
Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubsglasgow©, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Blunt III ('nIIIei'x 'l lIeIIIi'e. ‘lptn lIIiII. lle lInp. RIkll IInIl IlIIncehIIll \Hlll l)II\ iIl Nine. and heIIIx. glitch IInIl electi'nnicx \yilh \el.

I Evil III llIII'lly. lll. 5UP!” iIIIn. £2. \Veekly. (inIlI. inIlIiin‘IIIl. punk and inelIIl InceI III IlIix hlIIck clIIIl hIIppening.

I Freakmoves III (ilIngIm Sc‘ltnnl (ll x\l'l. llpnI iIInI. £§ t£3l Weekly. l'lll'it" line lin hnp night lni' the xIIIIlenIx. \\ iIlI l).lx |)enIII and \ice.

I Instant Access III Sub ('Iulw.

Ill. illpin iIIIII. £~l IUI. \Veekly. |.i\c xIInIhII li'nin HIIIeI'iII |)exnnI'II l’Iihicn and II Inc ('IIpniei'II IlixplIIy li'nin (irupn Sen/IIlII inIIkex Ihix II cIII'nIyIIl In IIIIenIl I35 Sept. .-\ lnIii' hnui' Ii‘ip In Rin.

I Loaded III l.iI|IIiIl l.nunge.

lllpnI iIIiII. £-l l£.5l. \Veekly. ’l‘hi'ee liye hIInle kick the night nll. inIIking \IIIy lttl'

FUNK THE FUNK ROOM The Arches, Glasgow, Fri 17 Sep

.lHL' KIIllL‘ Hlt tit‘c'kx \\ lllt \ItlllL‘ lllIilt‘. IIInIl IIIIIl xnIIl III lIIlII.

I Polo for Me III the l’nln |.nIInge. lllpin IIInI. l'ree. \\eekly Inn. the lucky punter. take the helm Innight. .Ix I‘equexl cIII‘le III'e IIyIIIlIIhle ny er the but Itlltl III the hititlll. \Hllc‘t‘ lHl' the uniinIIginIItiye: ‘l IIIII “hat I .Iin' Ix pi‘nhIhiIeIl hy III“ and punleIIIhle by prInking

I Record Player: III (ilIngnyy Schnnl nl All. Ill..‘~llpiII 2.3llIIin. £3 I£2. li‘eei. Weekly. In the he Hill the Recni‘Il l’lIiyei'/ l).lx Hill Sean and llIixhpuppy play In It pIIckeIl ci'nyytl nl tI'IleIeIl lIleIinn iIInkIex IInIl lIIckeIl Iip lni‘eign Ihxcn li‘eIIkx. 'l'he cluh IhIII l‘l‘tlll/ l'ei'IlinIInIl .InIl Scixxni' Sixterx IippeIII‘eIl Ill. lttltg itL‘lItl'L‘ the hype lIIIIk llititl.

Riy ierII I“ Inc III the hnIixe nn 23 Sep In \lttm Iix \Ihy Ihen‘ xilicnne pnp IInIl neyy \yII\e edge Ix nIIIking \\;I\C\.

I Skint III the (‘IIIlInIixe l IpnI .5tllll. £4 It‘ll. \Veekly. .\ night IlIIII I'el’lecix Ihe i'exIIi'gent Iiltei'nIIIiyc xcene III the inninenI. Rnck. inIlic IInIl xnine InIIgh cheinicIIl hI‘eIIkx IInIl heIIIx. \\ iIh II ci‘nxul much like the nne anI xce nIitinle Ihe (iIIllei'y nl .\lnIlern .'\l’l.

I Speakeasy III the l'IIixeerII ISIIIichiehIIII l.IInel. lllpin ZIIIII. l‘i'ce. Weekly. ll ynu feel like It I'eyy Ili‘inkx alter the puh. hut Ilnn't \yIInI In gn cluhhing. SpcIIkeIIxy ix l'ni‘ anI. The inuxic IIin'I cninpi‘ninierl. hut the HM ix chilleIl.

For Norman Jay (MBE no less), music is about fundamentals, whether they be the rudimentary processes behind the decks, the compository nuances of a track or the aspects of any given crowd. As he explains when describing the style of music that inspires him: ‘lt’s always uplifting music that has emotional content, be it vocal or instrumental.’ Who else could articulate so succinctly what we all gravitate towards

musically, in a club setting?

Jay, whose influence on dance music culture is impossible to overestimate, makes a rare appearance at one of our finest parties this month. The Funk Room plays host to the man who co-founded the Talkin’ Loud record label with Gilles Peterson, started Kiss FM and who annually commands the Good Times Sound System at the Notting Hill Carnival. Jay’s disposition belies his cultural status, and his outlook is deeply unpretentious: ‘A new generation of dance music lovers are arriving on the scene without those hang-ups about what is cool and what is underground. The crowds have got younger and now at least 20% who attend are foreign, which is all good.’ Get to the Funk party this month to celebrate a way of life. (Johnny Regan)

I Topform .II the Butt lltpin .‘IInI. l‘rec hetni'c lll .‘llpnt. £5 .IIIer. Weekly. 1 think \ye lIIIy e In turn n\ er In ‘I‘npt'nrin Iheinxehex In xuin up IhIx neyy night '.~\n e\IrII\IIg.In/.I nI inuxic .InIl tyyixIeIl entei'IIIInincnI. think the RnyIIl \'.IrIcIy l’crlnrnIIInce haneIl hy ynui' Ili'unkext Ilrunkcn uncle 'l‘hink enan the pier. IhInk enIl nt the \InrlIl. think nut nl ynur hm" “Illil Rdtlltl ( )[lC-\ (ilii .\lIH\ Itlltl Ihe ‘\L‘l'_\ IIIll' l'x'eyin McKIIy.

Chart & Party

I Dirty Thursdays III HIIInkeI,

llpin .‘IInI. £5 I£3i \Veekly. (ict deep Ilnyxn .InIl Ihi'Iy IIx RIIy innnIl \Vnnle IInIl .\'IIeein llll\ Iip xnine nl the Inan hnntyhcinux Rtkli III the city. \thle Billy MIllIgIIn xery ex up the xIIIIlent clIIxxicx and duty pnp IIInex.

I Firewire III BIIinhnn. l lpin .iIIiII. £4 I£.‘~i. \Veekly. (ii'IIlIIInI l‘t'l'gllxttll xpinx Rxll IInIl chIIi'I clIIxxch III rnnin 1. “line l).l InIIxI ix III the red l‘ttttlll plIIying InIlIe pnp IInIl i'nck. In the lnunge. Rnhin ll plIIyx an eclectic nIi\ nl Ihxcn. funk and xnIil.

I Madhouse III the SlIIIck.

ill._5llplll .iIIin. £5 I£.‘~I. Weekly. ('J and Andy IIIke ynu In the brink nl' ianInin \inh xnine nl the man nuIrIIgenIix IInIl cnIii'IIgenIix xtIiIlenI IIIIIheinx.

I Phunky Monkey III Beln. Spin .iIInI. l'I‘ee helni‘e I lpin'. £4 (£3) itllL‘l‘. \Veekly. Scntt (ii‘IIiiIger. VIInce and Richie .\lc('n|in IIi'e nn xpinning Iluticx III Ihix neyy club IliIIt lnnkx like getting eycn bigger than BIIhII/II. l’lenty nl‘ Ilrinkx prninnx. funky IInIhenIx IInIl llnni' tillei'x make it II “inning l'nrinIilII.

I SAS (Students are Skint) III 'l'i'IIxh. lllfillpin .‘IIIin. £4 ll'IL‘Cl. Weekly. \Vni'king nn the pretty xnunIl preinixe IhIII xIIIIlenIx lIIIye yei‘y little cIleI. Ihix night in‘ipx Ilrink pricex right IlnyIn IInIl hnpex for the hexI. DJ I)II\ e Ynung xpinx clIIxxicx. Mile and dance IInIhenIx.

I Rumble Thursdays III the Garage.

I lpm .5itlll. £5 (£3. l'reet. Weekly. A InIIxxiy e 'l‘huerlIIy night lnr Ihe hnn/c— xnIIkeIl xIIIIlent pnpulIIIinn. MIIin hIIll nIIIxic Ix pi‘ny iIleIl by (Berry ‘Knight Rider" l.ynnx and Baby BriIIn plIIying chIIrt. clIIxxicx. IInthenIx IInIl requextx. The IIIIic ix linine In Paul and Steye and the engine i'nninx are made lunk‘y hy the irreprcxxihle NicnlII.

I Shagtag III the Tunnel. I lpm .‘Iiin. The nnyy inl'IInInIIx IlIIIing cluh/gIInIe night cnntinucx In inIIke prnlligIIIc nutterx nut nt~ the ‘xIIiIlent' pnpulIIIinn. Beach hIIllx. flip llnpx IIntl .xIIn IIIn lntinn inIIke Ihix the qunInei' yerxinn.

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous III (ilIngnyy Schnnl nl‘.-\rt. Next date thc.

O Afterglow III the l'niyci‘xIIl.

llpin .‘IIIm. £5 (£4). ll) Sep. Monthly. lixxcnIiIIl nInIl xnunle. lunk‘y inn and northern xnul l'i'nm the Friday Street regulIIi'x. 'l'hix innnth'x guext ix (ieri'y .\lc\\'illiIIInx.

I Archaos III .-\rchIInx. l lpm 3IIin. £5 I£2.5lli. Weekly. MIIianreIIm chIIrt dance. xnIIl IInIl cheexc III nnc til" the huxiext l-‘ri nightci'x III Inyyn.

I Bass Invaders III l-‘ury Murry-x llpin 31”“. £7. A cnllectiye doing their thing well. not bothering IIhnuI lttshltm. (inntl xtul'l IIll round.

I Budda III BIiIlIlII. l lpin 3IInI. £Ihc. Weekly. Drinkx prninnx and mute very xe\) RIMS l‘rnin DJ \'IInce InIIke Ihix nnI II bad place In xIIIrI Ihe neekentl.

I The Buff III the Bull. SpIII--3IIIII. Free het'nre 10.30pm; £5 itllL‘l‘. Weekly. ()ld xchnnl jII/l III (ilIngnv. 'x nevl ext jIIH cluh. l)Jx .\1IIrk Rnhh IInIl KeyIIn Stey'enx (it) the neeIlleunrk. yyhilc the FIIxiniI Experience ini\ _iII//. rnck' and ‘II \Ilinle lot (If grnnyc‘ in II liye l‘IIxhinn.

I Burly III the Archex. ll).3l)pm—3zim. £Ihc. lll Sep. Mnnthly. Big gIIy heIIrtx grziinIIte InnyIrd Burly for II xIIrtnriIIlly xpecitic night of funky huppinexx. Burly ix the IIlIernIItiyc gIIy night l'nr all of Ihnxe \yhn \IIIIII the xcene \I ith xnme extra xpicc.

lIstings Clubs

Afterglow Glasgow has a very, very healthy northern soul and mod scene. This club plays all the best. and has guest Gerry McWilliams to help out in case the residents get tired (aye. right). The Universal. Fri 70 Sep.

Bebado This popular club always brings home the bacon when it comes to massive Samba. afro and Brazilian funk soundscapes. Eight-piece Drumatic play live. The Riverside Club, Sat 77 Sep.

Eat Static Live techno pioneers Eat Static make a rare appearance. The GM also plays host to similarly techno types such as Tycho. MartinBSE. Hector Ruez and McLoud. OMU, Sat 77 Sep.

The Funk Room Norman Jay is the guest at this month's massive paroxysm of funk. Turn up and hear him meld the myriad styles of his past into a pleasing. funky whole. The Arches, Fri 77 Sep.

Jet Set Go-Go Lounge Colin Barr and James Best turn on the style at Budda to bring us a night that puts the emphasis squarely on glamour and the jet- set lifestyle. Book a table and let the decadence and hedonism commence. Budda, Week/y Sat.

Traxx A great house collective. and one responsible for luring some of the finest DJs in the world to our fair city. If anyone can rock a room, it's Tom Churchill. Laurence Hughes and Jamie Thomson. The Liquid Lounge, Sat 78 Sep.

Divine Mr Divine and Hushpuppy celebrate 14 years of the longest running club in Glasgow with this birthday blow- out of deep funk, northern soul. 603 and exotica. Glasgow School of Art, Sat 78 Sep.

The Wee Chill Climb that beautiful hill in Queen's Park to take in the pleasures of this down-tempo session. Stereo M03 and a plethora of home- grown talent make up the bill. Queen '3 Park Glasshouse, Sunday 79 Sep.

9-23 Sep 2004 THE LIST 79