.burqh Clubs

Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubs®list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Audio Tourism at I’im liar ('Iuh. ()plll 3am. l't'cc. \Vccltl}. Start thc ucckcnd till nicc and carl} \\ illi a sclcctinn til hrcakx. RAB and urban tracks li'nm (i-.\lac and (ictii‘gc.

I Born to Be Wide at lllL‘ \cmic. llpm 5am. l't'cc. 2h Atig. \cu lllllle‘ llltlll\ll'_\ wcial club that plans to bring mums. journalists. prtiiiintcrx. i'ccnrd \htip \ttit‘kcl'x and lilthic'ittns ltlgclhct'. With a \aricd soundtrack from \arinux induxti') buds. 2h Atig \ccs our \cr) tl\\ll cnnti‘ihutur l)a\ id l’tillnck juincd h} “m c Acari (Raditituncx) at llllx Radio 4 k l'uturchcadx illlL'l'\lltl\\ part}.

I Bounce at I’m .\'a Na. lllpni 3am. U H. \Vcckl}. Sludciit night tltl\\ll l’n Na Na tltiitc litcrall} gcts lhc placc iumpin' \xith llx mi\ ul' hip hop. Rtklt and drinks promos.

I La Clique al lllL' Spicgcltcnl.

llpiii 3am. Elf) (LN). 3(i Atig. 'l‘hc Spicgcltciit uncc again cnincs ali\'c at l‘cxtnal timc u ith a \aricd. brash and cntcrtaining Sidcxhtm Btirlquuc. Appcariiig on random nights and iii no particular tirdcr: thc (‘acsar Tu lll\ (acrobatic cuntnrtinnixts). l)a\ id ()‘Mcr (\auc} (ici‘man \atlchillcl. Yuiliya l’ikhtina thnnla huup \pccialistl. l'rxula Mttl'lillt‘l (L‘uhtll‘cl and \lt‘iplt‘uxt‘l. l'ilL‘L'll} (acrial \llllllxl and .\ll\\ Bchau‘ (physical L‘UlllL‘tl_V and word \“allmtingl.

I Club Simba at lhc (‘cllar Bar. lllpm 5am. l-‘rcc hcl’urc l lpm: U al‘tcr. “'L'L‘kl}; 'l‘hc (‘L'llill' Bar L‘tllllillllcx ils rcclamatinn as a qualit) cluhhing \cnuc with this mix of African. ('arihhcan and Latin inl'cclinux hcats.


I Dfrnt Drum .it lxgu. llpm Sam :4 - Scp. A \kcncd lakc tin thc cluh turinat from [ith l\\l\lL‘d indicclcctru night tcaturing lluhhcx and ()h l-indla} \liirc h\ c lmchncxx trum .\’-\'cctnr\ atid thcii' grill} ran punk lunk inincd h} \Vnundcd Knch (inc man mpcrnncntal clcctriiiiio “llh mcalx.

I Disco Decadence at \icc Bar.

()Pm 3am. lit‘cc. 2h Aug. Hal‘tic'x might} (iianni and (‘uhn mash tip thc huthc.

I El Barrio at lil Barrio. lilpm 3am l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. Nightl} llt'\l.t in thc ruin wade l.atm Quartcr til lidinhurgh

I Fast and Ride This Train at lllL' Bongo (‘Iuh lfipm 3am. £5 (Hi. I Scp. l‘urtinghtl}. 'l‘mi cluhx tor thc pric c tit unc. l-axt ul‘lcrx thc hcxt in high cnci‘g} ruck'n'rull. garagc and punk \thilc Ridc 'l'hix Train giicx all rcth cuuntn on )uttt' (l\\. -

I Filthee Disco at ('it}: l-.dinhtii'gh. llpm 5am. £3 hum-t- inidnight; U attcr. \Vcckl}. l‘rhan lllll\lL‘ for thc mudcrn cluhhcr from 1)] l‘ilthcc and l)l\L'U Dan.

I Genetic at ('itrux ('luh. llpm iam. l’rcc hcl'urc l l..‘\(lpm; £3 al'tci‘. \Vcckl}. Still a might} popular \tin'cc that \lltl\\k'1l\L'\ altcrnatnc. indic and lu—li. Nu smoking at thc har. mind.

I The GOuLaG BeAt at lzgti. lllfiflpm 3am. H. In Aug. l’unk. garagc. llL‘“ \taxc and good hnncst i‘nck'n'rnll l'rnm rcgulars Kaka. (M). Mr Mun Mon and thc l’rimitiw l’i‘gc l)]\.

I Green Onions at RU) \htika ('Iuh. lllpm 3am. £2. ‘) Scp. \Vith lidinhurgh'x Ii\c|ic\t dllti .\l(‘ l’l’tiliwc (Scotland Yard) and Nast} l’ (Soul Biscuitx) bringing thc hcxt in ‘iiiusic l‘nr acquircd taxtcx' from old school hip hop to l'unk.

I Inna Soul at Rlil) \‘mlka ('luh.

ltlpin 3am. £2. 2 Scp. Taking inspiration l'i‘nm thc likcs nl' King 'l'uhh}. l’ctcr Tush. Bccnic Man. llltl‘i l))llillllllL‘ all dcliwrcd tn )(lll h)‘ thc Might} lltmard and thc liina Soul Band.

I Late Night Sessions at Rlil) \titlku ('ltih. lflpm 3am. £2. 2h Aug. 'l'hc might} lltm'ard kicks this night til dancchall. ska. dtih and roots into high gcai‘.

I Manga at Hunc} comb. l lpm 5am. L'll) (£8 incmhcrs). Zh Aug. SL‘tllltllld‘x prcinicr drum & httxx \cxxinn is inincd h} thc might} 1)] Mark} and .\l(' Stamina. who arc lhc \nund til" Bi‘a/ilian l)&ll. u ith


Colours present Felix da Housecat, Sun 29 Aug

thcir unl} Scottish \him Hi 20le lot tunic llllt‘ chcck \\ u \\ cluh-manga cu tik

I Opal Lounge at ()pal l uungc

lllpm zam L" \\cckl_\ (‘laxxic dancc anthcms and funk} \tical huuxc from .I l

I Poison at ()pium llpm 1am. l'rcc \Vcckl} ()ld \chiml nictal \\ ith a glam cdgc as all thc l.t\tttll'llt'\ arc \xhcclcd nut in thc \hapc (it cuts hum .\hcc ('mipct'. Black Sabbath. 1 _\nrd Skuii'd. .-\t‘l't‘\lllllll. l‘xxistcd Sixtcr. lrnn Maidcn ctc

I The Realness .it \fctiina

ltlpm 3am {I \\cckl_\ \lmng tip undcigt‘uund hip hop «in a \wckl} l‘.t\l\ \\ c ha\ L' I’L‘\Idt'lll\ .lL'c-Jt‘t‘. l).l lil . [U l).l\t‘ and lSl’. \Vith t'cgular \pcctal gucxlx and

h\ c \l\llitl\ 2h Aug lltl\l\ an tntcrnatitinal .\l(' hattlc. (‘timc \lgll up on thc night it _\uu \tant to hattlc. \xhalcu‘r )tiur \l§ lc.

\\ ith cash pi'i/cx Ull utlcr. l-‘tillimcd h} a hrcakdancc comp thc ltilltming \tcck \Hlll l)i\cr\c 'I‘acttcx.

I Reflex at \Vh} \ut’ lflpm 3am. Lil. \Vcckl}. \cxx fills t'c\i\al night playng lhc l‘t'\l and “uh! lllllL‘\ ll’ttlll lllt' dt‘t'adt' la\lt' lurgut.

I The Snatch Social at lllL' l.lt|llltl Ronni. ltlfitlpm 5am. L11 (USU). \Vcckl}. Funk} disco-cum-caharct cninpcrcd h} 'l'ap \Vatct‘ .-\\\ard \\ innci' Tun} ('artcr and Hart} Ainxxmrth. \Vith ltiiik and hip hop tuncx lruni Bahcx and ‘l‘i'cnd'x \Vcnd} tmunthl} rcxidcnt l. It‘s moi‘c gucxtic action on If» Aug ax l'tah Sltlllh makc a \pccd} i‘cturn mi\ing tip all inannct' ul st} lcs as cwmpliticd on thcir hrcakthruugh hit ‘\\'hat ('an You Do For .\lc' \ta} hack in ‘)l.

I Soul Searching at .\lcdttia.

lflpm 3am. l’i'cc. 2h Aug. l‘urtnightl}. .\'ight of Latin and African huusc. drum tk haxx. hip hop. rcggac. art and film all undcr thc \lL‘\\;tl'd\llip ul' lltmard lli‘idgcx \tith li\ c music lrum rcggac/xuul act litita Soul. I Spank! at thc Sinirnnll l'ndcrhcll}. midnight 4am. L") (£8). 26 Aug. .ltllllL'x \Vrcn and Icon l’lcur} hring thcii‘ Spank? mpcricncc tip li'uin London blurring thc linc hctnccn cluh. cnincd) and caharct. li\pcct |i\c muxic. stand tip. I)J\. \ui'rcalixm and plcnt} ul' uthcr unclaxxiliahlc mtrax.

I Toxic at lign. I lpm 3am. L'thc. \Vcckl}. Billcd ;t\ 'git} lllc (in lllt' L‘dgc' \ktlll .\lll\L' 'l'hnrntnn and gucstx (nut to hc cunl'thcd

u ith thc mctal night til thc \ainc naiiic dtmn ()piumi.

Chart & Party

I Espionage at lispinnagc. 7pm 3am. lircc. \VL‘L'INI}. l"i\ c hal'x in ct li\ c lltitit'\ pla}ing cx‘crything l'rnin Rtkll tn inainstrcam chart action \tith plcnt} til' dark curncrx fur cupping till.

I A Tribute to . . . at Monti.

9pm 3am. l-‘i'cc hcl‘ui'c l lpm; £2 al'tcr (l‘rcc to incmhcrxl. \Vcckl). ('hart tuncs l‘rnin thc (itls tn ycstcrtla}. \\ ith li\ c trihutc acts dropping h} cach \tcck.

I Vinyl at Masxa. 3pm 3am. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl}. (‘uiiiincrcial chart and dancc cuurtcx} Hi Paul l'iiiikxtc'i‘. plus drinks prumm aplcnt} for lhuxc \\ hn \\ ant tn start thc \tcckcnd lihlllllllill‘l} carl}.

Edinburgh Fridays


I 33/45 at (‘ahat‘cl \iiltait‘c.

ltlfitlpm .‘iam. £5. \Vcckl}. l)amn \c\} wull‘ul hnusc from [Ms [con and ('axpcr. I Alterna at ()pium. 3pm 3am. l‘i‘cc. \Vcckl). lidinhurgh'x huinc til" rnck gncx altcrnatiw l'ni' thcir cnd of \tcck \cxxinn. I Audio Tourism at l’iw Bar (‘luh 9pm 3am. l-i'cc. \Vcckl}. Digging dccp into thcir \\ L‘ll-\lthl\L'tl hti\c\ litlr lltllll'\ til' C(ltll cuts \tith a transatlantic hnuxc llamur.

I Beatroot at lign. lt),3(lpm 5am. l-‘rcc. 27 Aug. Funk} home and tcchiin l‘rum R}an Turncr and lain (iihwn t'l‘nkymlu) \iith \pccial gucst thc plus plcnt} of drinks prniiim running until 3.30am.

I Blaze at ligu. l lpm 3am. £3 £4. chkl}. .ltllllc\ Lunguurth ignitcx thc ga} \xcckcnd. \tith plcnt} (it {I drink prumm to fuel thc l'riwliticx.

I La Clique at thc Spicgcltcnt.

l lpm 3am. i; It) (£8). \Vcckl). Scc Thu.

listings Clubs

Do This Do That There are too many killer nights on the closing weekend of the Festival. So for starters we have the king of squealing acid breaks Josh Wink. The Honeycomb. Fri 27


No Strings Attached While NSA go down the electro route with the current queen of the scene Miss Kittin, freaked out beats and mm will be the order of the day. The Venue, Fri 27 Aug.

Pogo Vogue The Pogo crew couldn't give a fuck about genres invite two masters of the art for this one off special as Luke Vibert (AKA Wagon Christ) and Mike Paradinas (AKA u-zig) destroy some electronica boundaries. The Bongo Club, Sat 24 Jul.

Pure I told you there was too much quality to handle as Pure returns for this 14th birthday party. The best in techno from the residents plus special guests Dave Tarrida, Mylo and Speedy J


Studio 24, Fri 27 Aug.

breakitdown There‘s no letting up as UNKLE mainman James Lavelle expands exponentially on his hip hop flavoured electronica roots. The Honeycomb. Sat 28 Aug. Progression If funk fuelled tribal house is what you crave. this line—up is just too hot to handle. Jon Carter is joined by Wally Lopez and Mark Knight (Toolroom Records). The Liquid Room, Sat 28 Aug. Stereotype The man also known as Big Bang Theory. Seamus Haji (pictured). drops house bombs. Ber/in, Sat 28 Aug. Colours Never one to do it by halves. Colours round off 2004's Festival with two distinct nights of sheer quality. First up Felix da House does his glam electro thing (29 Aug) swiftly followed by two of tech-house's legends Mr C and Justin Robertson (4 Sep). Ego, Sun 29

Aug; Sep.

the Liquid Room, Sat 4

2‘) Aug—U Set) 20’)“. THE LIST 47