Join and (‘lose. and Dirt} l.arr_\. 'l'eclino. electro atid house sotitids trotn ol'l~ the beaten track.

I Freakmenoovers at (ilasgtm School ot:\i‘t. lllptn 3am. £7 t£4 £oi. \Veelsl}. 'l'he liesl tletlletttetl hip hop elllli iii the cit}. in the melting pot ol' the Art School e\er_\ Saturday

I Homecookin’ at Betti. ttipttt .‘sattt. l‘rec belore l lpm; £5 alter, \Veekl}. DJs Stcis art .\lc('a|lum and Joe Higgins keep the dance t'loorititnping' all night long. nii\itig Rtkli tracks mm the odd classic or old-school lasotirite. .\ ne\\ \entie concept. btit the same attittide to ha\ itig a good time. \\t get on tl.

I Homegrown at Bamboo.

lil,5()ltltt 3am. £8 t£(ii. \Veekl}. Stexe Middleton. Dominic Martin. and Scott} li like to ptit on a bit of a shoss tor the Bamboo masses oit a Saturda}. litmk} house music and some top tiotch Rtkli. I Inside Out at the .'\rches. Next date 35 Sep litikitig tip \sith ('todskitchen.

0 Jet Set Go-Go Lounge at littdda. llptti 3am. £tbc. \Veekl}. ('olin Barr atid James Best decide to turn on the l’ttcci sole at this neis. glamorous parts at liitdda. l’atrons are iti\ ited to book a table and get decadent.

I Kevin Austin at ('an\as t.-\rtai. ltl..‘~tlptn 3am. £7. \\'eekl_\. (‘ontinue dancing to the main room sounds oi t'tink. disco and club anthems \shile the li\e entertainment take a \\ ell-desers ed break.

I Life at Lite t(‘oritithiani. lt)pm~.‘~am. £5. \Veekl). .-\ formidable night of funk for those \\ ho like their entertainment mature. but still jammin'. Ross Macmillan presents a selection of soul. funk and disco augmented \\ itli original loops atid samples to guarantee a new take on familiar sounds.

I Lite at Corinthian. me-Sam. £tbc. \\'eekl_\. Beautiful nest modern bar atid club at this gorgeous lngratn Street mega-senue. The} ttl\\;t_\s put a lot into their \enties. so U} to make ati effort. will _\ou'.’

I Lush at the Polo lounge.

It)..‘~(lptti 3am. £5. \Veekl}. And} 's iii tlte 'l'roph} Room with hits limit the (ills to the Stis. \shile 'l‘oiii pt'o\ ides ati tip tront dance selection iii the main room. Has to he the prettiest ga} club iii the cit_\.

I Melting Pot at Risci'sitlc (’lttb. \e\l date 2.5 Sep.

I Moda at .\loda. 0pm 3am. l‘t‘cc. \Vcekl}. l‘ine (ilasgoss DJ tatid lootballeri Barr} ('tetninel drops some e\plosi\e sotitids at this beautiltil bar iii the fill} tlt\lt‘lel.

I Monox at the Soundhatts.

llpiii 5am. £8 t£(ii. l.\’ Sep. .\lonthl'\. .-\n internationalI} -reno\\ned techno night mm a record ol enticing guests. Dan arid the rest ol' the gang pla} Hill} the best from the underground techno production scene. l‘tne all round.

I Nurture at ('lub (t‘). .\'est date the. I Red and Gold Room at .v\rta. ltlpm 3am. l‘ree belore l lptn; £8 alter. \Veekl}. Bill} \lilllgtttt ltltttts the tleL‘lss at this line night of Latin house. ll _\otir lil‘e needs \plelltgutlp. look no l'ttrthei‘. I Rub Down Uber Party at the Ri\erside ('lub. Midnight 3am. £5. l.\' Sep. DJs .\lan tk \Vite pet't'orni oti their ctistom btiilt Rl)l’.-\ sounds} stem.

I Shine On at ('orinthian.

| lptti 3am. £tbc. \Veekl}. (iordoti .\liller atid Ross Macmillan rock the joint alter a session in the l.ite bar. Lots of funk and fun all round as the residents take iii the genres the) “am. I Subculture at the Sub Club.

I lptn».‘~am. £lt). \\'eekl_\. lt's guest- tastic down at the ‘culture part} this month. as the} briitg its one of the club‘s ilistitit'ite guests. .\like (irant. on I I Sep. atid then Lance De Sardi and Shaun llolland on 25 Sep. The latter duo are e\ponents ot the urban tropical sound ot~ (‘.\1 records out of .\'e\s York. a tiiercit‘ull) let'ttield musical institution.

I Superfly at the \Voodside Social. Next date the.

0 Traxx at the liquid lounge. llptti 3am. £3. l7 Sep. .\lontli|_\. ()ne ot (ilasgtm 's most respected house and

techno residencies opens at its neu home

oti this date. It's a nest liiie tip lot the tram part}. too. \sith ’l‘otn (Jmt’clttll. Laurence Hughes and Jamie 'l‘liotnsoii. .\ real loll \tbe should stiit the musical selection.

I Trevor Nelson at the :\rches.

ltlpm 3am. £thc. ll Sep onl}. 'l'he big tiiati ol l'ls Rtkli pass another \l\ll to the ca\ernotis ttink-hole that is the .-\rches. lzspect \sidespreatl humping and indeed grinding.

I Urizen at the l'ntsersal, llptti 3am. £3. ll Sep. \ltlttlltl}. Residents .\lannan. lles atid Ja} Double l‘ spiii at this rather ltlttlihlle drtini tk bass night ltlsl otl Bath atid Satichiehall Streets.

I VEGAS! at the Renlress l'err}. New date 35 ()ct.

I Voodoo at the (‘atlioiise 5pm ‘lpm. £5 t£.‘\i. \Veekl}. Scotland's onl} alteriiatise tinder Ihs club. The sight ol all the \see punters queuing tip l'nton Street litts ptll the tear til (ititl lttltt the good people ol (ilasgots tor some time tlou. so it _\oti are under the age ot l3. \sh} not see \sliat all the hiss is ahotit'.’ I What Difference does it Make? til the \Vtititlsttle Social.

9pm 2am. £(i. l3 Sep. ('harit} t'tindraiser

tor l’rincess .-\le\andra ('entre. Dundee. Smiths arid Morrisse} tribute night with lise hand guest \ocalists and appropriate DJ action.

I Winchester Club at the Woodside Social. 9piii~3ain £4. ll Sep. .\lonthl_\. Luck) Luke. All} Kerr and Band atid l’itiki .\lcltire and Joliti Wills all play lite at this musical institution tip \\ est. Alter the li\e action. the Winchester DJs lti\ ite _\ou to dance )our socks off to the best indie. soul and pop sounds iii time arid \PLtL'C.

Chart & Party I Groovejet at Trash. l lptti 3am. £8. \Veekl). l’aul Mejia presides o\ er the

listings Clubs

Deathkill4000, weekly Fri

cit) ‘s most popular Rtkli atid sotil iitglit. attracting a losal ci‘ossd exer} \seek. Room I has the lirostn Brothers pla}ing \ocal and coiiitnercial house attd Room i has Dase \sith tlte pail) anthems.

I Jamboree at Reds. ttptti Kain. £7 t£5i. \Veekl}. John lions atid .‘slartin llesketh til \clset Rooms lame llll\ tip a bletid ol commercial Rtin atid sotil.

I Rapture at Media. llpiti iam. £tbc. \Veekl}. "th and fills classics lrom James Russell. and guest l)Js esei‘} tsso tseeks tiiake this a ltlll night otit.

I Saturdays at Blanket at lilankct. ll), \tlpm ‘iain. £7 t£5 i. 'l‘lie lunktest Rtli in tlic ctt_\ rocks the big hack bedroom on a Sattirda} iii lied \sith the legendar} l<;i_\tiiotid Woods, .ltiti da Best atid lits musical antics keep )0” assake in the ltotit bedroom making this llL‘\\ Satttt’da} night otie ol the most popular iii the cit}.

I Saturdays at the Garage at the (image. It). 5ilpltl iam. £7 t£(i. £5. £4i. \Veekl}. (iet‘r) l.}t)tl\ hosts a mental iitglit iii the main hall. playng all sour ta\otirite classics. anthems. pop and indie brilliance. Kenn} 's in the attic and “Hans iii (i2.

I Seduce at :\t'cliaos. l lpiii 3am. £3 t£(ii. \Veekl}. (hart) dance atid Rtli. not to mention an unhealth) smattering ot cheese on this huge Sattirda} tiighter. I Shack at the Shack.

10.30pm, 3.30am. £7 t£5i. Weekly. Shack residents pla} to the crowd with a line line in Shack lasourites. so hit the dancetloor and get mm itig. \sill )ou'.’

I The Shed at the Shed. lilylpttt-QLHI]. £6. \Veekl}. Demand is high for this one. so get there early. 'l‘tineage deplo} ed b) litian .\'eilson and And} Robertson.

I Tiger Tiger at Tiger Tiger.

llptn 3am. £(i. \Veekl}. Most of the ht)}s and girls at Tiger Tiger like to look the part. so nice frocks and suits are a good idea. The mUsie polie} is commercial dance arid the ubiquitous RJKB.

9.2., 39;, 292.: THE LIST 81