

Flatshare cont.

I Room - large bright mum in \[ltlcltlth llat ncal (ilasglm l'nixcl‘xlt}. l‘nncl'xlt} .-\\cntlc. (i(‘ll & hashing lnachlnc. £353 pcnl. lllL‘llltlL'\ (fill. 'lL'l. lll4l 3 U illi‘li lll' ()77Hh HUS 703.

I West End room in llltltl- cl‘n. i-hcdl'nnln l'lat. pmatc parking tk gal‘dcnx. 5 lllllllllL'\ in all alncnitics lk ll'allxplil‘l links. Still clcan & lid} lclnalc. ll/\. {Jill pcln including ("II ;\\ailah|c cnd Scptclnhcl: ’l'cl: tlIJl t)S-l “703.

I Double room, avail- able llnlncdiatcl}. in ll‘lcndl} llal ncal‘ Kcl\ln lll'idgc. \cl'_\

\\ L‘ll L'qtllppc'tl. t'ltl\L' ltl l'niwrxil}. c\cc|lcnl li‘dlhlltll‘l Ilnkx. intcl‘natinnal \tlldcnh pal llctllal'l} \lclcnlnc. Deli) lic'lll. 'l'c-I: ()7773 7% 33-1.

I Room available in \Vc'xl land llat. \halcd lnllngc & kitchcn \lith 2 nthcl'x. all lnnd cnnx. ncal' \hnpx & lncal tl'an» pnl‘t. £230 pcln. lllt‘lll\i\L‘ ni ("II 'l'cI: (llJl Shh 0423.

I West End Partick, tl\\ n hcdrnnln & lnnngc ill \hal‘cd l'lat. \tlitahlc ltll' l pcl'snn. 2 l'tltllll\. lull} lnndcl'nixcd. (i('ll. hath tk \ll(l\\t‘l'. \\'.\l & tll'} cl‘. t-litl pclll lllL'lll\l\L' nl' lilllx. L‘\L'L‘Pl plt l. 'l‘t‘lfi (ll-ll 33‘) 3050. I Gay friendly flat, llL‘ill' :\lc\andl'a l’al'k. quict \ll't‘L'l. l)L‘lllll\ltlllll. \illglc hcd. \tlltl. \lll‘l'tllllltl \(illlltl \VltlL‘\L'l't'L‘ll 'l'\’. DVD. hrnadhand. \lltli‘L' kitchcn. dining hall & hathl‘nnln with l nthcr. ll/\ pl'tilcxxltlllitl gu}.

{3'5 pclll lllc'lll\l\c' ill ('l t\ lllll\.t‘\uk'[ll phl'lc11lll-il “it WM» l'.\t'lllllf_'\ tk \kcckcttdx

I Double room avail- able, ln lil'lght. \ll;lc‘lllll\. clt_\ ccntl'c llat. tn \ltal'c \kllll lclnalc pl'tllL'\\lHll;tl. \llll n/x tcnlalc pl'tllt‘\\ltlll;ll. t351llic'lll lnclndcx (“l tk all l‘lll\. id: 0"]: Hill 443.

I City centre, Greendike Stl‘ccl. Imcl} l‘llnln lll ltll‘ilhllt'tl llat. all nlnd c‘tlll\. (i( ‘ll. dullhlc gIa/ing. lntlngc. llllcd kitcllcn. hathl'nnln t\ \lllmcl‘. \llll lclnalc \llltlL'lll. LIZ” pcln. ’lcl: (PHD all 02”.

I Flatmate wanted, to draw with \llltlt‘lll. ll\ lng lll ca\t \idc (ilaxglm. ncal‘ all tllllt'lllllc‘\ & ll';tll\lltll'l. {Still pcln + lilll\, 'l'cl: ill~ll "I "~i.\'3 01' 07743 334 ‘Nih.

I Mature student required in \hat'c \pacllitlx. 2 hcd Snuth Sldc l'lat \\llll lclnalc al't \ttldcnt. (low in ll'illl\[ltll'l linkx tk \hnpx. \/\ pl'clcl‘l'cd. £340 pcm + hills + tlL‘lltl\ll. 'l'cl: (l7il7l 404373.

I Double room in \ptlcttitlx Stitlthxidc l'lat. \tlltahlc l'nl‘ n/x. flat has all lnnd cnlix «k c\ccl— lcnt ll’ulhpfll'l links into cit} ccntl'c. £250 pcnl + lilll\. includcx ("ll 'lcl: (FUN) Nib .Vih lil‘ lll»ll 533 (till).

I Bright bedroom, own TV & (‘l) pla_\cl‘. ill lal'gc llal. tn \hal'c “llll l l'ctil'cd lad}. \lltll'L‘tl hathl‘nnln. ll\L‘ nl kitchcn. cax) parking. (l('ll. li/\ lclnalc nnl}. a\ailahlc int 4

How to place a Flatshare

Got a room to rent? Then The List Flatshare service is for you. it's a reliable and successful way of advertising for a flatmate and what's more it's free. you only have to cover the cost of calling our Flatshare Hotline to place your advert.

\kcck\ HI \llllltl hc lunch UH pu lcl llfi‘llll Slil \ll:

I Fun, easy-going, l‘llilc\ \llllldl lclnalc \\.llltctl tn \llalc' l‘c'atlllllll \\c\t l nd i licdlunln llal. .t\‘lt' llnnlcdlatcl} LISilpcln ~ (‘I 9 lilllx lcl ll~t\(ill ill—bl i.\_

I Maryhill : large bright l‘lmln. [‘ltllt'\\ plclcllcd. {SSH pcln l‘lllN lcl ilfi‘ll" ~lli.\ N“.

I Quiet, sunny room lll \\c\l lznd llat. I lllllllllc‘\ \xalk ll'nln l'nnclxlt}. \ll.tllll_‘,,' \\llll l nthcl, .-\\allalilc cnd Scplclnhcl. \\tlllltl \llll \ttldcnt. L355 [lc'lll 'lcl: ill-ll ii" "271,

I Double room in int-mil}. l‘L‘llll'llhllL‘tl llat. (ZN) pcln lncltldlng ta\ tk lilllx, I’cl: nth ntililfl.

I South Side (Dundreck) \lnglc mum in lmcl) ll"\ l'lat. Ill tl'cc llncd ;l\L‘llllL', largc lnllngc/dlnlng l'linln. \ntlthtac lllg halcnn}. .\'ali\c l'l'cnch \pcakcl' \cl'} \xclcnlnc. \cr} cnlncnicnt i'nl' \lllma} .K hus \Cl'\ iccx {Z-lil pcln + hills, 'l‘cl: (F735 Sl Hill.

I Double room in \liaclltth l'cltll‘hlxhcd l)L'lllll\lHllll \ illa. lllL'lllth\ lull (l(‘ll. 3 bathrooms with plmcl‘ \hlmcl‘. Uilll pill + tlt'ptl\ll. lilt‘ltltlc'\ (I'll. j_‘;l\. t‘lL‘t‘ ll'tc. lit‘liadlialld acccw lk cunt lntlnal clcancl'. ’lcl: (Fifi .iilti 7(ll til” (ll—ll 55-13333.

I 1 room in spacious lilat. sharing klichcn tk hathrnnln. ill ll/\. ili\.*lil'L'L‘. L‘l‘callu' cm lt'llll- lncnt. ()uncl‘ l'cxldcnt. [330

pt ill lllc lntllng hcatlng .\ light lll‘_' lcl ill-ll ii" INN ill (VFW “ll” l):

I Double room available llnlnctllatcl} lll \nnth \ldc. li' \ll.tlc‘ \\llll l nthcl l alg.‘ kltchclL (ii‘ll. galtlcn \tnt n \. l‘llllc'\\ pclwn Lilli pcln ' (.l \lk'l‘l‘\ll lllll R5; HUS

I Central West End llai lll\l lllml llat tin \ lctnlla (‘lcxccnt lx’uad. l)\l\\.tlllllll

L ‘5“ Inc ltltll‘\ (‘l lcl ll“l\*‘ it: {\ll

I West End, Hyndland, [ll'tllt'\\lt‘ll.ll pclwn. tn \halc l.ll‘llltlll\ \\c\t l1ntl llat. ga_\ lllcndl}. tltllll‘lt' licdl’lmln. l‘t‘dll tllnll} lllllll\llt’tl \\llll all lnnd cults. lmn plll llnc. lclclcnccx lctplllcd, Lilli) pcln lllclllllt'\ (’l » \halc lit l‘lll\. lcl‘ Hill i5" 13% ill n‘ilkn (in: .l“ I,

I West End, Hyndland, [lltllt'\\ltlll.ll pclwn tn \halc lttl‘llltlth \\'c\t land llat. ga_\ ll'lcndl}. dntlhlc hcdllmln. hcatl tlltlll} lnl‘nlxhcd llat. all llltltl cnnx. nun plll llnc. lctcl'cnccx l‘ctplil‘cd. Hill) pcln IllL'llltlc'\ ("I + \llill't‘ nl lllll\. 'lcl: UVN) NH -l“l.


I Clean and tidy pint lclnalc l'cqtlllcd tnl' \lnglc mum in Sinckhl‘idgc l'lat. Shallng With 3 Ulllt‘i\. \xc al'c a ll'lcndl}. clcan and lid} llal \xith pl‘lxatc parking. till) pcnl c\cl hills. 'l'c'lzill3l55731l2.

Phone the Flatshare Hotline 09070 201 610

You will be asked for:

1 Your name. address and daytime phone number including dialling code

I New Town, beautiful \llllCl \nnln ll‘l‘lll lll \tllnnlng tlat \\lmdcn ll\‘\‘l\. galdcn \llll\ n \ lnatnlc pint tclnalc \\all |51h \cptc'nllicl tftltlpln ' l‘lll\ llfl‘ l\ ihlillili

I Marchmont Double Room lll \pac lull» llc‘\‘.l_\ lclnllnshcd llat \hallng \\llll .‘ klltllljj l‘llllt'\\\ \laln dunl tlat \Kllll dllcct acccxx li‘ \llpclli galdcn \ll lnudctlnx \xallahlc lst (lctuhcl 13*” s lllll\ lcl Ill il llfi liltl_‘

I Gardner's Crescent. Double llmln a\allal\lc lll \nnn_\ \\c\t l lld tlat \hallng \‘.|lll .7 uthcl\ \tllt n \ innnj' [‘llllc'\\ \\allal\lc llnln Illth \cptclnlicl tfh ’pc lll i ('l o l‘lll\ lcl HI 1| -l ' inf 1 nl

tl “‘5 lHj «Flt

I Double room for lt'lll lll \ll.tlt'll ncxxli dccnlatcd lll\l lltlt‘l llat l.ll‘lilllll\ \ lt‘\\\ ll' tllc lcal I null} l‘.llllllllllll \\llll l’lmclthxcl and l.l\ll//l hath l’llxatc palklng ldcal tul all delnlinlgh l'nl\cl\ltlc\ l:\ccllcnt .Ililt‘lllllt'\ ('lmc In clt_\ ccntlc. ill ‘1 «ill 33””

I 1 person (Prof. N/s) \kalll cd in \ll.llt' Imcl}. ncu l_\ dccnlat cd I l‘t‘tlltllllll llal ill Stucklillllz'c \‘.llll nnc nthcl l\’ctll {35" W p. lll s ('l e lllll\ \\allah|c l, lil’lll l’l\ phnnc it"hll h“ Ill) Hi llfl‘lfil ()31 V);

I 1 double room within 3 hcd l'nnlncd llat lnxt nil lcllh \Valk. Ill 25y nld [lltllt'\\lllll.ll l'ctplll'cd. LUSH pcnl l lllll\ Icl' (inlllh 30‘) liN

2 Up to 30 words description about the flatshare including the room, rent. number of other occupants and type of person sought

3 A contact number for would-be flatmates to ring

filigree:- will be published in the next available issue

ve' ue >0

1~~ \v‘u‘ ".‘i I“ .. ‘Iga gs“ ,_ g . s

t 1, .. r‘ssg- an» . . r

stalls; ‘ullllsl‘iecl htl ' on Thursda Initiated ' g y

Terms & Conditions

1 v: and weekly during the Edinbur h Festival. The deadline for to our publicat n date. All adverts placed after his deadline will appear in t e following issue.

rwollid like to canflrmwhen your advert will appear please call our free

lacing your Flatshare advert is

Each telephone call will be charged at 75p per minute and should last about 3 minutes. Calls from non-BT and mobile phones may cost more. ‘If you are unable to get through please ensure that your phoneline is not barred from Premium Rate numbers. in the barring please contact your service provider or telecom company or use another phone. ‘Advertisers must supply full name and address (NOT for publication). ‘Please note the Flatshare Hotline is for people seeking a flatmate. Only flatshare adverts will be accepted for publication, any adverts advertising whole rental properties will be removed. ‘The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertisement at our discretion and without explanation.

We advise that you do not give out personal details when receiving enquiries about your flat and always ensure you

have someone with you when showing people your property


:‘-:0 SOLD .‘t‘ 3-1