UNNY ALREADY: A HISTORY OF JEWISH COMEDY Channel 4, Sun 12 Sep. 8pm 0000

,'.‘r,r r'ler .'.hr.

You have tr, [\rrrerrcarr .‘ghrte suprerrracrutu ‘.'.f)rrltl 'ate a“. therr taxourrte rornedran. lhe hint’rr, wt U53 laughter r‘, so rnextrrcahl, lrrrked .‘xrth .Je.'./r.<;h hurnorrr that therr tun ueekrng tamretx prohahly turn to the UK for the tspecral hrand of cornedrc hrgot we seern to produce. Thri; excellent docurnentar‘, (narrated wrth a pleaarngly measured rnanner h\,' Davrd Baddrelr tracks the dwxeloprnent of US Jewrsh cornedy as; rndrstrnct from the socral and polrtrcal landscape which helped fr'arne therr' shtrck.

At the hegrnnrng there were the Marx Brothers. a tarnrly ot clowns; whose rrnrnrgrant tengour poked fun at the estahlrshrnent. and at the end we had Sernter’d. the trrst popular TV srtcorn to he overtl\ .Jewmh, A hrstor\ of denral permeates; the story. It cornrct; weren't changrng therr narnes; (Woody Allen and .Joan Hrverra tor t‘.'.’(h. they were drstrllrng therr

110 THE LIST " . ‘8':

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Five, Mon 13 Sep, 2.35pm 000

.'.’ha‘. the .‘.orid "reesrr't nee’t now lf; another ":alit, lV Rhos; But uuperrr‘odel l‘,ra Hank“. .'.'ho eu'rrrentl‘, drdrr't hear the good HUNT; tlr'tf; errthrraraatrcall, launched her haute couture .'erf;rorr of Pop luo/ on an unsuspectrr‘rr and largely rrncarrng ‘\.'re\.'./rng puhlrc. lhe process; of sselectrng Hanks! successor hai; heen condensed to ten weeks; as; we \.'.’rtnesst; the finalists. a collection of hrassy grantesses. nroyrng rnto a swanky New York pad hetore herng shorn. waxed. hufted and herded onto a free/rng rooftop to he photographed rn next season's; swrnwvrear'. There's; the usual rnrx ot sentrrnent and hrutalrty here. and the shows salrrnrng star *7 for all the wrong reasons; rs; Hohrn. the God tearing. ‘plus :;r/ed' rre norrnalr pageant grrl frorn Merrrplrrs;_ Tennessee. and one trrne Wrnner of Mes Soya Bean F-reld. ‘Only tar/o people have eyer heen down there.' she dravrxls to the hrkrnr waxer. "Myself and my gynaecologrst. And I gaye hrrn crapf' rAllan Radclrttm

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EARLY ooons BBC2. Mon 13 Sep. 10pm 000

Tr'h'(i'.9/f '1': [tr/“r, hr he“. Hurt ttrrt. alrr out... [Me the epoch rram'vr Marrr, :,no.'. .'."rr,t‘ rrut the 'f;rt' rr‘ firt'.l{lt|’r.'l ii’)ll‘rr:rt, . the frer'tarr; ettect rt; that .erj, trttle happens, although the Hope farm/r 1%; atom rut .“J-etsgue ‘.'.rrth rtf. hyperactrve plot t'.'./r$;t:. when set agarnst ()rarg Cash's E3tl<)‘.‘.’. And that has; to he no had thrng. Starting off wrth a heautrtul reference to those actron ranrrned Arnerrcan drarnass. rt ‘rnovesf on to the rnost ssuhtle hurnour ssrnce ()ar'olrne Aherne last p; issed t;rlent wand. lhe performances; are all delectahh grotesgue and each scene It; punctuated '3:th a daft (Z()ll‘.llt(}llt or genurnely hurnour'ous; punchlrne. Yes. they sfrll do punchlrnes rn TV corned; these days. lBrran Donaldsonr

SPOOl [XXZthf NlAltY DON’T WORRY Channel 4, Wed 16 Sep, 12.25am o.

Thrs; rs; an example of how a well-rntentroned programme can get thrngs; wrong rn rust

Model citizens or a bunch of brassy giantesses?

DEADWOOD' Sky One. Tue 21 Sep. 10pm .000

The latest television opus from HBO takes us back to the Black Hills of South Dakota and the lawless town of Deadwood. But those expecting chipper ditties, whips crackin' away, secret loves and warm, fuzzy feelings are advised to remain on Walton Mountain. A leisurely pilot introduces the vast cast of rogues, speculators, lawmen and whores. Two weeks after Custer‘s defeat at Little Big Horn, outlaws and prospectors pour into the illegal settlement housed conveniently on Indian territory.

As befits a town averaging one murder a day, the opener features a good fistful of randomly violent acts (including a first-reel hanging) and winds up with a ride out into the wilds to pick over the bones of a massacre. There's plenty of lavish casting to savour with Keith Carradine providing an insouciant turn sporting handlebar moustache and Michael Bolton’s stringy hair as the legendary Wild Bill Hickok, riding into town alongside a potty- mouthed Calamity Jane. Ian McShane appears as gleefully immoral Gem Theatre proprietor AI Swearengen and mercifully resists delivering a straight-to-camera monologue. Brad Dourif is a drunken doctor and Molly Parker plays the delicate wife of a speculator, who eases the brutality of

her surroundings with a wee tot of laudanum.

As might be expected of an HBO production, Deadwood is stylishly put together, smartly scripted with lots of flinty, profane dialogue and refreshingly unsentimental about frontier life. If you can find a gap in your schedule between The Sopranos and Six Feet Under, you might want to give this upmarket historical soap opera a go. (Allan Radcliffe)

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