MUSIC 6 pop


Wednesday 29 continued

I Kevin Mark Trail and Driverdown llarll}. 3N) (‘lylc Sum. rim) on" (i000. Spin. U». Kcnn Mai-k lt'ail ix tlic \oullul \ingtng \oicc hcliind tlic Sticclx' tlt‘l‘ltl .tll‘lllll ()r/c'utu/ l’tmlt' lit/It Hill and mm lic\ gctting \oinc dcwncd rccognition llllll\o\\lll‘l_1_'|ll.

I Quinn and The Mars Hotel ('luh lrotnolo. tlic llull (‘lulx l-l3 Bath |.anc. 3M Iv”. .\'.3llptlt. ‘35 tl\\o lot' onc lk‘lot'L‘ lllpint. |)rcain_\ trip pop lrotn Quinn and |i\c\\ii‘c gtiitar \\ol'l\ lrotn thc .\lar\ llotcl. I Dead City Radio, Down the Tiny Steps, Finnieston and therisingson 'I‘hc ch .\‘o1c(‘at‘c.

5o (ill King Strcct. 553 M38. 0pm. [3. .\|c|odic rock'n'roll lrotn |)cad ('it} Radio. and idiox}ncratic \oundx lrotn l'L‘llt'L' (it‘llk‘t‘lt‘k' |)o\\ Ii lllc ililli} Slt‘px

I Suburban Legends, The Littlest Man Band and Army of Freshmen 'liltc ('atltouw. I5 l'nion .Sll't‘t‘l. 3-13 (ilillli. —.5||ptli. ("fill ()\L‘t'- l4\ \llo\\. Ska punk hill. Suhurhan |.cgcnd\ tourcd \Hlll lx’ccl llig l-‘ixli l|1l\ \ununcr and thc l.llllC\l .\|an lland actuall} lcaturc Scott and Dan ol Rlll' iii tlic linc-up.

I Avatar, Spacejunk atid None My Equal Nicc‘n'Slca/_\. 43l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 U037. ‘lpni. £3. Rock night.

I Underdog, Khyber Pass attd Sleeping Dogs Stcrco. |\'c|\in|iaug|i Strcct. 57» 5ll|.\'. Spin. [4. lndtc rock.

I The Cinematics lil'L‘l. .Nuon |.anc. 343 Jtitio. Spin. £3. .-\cou\tic pcrlorinancc lrotn tlux Sonia hand.

I Trap 6 llic Hunkcr. l‘l3 W‘l Bath Strcct. 33‘) H3“. ltlpin. lircc.

I Open Stage 'l‘hc llalt llar. ton \Voodlattd\ Road. 353 00W». Spin. l‘rcc. \Vccld) \cxxion lor local lllll\lL‘l;lll\.

I Live Music \lacSorlc} \. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 345‘ S581. ‘lplll. l‘rcc. ’lilircc local |\tllt|\ to l‘L‘ conlirntcd.


I The Golden Virgins 'I‘hc \cnuc. 1" 3| ('alton Road. 55‘ 303. ".3llptn. Uhc. .-\ nti\cd hag ol \ound lrotn altcrnati\ c rockcrx tlic (ioldcn Virginx. cncoinpaxxing countr}. ncxx \xaxc and \uaggcrtng guttcr rock on thcir tic“ alhuin Songx o/ l’miw.

I The T410’s, Orange Pimp, 10 Percenters and Hillcoats

58 THE LIST Sow 'OJ’.

\\'|ii\t|chiiil\ic\. 4 (i South llridgc. 55" 5| l4. ‘lpin. l’rcc. llig hill ol guitar rock and indic.

Thursday 30


I International Airport and Alasdair .\|ono. l3 Kingx ('ourt. King Strcct. 553 3-100. ‘lpin. l‘rcc. (icograpliic IN protid to announcc an cwning ol hontcniadc inap lllllSlL' l'caturing tlic incrcdihlc (‘alcdonian loll p\_\cli ol lntcrnational Airport. and inodcrn traditionalixt. .-\|a\dair Rohcrtx. \xlio ll;t\ rcccntl} coinplctcd a ncu alhtiin \\|l|1 \Vill ()ldliain in Ahcrdccn.

I The Moody Blues (‘|_\dc .-\uditoriuni. Sli(‘('. l'innicxton Qua}. 087“ (Mt) aunt). ‘37.5()/l;35.5(|. Si\tic\

px} clicdclic pop \L‘lL‘l';lll\ \\ itli a high opinion ol thcir placc in tlic pionccring \chcinc or thing\. 'l‘licir paxtoral rcwricx \uch ax "l‘uc\da_\ .-\ltcrnoon‘ and ‘Nightx in \Vliitc‘ Satin" arc \xlicrc thc} mud. ()n a cclch-xpotting notc. Dick :\d\ocaat \\;t\ in tlic audicncc at tlicir laxt (ilaxgou

I Embrace and Dogs Die in Hot Cars Barroxxland. 3-H (ialltmgatc. 553 Mull. 7.30pm. S()l.l) ()l'l. ()wr- |-|\ \litm. Scc prc\ icu lot' tlic rcim igoratcd taltcr a laxliioni litnhracc.

I James Taylor Quartet The .-\rc|ic\. 353 Mg} lc Strcct. 5h5 Ill33. 8pm. £13 (Lllll. \ctcran acid tan ||aininond organ gromcrx J'lQ \\ hip tip \onic good l'tinlt action.

I The Vacation, All My Logic and Kicking Buckets King Tut'x \Vali Walt llut. 3"3a St Vinccnt Strcct. 331 537‘). Spin. £5.()\cr-|-1\ \ho“. Rctro t'ochn'roll lrotn ||o|l} \wod \xliicli coincx \\ it|i a llllllll|‘\-llp lrotn Jct. Dccidc lor _\our\c|l. il' l|t;tl‘\ ti good thing.

I Terry Hall & the Dub Pistols and The Eclectic Method BMW. 360 (‘rxttc Slt‘ccl. mm km“ (NW. Spin. £7.50. l’ortncr Spccialx and Fun Bo} 'l'hi‘cc ll‘olilllldll Tom Hall in a collahoratixc cl‘l‘ort \xith thc Duh l’ixtolx. Scc pancl.

I Paragon Ensemble & Marcus Schmickler (‘(‘;\. 35H Sauchichall Strcct. 353 wot). Spin. {8 tan. Scotland‘x lorcnioxt contcniporar} inu\ic cnxcinhlc

\\ ill prcxcnt thrcc picccx h} Schinicldcr \xith collalmrationx “llli tlic RSAMI) L‘littlltl‘ct' choir and li\c L‘lL‘L‘lronlc\ ;t\ \\ C||

Seun Kuti and Egypt 80 pay tribute to Seun’s father, afrobeat legend Fela Kuti at the Arches, Glasgow, Wed 6 Oct

ax a \torld prcnncrc ol a nc\\ niiciotonal ptccc lor quintct and clcctionic lllll\lc.

I The Holiday Plan, No Hope in New Jersey aitd McQueen llarll} lllp\l;lll'\l. 3(itl (‘|_\dc Strcct. MSW ‘lllq (NW). Spin. £5.51). ()\cr-|»l\ \llo\\. \lclodrc ctno \oltllt|\ lrotn llll\ |.ondon hand \\|lo |ia\ c p|a_\cd \\ it|i kindrcd \Pll'll\ \uch ax Hill} ('l}ro. ’l'hrtcc and llrand .\'c\\.

I Hells Bells ’I'Iic licrr}. .12 ('|}dc l’lacc. “HMS 35 5| l. Spin. (It). ,\(‘/|)(' trihutc.

I DragonForce ‘l‘hc ('atliothc. IS l'nion Stt‘ccl. 248 (mun ",3llpni. U). ()xcr |-|\ \llo“. |.ondon-ha\cd c\trcinc pouci tnclal hand lock up a Swim l‘II'tW/UI'IH according to thc titlc ol tlicir currcnt album.

I The Endrick Brothers and Geoff Martyn \icc'n‘Slca/y 43| Sauchicliall Strcct. 333 0037. ‘lpin. £3. liVlllL‘llll‘L‘lS ol Rctncd} \upportcd h) lorntcr 'l‘ra\ IS inan (icoll \lat‘l} n.

I Cartwheel, Coarse and Bozilla 'l‘hc lind ol thc .\lont|i ('luh. thc 13th .\'otc ('alc. 50 (ill King Strcct. 553 l(i3S. ‘)pin. £3. Stcrcolahixli \otttid\ lrotn (‘artuhccl at thc inonthl} lllllSIL‘dl hcanlcaxt.

I Crisis Project, Armed Candy, The Fools and Vancouver Deluxe Soundwt. Soundltaux J" ||_\dc l’ark Strch 33| Jo5‘). S.3llpin. £4.51). \Vccld} \lio“ caxc ol local lelltlS.

I Ursula Minor, Knockout Ned, Hors La Loi Scpta. liquid loungc. ‘M \VLNI RL'gL‘ttl Sll'L‘L‘l. 555 (i555. ‘lptti. L4 «Ur. Sainpladclic rock \ottnd\ lroni l'rxula .\llliot'.

I Krazy Kabaret The Hall liar. tho Woodlandx Road. 353 90W», Upni. l‘i‘cc. Acouxtic lllll\lL‘ and \ptilu‘ll “old.

I Sticky Fingers Studio ()nc. (il'ti\\CllUl' llotcl. (iroocnor lct't'acc loll B}rc\ Roadt. 34! o5lo. ‘)pni. l‘t‘cc. Rolling Stoncx trihutc.

I Golf Sale 'litndcrhm. IS‘) |l_\rc\ Road. 33‘) 3108. 9pm. l'rcc. .'\Ulll\llc \ct. I Battle of the Bands \ltic‘sot'lc}\. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 3-18 S581. 0pm. l‘ircc. lhc grand linal

I Phil’s Session t‘ixgc Bcatlia. 232 Woodlandx Road. 5M I596. Spin. l‘rcc. \VL‘Ckl} jam.

I The Vagabonds 'I‘hc Scotta.

l|3 ll-l Stoclmcll Strcct. 553 SoSl. ‘)pin. l‘rcc. l’opulat‘ co\ crx.

I Jam Session Saniucl |)o\\\. (C “t

\ttlixdalc lx’oad. ~13 3 lllll' \ 3Hpin ltcc ||o\lcd |\_\ lndctwidcncc

I Live Music \tc-(‘tiiutl\. ~tn High Slrcct. 553 3| 35 ‘t 3Hptn licc \cu liaiidx night.


I Richmond Fontaine and Angie Palmer lllt' \cnuc. I“ 3| ('alton Road. .5” 3H" 3. ". 3Hpin L“ llittcimcct s\tncricana ltolll tlnx ncu iccotdinj.‘ .tlll\| I Tigerfin, Flux and Kalamazoo \\ |ll\||t'|\lll|\It'\. 1 (i Soutli lltidgc. 55"

5| H. ‘lpin |'tcc ()ttgtnal guitar tot l. \\l|ll altcinatnc \oundx liorn Kahlua/Ho ion at nndniglitt.

I The Ex-Vectors 'I lit‘ llotigo ( tut». .\lol'.t_\ lloll\L'. 5- lltt|}lottt| Road. 5,55 "(ill-l. llprti. L5 «L11» 1||tc|'.\ \k'xltll\ pl} thcu \upcrh punk lunk tiadc at \ luh night l‘axt tuitli l).|\ on to 3atni


I The Wonder Stuff atid Dharma Drive Hatrouland. 3H (iallougatc. 553 Milli ”. 3Hpin £|35H ()xci llx \llou l'ragglc loclxch lrotn tlic Iatc Mix and call} ‘lllx. t‘clorincd and \cattciing t|icu [M‘l|\_\. \ulitl} c|c\cr tndic pop .itottttd onc c tnotc I Stacey Earle 8. Mark Stuart ()t'an .\lot. |l_\ic\ Road. 353 SIM) Spin L'l3.5ll. Stc\c\ li'l \l\ l\ a gicat country oiictitatcd talcnt lll ltcr o\|.tt tight. with a lcw licr}. inorc pocttc approach than hcr hrotlicr.

I The Golden Virgins, Hard-ti, Recliner arid Laker King lurk “all \Vali Hut. 3‘3a St \inccnt Sticct. 33| 535‘). S. 30pm. L5. ltllti\}ltc'l.illc' utdic pop lrotn l|ll\ Sundctland quaitct \ilio tclcawd thcir dchut alhuin \ungx ut I’M/w not w |ong ago.

I Terry Hall & the Dub Pistols .lllll The Eclectic Method liarll}. Inn ('|_\dc Sll'L‘Cl. (LS-ill ‘lllq H‘N‘). Spit] L" 5”. Scc 'llittrx 3H and pancl

I Marcus Schmickler('(‘.\. 35o Saucliicliall Stt'cct. 353 49‘)”. Split. LS lUH. l’rcxcnting 33 (ilidcrx rttlc tatttl clcctronic trcatincnt ol a \tring quarth haxcd on a \oltnarc application i; l)L‘ltlti\ ttltc clcctronic \crxion ol tlic \tork pcrl'orincd h} l’aragon l‘.l|\L'llt|\|L' on to Scpi a\ n c|| ax o|dcr ptcccx \ticli a\ Satot' Rolax.