


"'0 31 yr old Glasgow female, 56 with long hair. Separated w ith one child. I'.n|o_\ going out with lllelltl\. \hop- ping. \Vlfl'M kind male l'or liiendxhip & [t(i\\lI\I} more (Kill me on 0006 756 5557 IN enter IHX02225

05" SLIM attractive female, 5'l0. long hlonde hair. blue e_\ ex. \eeks attractne male lor poxxihle |.'l‘R. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 «K enter I5275-IZI

W IMPETUOUS Glasgow female, 53. dark hair. hltie e)e\. 5lt. \Vlfl‘M \ingle male who like\ to ha\e lun. ('all me ("10006 756 5557 (K enter l050600

“it” KAY, 35yrs old, 5'2. hlonde \houlder length hair. green e)e\. ahout 7.5 \lone. (ESUII. quite good looking. like\ going out & haxing a good time. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter l526542l

W HELENSBURGI‘I female, 24, \eekx genuine. caring & reliahle man with (ESOII. Iol' poxxihle relation- xhip. ('all me on 0006 7565557 «V enter ll773 I 50

'5’ EAST-KILBRIDE female, 47, n/\. \er} eag— going. lo\ e\ lile. \\'l.'I'.\l caring. kind male l'or coiiipan) & to \hare good time\ with. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter $885225

‘9 GLASGOW profession- al female, 27. Mum ol‘one. collar-length red hair. hrow n e}e\. merage hod}. like\ going out & liming l'un. (‘all me on 0006 756 5557 t0 enter l068600

"W GILLIAN likes going otlt. walking. tra\el. muxic. ptihs. cinema. exer}thing reall_\' ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter lh'7h’0235

5” DIVORCED lady, 48 with a \ariet} ol iiilerextx. Seekx gentleman. lor fun. laughtei' & po\\lltl} more. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter “830235

*9 BUBBLY big, single iiitiiii. lull ol' lil‘e. likex old lilms. w alkx. reading & more. Seekx similar male. lor l'iiii. happ) tlllte\. nia_\he more. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 t\ enter I5487425

W ACTIVE female, 5'5, loves keep lit. kick boxing «k w alkx. Seekx acti\ e male for l'riendxhip. lun & relationship. (‘all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter I537542l

‘9 HONEST caring Jedburgh l‘eiiiale. medium huild. 5'4. red/hlonde hair. like\ 60'5/7IIK music. dancing & cin- ema. \\'l.'l‘.\l male. for l‘riend- \hip or ma}he relationxhip in the future. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter $887225

\. to Ca" f'w' "L..'“Z‘,w.' .it'u ‘, Enixi- t

126 THE LIST St-p Oct 300-1

9 VICKY 29yr old with 3 IkItI\. medium huild. hloiide hair. \er_\ huhhl}. hlue e}e\. like\ going otit. cinema & eat- ing lll/otll. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 ck enter IK787335 ‘~“ OIVORCEO lady with l daughter. 4 I. like\ w alkx. dri\ing. \wimiiiing & more. \\'l.'l'.\l gentleman l'or coiiipan- lttll\Ill[I & laughter. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 «K enter l I763 l 30 HAMILTON female 8. office worker. enith \ocialix» ing. walking the dog & decorat- ing. which ix about all \he Illl\ time l'or. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter I536343l NORMA 44, 5'9, \lim. hlonde. work ax a \alex manag- er. I had man} dil'l'ei'ent holi— hiex. I enjo} watching l’oothall. I enjo} going lor w alkx & I eiiio} pla)iiig goll. (‘all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter IXI6I435 GLASGOW brunette single girl. 50x. 5'3. hlue e_\e\. \lim/medium huild. haxicall} \eeking reall} nice gll}. (all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter l80l5335 BLONDE East Kilbride lemale. 5'7. \i/e l3- l4. l'rom Newcaxtle. \eek\ male l'oi‘ lriendxhip. poxxihl) more? (‘all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter I085600 GLASGOW male, 5'6, long dark hair. \er) easygoing. |o\e\ xocialixing. ti‘a\el t't xpending time with lamin ('all me on 0006 756 5557 «K enter l I784 l 50 BLUE eyed female, 5'0 with \lioulder length brown hair ck medium huild. likex puhx. muxie. cinema & dining out. \\'l.’l’.\l male with \imilar inter- ests l'or poxxihle relatioiixliip. (‘ttll me on 0006 756 5557 ct enter I I774 I 50 KATHY 44, dark curl} hair. hrow n e} ex. 5'4. great per- sonalit}. lo}al. alwa'u enjiw a laugh. \VIII‘M someone who l\ a laugh someone who is Io_\al & caring. (‘all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter lh’l55435 197’ MAXINE 5'2-5'6, hloiide hair blue eyes. I wear glasses. I enjoy going out ha\ing l'uii. haxing a drink. (‘all me on 0006 756 5557 «V enter 18007225 BLONOE LADY 5'2, lo\e\ walking. \wimining & dancing. \\'l.'l‘.\l nice man for romance & l.'l‘R. (‘all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter I l760l50 BUBBLY PERSONALI- TY 5'3, long hrown L‘llfI)’ hair. medium huild. Io\ e to hax'e lun. go out & happ) in general. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter lh‘l55425

respond to an ad

It‘ttlt‘ SH’RS


PROFESSIONAL male, fit 50 \omething. w ide \ariet} ol lIllele\l\. Seekx liheral mind« ed lemale. lor tun lllllL'\. (’all me on 0006 75l 0H5 tk enter 4028300

GLASGOW guy, 35, paxxionate. conlideiit. athletic. \eek\ \lim. atlractixe lemale. 30-55 lor \peclal. romantic rela— lloll\lllp. .\lu\t he genuine Ik caring with a Ill\l l‘or lile. ('all me on 0006 75l 0H5 tk enter 4030800

ATTRACTIVE male, 37, prolexxioiial. (iSOll. \\'l.’I‘.\l cheer}. :tlll'tietne lemale. l'oi' poxxiltle IIIR. (Kill me on 0006 75l 0H5 ck enter 40.7.5300

TALL professional Glasgow male. Io\ ex tra\eI. good l‘ood & dance. \eekx lemale. l‘or l'rieiidship. iiia_\he more. ('all me on 0006 75l III-I5 (k enter 4035300

ROMANTIC loving male, man} interextx. \eeks a dim. attracli\ e l‘eiiiale. 25+. lor good time\. l'rienddiip & lllt)\l thingx. (‘all me on 0006 75l (ll-I5 & enter 40.7.4800 GLASGOW guy, 35, lree-xpirited. conl'idenl & ath- letic. \eekx \Iim. attractiw lemale with a Itl\l tor Me. 20— 55. l‘or a \pecial. romantic rela— llolt\ltlp. ('all me on 0006 75] Ill-I5 «Q enter 4033800

WILLIAM 5'1 1, 47, hltie e) ex & brown hair. medium huild. eax} going. like moxt thing\ in lile. diVorced. \\'l.’l‘.\l lemale Iikex holida}\. \ingle parents welcome. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter l I787 l 50 PETER 5'10, slim/medium huild. hltie e) ex. brown hair. 43. eax} going. ()ll.-\(‘. looking l'or \oiiieone honext/reliahle. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 ck enter l8l66~135 ’v‘ GLASGOW MALE 30, 5'“). \er} \port). (iSUII. good looking gu). well balanced gu}. own Itouse 8: car. \\'l.’l'.\l \otne- one who likes to keep lit. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter l l786l 50 TOM 29, bus driver from (llaxgow. enjo} lisliing in m} spare time. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 L& enter I I738I50 "I TOM 48yr old, tall, \lim. di\oreed with grown tip l'amil}; ()\\'ll hlhinexx. l.lI\e\ cinema. theatre. day out in the Collillr). sailing. reading. TV. tilms. eating out. (‘all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter l7677425

Safety QUIUOIIHC ' 1‘ ' r: f, ', grief: It'rrvtr'

MUSICAL male, enjoys pla} mg guitar. art ck outdoor [\tll‘\tlll\ looking toi lemale with \imilar intere\t\ ('all me on 0006 "56 5557 t\ enter IX.\'0l235 WELL-BUILT Glasgow male. 47. Mt. cleaii-then. \hoi‘t dark hair. goodlookmg. ()II:\(’. eii|o_\\ ltlitlltl'I‘lIu‘\. \nookei‘. going otit x w eekend\ aw a}. (‘all me on 001 )6 756 5557 & enter I760»I~I:5


5'10, \liort hair. dark hlue e_\e\. good huild. loud perxonal it_\. lo}al. al'lectionate. l'.ll|tt'\\ making people laugh. cinema. muxic. \\‘l.'l'.\l lemale lor hapr relationxhip. (all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter leh'lll

" FUN-LOVING male, Rx. 5'l0. hrow n hair. hlue e}e\. medium huild. enith lootliall & ha\ing lotx ol' lun. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 k enter l06|600 WELL-BUILT tall, male. 57. hrown/hlond hair. happx out-going git}. li\e\ life to lull. enjoy eating otll. drinking & \ociali\ing. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 ck enter l7707425

w AFFABLE male look- ing l'or eax) -going lemale to go to the cinema. go out & \pend time together. ('all me on 0006 7565557 & enter l5270-12l ITALIAN male, 47, li\- ing in (ilttxgow. likex. tra\el. cooking. walkx & Iixhing. \\'|.'I'.\I hone\t lemale lor poxxi- hle relatioiwhip. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 (K enter l7607435 OLD-FASHIONED Lanarkshire male. hard— working. \\'l.'l‘.\l lemale with similar outlook to \hare great time\ together. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter [063600


Scottish male. 5'l0. jet black hair. dark e} ex. ol' Italian dexcenl. Enjoy the cinema. chilw. reading & dri\ing. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 & enter l05h'600

BLONDE MALE 6', Lanarkshire. I’Ia}\ go” a likex logo l'or It drink. \VIJI‘M lad) for fun. I'riendship & pm- \Ihle relationxhip. (‘all me on 0006 756 5557 «K enter

I05 I 600

1‘7"“ WISI‘IAW male, 45, 5'6. tlttl‘lk‘ Ilttlt‘ & eyex. (iSUll. likes music. nights in/out. long drixes & the beach. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 ck enter l7705435 PROFESSIONAL male, 31, easy going. 6'3. green e) e\. brown hair. enjo}\ \oeial- ising. dining out. pulw ck cluhx. Seeks \illlllttl' l'c'iiiale. l'or lun times. maybe more. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 (N enter


WISHAW male, 43, 5 7 \\llll \tock} 'l‘lllltl. g'i‘ittl Iiti‘Ix mg. hlue e}e~ & dark hair. like\ to trawl .\ i'extatiianh Seekx lemale lor l'eI.tlloll\Ill[I ('all me on 0006 “56 *55‘ I\ enter FUN-125

TALL dark, handsome male. 55. IlIxt‘\ \ocialixmg Seekx .in lione\t woman to hrmg out the hiightei \ide ot me. ('all me on 0006 “56 Iii“ & enter I773 5435

DIVORCED dad of 3. ~15. medium huild. hlue e}e\. dark hair going gre}. \\l l‘.\l lemale loi Illt‘lltI\Ill|t. maihe more. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 t\ entei I ijti'I-IJI

SINGLE DAD john, 6'2. hrown cwex tk haii. \\'ell huill. at college. like\ to take the chil dreu out lll \paie time. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 t\ t‘lllel l057600

male seeks male

EDINBURGH gay male, 5'l l. hlondc hair. hlue e}e\. medium huild. lo\e\ trax elling. ptihhing/cluhhiiig N quiet night\ in with \ome wine & a nun ie. ('all me on 0006 7565557 (k enter IHI57-I35

‘5' PROFESSIONAL gay male, -I-I. (iSl )II. III\L'\ traxel. dining out Ik coiixerxation. \\'I.'l‘.\l ga} lemale to \haie good time\. lriendxhip. pmxihl} more. (‘all me on 00l )6 75l (II-IS It enter 4037300

fwt'mlt' *awk‘, lemale-

"4v TALL non scene, ieim nine Ielllttle. ~15. (iS( )ll. en|o_\\ w alkx. gardening. cooking. the atre. cinema. catx. \\’l.'l‘.\l lemale lor I-I‘IL‘IItI\lIl[I/l'elttlltillr \hip. ('all me on 0006 75l 0|~t5 & enter 4050800

W CARING romantic female, 5'8. green e_\e\. lair highlighted hair. Iiiijiwx karaoke. \inging. l)l\'. cinema. cltihhing & eating out. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 (k enter l8854325

’5 seeking friends

“v” SINGLE mum, 38, 5'7 with long black hair. brown

e} ex (V; medium huild. enin \ swimming. c}cling & walking. Seeks lemale l‘or l'riendxhip & poxsihle relationship. ('all me on 0006 756 5557 6: enter l77-I0425

"j; helpline

'f ' MM} :i’,'..',lfir‘.(.‘:

,7,» ii! iii", -t"t‘i’:, lain! call 08/0 770303-4610!an

r‘, «mirrn I I ),'/"t