Film Index

The Stepford Wives IN 00 tl'rattl. (Ml S,2‘N)-1t\icolc Kniman. \latthc‘s. Biotlcrick. Bcttc \litllcr. (ilcnn (illhk’i (‘hrixtophcr \\.ilkcn ‘) 1mm ()/'x llptldlL' ot thc W‘s claxxic Brj..ui l‘orhcx' adaptation of Ira lt"-lll.\ hcxtxclltn'.‘ noxcl ix an ahlcct lcxxon on how to tlchumanixc a claxxic lllH‘.lt‘ ln thix ncv. lllkdlllitll‘lll ol lcxm'x talc ol xmall loan llll\l)2_\lt} .tlltl tlomcxtn rotltlcxx pcrlcction, xuxpcnxctul horror and thc xuhtlc xocio political ciititpic ol tcmmixm lt.i‘.c hccn til\L.lltlL'll m Loom ot xlapxtick comctl} .tlltl .i haught} clcxctncxx loanna l:\cih.ut ‘KltllllJllI tnmcx liom thc Bi}; \pplc to Stcploitl xkhcn xhc loxcx hct loh ax hcatl ol a 'l \' nctuoik llci paitncr \Valtci (Nialllcu li[()(1L.[l\L"“\tllli\[i)!\\k.lil lllx maxculinit} You knou uhat happcnx nc\t '\ pi'ctlictahlc comctl} that icxclx in hlantl lloll}\\ootl \alticx I ’(i( li'i run it Strut (i/tlwmi. (i/tl\;’ltl1 The Story of the Weeping Camel tl’(ii 0.. IBa}arnhaxurcn l)a\aa,'l.tu§_'i l‘;tlHl'lll. (icrman}f\longo|ia. 200i» Janchn A) ur/ana. ('himctl ()hm. :\ing_'aaha/ar (ionxon. /.c\cl|atn/ \}aiii. 00mm A camcl tlclncix a xnim uhitc calt Botok hut icicctx hci ollxpt‘ltij: \omatlic xhcphcrtlx \L'lltl mo )oungxtcrx. l)tulc .llltl ()gna. on an important qticxt to rctui'n will a \iolinixt \t ho uill pla} muxic to hcal thc llll hctuccn mothci antl hah} camcl 'lhc paticnt t)l‘\t'l'\;tllt)ll;ll approach h_\ thc lilmmakcrx cci'tamh p.i_\x tll\ itlcntlx in tle laxcmating: cthnographic xtntl} ol a community ("u/new. Izt/m/mrg/r Sunshine 1 IS) .0. ilxtxan S/aho. llungar} /( ici'iiiain/('anatla/.-\uxtria/l 'K. Show Ralph l‘icnncx. Jcnnilci' lihlc and William Hurt. l7‘)min. (ii‘cat l)l3_‘ pan ol gorilaxh ol a mo\ ic li'om tormcr liuropcan cincma darling: S/aho l,”t'/’/ll\ll’. (‘olum'l Rev/l). l-‘ocuxing on |i\cx tlctinctl antl hrokcn h} hixtor} antl politicx. Stun/um tcllx thc xtoricx ol thi'cc gcncrationx ol Hungarian qux hung in thc leth ccntury But it'x pi‘ctlictahlc. clumx} and ultimatcl) manipulatn c; a motlcrn autlicncc tlocx not nccd thcmcx ol higotr}. lamil} and patriotixm xo oh\ ioux|_\ antl chronologicall} untlcrlinctl l’i/Hl/tutflr‘. lat/mlmru/r

Super Size Me t 12A» 0000 i.\lorg_'an Spurlock. IS. 2004) l()()mm. ('onncal tlocumcntar) in Mitch Spurlock [)tllx Iiimxcll through a goltlcn .\l»onl) tlict lol' it) «la_\x. in thc pi'occxx cauxing him grimoux hothI} harm. Spurlock'x ix an cn|o_\ahl} chcck} xatirical approach to thc untlcrtaking: hut hc}ontl thc pla}l'ul humour and thc tlixturhing xclllahuxc hc makcx a xci'ioux lltqtlll') into thc conncction hctuccn ohcxit} tilltl lttxl lt‘Utl ttlltl lllt‘ x\ltlL'rtL‘;ltl \\ 1|). .Vt’lr‘t‘lt't/ I't'lt'tlu'. O Switchblade Romance 1 1.x“) 0... t:\lc\andrc Ma. Franco 2003i (‘ccilc tlc l'ht'ancc. .\lai\\cnn l.c chco. l’hillipc .\'ahon. liranck Khall‘oun 90mm. Scc rc\ it“. ptlgt‘ :3 (1K. Rr'Il/l‘r’ii .Sll't't'l. (i/uwoiL (iltl\L‘Ult‘.’ ('(i(’ ('uit’mm l'.tIlIl/’lll'L’/l. Ifr/tri/rurc/i, T-Rex 30 MW tBt'ctt l.conartl. l'S. l‘)‘).Si 4thnin. Ania/mg looking l.\l..\.\ inouc about a tathcr and tlaughtcr in tlangcr lt'om a \ icioux cariiixoi'oux tlinoxaur. (ircat l'un. [MAX 'I'ln’urrt'. (i/ttwou.


Taxi Driver I IS) 0.... (\lttlllll Scorxcxc. l'S. Wm Rohcrt l)c \lllt. ('_\hill Shcphcrtl. Jothc l‘oxtcr l l-lnun ,-\n alicnatctl ta\i tlrncr in .\'c\\ York ix xo rcpcllctl h} thc xqualor and thc moral tlcca} around him that hc ix drawn to tcriihlc \ iolcncc ()nc ol thc kc) tilinx ol thc xc\cnticx \\ ith thc Scorxcxc l)c .\'ii'o partncrxhip at itx pcak ('( Il. (ilrngnu.

The Terminal r 0. iSit-xcn Spiclhcrg. l'S. JUN) 'l'oin llankx. ('atlicrinc Xcta Joncx. Stanlc} 'l‘ucci. (‘hi Mth'itlc l35inin. lnxpirctl h) thc trnc xtor} ot an lraman man xtrantlctl at l’arix airport altcr thc tall ot thc Shah. hut xtarring llankx antl i'c-xct in thc John l" Kcnnctl} .-\u‘port ol pi'cxcntua} .\'c\\ York. Stcwn S[)L'lllk'l'f_"\ xmug lll()\lt' mixlirc xuhxtitutcx quirk} charactcrx. lccl- good humour and cmotional manipulation tor thc rich comic tapcxtr} ol' rcal lilc. ()nl} thc gcntuncl} tunn}. a|\\a_\x hclicxahlc llankx cincrgcx unxcathctl llix portrain ol ‘a xtrangcr m a xtrangc no man'x lantl' ix anothcr triumph of comic pla) l'ulncxx: \xhcthci' rattling ol‘l~ tlialogtic in hix iinaginar} Krako/hian acccnt. or tixing hix flan lcxx comic timing to xtagc liilarioux pt‘atlallx. lltitth nc\ ct loxcx xighl ol~ VllKthS xc‘lllc‘xx altruixm or natural tlignit}. (it'm'ml rc/t'uu'. The Things of Life (Les Choses de la Vie) 1 l5) .0... i('lautlc Sautct. l‘rancc/ltal}. I‘lh‘h .\lichcl l’iccoli. Rom} Schncitlcr. Maxxari. Slrnin. Supcrh lllltl lit‘c crixix mo\ ic l'roin thc tlu'cctor ot .\'c|l_\ tk .\lonxicur .-\naud. banal. inxightlul and incrctlihl} hcarthrcaking thix lilm \\ ax rcmatlc that“) i ax a Richard (icrc \chiclc in thc carl)

‘)(l\ callcd Inicrm mm. .«\ claxxic. inixx at )our

pcril. l‘i/m/ioiiu'. [film/Mirth.

3D Mania tt'i tt‘S. 2003) Stuart l’ankin. lilxira. l.\l:\.\' 3D animation hcll. l-‘or inaxochixtx and computcr rcndcr gcckx otil}. [WAX Tht'tlll't'. (r/quHZ

Thunderbirds tl’(i) O tJohnathan l’rak'cx. l'S/l'K. 200-1) Brad} ('orhct. Bcn Kingxlc). Bill Pa\ton. Sophia .\l}|cx. Ron ('ook'. ()Zinin. lntcrnational chcuc ix in nccd ol~ rc‘xcuc. Not from xomc tcrrorixt ccll \xith acccxx to thc Saudi inixxilc xurplux. but from

777w 26th Sep

Bon Voyage (123) 7 30pm Mon 4th Oct

Before Sunset (15) 7 30pm Wed 6th Oct

Deep Blue (PG) 7 30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

Thomas Jane (right) is The Punisher

mctliocrc .-\mci'ican piotluccrx Rcalh ruhhixh Inc action \cixion ol thc hclmctl puppct atlxcnturc xcricx No \xontlcr (icrr_\ \ntlcixon \tantx nothing to do \xith it, Sr/n In! n'lum' Trauma I 15) O I.\l.itcl1\.ittx.l K. ZtN)~1i(‘olm l'irth. .\1cna Suxari. \aomic llarrix. 'l‘omm} l‘lanagan SSmin Bcn tl‘llllll xur‘. i\cx thc car craxh that killx hix \\ itc illarrixi In a xuicitlal xtatc. and hc moxcx in to thc houxc ot hix hcautitul ncighhoui ('harlottc ISthil‘l I. uhci'c llk' pt'HL'L'ctlx lit loxt‘ hix graxp on rcalit} laughahl) hail horior xuxpcnxc lrom thc tlii'cctoi' ol .ll\ /.lI!/r’ /:\r' Xr'lt't Ir‘r/ I't'lt'tlu'.

Troy 1 l5) .0. t\\'ollgang l’ctcrxcn. l'S. 2mm Brad Pitt. Brian (’o\. Orlando Bloom. Julian (iloxcr Itilmui. \Vrthin 'l‘i‘o} 'x toucring \\;illx lo\crx l’arix tBlooini and llL‘lCtl lKrllgCt') llcc to mold thc .tllcnllotlx ol hcr huxhand Mcnclaux ttilccxoni antl hix all conqucrmg hrothcr Agamcmnon t(‘o\i lo makc thingx \xorxc l’arix' hrothcr llcctor «Banal and tathcr l’riam i()"l‘oolci turn out to hc lcxx than cnthtixcd h} thc )oung princh choicc. lipic coinplicationx can only cnxuc 'l‘hc rcal xtar ol' 'I'rm ix_ ot courxc. Brad Pitt ax thc \x'arrior'x \xai'rior .-\chil|cx. Agamcmnon'x \x‘capon ol' maxx tlcxtriiction. l’itt ctitx a homo crotic tlaxh ax hc xliccx antl tliccx hix \ta} throuin thc Trojan armicx. llc'x a xupcr- xoltlicr “lltlxc hra\ cr} ix harncxxcd to thc corrupt )okc of a grcctl} king. l.ikc itx hcro. Trot ix not \xithout llaux thc ranch ol acccntx on xliti\\ ix ximpl) hcuiltlcring. thc action ix xchcmatic at hcxt and an} xtor} uhich rC\t)l\Cx arountl thc conxtruction ol a largc uoodcn horxc ixn't about to xpring man} xurprixcx on aii_\onc. But Pitt and thc xupcr- xi/cd xct picccx arc xupcrh. a north} SUCCL‘SSUF lt) (flirt/tutor tn thc cpic action xtak'cx. ()rlmn. lz'rli'nhurg/i.

25 Fireman‘s Street (Tuzolto Utca 25) t l5) 0... tlxtVun S/aho. llungar). 1973) Lucyna Winnicka. Margit Malta}. Karol} Koxacx. Andrax Balint. ()Sinin. Noix) LlClllUllIlUll \mrk intcrruptx thc xlccp ol a group of ncighhourx and thc} all cntl up cxpcricncing xurrcal tlrcamx of thc tumultuoux hixtor} of 30th ccntur} llungar}. Mcmoricx ol


We'll hand it to you on a plate

Unsurpassed restaurant deals

or on the day from the hall

42 THE LIST 23 Sap—7 Oct 2004

tragctl}, \\.tl. tc\olution .lll\l pctxccutron .il‘ountl in tlnx .manl “mum; ltlll‘. l‘att ot \lal‘o tctioxt‘cctnc (“no ’3'. I [in ..'."r Lam/roan liixrrinrurr

Under the Tuscan Sun t: \\ O. «\utlict \\cllx.l S Italy Blur l)1.uic I am. Santlia ( )h. l intlxa} l)llll\.lll ll 1mm \n lllll.tllllllll adaptation ot il.lll\\'\ \laxcx'

(who "it hook .ihout licr xummcix xpcnt \xrth hci ncu loxci icno\.itmc a houxc in thc luxcan hillx \\cllx tlocx littlc to tlixguixc thc l.l\l that thc mxpuation toi lanc ix ( iiulictta \laxxuia in thc lcllun t laxxit \rc'ith (Minn: lhc l clluu ictcrcntcx do not xtop thcrc Duncan c\cn takcx .l \lll‘ lll .t lountam a la \nita l khctc in [’41 I’m}. \1.'.; l'ntoitunatclt. \\cllx gixcx ux l cllini .ix xccn lllli‘tlgll lllt‘ C}C\ Hl .t \llllx .lll\l lirintt ttint‘l \thicax l‘t'llllll c'xx.i}t'tl thc trouhlctl mtciual \t‘lllllcl ot a \xoman ma hc.ut|cxx \‘t‘llkl \\cllx tlclncix onl_\ .utitit c antl t In hc li’rmuuu I/Ir'turt, lilm/ring):

The Village r I.‘ \t 0.00 At \lj.'lll Sh_\ama|.in.l S. :lNl—ll Bittc l).ill.ix llouaitl. loatpun l’hocni\. \tlllt'll Bioth, \\illi.un llut‘t. Sigouinc} \\ca\ci lllSllillt In IS" '. .i utopian itual tonununit} hax tut itxclt oll lrom thc tlcpiaxit} ol \ll_\ litc \ct tltc\ Inc lll lcai ol thc cicatuicx “hit it inhahit thc \llllt)llll\llll_‘_j \xootlx. cxpctiallx no“ thcii 'acctunmotlation' uith ‘lhoxt- \xc tlon‘t xpcak ot' ix hicakmg; tloun Rt'tl xtiipcx haxc \l.llll\t'll on cahm tlooix_ lixcxtock hax c hccu \l.lll}1lllt'lt'tl .llltl xkinnctl ln thc llll\l\l ol thix. lcixt} hlintl girl Ix} \Valkci lllt"x\.lltll. \ixioiiai_\ \‘t' ltllUI Noah l’cic) Illiotlxi and thc quictl} rchcllioux il’hocnui i\\'\ oinc tii\o|\ctl ma \olatilc romantn lll.tllj.'lt' \rii/r .St'nu' tlucctoi Sluainalaii'x ci)llt])lt‘\_ llli|\ltl_‘.' \ixion ot a motlcin hoiioi lilm f,'ik'\ “at hc}ontl mcic plot l\\l\l\ lligghl} rccoinmcntlctl (inruu/ I'r'lr’uu

Vodka Lemon cm}. 000 llllllt‘l Salccm. .»\imcnia/l-iaunt/Ital}/S\\ ll/t'llJlltl. 3004) Romcn ,-\\ini.ui. l ala Saikixxian. l\.ui l-ranck ‘Mnun Scc lt'\lt'\\. payc il Scrccning: \tith lltu'in' A'nuu/n'l. ‘\tl.llll l-liot'x ()xcar “inning; claynatron xhort .ihout a man curxctl \kllll pcipctiial had luck \airatctl h\ (icnllt't') Rtlxlt l‘I/In/tuuu'. lir/IIt/r/uu/I Wicker Park « l3:\) 0 tl’atll .\lc(iuig_'an. l'S. I‘M-1i .loxh llat'ltictl. lhanc Krugcr. Matthcu l.ill.u‘tl. Roxc ll}lnc ll~1min l'S t'cniakc ot (illch \liiiiouiu'x ctiriotixh xanxl}in_u l‘)‘)(i pxt-utlo [)x}cllit thrillcr I.'.l/i/mrrr'nmu \thich plungctl an almoxt marrictl lothario into a ttlaclxlioiti ol m}xtcr) allci a chancc ctitountci \kith an c\ lo\ c llct'c chai‘ixma Inpaxx llaitnctt iakcx thc thccnt ('axxcl rolc \thtlc l)Ianc KtlljJt‘l agitach hcr \xa} through anothci pict col mctliocrit) l)ircctoi .\l\(illl}:.ttl xtincx lot a tripp}. intrigtung lightncxx ot ltitttll hut crcatcx a torturoux incxx (ir'nr'm/ I'i’lr'rlw' Wild Chimpanzees «t'i ll);i\ ltl l.lL’l\lt'_\. l'S/('anada. 2002) Jttllc (iootlall titttl it loud til chimpan/ccx. 53min (ict up cloxc antl pcrxonal \Hlll thc \Hltl (iomhc chunpan/ccx in thix big xcrccn l.\l:\.\' prcxcntation /.lli-l.\' 'Ii/Ir'rlll‘t'. (I/(ng'mi,

Wimbledon t 12A) .0 «Richard Loncrainc. l'K. 200-1) l’aul Bcttan). Kirxicn l)unxt. Jamcx Sic-Mo}. Rohcrt laritlxa} ()Smm. Scc rcxicu. pagc 2‘) (it-maul It’lr'mi‘ The Wizard of Oz ll’(il .0000 «Victor l-‘lcining. l'S. W39) Jurl) (iarlantl. l‘rank Morgan. Ra} Bolgcr. Bcrt l.ahr. Jack llalc}. Margarct Hamilton. Toto. [02min .\lixcrah|c Doroth} runx aua} lrom homc hut ix xooii uhixkcd up into a magical lantl uhcrc hcr adwnturcx tcach hcr that happincxx ix to hc found in hcr oun hack yin], (’laxxic xtutl indccd. JUxt chocklul ol grcat xongx. characterixation and mcmorahl} garixh dcxign. l’crhapx marginal!) lex ctljii)ahlc tor thc curmudgconl} clcincnt rooting tor thc Wickcd Witch of thc \cht though. Sr urmiun .8} rev/mu: Rmmr. Edinburgh.

Yu-Gi-Oh! the Movie: Pyramid of Light WC) 0 tllatxuki 'l‘xuii. Japan. 300-1) Varioux. 89mm. Yugi and hix magical alter ego ‘thc l’haroah‘ tixc ptmcr trading cardx to tight thc l‘orccx ol c\il. all in thc namc ol capitalixm and claw markcting rand thc Vtill to hccomc thc hcxt dllclllxl in thc uorldi. lixcrcahlc mouc xpin oil ol a popular Japancxc comic book and lclL‘\l\lHll \Cflcx, It )ou thought l’okcmon wax xhitc “an till you xcc lhtx pllc ol poo Se'lr't‘lr't/ I'r'lr'uw'