Music Jazz listings

Sunday 1 2 continued

I Julian Arguelles Trio RSI’H (‘entt'e.1\1eol 10.1}. ‘10-. 53”” 12.30pm. £5. '1 he \tt\tt[lll(titl\1 team~ tipuithtuool 111e11l1e\l_\ttllilj_' Seottixh ia/x liltISIeltttlS.1l;t\\l\1x\lt1;tit O‘Donnell and drummer .1ohn Hleaxe. pa}mg lioitiage in part to the great Sorin} Rttlllih.

I Cathie Rae Trio (‘olttmha ('entre. (iartnatt'a. 01496 810818, 3.30pm, £6 i£5 1. .la// \tttiltlttl’t1\ lrom the I2drnhtirgh-haxed \trett11\t.

I Konrad Wiszniewski Quartet Na} llottw. lit)\\lllttl'L'.-1(\-i 5200. 5pm. £6 t£5i. Sa\ophom\t Konrad

\\ lNllie\\\1\l ha\ a t‘ieh \Utliltl. rooted in the tradition ol the \a\ophone glitith. lie hax \pent \ottte time at Herklee ('ollege iti Hoxtolt. arid \iill xhoueaxe his net» attaek and teehnique.

I The Scottish Jazz All Stars lsltty House. Btm more. 467 5200. 8pm. £8 t£6i. An all star east t'e\'i\it\ the heyday of the Clyde \'a11e_\' Stonipers. the (‘lansnien and Alex \Velsh.


I The Swingcats Brunton 'l‘heatre. lad)“ ell \Va}. .\lti\\elhttrgh. 665 2240. 7.30pm. £1.25 (£10i. See 11m 9.

I Jam Session 80 Qtieeti Street Bar and Restaurant. 8'0 Queen Street. 226 5097. 8.30 11.30pm. l’ree. ()pen \e\\ititt “ith the “mid l’atriek 11.1“ eome and pla} or eotne to hear a \\ hole load 01 neu talent.

Tuesday 1 4


I Bill Kyle’s Sh" Hot Jazz Quartet ().\}gen Hat” & (irill. 3 5 lnlirmar} Street. 557 9997.

9pm itiidiiiglit. l-‘ree. Drummer Hill K}|e\ latext grouping. l'eattiring 1)ottg 'l’iplad} l\;t\e\l. l’attl Kirh) ipianoi and Ke\in (ilasgou thaxxi.

St Andrews

I The Swingcats B) re 'l‘heatre. Abbe} Street. 01.334 475000. Split. £1 I (£9). See 'I‘htr 9.

Wednesday 15


OThe Sinatra Years Qtleett\ Hall.('ler1\ Street. 668 2019. 7.30pm. £12 £14 t£10 £12.50). :\ee1aitiiet1ja// \inger 'l'odd (iordon and his quartet pa} their rexpeetx t0 ()1. Blue 1{}'e\.

Thursday 16


I Kenny Paterson (‘uha .\'orte. l4 John Street. 552 3505. 5 8pm. 1‘ree. See 1110 3).


I The Finale Bar Jazz Group The Finale Bar. .\'6\'otel. Lauriston Place. 656 3500. 7pm. Free. See Fri 10. I Chaos Theory The Cellar Bar. 1 Chambers Street. 467 2539. 9pm. Free. See Fri 10.

I Jimmy Wood Quartet 80 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 226 5097. 9pm. Free. Sax-led eool modern jazz.

St Andrews

GThe Sinatra Years Byre Theatre. Abbe) Street. 01334 475000. 8pm. £12.50 (£9.50). See \Ved 1.5.


OPreston Reed Tolhooth. Jail \\')'ttd. 01786 274000. 7.30pm. £8 i£5.50i. (iinan-haxed Ameriean guitar master exhihitx hi\ formidable teehnieal and muxieal talentx

64 THE LIST t.‘—._e‘ See 2.1-1

Saturday 18


I 4 Jazz Htel. 3" 43 -\\1llHll lane. 342 4966. 3pm 1 ree. Qttartet ptodttemg \\‘-111:_'111j_' |.t// \tandatth leattirttig gtittarixt Huh Sloan and -\tid} Sharke} (111 tlttlll‘lk' 1M“.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band Hat l.\5. Htrehatian Hotel. IS5 Httehatian Street. 33: “25—1 ,5 30pm. 1't‘ee See Sat 11 Edinburgh

I Jazz©Lunch 80 ()tteelt Street Bar and Rextaurant. .\0 Queen Street. 226 5110—. 3 Split. l‘ree. See Sttt 11.

I Kings of Swing 1’1.i}11iitt\t'. l.\ 23 (iteenxtde 1’1aee. 0850 61 163424. Spin £12.50 £10.50. .'\ roller eoaxtet ride 01 lingerm‘liekmg ttiti.

I BOQSt House Band 80 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 226 5097‘. 9pm—niidnight. Free. See Sat 1 1.


I Jazz®Lunch 80 Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. 80 Queen Street. 226 5097. 2~5pm. Free. See Sttrt 12.

I Paul Kirby Trio ()\}geti Bar tk (irill. 3 5 lntirttiar} Street. 55" 9997. 9pm midnight. tree. See Sttti 12.

Monday 20


I The Charlie Morris Band Studio l. (ii't)\\eilt)i' 1101e1. H}re\ Road. 341 6516. ".30pm. £the. ()riginal hlttex l'rom gttitarixt .\iot'ri\ and hix 1"1orida haxed hand. ineluding Speed} and hix l'amottx ualk—around drtrm \olo.


I Jam Session 80 Queen Street Bar and Re\tattrant. S0 Queen Street. 220 .5097. S30 11.30pm. 1"ree. See 3100 1.3.

Tuesday 21


OThe Sinatra Years Queen\ Hall. ('let'k Street. 668 2019. 8.30pm.

£12 £14 t£10 £12.50i. See \Ved 15.

I Bill Kyle’s Sh“ Hot Jazz Quartet ().\_\gen Bar tk (irill. .3 5 Inl'rrmar} Street. 557 9997.

9pm midnight. 1-'ree. See the 14.


OPicante 1’tti\1e_\ :\t‘t\ ('entre. \eu Street. 887 1010. 7.30pm. £5.50 (£3.50). l)rttiiimer Ken Mathiexon'x hatid planing Latin-mileeted modern Via/l arid hitte\

u ith \peeial gtre~t \tt\opholtt\t limm} \Vood,

Wednesday 22


I Corinithian Piano Bar ('orinthian. I91 Ingram Street. 552 1101. 9.30pm. Free. Speeial gtiext pianixts pla)ing the best in eas} listening. jar/l and eontemporary emerx.

I Swing Guitars Blaekt‘riars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. Free. Django ‘Hot Club' style duo from Glasgow


I Kenny Paterson Cuba None. 14 John Street. 552 3505. 5—8pm. Free. See Thu 9.

I Live Jazz Beer Cate. Candleriggs. 552 9815. 9pm. Free. Details to he eont'trnied pleaxe ring \entie for further information.

I Corinithian Piano Bar Corinthian. l9l Ingram Street. 552 Hill. 9.30pm. Free. See \\'ed 22.

St Andrews

OPreston Reed B)re Theatre.

Abbe} Street. 01334 4"5000. 8pm. £9 i£"i. See Fri 1.".

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Morag Bruce at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce and Norman Chalmers.

Thursday 9


I Michael Chapman l He at the Stat. St \iidreu \ iii the Square. ott Salttiiarket. St \iltlle\\ \ Street. 5-1S6020 Spin £5 i£5i (iteat gtittatht \\1111.111\t'\1


I Eddi Reader QueenR Hall. ('lerk Street. 668 2019. Doorx "pm. Band on \tage 8.30ixh. £l".50. Prexented b} Regular .\lu~ie. \'er_\ popular pop’i'ollx \inger u ith her hand.


I John Hinshelwood The Mint. .-\eadetti} Street. 9pm. 1-‘ree. Star ol the \\ ext eotht etttlntt‘) mthte \eene.


I Andy McKean l-‘allarl. loll. (‘ltih 'l‘he 1’o1ixh ('luh. .-\riiot Street. 01324 613395. S30pm. £5. (‘1tih la\ottrile t’etttt'tI\ \Hlll hix droll \ongurrttng.


I Pure Matt the 1'0tli‘.\1;tt'_\\. High Street. 01506 433 634. 9pm. 1‘ree. \\'e\t 1,01111ttllt1l101\1C1\\tl111l11L"[HI/Illlg'l'li I'm/L l't'irr’irtl.


I Adrienne Young 8. Little Sadie l.aurie\ Bar. 34 King Street. 552 7|23. 8pm. £7. .\ltteh tipped .\'a\h\i11e \itiger/xong“riter making her lirxt \ hit to the 1K \xith her hand.

I The Raggle Taggle Gypsies .\le(}itm\. ('entral Station. Hope Street. 0771 3148919. 9pm. 1‘ree. ()rigoiiig l'rida} night lollx rexidene}.


OMusical Canal Trips (‘anal ('entre. Maine Road. llaxin. 01506 433 634. 7pm & 8pm. £5 £12 Hamil} tieketi. ('rtiise doun the 1.ittlithgo\\ 1.0100(‘1111311 t0 the «title \(llltlt1S 01‘ the 'l'itanie \Vttxh Home Band. then eiiio} a liltl\le;t1 harheetie at the eaiial haxin. 1’art ot' the Lin/illleuit I‘D/A I't'\lr\(l/.

GFamin Ceilidh Hurgh llallx. 'riie (‘I'trxx (115l1(i 4.3.3 (354. Spill. Iii-1 I. to the :\ehnamara ('eilidh Band. :\eeotttpanied under 1:\ gm l'ree. Part 01' the Uri/Ulrumt I'D/1 /'(’\Itl(l/. 08inging Session The Blaek Hiteh '1'a\ern. Wext Port. 01506 433 634. 8pm. Free. l.oea| \ong group Sangxhttle hth thix singing \exxion pet‘t'orming Seotx. .-\nieriean. Irish. and Atriean traditional songs. Part of the LiIt/tlltemr I'D/k H’stit'ul.


I Ceilidhs at the Caley Caledonian Breuer}. Slateford Road. 228 5688. 7pm. £6. Dance music from Teannaieh.

I Soundsphere Rosslyn Chapel. Roslin. 01904 345 458. 7.30pm. £5 i£4i. Gaelie airx. Czeeh Roman} lme \ongx. .-\t‘riean ehildrenx‘ \ongx Mexiean tarm uorkerx' halladx and eotttentporar} \ongx trom artixh \ueh a~ Jaekie \Vilxon and Van .\lorri\on. arranged iti four part harmon}.


GSteve Kaufman Queen Margaret Hall. Blaekne~~ Road. 01506 433 634. 8pm. £6 i£5i. t‘S National liltit—l’iek

(ittttat (ltattipioti eo\et\ .i htoad range ot \t_\1e~ tiielttdittg 1‘1ttegt.i\~. \umg. 11l\1t .itid \ppalaehiati riddle. toll». and eottiitt} thl‘\1\‘ 1’.:tt til the /.":..'.'i':er w. link

/( \-'I.I“I'


I Dick Gaughan 1’.ti\1e} \lt\ t‘etitte. \e\\ Street. SS" 1010 5 30pm LS .50 i£-l 80' 1otttider memhet or lt\e11.iiid Reel. peerlev \lllg‘el gtitt.tti~t. .itid \i‘el.t1t\l ttotthadot


I Deja-Vue (i\1 \(' i(11.i\go\\ \ledta \eeexx ('etittei. li‘llllell} (11.i\go\\ 1tltti \\ \ tdeo \\Ut1\\1l\‘[‘. 3H1 1 liltll. \11‘1t‘11 Street. 553 2620 5 30pm tttidnight 1tee '1'tttiexttomthe\ene/ l)ei.i \ tie. part or the (Littieot‘der (itietl11.t went

I The Clachies Bar 185. Huehanan Hotel. Bttehanan Street. 332 ~284. 5pm. Free. Regular Seottixh and lri\h traditional ttlthle \L‘SNIUH.

I Lev Atlas and Nigel Clark (are ('ti\\;ie‘1itil\. Rtl\\ltttl(itl11tlt'dl(Tittle. 10 King Street. 553 0-33. 8.45pm. £5 «£3i. 'l‘uo thirdx ot KU‘llhtl pert'oriti guitar and \ io1m dttet\ trom (irapellt through Rtl\\l.ttl to ('imaehok g}p\_\ 1.t\tttll’lte\


I Jim Bainbridge \\'ee 1'o11\(‘1tt1\. 1{o_\.tl ()ak. lntirmar} Street. 55“ 2W6 8.30pm £3. '1'}tie\ide 11'l\1l melodeoti pl.t_\et and \ttiget'.


I Archie Fisher Stirling 1'o11\ (.11l1‘. Hext Bar None. l'ppet (it.ttf_‘\. 0125‘) 218521. 8pm, £6 1 he hext krioun .St’ttlthll lolk \inger and ptexeiitet ol RtttltoSeotltittt1\ \\eek1_\ lurid/tire lit/A programme \mee 1983

Tuesday 14


I Folk ‘N’ Friends 1 he (anon! (iait. ('anongate. 556 4481. 9pm l‘tee l’erlorm or 1t\1elt at HHS lrteridl_\ ueekl} 101k eliih I Ceilidh Dances at the Café Royal (Kile Ro};tl Hixlro Hat. “ext Regtxter Street. 55" 4792. Split. £5 i£4i x\\\;ii‘t1 \xitimng ttltl\lel;tii\ lrottt hatidx \tleh ax the Hlaek Row and Real '1 hing pro\ ide the tlitl\le.


I Quicksilver l’enietnk 1'o11\('1tth. .\'ti\aat'11ou\e Hotel. Hog Road. 01968 678397. 8.30pm. £5 i£4i (irant 11'.i_\nham\ guitar and eomte \ongx hrottght to hie h} Hilar} Speneer‘x \oealx.

Wednesday 15


GThe Chieftains (ilaxgou Ro}a1 (‘oneet‘t 11tt11. Sattehiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £22.50. £24.50. (ireat Irish hand. latel) taken to dodg} Ct)11;th()r;ttitiit\ with the likes 61 \'an the Man. Tom Jones. the Stones and Jaekson Browne.

I St Andrew’s In the Square Ceilidh Dance Si Andrea‘s in the Square. off Saltmarket. St Andrea ‘s Street. 548 6020. 7.30—10.30pm. £5.

I Singing Session Cafe Source. St Andrews in the Square. St Andrews Square. off Saltmarket. 548 6020. 8.30pm. Free. Singers and listeners \xeleome.

Alexandria I Lomond Folk Club The Highlander. Srnollet 1’1ztee_0]3,~gt)

57561. 8.30~11pm. 1‘ree. All tiltilelittlx. ~ingerx and \ ixiton ueleome.


I Steve Kaufman Dunlerttthne l-olk ('luh. 'l'hixtle 'l'axern. Baldridgehurn. 01383 "29673. 8pm. £5 i£4i. See Sat 11.
