ‘l‘igei 'l‘tger. l2 30am 3am l‘iee Weekly ('alling all well presented.young prolessional types DJ Wills plays ltmky house and cluh classics troin “pm

I Vinylicious at l ow dow n

Midnight 3am. £5 (£3), Weekly (he may sesy people li‘oni Soulsa hitiig us another line night ol house (tit) and games.

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at MAS. llpiii 3am. l'ree (or staff ol any ptih or cltih; £3 to eyeryone else. Weekly. 'l’hc higgest trade party ol the year. will) Burn residents .\'ormski and /.eiis play ing the tunes that w tll hay c you smiling all week. All drinks are one potiiid. all night long.

Chart & Party

I Breakaway at the Shack.

llpiii 3am. £5 (£3), Weekly. Alec and Andy drop their unique hlend ol chart layotiritcs. Definitely one for the party set.

I Budda at Btidda. llpiii 3am. £thc. Weekly. Relatiiiclied \entic hack on track with details still the.

I Passionality at (‘uhe

ll.3t)pm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. l’leasing chartistry from DJ Shawn Roherts. who does ltis hest to resuscitate the \\ cekend for the gay/mised crowd.

I Undercover at Blanket. I lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. (ii'atilication leyels arc hiin as secret agent Jim Da Best plays otit the ltmky house. quality R&B and perfect pop. Plenty of drinks promos should leaye you both shaken and stirred.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Bin Bag at the (ilasgow School of .Art. I lpm 3am. £l (free). Bargain hasement indie tunes. harreloads of cheap drink and a hunch of kids that used to the it) good homes.

I Fool’s Gold at MAS. l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. As the name might suggest. this is a night ol~ indie and l't)t‘l''()ll lot' those who know that cltihhing isn't all ahotit heats and breaks.

I Later Lounge at the Liquid Lounge. 9pm 3am. liree. Weekly. Aaron l’etrie ((‘linicah cooks tip a storm with some classic tracks old and new. House. hroken heals and hip hop (layours.

Chart & Party

I Budda at Btidda. l lpitt 3am. £thc. Weekly. Relaunched yenue hack on track with details still the.

I Fun Club at ('uhe. l |.3()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. l‘unky. unique and yery naughty. Shawn Roherts and Sha/la- llalliwell pack in the pop tunes at this gay night.

I Laid at the Shack. lt).3()pm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. The hest and latest in indie- pop. chart ck (lance. guitar-rock and Rth. Think that ahout coyers it.

I Snoopy Tuesdays at Blanket.

I lptii 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Join l’eanuts and ('harlie Brown under the hlanket for pop ftiii arid student classics. ()r strut your stttff as Scott 'l-ingers' McMillan. Billy .Milligaii and Jim Da Best slam on the funky tunes and RcyzB. I TIT at Trash. l().3()pm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. l’aul .\"Jie plays otit RckB and hip hop. (iraeme l-‘erguson runs with the student classics in Room 2 and Rob B is in the third room playing party anthems and bar tunes.

I Tuesdays at Bamboo at Batnhoo. llpiii 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. DJ Miguel is in the Red Room playing the finest

RAB and hip hop. and iii the lounge w c ha\e Rohin B laying down his sotitlul

Glasgow Wednesdays


I AAA at the l iquid l ounge

lltpnt 2am £3 Weekly \cw midweek drum \\ hass night lcatuimg some ot Scotland‘s DAB talent on regular

I Allure at the tunnel ll 30pm 3am £3 Weekly (ilasgow's newest gay night with the young and \eiy talented DJ Darren toting dispatching some stipeih tttncage

I Club Tromolo at the Btill ('luh \cyt date the

I New Flesh at May Murry is

‘lpm 3am £2 hetoic llpiit. £4 alter Weekly A night ol punk. tiietal and nu metal. i'ellccting the diyersity ol cltthhing at the moment,

I Period at Stih ('ltih, llpiii 3am £thc I Sep. Monthly l ena Is and (itll Mills appear as it hy magic hehind the decks. illltl proceed to l‘loyy yotit lloss‘ and then yotit mind with a stream ol great tunes. 'I here's always liye music action. htit at ttiiie ol going topless. the csact nature ol this had not heen conlirmcd. Menstrual parties are go

I Retox at Bamhoo. llpiii iam. £4 (£3). Weekly. Migticl (‘antpos plays you itito ’l‘liursday with a misttire ol hip hop and RAB

I Tongue in Cheek at Batiihoo. |().3()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. A new night ol cheeky lttii (tom the Bamhoo people. the irrepressihlc Migticl plays hip hop and RAB in room one. while Ross spins up a storm it) the party lotinge with classic ltiiik and disco. Midweek mayhem all round

Chart & Party

I FAB at the Belo. l lpm 3am. l'i'ce hcfore l lpm; £4 (£3) alter. Weekly. l’atil Rea. (Bordon Miller and ('raig ls'clman hlend garage. R&B and ltmky house. playing to a dressed-up crowd who help to make this one of the husiest midweek iiigliis in (ilasgow.

I Freestyle at lt'ash. llpiii 3am. £thc. Weekly. to tip. look sharp lor (ilasgow's only ltilly committed night ol t'rhan mtisic. (‘omc in lrom the fields. yokels. I Hooked Wednesdays at the (iaragc. llpiii 3am. £4 (£3). Andy and Wee Brian play a hlend of pop. indie. dance. Rth and classic anthems. l,ook otit. lliottgli. :\s the press release (or this night says. ‘these guys haye a lot ol

loy in' to share'. ()li dear.

I Jungo at Archaos. l lpm 3am. £2 (lt'ee). Weekly. Student classics. ittdte and cheese are the order ol the day at this weekly Wed.

I Joints and Jams at ('uhe.

l lpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. The award- wiiiiiiiig cluh hrings you the hest RikB. hip hop attd sotil l)Js in the city. Residents Martin llesketh. Joliti l.yons. l’uppa Sliango and DM(i on rotation eyery Wed. With regttlar guest DJs and l’.»\s. it's no wonder that Joints and Janis is the longest running Rty;B night in (ilasgow.

I Shackass at Shack.

l().3()pin 3.30am. £5 (£3). Weekly. The inimitahle DJ 'l'oast spins the finest in chart classics. with a healthy smattering ol' cheese also.

I Stud’essential at Jonglcurs.

()pm 3am. l'rce. Weekly. l‘resh student night at the comedy cltih next door to the t'(i('. liree entry and a shitload of drinks promos tend to see the crowd in line l‘ettle.

I Traffic Light at Blanket.

llpiii 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Stop at the lights and get into bed ey'ery Wed. ltidtilge in some intimate pillow talk in the front bedroom. or get through the hack for some sexy R&B and pop. And just watch out for the traffic police they giye away free hoo/e to anyone who dares to sit in the car seat.