
Wednesday 15 continued

I Speed Dating ("or-nitlnan. l‘ll lngram Street. 553 Hill. 7pm {30 Meet up to ill people tor three lllllllllL‘S at a lllllt‘. l’liew' l‘or age\ ‘3 43. ('all llSHll Sill) l5 55 [ti lititik


I Earth from the Air l<o;.al Botanic (iardenx. l{o_\al Botanic (iai'denx. lmerleitli Row. 553 "l7l. lilam 7pm. l'icc See ltle H

Thursday 16

G asgow

I Pat Kane lltll'tlet'x “()(llc\. US Buchanan Street. 333 7700. (rpm. Join acclaimed \llljJel'. iotirrialixt and actnixt l’at Kane ax lie dixctiwex lrix new hook I'lrt' I’lm lat/in which tlllt'SllUll\ our current common helrel'x ahotit work. text and pla}. I Roddy Doyle \\’aicr\toric\.

I53 I57 Saticliiehall Street. 553 ‘llll5. (Mllpm. £3. redeemahle againxt purchaxe ol ()li. I’l’m 'I‘litit lilillt’. Booker pr'i/e- winning author Rodd} l)o_\ Ie will he reading horn and \igriing copiex hix latexl rio\el. See l'ealtrre page In.


I Earth from the Air Rtwal Botanic (iar‘denx Royrl Botanic (iar‘dem. lri\er‘leith Row. 553 7l7l. l0ain 7pm. lace. See Tue 7.

I Jeremy Bowen: Six Days: How the 1967 War Shaped the Middle East ()llakar'x. 57 (ieor'ge Street. 335 4405. 7pm. L‘l iS()l.l) ()l'l \igned copies ma} \till he r'exer'\edl. BB(' \enior' world al'l'airx correxpondent Jerem} Bow en e\aniirie\ one oi the kc} conllictx ol’ llre l0th centtir}.

I Tony Benn l’la}hoti\e. l8 2: (ireenxide Place. 0870 (1005434. 7.30pm. £14.50. The wonder'l'trl Ton} Benn w a\e\ l_\rical ax he drawx on tale\ l'rom lll\ (littl'le\.


I Jeremy Bowen: Six Days: How the 1967 War Shaped the Middle East Bortlet'x Books. US Buchanan Street. 333 7700. (rpm. See llltl In.


I Antiques Roadshow .-\\\eltihl} Rooms. 54 (ieorge Street. 330 454‘). 0.30am 4.30pm. Raid the attic and tlttxl ol'l~ _\otir priceless heirloomx. the BB(".\ antique e\pert\ are in town. More inl‘o: w w w

I Earth from the Air Rll};ll Botanic (iardem. Ro}al Botanic (iar'denx. Imer'leitli Row. 553 7|7l. l0arn 7pm. Free. See Tue 7.

I Canaletto’s Venice National (iallei‘}: Hawtliornderi lecture 'l'lieatre. National (Stiller). \Vexton l’la} lair Link. l3.45 l.30pm. l‘ree. (‘hrixtopher Baker. chiel curator at the National (ialler). gi\e.\ thix lunchtime lecture.

I Yann Martel 'l‘raxcrsc 'l'heatre. ('amhridge Street. 33S I404. .S'pm. £8 (£4 for. Booker pri/e—winning author \‘arin Martel dixcumex liix work and read\ from hix recent collection ol’ stories. We xllt' t/re ('lir'lt/reir [.(IXI.

Saturday 18


I Doors Open Day: Britannia Panopticon Music Hall Britannia l’anopticon .\lu.\ic Hall. I l.5 l l7 'l'rongate. 10am 4pm. Take a look at one of the last sunning earl) music hall\ in Britain. where Stan Laurel had hix dehut in 1000. For ticketxz judithta‘hritaniaopticon.l' or call 014! 553 0840.

I Bollywood Outdoor Cinema The Hidden (iardem. Tramway. 35 .-\lhert Drive. 0845 330350l. 7pm. Free. 100 THE LIST 9—23 800 SOC '


The profound and lyrical voice of Dundonian Alison Louise Kennedy found its way to the page in her Warwick University student days. Her talent has taken her from working in Project Ability and judging the Booker, to creative writing lecturer at St Andrew’s University. She rails against such deceptive things as awards, yet has them by the bucketful. having a razor sharp opinion on everything from the evil of profit-hungry publishing to a writer’s loneliness, Kennedy is a Scottish literary legend.

(Kate Ewart)

I AL Kori/iot/v W/// bo road/rig; from hot new boot, Iii/atrium, a? the Ho'- t, fi'.‘

House. 2 Roxburg/i P/atio, Ft/lflht/lt/l/l, 55530 0152.”, [hit :43 Son (-Jtlrt'

:\\ part til the Block l't‘xli\;tl. the Hidden (iardenx are going to he trarixl‘ormed into an outdoor cinema l'or an \pecial screening ol' Shartikh Khank .llurrr llmm Nu. Bring a rug to \it on. Part (if/{luck /'i'xlii'ti/.

I Lighting up the City \‘ariotw Venue» 7.30pm. l-ree. Join a gtrided stroll around (illhgtiu at night to hear what the cit} \ lighting \trateg} lioch to achie\ e. lior ticketx entail

neiltu ghpl.ot‘g.

I Doors Open Day: Doulton Fountain Doulton l-‘otintairi. (ilaxgow (ireen. \‘ixii the iriagnilicent l)otilton l‘otintain. which ix the world\ largext terracotta fountain. and learn ahotit itx ongoing rextoration. l’or' ticketx email neil (U


I Mammoth Antique Fair Roin Highland ('eritre. lnl‘liction. 355 (r300. 0am 5pm. £4 £5 ilireei. .-\ wide range ol' antiques and collector\ item\ l'rom lllll\ til~ dealer\ all under UllL‘ l‘tlttli.

I Earth from the Air Rtnal Botanic (iardenx. Ro}al Botanic (iardenx. lm erleitli Row. 553 7171. Want 7pm. l-‘ree. See Tue 7.


I Merchant City Meanderings Variotix \ellllex. Merchant ('it}. I lam. liiona Sinclair lead\ an architectural walk throuin the Merchant ('it} and itx em ironx. 'l‘o hook email neiltn ghptorg. I Doors Open Day: Britannia Panopticon Music Hall Britannia Panopticon .\lti\ic Hall. I 13 HT 'l‘rongate. noon 74pm. See Sat IS.

I Doors Open Day: Doulton


Fountain l)otillon l’otinlaiii. (il;I\_\_'ti\\ (ireen. See .Sat ltS.


I Mammoth Antique Fair l{o_\.il Highland (‘entr'e. lllglISItlll. li5 (r300,

‘lam 5pm. £4 £5 tl‘reei, See Sat IS.

I Earth from the Air Rotal Botanic (iar'denx. Royal Botanic (iar'derix. lrixerlerth Row. 553 "I‘l. 10am "pm. l'r‘ec, .See 'lue

Monday 20


I City of the Dead \cct'opolrx (’emeter‘}. ('aledonia Road. (ior'halx 33l (1363, (rpm. rm: ticketed. .lorri Ronnie Scott. a cemeter} hrxtor'ran. on a guided lottt' ol the (ilaxgow \ecr‘opolix, ’l'lte walk laxtx two lltllll'\ and end\ in art optional r'elrethent ill a local hoxtelr). ’l'lic meeting place i\ printed on the ticket. in!

or li’lmk [rim .1/.


I Earth from the Air Rtwal Botanic (iarderix Rtwal Botanic (iarderix. lrwerlertli Row. 553 "I‘l. lllam "pm. l-ree. See ’l'tre

Tuesday 21


I Frances Rossi and Rick Parfitt: Status Ouo - Excess All Areas Borderx Bookx ‘).S Buchanan Street. 333 “‘00. l 3pm. l’ar'litt and Row ol Slaltix Quo lame w ill he iii-\tor'e \igmng coprew the long awaited hand hiogt‘apll}. I; U m .l// xll't'm.

I Of the Dead NUClllpllllS (t‘lllc‘lc‘l‘). (‘illL'tltlllltt Road. (itit‘lialx. 33l (\Fo3. (rpm. l‘ree. See Mon 30.

. from the Air lit‘lalllc harden» l\'\t_\.l'i Botanic tiartlezrx lrtxezlertli Row. 553 5'25: l“.tZ‘.‘. ‘g‘zri lice See lite I Frances Rossi and Rick Parfitt: Status Ouo - Excess All Areas \\.ttet\tone\. l3\ l‘irricex Street. opm lree See lire 31

Wednesday 22

3'1": Sr-

k7ltib§lc ..

I River Regeneration llrootnrelaw. 33lh1h3 5 lilt‘m lree. trtketetl \lark

l lllr‘t‘c'all (at lree Ila). h_\ \it'l‘l‘lllf,‘ aboard the l’trtle l)’ the t'litle lot a gtirtletl iner'x e_\e \rew ol “lax-row lire“ up warm. hot \i‘lll‘ will he tum itletl onl‘oattl I'm?

“an 4. It \.'ttt..

I Cuba to the Caribbean ( '.tltll\.tl \rt\. 3nd l loot. ll \lhron Street. ‘5.‘ SUV h Spin lree llllli‘illltllr‘ll totarrinal .trt. drtiriintrng. (arroeiia and toxttrnae making

I City Of the Dead \et lr‘l‘rilh ('erneter}. ('aledorira Road. (iorlxilx. _‘ ‘l hilt: brim lice See Hon 30

I A Town Called Envy (\ Bookxtored llll ft. Buchanan ( ialleriex. Buchanan Street. 15* I500 illrtm ltee. ticketed l.lllll\ll night ol llll\ new monthly unique. graphic no\el lrom two ot (il.t\gow \ ll\lll_‘_' \l.ll\ wlirt h tomhrnex line art lllll\ll.lll~\ll\ with dark. .thwrhing writing

I Argentine Tango Club lildtlxlllalx. it» Bell Street. 553 5“31 3 MW] lree l'ree dance clam lollow ed lw drinking and more dancing

‘li :hhh


I Earth from the Air lx’twal Botann (iartlerix. lx’otal Botarin (iartlenx. linerlertli lx’ow. 553 “lfll. lllattl 5pm lree See lire

I Allan Guthrie \\.ich\lutic\. l.‘,x l’rmcex Street. 33h 3ltlth (rpm lhe lotal author will he reading horn and \it'nmt' coprex ol ll|\ iioxel lno llat \p/rt. \\lllcll ll;l\ receritl} heen \llotl lrxted tor the ('\\ \ l)ehtil llagger award

I Dom Perignon Dinner ritrmher one. I l’rmcex Street. Balmoral llotel. l ll3 3H). 5.55 hay iillprn t‘l5 \

lixe courxe ctilirrar} extraxagan/a \‘.lll\ll mclutle\ a ta\ting ol l)orn l’erigriori ()eriotlietitie. I‘Nll \ rntage and other c'll;llll[l.tj_‘lle\ and w lllL‘S \elecled h} llorn l’errgriori.

I Alexander McCall-Smith l \llct llall. l.ollii;iri Road. 335 H55 ", illrim 2.4 .\le\antler .\lc('all Smith lalkx ahout lir\ new hook. lirt' Sum/tit I’ll/lum/rln (iii/t

Thursday 23


I Michael Buerk littltlt'h Boot“. US Buchanan Street. 333 “00. I3 itlpm. l'oi'cigri correxriontlcnt \lrchael Btierk. hcxl known lor reportage ol lulliiopiak l‘lS-l ‘hihlical lainine‘ which \par'ketl l.r\e .\rd. tllSclISSt'S lllS new hook //rt lt’mit/ ltrlnr rcllccting hack on *0 )\ ax a rotirrialrxt,

I City of the Dead Nt't'l'tlptlllS ('emeter}. ('aledonia Road. (iorhalx. 33 0503. (rpm. l'r'ee. Sec Mon 30.

I Emporio Armani Fashion Showforrnthran. I‘ll Ingram Street. 553 lllll. Spin. £35. Autumn/winter 3004 men'\ and women\ Read} lo “cal ('ollectiorix. with cocktarlx and alter \how part}. 'l rckctx [mm the \entie. the Beattl} .Slore lll4l 304 3344 or litriporto .-\rmarii 0|4l 553 3337.


I Earth from the Air Rrwal Botanic (iar'denx. Ro}al Botanic (iartlcnx. lnxerlerth Row. 553 "l"l. |0am "'prn. l'ree. See Tue .5. I Michael Buerk ()ltakar'x. 5‘ (ieorge Street. 335 4405. "rpm. Ll. See Thu 35.

I Kennedy Rti\_\ Art llnttxe. 3 Ro\hurgh Place. 556 0333. 7.30pm. l’t‘ec. .See \Vetl H and pllolo caption,