I Something for the Weekend at 'l‘e\iot Row l'nion. lllpm iitlll. L'thc. Weekl} lrom 1'? Sep. l'nderground indie rock night in axxocratron with indie-xoc. I Stet at the Bongo (’ltih. llpm 3am. £5. 24 Sep. We'll he honext rt’x a hard one to xum up xo w ell ha\ e to let them do the talking. "With a purpoxel'ull} erratic airii. a night at Stet \enturex ohiectnel} through xonic lieldx ol' xtirgmg haxx. lorextx ol‘ riiicro-xariipled clrckx and w hirrx. e\ en drn irig through the marxliland ol exki-duh and grrme.‘

I Tokyo Underground at the ('ellai‘ llar. ‘lpm lam. £3.00 helore midnight; LVN alter, lll Sep. Mortthl}. .»\ new night hoxted h} the tltio hehind 'l'ok}ohlti with li\e percuxxioii lrom l’epc Saritariiarra arid a xelectioit ol local EllL'SlS.

'-' Trouble at the (char llar:

0pm 3am. l'i'ee helore llpm;

LN)” LU)” alter. Weekl} tilt)! lll Sep~ xee ahoxet. 'l‘lie Ileat .la// llaxeriterit ix rehorii ill a xliglitl} tlrllereiit lor'mat ax the 'l‘rotihle gti_\x hrmg their ia/I llll-lL‘L'lL‘tl tltttlce xelection hack home. Mock} doex liix quirk} r'etro-riioderii p— ltirik l’t'lllt‘L‘rhlth lite with ltill harid 1 l7 Sep).

Chart & Party

I The BIG One! at Mood. llpm 3am. l'r'ee helore I lpm; £3 alter thee to iiierriherxi. \Veekl}. .-\ litritttxtic xtar't to the weekend ax _\ou ca\ort to all thoxe pop claxxicx limit the laxt lite decadex. I Espionage at lixpionagc.

7pm 3am. l-‘r'ee. \Veckl}. See 'l'hti.

I Office Party at ('a\eridixh/l)i\a. -lpm 3am. l‘ree. Weekl}. .\'ight ol' alter work xillinexx and cheex} l'un. Bucking hroricox. gamex and more to keep the xuitetl maxxex entertained. lltil'l'et lor prehooked partiex lax well ax a htix pick up xL‘l‘\ ice l.

I Potterrow Pleasure Dome at l’otterrow Student l'nion. Illpm 3am. liree helore midnight; £2 alter. Weekl} lrorii I7 Sep. Pop and darice rim with dance compx. entertainment and gixeawa_xx. l)irt}’ Sanche/ guext on the opening iiigltt t l7 Sept.

I The Subway at Suhwa). 7pm 3am. t l. Weekly .\'igh on a ('owgatc inxtitution ol‘ commercial dance and chart liitx with tlte odd indie claxxic.

I Sweet at (‘it_\': lidinhurgh.

l().3()pm 5am. to. Weekly. 1)] (lat pl;t)x oiil) the linext in chart. dance and Refill.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Audio Tourism at Pim Bar Club. ()pm—Ram. l‘r‘ee. Weekly. A .xerioux alternative to conventional night cluhhing with chunk); llllllk')‘ houxe track‘x.

I Beatsville at the lion. ‘lprn—lam. £3. 18 Sep. Beatxville r'eturiix with the hext irt rockin' jail. xoul. xurl‘ and early Refill. joined h} the Wildeheextx and their garage punk hluex.

I breakitdown at llone} comh. Next tlttlL‘ 35 Sep.

I Bumpin and Stompin at (‘ale Ro}al llixtro llar. Spin lam. £7 £8. l.\' Sep. 'l'he hext ol' xoul. garage and e\er_\tliing in hetween ax the Soul Bop once again take o\ er the ('alc Ro}al with iockx li‘om lidinhurgh. (ilaxgow arid Dundee xpirining the hext in northern xoul. Motown and modern .xoundx.

Cr Defected in the House at ('aharet Voltaire. l lprn 3am. L'It) (£8). l8 Sep. ’l‘hix lahel redefined the l'unk) houxe contpilation throughout the Utix arid are hack launching their new monthh night at the (‘ah Hugg} ix the rexident ol‘ choice arid lie'x joined h} llardxoul making their Scottixh dehut. I Diggity at the lixtahlithent.

lllpm 3am. £7 (£5). \Veekl). I)J l-‘ah. llarr} 3|). Rico and .\l(' How get down with their had .xel\ex. pla_\ing w litl\l}lL‘ Refill. hip hop and xtreet xoul.

- The til \VL‘L‘ Red liar.

llprii 3am. USU t L‘RSth. \Veekl}. Still the hext llll\ ol indie. hllx garage. northern xoul. xka. "llx punk and new w the )oti're likel} to xtagger acr'oxx. .\ well lo\ed inxtrtution that reluxex to change.

I El Barrio at lil Barrio. lllpm 3am.

l-‘ree. \Veekl}. See 'l‘hu.

I Fever at ligo. llpm 3am. Ht) of to 'l‘axte memherx helore l l.l$pm; LES lor memherx alter). l.\' Sep. Monthl}. 'l‘he lolk at 'l'axte titdirihtirgh'x original and longext running w eekl_\ gay l'riendl} ritghti launch a new monthl} \enture. taking in er a Sattirtla} night lttt‘ llttixc “it” r'eall} tltt li;t\ e to work oit Honda}. 'l‘axte mainxta}x l'ixher tk Price and Martin Valentine take care ol the main floor wltile the \'ixitor and

Katiptixx take art ari)thing goex attitude

in the ('octeau lounge. l’r‘e-cluh part} at Planet ()ut l'rom llpm.

I Flaunt at .\laxxa. llpm 3am.

to ill). ll Sep. l9ortnightl_\. .\ltHlL‘}PL'llll} 'x prexent thix night ol' timelexx cltrh claxxicx that riiade houxe muxic what it ix toda). \Vith 'l‘omm} (iallo. Marco Smith and Jon lidwardx. Funkeymagic Forest Party at a xecret location. S/opm Ram. {30. Now tltix ix xtimmit a hit dil'ler'ent and all the hetter loi‘ it. Dance to the linext deep houxe and In e intixic xurrounded

h} mother nature. treex arid all that malark} Btl\e‘\ lea\e ahout 5 hpm l'or lull detailx and ticket rexerxationx contact w icket<~-' lurike} magic cotik. l‘eaturing I)! Q. l'unke) 'l‘ranxpor‘t. Sohek. the 'l‘agg—leam Drummerx. lixe Sa\ lrom Sa\mgh and or courxe thoxe l-'titikc'}rii.igic‘ hth DJ l.erii. Sttikid and .l Bach.

I Funkysensual at Po .\'a .\’.t.

k)pm 3am. l~ree helore l lpm; £5 alter. \Veekl). .\lark ll pla_\x xweet lunk} houxe riitixrc to the r'h_\thiiiicall_\ .tthe‘llltlt'ttttx.

I Give it Some! at the Bongo (‘ltih \e\l \ltllk' :5 Sep.

I Gusto at the \atrltx tenter \ ra \icol l'tl\\;tl'tl\l. ll)..ill[‘lll lam. L31. ll Sep Speciall) xelcctetl electro. .l\\*|;telxlll. and ltiriked—up houxe rx xiriiriier'etl to perlection h_\ \lark llalnea\ ex tlhggm‘ l)eeperr

I Headspin at the Bongo (‘hrh Spin 3am. L‘S (UH. ll Sep. \lorithl). 'l‘he hext in hip hop. ltiitk. xotil. houxe and hreakheat ax we xa_\ welcome hack to the rexident l).l tlixpla_\ team leaturiiig .-\llan. the Rexonarice tl)a\a and ('olrn .\lrllart aritl Stete Spin. .\llt)lllL‘l ll\t' l‘illltlS \lltt\\ caxe \\ illl L‘ttll} tltittl\ [U \L‘L‘ the :\l\tlttlltllt;tl Showmen. l)ope Mann and Mr (ii'eeiilinger toril} £5 entr} helore llpm to catch the Inc haiidx then the

Mocky guests at Trouble, Fri 17 Sep

listings Clubs

cltih mgltt t. lx’excheduled lll \oda date rie\t month to look torward to an' all I Jailhouse Rock at l ‘.\tt.tche llprti Fam. 1'5 tiJ memherxi \\eekl_\ 'l‘weak. Ste\ e arid clx‘Yl’tmerxter xpiii old xkool rock and metal along the linex ol: .v\(' lX'. \lotorhead. Black Sahhath. Scorpionx. .-\lice ('ooper. .ludax l’riext t}ou get the picture ‘t.

I Kinda Loose at the \atiltx tetiter \ia Nicol lidwardxi. ltl._‘~tlpni ‘am {-1 IS Sep Hip hop and hieak heatx lroiii llel'ault and Solara_\e Samurai illol’l I. ioincd h_\ xpecial guext .\l('x and lt\e [‘L‘l'ctl\\ttttl

I Kiss Kiss Bang Bang at .\laxxa lll.3lliiiii idlll L5 helore midnight. L'S alter l.\' Sep lrexli. new lortniglitl) Sattrrda) part) lot hold and heatitilul girlx and ho_\x hitting the target w ith a hlend ol gloi‘iotix \ocal houxe and lunk) dixco heatx

I Luvely at the lltlllltl Room

llprii 3am L' I: it lll memheixi. IS Sep. .\loiithl_\. .\ xatic} xoiree. geared towardx a ga} mixed crowd and lcaturing a iiitrxic polic) ol lull ori. drn trig houxe lrom rexidentx 'l‘ommvx K. (il’. Newton tk Stone and Jared

I Messenger Sound System at the llongo ('ltih. llpm lam Li |.\' Sep. l‘ttlltllg‘llll} ll.tx\ til l‘\l\\k'l xhrlting propoittoirx ax the iiiiglit_\ .\lexxenger Sound S_\xteiii hlaxtx out the hext iii righteoux rootx and dtih reggae.

I Mission Jnr at .x‘ttitho 3t.

7 lllpm. L5. \Veekl). (iotli. rock. punk and id courxe all that on metal xttill that the kidx cra\ e xo much. Soil ton L'\L‘l' \\titltlL‘l‘L'tl where all liltlSL‘ hlack clad _\outlix lroiii the top ol ('ockhtriii Street went alter dark look no lurther. 'l‘hc hext and original under le metal gathering iii town.

I Mission at Sttitlio 34. llptii lam £5 (£4 mentherxi. Wet-kl}. Night ol metal ma)hem. goth rock and more li‘om the darkxide a real lidiiihuigli inxlittitton. Still with a lo}al lanhaxe and an open door polic} lor illl}ttllt‘

w itlt a loxe ol' rock and metal. 'l'limgx are certainl) aloot dowrt .\lixxiori wa} itx their new top liltltll' pttlic} lxiclxx iltltt gear with the hem ier than thou \‘ortl

l l l Sept and the (itilh i‘iltltll‘ 1 IS Sept. I Musotica at the Venue. Next date 2 ()et with Luke Slater.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.otmge. ltlpm 3am. £5. \Veek‘l}. l)a\e Shetltlctl with liix mix ol' dixco and lunk} houxe tr'ackx.

I Optimo at the Venue.

l().3l)pmi 3am. L'thc. 18 Sep. (ilaxgow'x legendar} Sunda} xoiree makex the lirxt in a xeriex ol' xemi- regular \‘ixitx to the capital. hringiiig itx mixed tip madnexx and lack ol rexpect lor genre claxxilicationx with them (Twitch. \Vilkex and Roland are lirml} in charge). Spektrum are the li\ e gltexlx.

I Progression at the Liquid Room. Next date 25 Sep.

I Rewind at the liquid Room. lllflllpm 3am. £5. IS Sep. Morithl}. The l'iil'e lxlatttl l)Jx will he on hand loi xoriie camp lli-NRU action in the hackrooiii (joined h} new ho} r.\'l<(i 70) while old xkool dixco iockx Mick ('ool and Shugg} Bear tlrxli otit the hext in 70x and Sllx poptaxtic turicx m the iiiairirooiii.

I Sophistifunk at ('it}: lidrrihtirgh. 10.30pm 3am. £8. Weekl}. Rexrderit [)1 John Hutchixon plit}\ ltrriked tip R&B remixex arid houxe turiex to a heautil‘ul crow d.

I Special Blend at the \‘aultx (enter \ ia Nicol lidwardxt.

lll.3llpm 3am. £4. 25 Sep. lzarwatt and the Don hrew tip a lexliutl xer\ ing ol l'uiik) hr'eakx. heatx and heyrrul.

I Tease Age at ('itrux ('luh.

llpm 3am. Free helore ll.3(lpm; £5. Weekly. 'I‘hix indie xtalw art dixhex tip exer}thing l’rom xw'inging (itix liitx to haggy Manehexter latex ax well ax a hoxt ol' current Nil/Ii chart hothcrerx.

': 27: 99;, THE LIST 85