
THERESE RAOUIN Citizens Theatre, Glasgow. until Sat 9 Oct 0..

If Jeremy Raison's initial outing as the first new artistic director of the Citizens theatre in 35 years isn't ‘Orgasmic‘, as the new season’s title might suggest, there’s a pretty decent attempt at foreplay in this adaptation of Zola's novel, which does enough to suggest climactic events later. On a stage inhabited by dark, Iumpen proletarian figures flitting about among the shadows, this period piece does enough to suggest parallels between the seedy urban life of the contemporary city and that of 19th century Paris.

Raison‘s version of the much adapted classic has the eponymous tragic heroine (Carla Henry), orphaned ward of Madam Raquin (Anne Lacey), married off to her sickly milksop son Camille (Daniel Wayman). Later, after the family move from the provinces to Paris, at the wrongheaded insistence of Camille, their little shop begins to suffer, while Camille struggles along as a clerk for a privatised railway that sounds as dangerous as our own. Enter Camille's friend Laurent (Dermot Kerrigan) a charming but mediocre artist, and a passionate affair between himself and Therese leads to murder. The family doctor (Kevin

Waving, not drowning

McMonagle), a helpful but hopeless friend of the Buckeridge‘s music adds swelling and ominous while the lovers don‘t seem to have enough family, makes things worse with poor advice. atmosphere. As the ghost of the drowned between them to make one feel much at their One has to admire the energy that Raison has Camille lurks ever present at the edge of the demise. Meanwhile. a comic subplot involving;

expended in moving away from the humdrum light, the reds and blacks that immerse the stage the doctor being a stalker isn‘t really funny, naturalistic storytelling that adaptations of this add powerful emphasis to the plight of the perhaps because stalking isn't, so there‘s not text often fall prey to. There is much abstract quickly disaffected lovers. much light relief. Good performances from Lacey physical business to suggest the reification of But there are downsides, too. So baldly drawn as the lost soul of a mother. and Kerrigan, the the characters, their instinctual, mechanical are the characters that it's difficult to feel shallow, guilt-ridden wastrel lover, are well worth obedience to darker laws of tragedy than they anything for their dilemmas. Camille is so a watch, while the boldness of Raison's concept know, which, on Soutra Gilmour’s misty, seedy, irritating (perhaps not the fault of Wayman) that is admirable, yet this piece is not quite complete minimalist set, looks very effective. So, too, Corin it‘s possible to feel quite happy at his dispatch, as it stands. (Steve Cramer) liAllll . . . : z SCOTTISH BALLET ;' . GOOD THINGS on .0... ‘(j’ 1" y‘ Tron Theatre, Glasgow, until Sat 25 Sep then touring Edinburgh Festival Theatre, W ' ' ' i «‘ Wed 22-Sat258ep. ‘m't"k-'-‘f " " = ' I

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