

VI Saw You \ometunex I-iida} Iunehtunex. \“HIIIIIIIIL' like a mermaid at the ('onmue and heing ehatted tip h} a bald lileguard. You nught he an .\ti\\ie I might he too.

I 7505/44

V I Saw You helund the har and I \ianted )ou Irom the moment I San You. You \iere

\\ eating NIIS glaxxex. You ean hlou m} Ilute an} tune, [7505/45 V I Saw YOU I‘Lllli Rim

\\ IIL'IIe\. (itltltl l0 littH' )0“ till haek. e\ en though ym're not that etiol. I.H\ e .Iean. [7505/40 V I Saw You and 00} oh ho} did III_\ heart drop to the Iloot‘ oI IINIV. You: Yorkxhire lad \iith model lookx. .\Ie: giggling Ameriean h} the Madonna \ee- lion. [7505/47

VI Saw You on the ntunher 7 hux lireuorkx night _\ou line ttt'II\II Sltltlietl .\Ianehe\ter. lane} a [\eer'.’ I \\;I\ too \II} to get )our number. [7505/43

V I Saw You \e\_\ politiex man on the 20 hits. You looked great. I lo\e _\our pink \lill't\. XI 7505/40

V I Saw You going to bed at 7. ilem )ou latne Irish dog ltI\ er. ‘I‘llL'I'L' L'UL'\ the \Il't‘t‘l eredl [7505/50

V I Saw YOU 'Queen (II. I-axhion' looking e\tremel_\ elegant in _\our pink I'IuI'I'} hat. ('an I ha\ e it’.’ I’retty pleaxe'.’ (ilad )ou're \ta}ing put? \\\. [7505/5l

V I Saw You and no“ \\ e li\ e together? \Voohoo I’ook. one )ou Iotx. I’oo. \\. [7505/53 9| Saw You All) Ball} Ilee on tour hirthda} in I’Ianet ()ut. Snogged 4 hour\. ('all its?! [7505/53

V I Saw You great ahx. great Iaee. great teeth. In the (‘it}' night eluh. .\Ie tall dark and handsome. ('all me? [7505/54 V I Saw You Judith I “ax \\;Illtlel'iltg the \tt'eelx IU\I alter .Illl';t\\lL‘ 5. I elearI)‘ ean't uork in} phone :t t\t me? [7505/55 V I Saw You I “LIN wet and miserable. _\ou were \\ itt_\' and kind. What started a\ a quest [or a lighter turned into a memorable meeting and ot' eourxe I remembered _\'our name. I hope )otlt' gig “as a \ueeexx and that hooku'orld hringx )till inspirationNou made in) liestix‘al. [7505/50 V I Saw You I kissed you on the daueetloor till the

Ilone) eomh Ior all the wrong reaxonx. Want me to get down on m) knees again‘.’ [7505/57 V I Saw You l'o\_\ LI)L‘(I hlonde in brown top at the 'l‘e\eo .-\'l‘.\I. Nieholxtm Street. I-‘ri l0th September. .\Ie. the passing tall. hlonde guy in hlaek tee \\ ho )tm eaught look- ing haekateha. You ean ha\ e all m_\ eluheard points any da} .\Ii\.\ NItiltL‘Hienlt}. [7505/53 V I Saw You Iidinhurgh. (‘ate I-‘Iorentin. Sunday 30.8. 4pm. You sitting near to the eounter talking. me transfixed and still transtiwd. but u ith a Iriend. [7505/50

V I Saw You he} cheek) chops? It'x \o eont‘tising ~ \traight or eurl} '.’ I jtixt don't

I\IIH\\ _\otl look \uper \e\} either \\AI}I I eau't “all to get L'I'tNH} under the dnxet'l [7505/00

V I Saw YOU til the Iitltll Reader m Izdinhurgh. \mging aua}. You looked onel}l I eould \ee _\our red hra \trap. )ou mim' I Io\e _\ou Ithat'x “hat I \a} Ti \\\ [7505/0]

V I Saw You hlonde. \\ uh ripped hlue ieanx. lotuiging on \ola in I’i\o. I \ntiled at )ou ax the lights dimmed. You \miled \traight haek and lit up in} \iorld.'\ tr} it again. siniler. [7505/02

V I Saw You at the I’alaee draped tlL'l'tixx hed like mo\ ie glitltlt'xx ottl} hourx helore )our hra\ e rexeue oi the eight legged IIIUII\IL‘I' and triumphant \upper oI muxeli on toaxt. [7505/03

V I Saw You when I \xax loxt in the \Ve\l lilttl earl} one .-\ugu\t morning. You helped me Illltl :\lltt)ll I’Iaee. Iltttlth. [7505/04

VI Saw You ('}iithi;i. )ou

\\ ere \\ ith a drunken (ieorge alter a train Irqu .-\herdeen. I tnet _\ou in R}rie\ and earried him home. he still to pro\e m} age. [7505/05

V I Saw You tall got'geoiix Dutelunan. ages ago now. We dixeuxsed Slim inxky but “here ha\ e _\ou got to‘.’ [7505/00

V I Saw You eute \urIer ho} Roxeo on a plane. I “ax too \h) to axk tor )our email addrexx. [7505/07

VI Saw You in pink \iooll}

jumper looking [or the IISIK‘. I

“ax Itaplexxl} hopele\\ and \ent you to the \hoppiug eentre. Soi‘l‘eel [7505/08


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WARNINGrlOO‘S guys on line!


ATTRACTIVE youthful, slim t\ eutx} lad}. 54. en|o_\\ emema. daneing. Iiluex t\ |.t// Seekx tall. n/x man. 44 54. lot etunpamomhip. ('all me on 0000 "5l [ll-I5 [K t'lilt‘l' 4030300

BORED pretty girl \eek\ an attraetne gu} Ioi good ehalx & tun night\ out. (Kill me till 0000 “5| Ill»I5 [K t‘ltlt‘l‘ -I02l800

ATTRACTIVE grown woman, 40'\. tall. dark. \lIIIl & genuine. like\ to think & Io\e\ the \ea. looking lot the real I'L‘litlltilhlltp. (all me on 0000 75] (045 & eutei 4020300

PETITE blonde, 43, like\ man} thingx. looking tot an interexting male. to ha\e Iun & leixure tune uith. I‘IIe/Iidinhurgh areas. ('all me on 0000 75l 0I45 & enter 4IIIOX00

HI THERE! Sylvia, 5'4 lilolttle. hlue e_\ ed. \i/e IX. llke eooking. \ialking. \uunmmg. no eluldren. 40. eineuia. puhx/eluhx & holiday. (‘all me on 0000 750 5557 k enter l327042I

FUN loving, genuine l'emale. 37. eopper hlonde hair. \er) \oeiahle. good eom niunieator & Iixtener. Seekx like minded male. Ior Iriend \hip. ma)he more. ('all me on 0000 750 5557 & enter Ill I738

KELLY 5'4, brunette, \i/e III/I2. outgoing. huth}. Iikex eluhx/puhx. reading [L keeping lit. ('all me on 0000 750 3.557 at enter IHI01425

JEAN 52, 5', brown hair, brown e}e\. enio_\\ eine ma. theatre & going out tor mealx. reading. & \pendmg time \xith III} grandehildren, ('all me on 0000 750 3557 & enter l3500423

MARY petite, dark hau. ht'tmn e}e\. ehatt} (k Iriendl}. enio} \oeialixmg & gardening. I like going out it ith II‘IL‘IItIx meeting new people. ('all me (in 0000 750 3557 (k enter IH034235

JENNIFER 5'7, dark hair. dark e}e\. Slim huild. Likes keeping lit. dri\ ing. earx. \ialkx. einema. day out. read- ing. ('all me on 0000 750 3557 & enter IX700225

I’: Sop—7 Oct 2004 THE LIST 125