Monday 4 continued

I AI Hughes \IIIIlIn ll (unmcnnI llnII'l. (Illh'.‘\'ll”l lunal q Inll I’Ij.Ic\ Rmnll. lll ’Sl’I ‘llllll l'IlIlI‘\

I Acoustic Jam \III-'II‘\II-.I/;.. 3.‘I \.lll\lllk‘llllll \III'I-I. ‘44 "(NH \pnI lIcI' \\I't'l.l:- \lIn‘.I.\.I\I' lnI lm.Il \nII-.".‘.IIIcI\ [k'lltlllllllli' I'll‘..'lll.ll lll.lll‘ll.ll

I Live Music IIII- I <III \1’l\'(..llt'. 5'! (Ill Kllli' \nwl. 55* In“ \ anI {1 \ II‘.I\II‘Il \pv pInnInIInn, '.‘.llll llllk' up In lII- \ l'llllllllk'll

l (lllllJlll'lle

I Sugarcult IIII- I ltllllll Rum“. *II \IIInII.I \III-I'I. .‘_‘5 .‘5nl 'pnI !.\ \umn nll .llk' .Inl \ lxxxvll z'nnIlInnI' punk pnp tlll.lllk'l \'.lIn. .IIInIIlanJ In IlIcn |.IIt'\I \Inz'lI‘. \‘.lll lu- 'llnunl Int' nll lllk' \\.Ill\' \\I-l|. IlII-y'xl' .lllx‘.ltl_\ unukml \I-nuI' llHHl\ III |)k'lll'll

I Venetian Snares, Chevron .llltl Frog Pocket \lllllltl .‘ I. II In ( '.IIInn lx’n.ul. 553 4"5\ "pnI l.‘ {X l’|.InI'I \lu l||_'.'lll It‘ll-I‘LIIIIIj,‘ lllt' lk‘lk'.l\\' nl IIII' lnnfg .l\‘..lllt'tl \nInIInIIIInn u»IIIle.IIInn.

I The Music .lllll The Engineers ('nIn l \III.III;'I'. ll \t'\\ \Lukcl l\’ 1'" Run ' WpIII IIHII \\IIlI IlIcn nmx .Illuun nl \t.I||_\ IlIxt‘n Int’k I'pII’x.

ill /I mm In [/11 \nII/I IlIc} lllllllt‘l l‘k'k'l up lllk'll II\}t'lII'IlI'|Il I'llpu'

I Open Mic \\ll|\llk‘llllll\lt'\. l (I \nuIlI IiIII pc. 55 ' 5| ll ‘lpnI l'lt't'. \w \lnn .7'

Tuesday 5


7.) Karl Bartos null Hoboken IIII- \II‘lII-x. 35* \l_'..'}lt' Snccl. 5(I5 lllli \pIn tI-l IL'III l'\ lllt'llll‘t'l nl lllt' llll_‘.'lll_\ KI:IlI\\I'Ik \\llH It'll lllt' l\;IIIIl lqunult-Il .ll lllt'll Ln'k nl nquIII .IIIIl lllt' II‘IIIIIIIIIIIj: lllt‘llllk‘h (Ulhllllllllfg nl\\\'\\lnll \\llll I'_\t'lnI;.'. Suppnn lInnI lnml ll‘llll}.'t'l.'l\ll\' t'lk't'llll 'llllll‘t‘l\ llnlmkcn

I Blues Explosion (AI-lung: ,\I';IIlI'nI_\. III l'.j._'lllllUll Snn'l. (NIH (DU UIIM'IIX’II ""I ZIIIIH. "pIn. tll. llnx \lln\\ ll;l\ l‘t't'll I'I'xt‘lIcIlulml In (‘).\H' nn XII .,‘ i ()t‘I. ()I‘Ignngll nt'kclx .II'I‘ \llll \,lllll. IIuI lt'llllltl\ Inc ;l\.lll.ll‘lt' ll’Hlll pnnII nl puIt'lIIIw.

I Saxon ,IIIIl Dream Evil KIn}: 'lIII'x

62 THE LIST 8v:

\\.Ill\\.:l2 lllll. in}; \T\1l1\;l1l \mx'l .‘.‘l 535“ \ WpIn :_l5 ll1; :I'IIIIr‘InI nnc nl nlIl \tlInnl EI.:I: InIIIllj. Ic-_'.::Ilcll \Hll:l‘«~\ I);II:nI ;\.Il\llt'\l

up '-‘-IIlI l‘.ll In'.‘.gl\ .llltl Inna:

\Iql. l1.:n l\

Ilc ll;‘ll\'lll .ll llll\ lIIIlc v-Izcc IK IIkc IlIc

l).lll.llL'\\ ncxt‘I lmppqncll

I Sine Bach Ruttel .Illll Alice of Earth \IcIa». Kl'lxnllmuglI \IIch. 55" 5‘ll\ \ “Ipnl 2.1 llIc l).llll\ll lll:'ll kItkIn: lxnnn plIch IcIuIn\ \nI .I wnIcnu' }nII :I-I In ups I‘I} Ila}

I Seafood l’mlll}. inn ( ‘IIIII- \llt't'l. “\"H WV H‘I‘I" \pnI l-" llllllll‘ll lmxcll :_'IIIn_:'I'_\ llltllt' InI k InnIlm, ln‘lnxcll nl \Il'w | .llll.ltll. nnc llllL’lll mpml. ‘.‘.l1H lI.I\I' lwcn knm kInzf .Il‘l‘lll lnI .l nunle'I Ml )L‘.Il\ nnu

I Mother 8: the Addicts .lllll DeRosa \IIIVIINII-J/I. 131 5.I1It‘lIII'lI.Ill\IIu'I. “UNI ‘5‘ (i.II.I§;c ltk'k .llltl pn\l punk It‘llllltdlll‘ll IInnI \upII'nII'l} mun} (‘lIcInIle

l llllk'lL‘lllllllll \l‘..'lllll‘..'\ \lnIlIcI .\ IlII- \lllllt’h

I The Tonics IIII- I <III \nlI‘( .III'. 5” (Ill l\'In§.' \III'I'I. 55* In“ “pm 9.4 llltllt' link

I Concert for a Pound II lm ()\ll.l. ll (NI-1n l .lllt'. ‘5" l5.‘-1 \pnI {I \lnnllIl} \nnjguIIII'Ix' III;'lII

I Kiteflying Club Illm ()\n.I. In” l)k'.lll\lllll l)l|\L‘.(I-1‘l5‘_‘§\ \pIn !_| 5” lnIpInx tlllk'l\

I Rock Idol lllt' ( XIIlInIIxc. l5 l IIInII \In'cl. l-lxhhllh " ‘HpnI L.‘ \IInIlII‘I I‘I;_'|II lmnllx x'l‘llll‘k'lt' III “IV (XIIIInuxIN .|.It'k I).|ll|\'l\ \pnnwn'll lllt‘t'.l lmIIlc nl lllt' l\.IllIl\.

“pm 1‘


I Battle Royale, In Decades Decline, Engage .Iml Friday Night Gun Fight SIIIIIII» 31. 31 3h ('.IlInII l\’n.lll. 55.\ V53, 5, illpIn. l5. l’nlIIII'IwIl IIII‘lullIt' IIIII'Ilt'nI'c lInIn llt‘llllLN liIIIIII‘ lx’n};I|c \\llll lllt'lJl. k'lllll .llltl IIIII‘Ilt'nII' \Hlllltl\ lll \IIppnII,

I Band Showcase \VlIIxIlI-lnnknw. J (I SnuIlI liIIIlpc. 55" 5ll-1. ‘IpIII. l'I'I'c. SL'C Il-llt'

I Gum, Emergency Red and Catherine O’Haleran Band ‘l'hc linIIggn (‘lIle .\lnI'.I_\ llllll\k'. i" llIIl)I'IIIIIl lx’IMIl. 535 ~Illll. ‘lpnI. L5. \llwll III}_'lII nl ll't'lll .It'lx llll’xlllfJ In pnp In llltllt‘.

Wednesday 6

{IR} I Elvis Costello 8. the

lmposters II.III.»\\I.IIIII. 3-1: “3.1mm ' N

(I.1ll\"~‘-L',llt'. H'l‘lll ‘3;

( n.IlIi( mlclln l\- .n lllt' Inp nI lnx ;.:.IInt' .lllt'l :5 )uxh In Ile l‘l/ \\ c “Ill \lInx‘. III IInI-n: Inna. l1; \\.:\ xxIIIIcn I l,l\\l\.ll pIstm .Inll I.I// .Ill‘lllll\. lIuI lln\ \lInxx

Ill lx- IchlImIcIl In ImkIII; \kllll lnx HIM} lllll‘l‘\l'\'l\ 'lt'.llllllll_‘.,‘ nlll InutkcI \qut' \lt"~\" In IlIc \nunllx nI ln\ \Innan; ncv. ,lll‘lllll II'II I): I. Um: I Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 III,- \nlch. .751 \lf,‘}l\‘ \III'I'I. 5M5 In.“ \leI t. In :1 II l nI lnx Ill'lwul l l\ InuI. \cun l\IIII pup IIIlIuIc In lllk' lllll\l\ nl lnx l.llll\'l. \llI'l‘t‘Jl lcgcnll l ck: Run

I 36 Crazyfists, Eighteen Visions .IIIIl Bullet 4 My Valentine IInI-(i.II.I;I-. I‘m \.InplIII'lI.Ill \III'I'I. 1‘: If” fil‘lll t.” (MCI llx \llH\\ lx'unz' lu nlncwcll .I;‘;.'II-\\I\I- lllt'l.ll I l\‘\‘. [‘llllllll}' I uncnI .lll‘lllll l \Isn'w. (Ill/[IN I." /\’nHIII/:I f .I IIIlI' IlIc} \I} l\ .I llll‘lllt' In IlII-II lll‘lllk' \l‘llk' nl \l.I\k.I

I Jackie Leven .lllll Sir Vincent Lone Kun' luI\\\.IlI\\.I|I llul. 3534\1 \Inu'nl \III'I‘I. Ill 5.7"" .\ anl (5 lllt' vapu'II-Il l llt'l ll.l\ t'nll.Il\nIIIchl \kllll llH\I'll\l llIn R.InkIn .II lllt' l.l\l l\\n l‘lllljJt' l\'\ll\.ll\. l‘lll llt'lt' llt' tlt'\lllk'\ ll|\ I'IIt'IgII-x In lll\ nun lll.llt'l|.ll.

I The Glitterati .llltl Repeat to Fade HA1”).:(lll(.l}tl\'Sllk‘k'l.ll\»‘” UH" ll‘l‘l‘) Xpln L5. (ht‘l' l-l\ \hnu l.t't'tl\ lunl. l Hlltlllll lmml pungc gun}: I Sometree, The Ocean Fracture llllll This Tall to Ride Hull} lll[l\l.lll\l. In“ ( .lktlt‘ SII'L'L'I. “hall IIII‘ ll‘l‘N, .\pIII. L5, ()wI |~lx \llH\\. 'l lu- III-,IIIIIIII'Ix .llt‘ ;I (it-Inmn I'Innt'nn- lmnll \\lln ll.l\\' pl.'I_\t-Il \\llll IlIc llkt'\ nl .lnnnI_\ lllll \\nI|Il and .\l lllk' l)l'l\t‘ III.

I Green Peppers IIII-I. .Nmm l..Inc. 4-13 ION). .\pIII. l-I'I-c. l:\ Snin l)I';I§:nu .lIIn \ld ‘IIllnI'lI play llllt'lx\ lInIn lll\ lnI'Ilennnnp IIlhuIn .lnm'x (IInI/III,

I G Plan, Tom Nicol and Dead or American Wu 1 {III \IIII- (XIII: SH (In Km): SII'cI‘I. 55‘ In“. ‘lpIn. U. l’nxl I'nt'kI‘Ix (i l’lun I;Ikc up I'cxnlcnt'} ;II lllL‘ \nlc lnI' IlIc llt‘\l InnnllI. 'l‘lIcII' lll'\l

THE BEES They might look like a bunch of cowboy builders here to knock

. up a conservatory or garden

patio on the cheap, but sonically, there’s no more honest, beguiling and uplifting a sound than the wilful retro stomp these Isle of Wight-bred boys make.

Unlike, say, the Zutons, the Coral, the Music or any of the rest of the backwards looking, forward thinking acts around at the moment, the Bees - on the evidence of their second album Free the Bees - have the maturity and nous to outlast any fad or fashion. (Mark Robertson) I King Tut's. Glasgow. PM 2-1 Sop: Venue. Echnburg/I, Sn! 2:3 80/).

gucxlx Intlull: “swam: {Innlnmn lnIn \Itnl \‘t‘ pIt‘\ I\'\\

I The Safe Rave Gang \lt'lt'fl. k\'1\llllltlll}_‘tl\ll\‘\‘[.§‘(‘<‘.l\ \pIn :1 l\ llIglI lx’nlch

I Moment of my Explosion, Bipolar .llltl None My Equal \It'I'IINltul/y L‘l \Iutlnclmll \ll\'\'l. 1“ "n15 "l‘lll L; l’unk pnp lmnlk

I No Longer Deprived, Kimberley Steaks, Azriel, DB68 .lllll Resident Calling IIII- (XIIlInuxc. l5 l lllnll\ll\'\'l..‘1Nhhlln lann :1 l,l\l\.lll\k'l. :5 ulnnII ()\\‘I ll\ \lln\\

l Inn .llltl punk lull

I The Goldenhour IIII- IIIIIIkI-I. l‘H 1"" li.IIlI \III'I‘I. .‘.“’ l l." 1"l‘ln

l we \Ik'llltlh InIlII' \nunllx \Kllll ,l \unnx Mix \cnnlnln)

I Open Stage lhc ll.lll IL”. Inn \\l‘l‘\ll.lll\l\ l\)l‘.l\l. ;‘_‘ ‘l‘l‘lll \lllll llt'k' \M'I'kl} \t'\\lull lnI lnhII lllll\l\l.lll\

I Live Music \I.II\nIII-_\\. I.‘ .|.llll.ll\.l \In'I‘I. 31> .\5\l "pnI l lt't' llncc Intnl l‘.llltl\ In lx' \llllllllllt'tl

l-(lInl)nglI I The Ordinary Boys lhI- l Itllllll RUHHI. UL \ lt'll‘lm \III'I-I. .‘35 35nl

'pIn L" 5“ lll}‘l|\ll lIkcll l.lll\ \\lIn \l‘lllltl lvn )t'.u\ Inn l.llk' lnI liIIIpnp .llltl t'nunI \lnIIIw} .InInII;'\I lllt'll lIIg'yIM l.lll\ lll.II.Inl InllIIrnch lllklllllt' lllt' |.InI. IlIc ~\IIIIIlIx .IIIIl llIl|_\ liI.I;'§.'

I Oxes, Youth Movie Soundtrack Strategies .llltl Senator SIIIIlIn I-l. .‘al In ( ‘.IlInn anl. 55.\ V55 “pIn U) l.“ \l.IIlI llltl, pil\\t'l lIIn IInnI ILIIIIIIInIc \‘.llll me Im‘k. ;I\;IIII ;:.Inlc punk lInIII \llppnll YMSS.

I Bent 'l llt‘ \t'IIIIc. l"

555 ill“; illpnI L"

ll (nllnn lx’nml. lllllllllL' lllt'll lmt‘k nn lllt'll pn'x lHll\ \.llll|‘lt' l‘.l\t'tl \xnIk. chl lt'llllll \kllll lIw lmnll .llltl lllIllL' t'lllll nuI \Hlllltl\

I Chris Deburgh leII-I ILIII. l.nllII;In anl. 233 l|55 5. illpIII

L345” L ‘35”. (‘lIII\ Ht'lllug'll [k'lllllllh \nugx lInIII lll\ l,llt'\l ,IllIIInI. IInI/m: /\ [null/lung. ;l\ \wll le llltl lmnunlcx Int‘luIlIu}: ‘l.;IIl_\ ln Rul',

I Live Music \VlIIxIII'lIInkII'x. -l 0 Snth liIIIlggt'. 557 5ll»1.‘lpnI l'lt't'. I)I'I;nl\ In lw t‘nnl'u'nIt-Il.

Thursday 7


I Avril Lavigne lllltl Simple Plan SH ‘( '. l‘llllllL‘\lI)ll (‘)ll;l_\. “XVI (l-lll .Innn 5pm. L2 | .50, ()\L‘l |A1\ \llH\\. nn Inu- l'L'\lllt'llllll lll IlIc \mIan: lllt'll. ‘l he \kuch hn} pIn up l't'lllllh \Kllll nInI‘I' llllt'l_\ llllllt‘tl Iccn .lll_L'\l IInIl P\k‘lltlll lt'l‘t'lllllll. \xlIcn I‘I'IIll} \llt"\ t'lt'illlt'l IlIIIn liIIIIIc} I Whitesnake ('l)Ilt' .\IIIlIInIIuIn. SH ’( '. l'llllllt‘xlnll ()IIII}. (INTI) ll-lll llHHI "pIn. £39.5ll/L‘275H. l'nxl S.I\nn .llltl nnu \VlIIIt'xIIIIkI' \kllll )nIII lI.uI IIII'IIIl \L'II'I'uIIx. )nu un- Imll} \[NllllllfJ ux

l);I\ ltl ('nmllulc ll,nl l‘t'llt'l' lum- L‘nIIIlIIInIIt'Il lll\ lnt'kx \pct'mll}

I Soweto Gospel Choir l<n_\.-II ('nnu'n Hull. 3 Suut'lnclmll Snct-I. ‘5‘ Nllllll,"Mlllpm,£3251)’L|‘)5l)/Ll" Rn ll _\nu IlIIlII'I III;III;I;_'c In gulch llll\ ll'lllht't'lltlt'lll t'llUll' ;II lllL' l-I‘IIIgI: IlnII‘I nnxx Ille \u'null L'llllllt't'. .\ lI‘ul} lllHHlljJ :IIIIl uplIlIIng L’\[lt'llt'llk't‘.

I Razorlight and The Duke Spirit BuI'I‘nulunIl. 3~1-l(iII|lII\Ij_';IlI-. 553401)] 7pm. 8( )l.l) ()l "I ()u-I‘ l-l\ \hnw JIIIljJIIIgJ ll} IlIc I‘IIpIIl \ull-nul nl lllL‘ .\.lI/. Rnt‘k'n‘Rnll RInI InuI'. II I\ IInI |ll\l IIInIIIlI} RII/nI‘lIgglII lI'nIIInIuII .lnlIIIn} “HITCH \klln lwllcwx III lle hunll. Scc [H'LW It“.

I The Ordinary Boys and Kaiser Chiefs 'l'lIc (iIII‘IIgI'. 4‘)” Sglut'lnchull SII'L‘CI. 333 III). ~pIII. U). Scc \Vul (I.

I Laura Veirs and Mary Lee’s Corvette King: 'l’III'x \VIIlI \VulI llul. 37h SI \Inccnl SllL‘Cl. Ell 53“). 8.30pm. L"). Sculllulmwll .-\lllL‘l'lk’£lllil \nIIguI'IIL-I' \xlIn hux hcguIIL-Il mun} v. llll lIcI' tlL'hUl ulhunI ('ur/mn (j/III lt'l’.

I Audience ‘l‘hc Ir”). 4: (lull- l’lucc. “VHS 35 5| I. HpIII. H.350.