
of hip hop as you .‘.’!i find.

Uri Jaw/ he f:l:ll‘,°.’, the il',',l',l51.'l’,‘: of a ni umber ()l f,(;H:il,’)f€it(ir',, t")!Yl ‘:llif,‘:‘:') llk"; l/lf t it Jili’l Alf/if) R’fll' TU lllll‘.l’,litfl’) such as Ken Sliiriia and Akita Sakata. .‘xho lfllll’} piano and f,|étl'lll‘:l re“,pe(,ti‘./ely to an already bubbling pot of I(l(:ét‘,. fSll;irfl‘t ‘)l ‘:lf:(,lff)lllf, ill/VJ: punctuate the melodies heie and it", not entirely an easy ride. but over repeated listens Jakt/ reveals more and more meditative musical layers.

(Mark Robertsoni


PAUL WELLER Studio 150

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Covers albums can mean only a few things in an artist's career: writer's block. laurel resting or the fulfilling of a record contract. In Weller's case it's the middle of the three and this indulgence (it can only be viewed as such, good or badl. Some of the song choices might seem fun, but then there's a problem: listening to them. He gets one star for good taste: Gil Scott Heron, Sister Sledge, Tim Hardin but mostly Weller manages to take much of the soul out of these songs and iniect them With a trudging torpor. There's no age bar on having balls. Maybe someone should tell our Paul. (Mark Robertson)




(Too Many Firew0rksl O...

Laeto have always rocked. Originally they rocked in a SIint-ish

sio.‘.'-t,urnliif} kin’l .vay and. for this. the'r second long pla,e'. the," pace and it's paid off big time

This expansce proof that Andrea‘.’ Smith is one of the finest guitarists ()iir fine land has to offer. proggy and sho‘J/y but in an angular and bombastic. rather than flouncy way But he's not the only talent here. Laeto's rock biscuit is baked lull of Thin Li//y and AC DC goodness but has a melodic centre like the late great Rodan or one of those other great Yank bands who threw time signatures about like confetti. There's even a Smashing Pumpkiny bit if you listen close enough. The most important thing. however, is that it all cooks together into one coherent. consistent whole. (Mark Robertson)

;‘t f;i‘:f)fi(;tl (tr, fttr,




With a voice somewhere between Macy Gray and Cerys Matthews. McCluskey has no danger of being confused wrth English hardcore mooks McLusky though you get the feeling she's straining at the leash. desperate to impress. on this. her debut album.

That's not to say this isn't a strong collection of songs. There are a few diamonds here: Somebody Get Lucky'. “It's Been Done' and her cover of The The's 'Love is Stronger than Death' in particular. She lets herself down by wandering into sub- Texas territory occasionally but there‘s enough sophistication and latent energy to make you curious to see McCluskey live. just to find Out what she can really do. (Mark Robertsoni

108 THE LIST 9—23 Sep 200-1

Pf; DOOM 3 lAt§ll\."E3l()l‘ii 0...

Those gamers who played the original Doom share a special bond. They can still talk about ignorantly picking up that nine level shareware demo only to discover a new life. They challenge their memory of the contents and lay out of every room. They reminisce about that special Doom fear. If you played the original you will know what that means. The shiver when hearing a groan or a pigsnort. Doom was a revelation and remains one of the most important moments in gaming history.

So how can Doom 3 possibly live up to this parentage? Well, it doesn't. But what it does do, it does very, very well.

Doom 3 is essentially two games. The first is a creeping, nerve-shredding assault on your psychic stamina. Tight corridors that are almost irritatingly dark, a radio that constantly crackles and sparks to fill your head with screams, demonic laughter and some beautifully crafted set pieces combine to dare you to hit escape and exit the game. It is a nightmare that often has you frozen in its horrific headlights, genuinely scared to turn the next corner.

But after a few hours of this, should you survive, Doom 3 gradually becomes a frag-fest. More and more demonic aberrations pounce at you and most of the psycho-horror style is forgotten for a constant gunfight. Not necessarily a bad thing though, as the weapons are great and allow everyone to find their favourite method of bloody despatch.

Doom 3 certainly equals, and often surpasses, the graphic standards set by Far Cry while the audio is first rate, doing more to freak you out than any slavering monster ever could. Will people remember when they first played Doom 3? Doubtful. But it is all that gamers are talking about at the moment. Do you want to be left out? (Iain Davidson)

P82 . .l , ..

_ person shooter has io CONFLICT' haxe a Jefferson VIETNAM (SCH .. Airplane soundtrack and

a Jungle canopy or it i.'.'on't be published. And why does the Conflict series think that It has to (Olll in? Its Desert Stomt games worked well in the sands of the Middle East. the open landscapes allO‘.‘.’lftg ‘5Our computer controlled colleagues to uncrk to their effiCier‘t best. Unfortunately. l".

Alright. Enough already with the Vietnam games. It's getting so that a first

l/‘nv 0..

lhe first levels It a tiariie are so iiiipoitaht As i.‘.'(:|l as introducing you til the characters. the stern. the control <l‘,'riaiiii<,s. the progression structure and the pace. it must also be hugely arldir‘tim. iefusing to be put rloxrn. Second Sights Av .hilles heel is its start. Once you have p; ssed about half way in the game the psychic powers ,oiir character has giadiiali, accrued become liberating and fantastically enjoyable Up until then tl adventure has tieer:


clean and crisp an! i. .‘.'ell. a little l“)l'll7lli£t". li io’iks lo‘.el, aid plan» pretty smoothly lief .'.'h::t you really. reall, man: is the chance tc dea: .-.':tl: the enemy as ycu please. But then again l)i"()‘.lfl€: all the powers at the beginning and .'.'here is the progression?” l: :s a balancing act that is critical f’) The ertlo,’r"eiit of a gaii e and Set/gem} Sight just dresnt quite get it right. But it ,o.. hare a little patertar; the“ yOu .‘.’|!l be rewarded “.‘Jltll a Creatively freefer't~ combat experience toward the end.

»la:n Dantdsoni


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