Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at glasgow®, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at henry©, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:

Tickets Scotland 239 Ample Street. (ilautim'x U141 Bil-1:31:31.

Tickets Scotland 12/ Roar: Street. lllllllllllflll. 1,131 91/1) fiI/Tl-i.

Ripping Records 91 South Billltlfr. llt’ll I’L’fi 17111),

Way Ahead 61-11 :1119 838:1,


I The Amphetameanies, Skarsoles and The Gael Force King 'l‘ut'x \Vah \Vah llut. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 5379. 8pm. {6. ()\er- l4x \lltm. l.ocal \ka \upei'group \\ ith a cast o1 thousands t1l';t\\ll. at \arioux lllllc‘x. from the rttllkx ()1 l‘t'dll/ l't'l‘tllllillltl and llelle K Sehaxlian.

I The Willowz, The Usual and Eleven Mile Creek Barll}. lot) (’l)de Street, (1370907 out»). Spm. £5. The \Villou/ are a )oung ('alil'ornian trio who lltltWL'l' up inthiencex l'rom garage rock. hluex and soul to punk. They caught the attention o1. director Michel (inmll‘) and he llSCtl one of their tracks to soundtrack Kirsten l)un\t prancing about in her pantx in Mental .S‘imi/um’ oft/re Spot/cu Him].

54 THE LIST 9-33 Sec 1‘04

The Willowz play the Barfly, Glasgow, Thu 9 Sep

I The Day I Snapped, Festoon and School of Assassins Barll} lll[‘\1;tlr\l. 3(itl('l}ile Street. 115511911“ 0999. Spin. L3 llllltlhll \oundx

I Micah P Hinson and The Sky at Night Monorail. 13 KlllgN ('ourt. King Street. 553 9453. 9pm. l‘ree. lnxtore performance from [lll\ 'l‘e\.in \inger \onguriter in the Will 1)ltlllalll'lultilk‘llnp tradition. Supported h} the dark and delicate the Sk} at Night. making their 1n e dehut.

I Suspire and Miss the Occupier The Arches. 353 :\rg_\le Street. 565 11133. Spin. £6. lndie rock \llimcthc

I Myopia 'lillc 1311) XML“ (idle. 511 (ill King Street. 553 1635. 9pm. £3. (il'oind haxed rock.

I Mitch Malloy Bourhon Street. lllS’ (ieorge Street. 55311141. "pm. t". Acollxllc rock.

I Sustained, Absent Ashes and Rotche Nice'n‘Slea/y 431 Sauehiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. Vocal llill'llliilllt'S and pop \L‘liSIlilllllL‘S l'rom .-\h\ent Ashes. \\ ho u ere l'ormerl} known as the Panic Room.

I Transmission and Vague Space Soundxet. Sotindliatix. 47' ll}de Park Street. 331 4659. S.3llpm. £4.51). \Veekl} \houcaxe of local hands.

I Spiders on Mars the llilll liar. Hill Woodlanth Road. 353 9996. 9pm. l’rec.

I Insomnia Studio One. (iroxxenor llUlL‘l. (il'ti\\L‘llUl‘ 'l'eri'acc loll B} l'c\ Road 1. 341 6516. 9pm. l-‘ree.

I Colin McEwan 'l‘inderho\. 1S9 B}re\ Road. 339 31113. 911111. lirce. .-\cou\lic \eI. I Open Mic 'l'cliai ()\na. 43 ()lago 1.ane. 357 4534. Spin. l‘ree. l'ortnightl} SCSSlUll.

I Richie Gallagher Bcallxccnc. 5 (team ell Lane. 334 6776. S.3(lpm. l‘ree. Laid hack \oundlrack.

I Battle of the Bands \1;ic‘Soi'lc‘}x. 43 Jamaica Street. 343 S581. 9pm. Free. I Phil’s Session l'ixgc Beatha. 232 \Voodlandx Road. 564 1596. h’pm. lircc. Weekly jam.

I The Vagabonds 'l‘lie Scolia.

113 114 Slockucll Street. 553 8681. 9pm. liree. Popular covers.

I Jam Session Samuel him \.

6" "l \itlixdale Road. 433 llltl". S3llpm l-ree. llmted h} Independence I Live Music Rockch. l4 Midland Street. 331 11736. Spin. l-‘ree. Rock hill to he continued.

I Live Music .\1c(‘liuill~. 4“ High Street. 553 3135. 9.3llpm. l~‘i'ee. .\'e\\ hands night


I Eddi Reader Queerh Hall. ('lerk Street. 668 31119. ".3tlpiii. £16. .-\lter an llllpl‘t'\\l\ e perloriiiance at the Burns .'\n‘ .-\' 'l‘hatl lestnal one ol conteiitporar} lil‘llhll music’s leading liltllLN returnx to the Queen‘s llall \\ ith more \L‘ll\lll\C llllt‘l‘l‘l'cldlltllh oi lltirnx' \tlllgx.

I Park Attack, Super Paradise and Mammal Suhxxa}. 69 (‘o\\g;ile. 335 6766. 7.30pm. Uhc. .-\ peculiarl) great gl‘tlllpillg Uli \ptmk} L'lCc‘lt'UIllc Iltihc lllUllg‘L‘tS and analogue Ul'gall squelchng hip hop creu \.

I My Next Girlfriend \Vliixtlehinkiex. 4 6 South Bridge. 55" 5114.9pm. l‘rec. ()rigiiial guitar rock.


I Dead Fly Buchowski, Brady Cole and Repeat to Fade King 'l‘ut‘x \Vah \Vah Hut. 373a St Vincent Street. 331 5379. S30an £4.51). The indie rock headliners are a recent addition to the illlglhl Beggar‘s Banquet \tahle. lixpect a single in .\'o\eiiiher.

I Aberfeldy and Tibi Lubin .\'iee'n’Slea/_\. 431 Sauchiehall Street. 33.3 9637. 9pm. £6. See pre\ ieu for .-\her1ield.\. delicate folk) pop \t)lll\ from lidinhurgh.

I Absent Ashes and Team Salt Acouxlic Altair. 'l‘ron 'l‘heatre lo} er har. 'l‘rongalc. 553 4367. 9.30pm. £8. Sce Thu ‘) 101‘ Ahxent :\\llL‘\.

G Adrienne Young 8r Little Sadie Laurie's Bar. 34 King Street. 553 7133. 8pm. £7. Much tipped .\'a\h\il|e singer/song“riter making her first \‘1Sll to the [K \xith her hand.

I Torquamada, The Punchline is Murder and Hateville Heroes Barfly. 360 (‘lyde Street. (1870 907 0999. 8pm. 1.5. Mark metal mayhem all round.

I The Paul Weller Council and Five Park Drive The l-‘err_\. 42 Clyde Place. 01698 365 511. .S’pm. £11). 'l‘i‘ihute to the man} faces ()1 Paul Weller tall ol‘ them dour).

I Red Bee Society, Clearfall and The Last Great Wilderness Ya Basia. Soundhaux. 47 Hyde Park Street. 331 4659. lllpm. £7 t£5l. These '1' Break graduates gig in \upput'l of their current single '\\'heii We Talk of" llot‘scx‘.

I Invain, The Deadites, Dogmatah and 5 Year Glitch l-‘ur; Muri‘ys. 96 Maxuell Street. 331 6511. 8.30pm. £4. including entr) to post-gig cluh. Bill ol‘ upcoming local indie hands.

I Brian Hughes 8. the Lone Sharks Bourhon Street. 108 (ieorge Street. 553 0141. 7pm. £5 t£13.5() \xitli dinner). ('ountr};

I The Fusion Experience The Butlfluh. 143 Bath Lane. 348 1777. 8pm. Free hel‘ore ltl.3()pm: £5 alter. \Veekl) jan} lounge \CI in the loo er har.

I Riff Raff The Hall Bar. 160 Woodlands Road. 353 9996. 9pm. liree. I People Train .\te(‘liuill\. 40 High Street. 553 3135. 10pm. liree. lix-l)runk A Funk.

I Rogues Gallery MacSorle} \. 42 Jamaica Street. 348 8581. 9pm. l-‘ree. I No Bob Rocket Samuel l)o\\‘\. ()7—7' Nithxdale Road-13311107. 8.30pm. Free.

I Frank O’Hagan The Scotia. 113—1 14 Stockwell Street. 553 8681. 9pm. Free. (‘ox-ers 011))‘lan. the Band. (‘reedeiice

Adrienne Young 8. Little Sadie Nashville singer, songwriter who struts her bluegrassy stuff wrth her hand. showcasing her delightfully titled album Plow to the End of the How. Laurie's Bar. Glasgow. Fri 70 Sep.

Rush As old as the hills and they can make a solo last for just as long. The original noodle doodle men of prog bring their power pomp to bear on those who come to worship. Still packing them in after all these years. See preview. SECC. Glasgow, Tue 74 Sep.

Jimi Tenor featuring Rhythm Taxi He‘s swung from louche easy listening hero to full-on electro-prog virtuoso and remains obsessed with breaching the barriers of sonic audaciousness. Or something. Either way he's a damn fine showman (pictured) and well worth a look. Arches, Glasgow, Thu 76 Sep.

Juana Molina Effervescent folk pop from this Argentinean singer, who. up until recently. had her own soap opera in her native land. Comparisons to Martine McCutcheon could not be farther from the truth. See preview. Stereo. Glasgow, Wed 22 Sep.

D12 The fat one. the freaky one, the grumpy one, the pervy one and even the rapping one but sadly not the wee blonde one. That's right. Eminem may be at home ironing his white tracky but all his cronies are here and it‘s bound to be a hoot anyway. Carling Academy, Glasgow, Fri 23 Sep.

I Live Music The l3ill Note (kite. .51) 761) King Street. 5.5.3 1638. 9pm. 1.3. To he continued.

I Live Music (irand ()le ()pr). Paisle} Road Toll. 439 5396. 7.30pm. £41133 memherxi. ('ountr}.

I Live Music Stereo. Kehinhaugh Street. 576 5018. Hpm. 'l‘o he confirmed. I Live Music Rockers. 14 Midland Street. 331 (1736. 8pm. l-ree. Rock hill to be confirmed.