
Sun 26 Sep, Edinburgh

I Shore Poets lllt'(H.1llllll\‘(l.l|l.

3 l3 (Xinonjgali'. 55o ‘1 3H] 5’ l5piu lailuihuijglik liktllilllll lHl liu- pot-u} .inil lllll\|\ Hll\ iiioiilli ll.l\ tiniiluigx lioin Rodd} l.lll||\tlt'l|. liiii (' \\ ll\iill .inil (it‘ll) .\1\ ( ii.ith


I French Market (linillcngpx. noon (ilini \u' \ul 3.5

I 19205 Cocktail Party .\'o.ih. st .\|hion Slim-t. 553 WM 'lhciiit'il

t'ot kl.ii|\ .it'toinpdnit'il h} .i \lllllj.‘ t|l|.lllt'| l’.iil ol Hlk' 1/. It him! (in Ii‘\lliil/


I Giorgio Morandi: Italian Master of the Still Life \\\‘\ltill link. lhk' \louiiil. (ij-l (i500.

|.‘.-l5 | illpni l'lt‘t' luiit‘huiiic t.ilk h_\ \llu‘ Stung. \t'llltll \ iii.iloi .il [ht' (i.i||i‘i_\ ol Moth-iii .\il.

Tuesday 28


I Tuscan Art in the National Gallery of Scotland:

c. 1300-1750 \\L'\IUH | ink. l hc Mound. til-1(i5till, 7 ‘xtl .\' {liliin I'IL'L'. Sir 'I lllltllll} ('Iilloiil. iliiu‘loi' th‘llL'lill ol lllt' \ilioiidl (Lillt'i‘it'x. 33in .‘l It'L'llllL‘ on lll\\'.lll .iil

Wednesday 29


I Mitchell Book Group \liit'lit-Il

I ihi';ii'_\. Jill \oilh Sli'u'l. 337 300‘),

(l 7. Hlplll 'l‘lit' Milt‘lit'll I ihi.ii}‘x llt‘\\ hook pioup'x lust \t';l\illl \\lH L'\[lltllt' I‘l5llx and ()(l\ Hllll\|l Ht‘lltlll. \\lHl \uhwgucnl [oliit‘x living: t'lliht‘ll h} lhc group. l\’t'}_‘|\lt'l' _\oiii llllL'lC\l .inil t'ollu‘l lllt‘ lll\l hiiiik .ll Kclll Rikul RL'L'CPUUH.


I Women of Worth .\‘.iuoIi;iI l’tllllilll (Bulk-r}. l ()uccn Slim-t. til-l (Bill). l3.~l5 l.l5pin. l-icc. \liixit'ologixl l’i-i' :\h|.inilci‘ gnu lllllt‘lllllllt‘ t.ilk on lllll\lt‘l.lll .\l;ii|oi‘} Ki'nunl} I‘l‘.l\t‘l'.

I Alasdair Gray Smuixli l’ocli'}

l ihi.ii_\. 5 ('iit‘liloii'x ('low. ('iinonpult'. 557 38W). 7 illpni H ((3) l'lt‘t‘ to l’:\.\' int'iiihi'ix. llcltt'i‘ knoun l'oi Ill\ nowlx .llltl :ii‘l. .\l;i\il;iu' (ii‘;i_\ ll;l\ .ilw \iiittcn wwuil \cqucnu'x ol' pociiix. Join him .I\ lit lt‘.ltl\ ll‘tllll ()l./ .\'("\'(111\ m and Sunni ()l ( axiom/l /)t’('lll\.

Thursday 30


I Theatre Club: Blithe Spirit l’cxlniil 'l'hmlic. l3 :0 \it‘olxoii Sliu‘l. 53‘) (Milt). ll). ilkiiii l3.3()piii. U50. .\likt' Ruling llUlll lailinhui‘gli l'iuxcixil} luitlx .iii lllliH'lllJl tlI\t‘ll\\lUll \L'\\ltlll .ihoul \ocl ('ou.ii'd'\ \lllk‘l'lldlllldl t'oiiii‘il}

I Drop in and Draw lit-.m (Lilla). 7‘ Bt'll'oiil Ro.iil.h3-1(i3(l(l

5.-l5 h -l5piu. l icc. lnloi‘ .ulixt lnl dinning: \t'\\lt\ll\ thing tlic gollt‘t‘lioiix loi‘ lll\|l|l'.llltlll.


I Reading the Leaves 'I‘t-h.” (km. 43 ()t.i;_'o l ginc. ‘57 .1534.

h' lllpni. (I Join giit‘xt \\l'llL'l\ toi .iii cwning ol' poclr) .ind gi‘muw \xi‘iting. l’i‘m lUll\ uniilci‘x haw inclutlcil l.oui\c \Vclxli. /oc Sti'uclmn .ind .'\HHL' l)ono\.iii.

Edinburgh I Create 8. Crafts Scotland

Rom! Highland ('ciitic. lllgflhli‘ll. :35 “Will \H tiuiigx t‘i.ill_\

102 THE LIST .


During his tenure as director general of the Beeb, Greg Dyke launched four new channels, five radio stations, and turned BBC1 into Britain‘s most popular channel again. Then, four years after being appointed, during the biggest government/BBC hoo ha in history, he resigned his post to the cries of 3000 protesting staff and countless petitions. Head to the Theatre Royal to hear his side of Gilligangate and the row over the war in Iraq plus tales of his career as outlined in his memoirs, Inside Story.


I Degas Pastels Bum-ll ('ollcction. Illnl) l’ollokxhuxix Rtltltl. 387 255i). 3 4pm. l'i'cc. (illlth‘tl tour ol' Hlk' lliii'i't‘ll l)t‘g_';i\ (ollcclion. lolloncd h_\ .i puxtcl dram iiig \\iil'k\htip l'oi‘ iidtlllx.

I Visual Artists as Musicians ('('..\. 350 Suuchicliiill Slim-t. 353 4000. 3pm. £2 tl'i'cc ltll' Marcus Scliniicklci‘ & ‘Hioiiiux I.L‘|lll lickct Iltlltlt'l\l. .'\ll lthll'ttlt'tl ltllk h} (icoi'g ()dilk \\ ho l'ounilctl Hlt‘ ('olognc-hiixcil lilht‘l

.-\ .\lu\ik \\ith Marcus Scliniicklc. looking; :il lllL‘ i'cliitionxhip hclchn liiic .ii‘t .inil lllll\lL‘.

I The Scottish Wedding Show Sl:(’('. l’iniiicxton ()iigi}. ll.\'7l) (Ml) Jill)”. {7.5” [3.50 l [23 Lil) lot 4 l. 'l‘ipx and ilth ice loi' tlic hllhlllllg hi'iilc including: cunxulk \lio\\\ lt‘tlllll‘lllg Ilic lttlt'\l hl'ltlul gonllx.


I 3D 2D Craft and Design Fair .'\\\L'lllhl_\ Rtiiilltx. 5—1 (it‘iil'gc Sll'L‘L‘l. Ill) 434‘). ll).5l);llll 4.30pm. L'I i7llpi. 'l‘hc hL'\l iii ciiiitciiipiii‘;ii‘_\ guilt. doign :inil ill'l\\tll’k\ hcing \old ilii‘cct h} thc lllilkL‘H thcnixclwx.

I Rembrandt to Vermeer: Dutch Paintings of the Golden Age \VLNIUH link. lliL‘ .\1Ulllltl. 02—1 (i500. 2 7.30pm. {I5 (L'lth. (’ollgihorulnc \ciiiinui‘ Ul'gtlllhctl h} the Ntllltlllill (hillcrim ol' Scotland and thc RUin ('ollcclton. focusing on the “NC c\;iiiip|c\ ol‘ Dutch :ii't curi‘cntl} on tlixplgi} in Scotland.

I Create 8. Crafts Scotland Rtl};ll Highland (’cnti‘c. lnglNoii. 335 (illlll. Scc Hi I.


I The Scottish Wedding Show SH ‘( I l‘llllllt'fltll] (Jun). (ix-Tl) ll-lll -l(ll ll). [75” [SSH t [:3 K 5H liil‘ -1l. St't' Sill


I Next Generation: Leontia Flynn and Tobias Hill with special guest Liz Lochhead I'hc Huh. (X'le'liill. Royil \lilc.~1"3 lellll. ()IHH. L5 tL'M. Richard Hollowi} inli'oiliit‘t'x imiliiigx h) l.i/ lllt'hht'dtl and Nut (it‘llt‘ldlltlll poctx lt'tlllllil l-l_\iin .iiiil 'l'ohiux Hill. No ol Hlt‘ llliixl muting; iicxi \Hlt‘t'\ lo uni-rye iii my last tlt't‘dth‘.

I Create & Crafts Scotland Ro};il Highland (t‘llllt'. lllj_'ll\ltill. “5 (Con. Sec in l.

I Photographing the Pentlands l’cniluiiil HIH\. 4-15 3331. .\ liw nult- \\;ilk lo \lio\\ )oii \Ulllt' ol thc hcxl photogiuplug \.int;ig.'v pillllh in llic hcgiutil'ul l’cntlnnd Hillx.

Tuesday 5


I Joanna Lumley Royil (‘oncci'i Hull. 3 Sgiut‘hichull Sli'ccl. ‘5‘ Nllllll. llfillpni. Lll «£3.50 iii ilthitlltt‘l .loin lllL‘ .ihxolutcl} luhuloux Joanna l.iiiiilc} llp\lilll'\ in the (ilnxgou Royil (‘onccrl Hall ;I\ die lillk\ .ihoui lit-r lllL‘lllUll'\. \n RHUIII [UI' .Si'i I’r'l\.

I Freedom Poetry Mllchcll I.Ihl‘.’tl"\. Illl \oi'th Sti‘cct. 357 200‘). (131mm. :\ll cwning ol' l't‘tltllll}!\ on thc thcnic ol l’i'ccdoni in cclchiulion of National l’ocu‘} l);i_\. iiigluiluig [k‘l'ltll'lllttllL‘C\ h} thc \\lllllL'l'\ ol thc l'i'cciloin l’ocu‘} ('onipcuuon.

I Hamish Haswell Smith: The Scottish Islands ( ltt.ik.u \ Hiii‘kfli‘ltfll nit h. Hutlmnuii (Liliciicx Huthuian \ticct. ‘51 l‘tlt' o H'l‘ll‘. lit-c. tit kctcii HUH\‘H1H}'.lllHlt‘l H.1llll\ll li.l\\‘.\'ll \nutli t.ilk\ .ihout lhc |.llt‘\l .init‘iiik'il cilition ol Hl\ \oinpiclicnxiw .llltl pittoimlh \tuniiiiig' L'llhh‘ to \otl.iiiil\ l\l.lllil\


I Landscapes By the Nasmyth Family \\t'\ton I ink. lh.‘ \lounil, fi.‘t N50” l.‘ -15 I :“put Ilk'k‘ \IJHHC“ \\\'H.H\l gin-x .i lunt litiiuc Lilk

Wednesday 6


I Curator’s Favourites Hum-II Pollution. .‘tlhll l’ollokxh.i\\\ Road. .‘\‘ .755“ If it! Ilini I-icc \ooi.ili \l (i.ii|.iiu. \ iii.itoi ol l\|.lllll\ t |\ lll\.tlltlll\. l.lH\\ .ihoiil lll\ l.l\t‘l|l|l\' ohit'tl on \Il\l‘l.l_\ .iii [\lJllllt lli.i;'oii (Lulu-i lioni \/t'll‘.ll|.lll

I Terry Pratchett Hillih'l\ Hoot“. "5 Hutlianan \llk'k'l. .‘l‘ u 5”" ‘l‘ni lt'ii} I’lillthk'll \\lH h" in \toit' \ig'iuiig' \l‘l‘l\'\ ol lll\ l.llt‘\l ollciuig' (ii'ltlij l"'\!(i'.l

I John Mackay ( )\ Hoolmioic. l nil h. Hui ( i.tH\'l|\'\. Hut \uct'l. ‘5‘ |5llll ‘lini l'lk't‘ \t'\‘-\lt‘.lth'l .lohii \'k.i} l.lllll\'|lt'\ lll\ Ht‘\\ hook. Ilium/final. .i \toi_\ .ihoul .i \\lio \i'tx oiil to lt‘\ltllk' lll\ l.lllllk\ \ Ilku‘khoiixt' on It'\\l\. hut ||l\lt'.lt| union'ix .l lt‘llll‘h‘


I Terry Pratchett ( iii.ik.u\. %’ (it'oijgi' Slict'l. 335 »l~l‘)5. lpin \k'v \\t'(I (y

I Hungarian Poetry with Janet Suzman and Peter Zollman St‘illlhll l’ocu} l ihi.ii_\. 5 (‘iit'hton'x ('loxt'. ('.iiioii;_'.itt'. 555' 335% 5 lift. (\L'ilth'lll} \xmul \kllllllllf,‘ .it‘ui-xx .Llllk‘l \ii/iuun lillll\ .it't'laiiiicil port .llltl ll.lll\l.l|tll l’t'tci /,o|| on llic cw ol \ulionul l’ot'ti} l);i_\ lo t‘t'lt‘hialt‘ Hlt' hm! ol Hlllljjdllilll pot-ti}.

Thursday 7


I Artist’s Talk: Jo Ganter (il;i\)_'o\\ l’iiiit Studio. 23 i‘ .‘5 Knijx Sti‘u'l. 552 (thl lpni. l‘im' .lo ( i.llllt'l ilixt'uxxt'x llic lth'.l\ ht'hllltl Ht'l \ llllt'lll t'\hihilioii

I National Poetry Day (iiidkiik llookxloi‘c. l'nit 0. Buchanan (l.lHt‘llL'\. llut'lmnnn Sui-cl. *5; 1500 (i illliiii \n cwniny (h‘tlltJlt'tl to pot-Ii} \lel naiiluigx .ind lhc .iniioiint‘cincnl ol lllk' \\ iiiiit'i' ol lhc ()lt.‘ik.ii\ \illltlllitl l’oi'li} ('oiiipt'tilion longil llk'dl.

' illiiiii 2.;


I National Poetry Day - Share Your Favourite Poems! \Vmion Huntlioi‘iiilcn intuit 'l huitii'. \;llliill;t| (hillt'i’). l Ht' Mound.

l2.—15 killplll. l'iu' 'l Ht' \lllllllllljJ llt'\\ |’l.i_\ l;iii (iilHL‘llL'\ up! .I\ thc \L'Hllt' loi Hll\ lt'.ttllllj_' on lood lot it” .ijgcx h_\ Roh}u \1.ll\.lt'killltl l.oi‘ii.i llHllC ol thy Scottixh l’ocu} l.ihi'.ii‘_\,

I Poetry Workshop National (ittHL'l'_\ ol \t‘ollgilitl. ll‘ht' Mound. 03-1 (illll). 0 “pin. ('L'lchtutc \illlllllill I’llt'll} l);i_\ .ind lt'l lllL' [litllllllljJ\ lll\pll't' )ou to \ii'itc pot-tr}. \iitli Ron Hlllllll. HHL' ol Spoll.iiiil\ lllH\l \L'l\;tllh‘ illltl Hl'llellul \kl'llL'H.

I Tom Conti ()ii;ik;u\. i" (longt- Slim-1.235 4405. 7pm. Ll. loin Scots ttL‘lHl' 'I'oni (‘onli ;l\ hc pl'L'\L'lll\ lll\ gripping dchiit tlii'illci‘ Nu /)m Mr.

I Big Word Performance Poetry 'l'hc 'l'i‘on. ‘) Hunlcr Sguui'c. Hiin Sti‘cct. 220 (Nil. Upiii. L3 it'll. National l’octi'} I);i_\ \pcgiul lroiii the Hi}: \Voi'il cit-v. lt‘ullll'lllg the “URI I\\l\llll}._' lulcnlx ol (’upui‘ \lttlll champion Milton lliilgoni. ,'\\h Dickinxon. (ll;l\:_'ll\‘. '\ Ruchcl .lllt‘} and \i lL'ht'd \\ mud l’ctcr .‘\lL‘\illltlL‘l'.