
Rustboy, Dundonian Brian 1'


Filmmakers get animated

Scottish movie makers gear up for masterclass by Oscar-nominated animator. .v 2:» Robin Vandome ..<ii" ( Z?i:>i' wt, f'ii- living!

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Ratho hosts climbing match

World climbing championships to be held in Scotland. Words: Robin Vandome

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Speed, Both iixikv 't‘.’ exciting

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Has it come to this? What £431m adds up to in the building that is . . .


Proiect manager reSignations 2

Architects in the original team 40

Formal drawmgs used 1 6,000

Views of Salisbury Crag from the building 21

Amount of glass in the debating chamber (square metres) 1000

Weight of structural steel used (measured in the number of full sized cars it could make) 1000

Miles of electrical cabling in the building 600

Man hours worked on the building 4,503,1 79

Number of candles that would be needed to light it 825m

Miles of pavement that could have been made with the concrete used 104

Calls received by the Telephone Enquiry Team 315,766

Young people who have visited the Parliament 22,571

Number of times Gaelic has been used in either the chamber or in committee 20

Average number of visitors that have been to both visitor centres 248,753

Acts of parliament passed 71

Parliamentary questions lodged 44,000

Length of committee meetings held (hours) 825