Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy®, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.

Thursday 23


Stand Up, Drink Up I {III \IIII- (my. V) (II) KIM}: SIIUL'I. ‘5‘ lhih'. 7'. illpIII. U It-ll .lHllI tIIIIIpt'Ic .l.lllt'} (imllv) lIII .I \\.IIItlt-I .IIIIIIIIIl lllt' ~\lt'It‘lIuIIl (‘1!) \ h.le .lll(l \Kllll .I llt'lllllljJ III t'oIIIt'tl} \\.IIIIIIg_' Ill t'tlt'll. I’II/I I" [III lII'II lIII/II ('II\ /('\lllll/. Jongleurs Comedy Club JIIIIgJIt'IIix. l'( l(' liIIIltlIIIg. Rt‘llll't‘\\ SIIt't'I. “57”.” Nulflll" HpIII, L“. .'\ll IIIIIIIIl t‘lllt'llillllt'l \lliv .lot') kct'px lllL' l.lll_‘_'lllk'l llImIIIg \\ Illl lIt'Ip lI'oIII \lIt‘lx lIllIIIHlI\l .\ll\l;lll' l£.IIIIt'. lutlx‘ liltl l);I\ ltl ll.‘IIlIII;_'|I.IIII ;lll(l llIt'IIIllIuII l.u\t'j_'l‘n\t‘, The Thursday Show 'I'IIt- XIIIIIII. H3 \Mimllmulx Rll,l(l_ llX-Wl (illll (Illis, ‘lpm, UI IUI. lloIIIlquIIt' llH\l l{.I}IIIIIIItl \lt'.llll\ Illlllltlllt't‘\ lnplml ll‘I\lllll.llI chm ll;I_\t'\. lHt'dl II‘It‘kxlt'I' Slt'wn l)It‘l\ .IIIIl ()IIt'IIIIII l<t'}ll(ll(l\.


The Edinburgh Edition 'I‘lIt- 'I Int-t- 'l llll\ \\ lllt' \.'III|I\. ll lIIIIImcI’ SIIt't‘l. IIT‘NI‘) “Ii-15. ‘IIIIII. t2. l'l't‘\ll lut'ul IIIIIII} III.III l)t'\ ('lulkc lll'lllfJ\ Ill lllt' l;lll_L‘ll\ .Il llll\ \wckl) llt‘\\\ «luv.

The Thursday Show lllt' SIIIIIII. 5 York I’lqu‘. 555' 7272. 0pm. to ILSI. SIIII’I lllt' \u‘t'kt'ml laughing: \\Illl t'IIIIIctl} llUlll St‘ollixh t'oIIIt'Il} Icgcml llI'ut't' Morton. l);I\Itl Kn}. \puI'k} lIIIIII} l;It|_\

Nl ( ll UH

\.II.IlI l.t'tl_L'Cl .llltl \\l\l\t'll lt'\l\lt'lll l‘ImI

l I.IIIkIt- llll}lk'

The Snatch Social IIIt- I ltlllltl RUHIH. ‘lt' \ It'IIIIm \IIch. 33‘ SSH-l

Ill. illpIII §.IIII t-l It: *III Lip \\.IIt'I \\\.ll\l \\lllllt'l lIIII} ('.IIIcI .IIIIl ll.III_\ \Ilhunllll tIIIIIpcIc .II llII\ IIlIlI} \.ll‘.llt'l IlIxt'ulIIonII\tIIlIlIIplIIIp.IIIIl11ml} lllllL‘\ lI'IIIII lidle .llltl lIcIIIl} \\k'll\l_\ IIIIIIIIIIII} lL'\l\lL‘lll|


The Grand Gong Show I lIII \IIII- (Kilt: 5H (Ill Km): SIIt-t-I. 4“ III“ IllillgiIII l5 IUI llmI \l.III \IIIlt-IwII llllt'\ up my .hplllllj: \llllllt \. lll.l_‘_‘lt I.III\. poclx. \lll_‘._‘L'l\ .llltl .Ill ll'lllltl t'lllt‘ll.Illlt‘l\ \kllo .Illt'IIIpI III \\ III H\t‘l lllk' .IIIIlIt'IItt‘ Allltl llt'tll lllt' )Jtlllf.‘ I’II'II' Ill [/11 Hi II [I’ll/sf ("II\ l('\/Il(1/.

Jongleurs Comedy Club .lllllleL‘lll\. l'(i(~ lliIlelIIIp. lx’cIIlII-u Slit-cl. llfiqll‘ Kallflll“ .\pIII L l .‘ \u-

'l lIII 2 *. l‘lll \Kllll L'\ll.l \lllllk'tllt \IIIIIHIII lI'IIIII liIII l)L'\\.ll,

Des McLean I {III \IIII~ ( ".IIt: in MI King; Sum. 55‘ lhih. .\pIII_ LII (‘llllt'lx lII't' gag: lllt'l\lt'l .IIIIl \IIIItlt-IIL'I l)\'\ \lt‘lt‘un l.ll\t‘\ III lllt‘ \I.I;_'c III .I \[wt I.I| \nlo \llmy l!!! III [/11 HI ll lIII/II ( ll\ /(‘\IIIIl/,

The Stand 'l llk' \ldllil. it; \\IIIIIll.IIIIl\ Riflkl. llxfill (illll (illiD, UPI” L". ()hxt'I'MIIII \l.llltl up Kt‘Hll ll.I_\t'\ l.ll\t'\ to Hit \pIIIIIleI III lllt' t‘IIIIIpJII} III an1 l‘.\;lll\. muggy Slut-II llit'k. ()IIL'IIIIII l<t'_\IIoltl\ .IIIII IIIIIIIIgt'nux lIml I l.llll\|\' llll}lt'.

Best of Irish Comedy IIIIII IIIt-.IIII-.

(ii ’lI'HIlf—‘IIIL'. 55: -l:(‘“- I” {HPIII b



The Universal, Glasgow, Sun 3 Oct

Des Clarke has Universal appeal

If the world of comedy clubs could be compared to the restaurant trade, then comedy behemoth Jongleurs is probably most akin to Wagamama; an essentially good set-up which has arguably become rather over-branded. The alternative is somewhere like the Wee Curry Shop; a unique venture, serving up quality products at decent prices. Billy Bonkers‘ Madcap comedy nights come in the latter category and have long been top of the menu on the Glasgow scene. Now to add to his repertoire, Mr Bonkers is introducing a new Sunday evening comedy and music night at the

Universal bar.

The latest venture will open like a traditional stand-up show, with Des Clarke fronting the first session, followed by familiar faces such as Phil Kay, Raymond Mearns and Janey Godley on subsequent nights. But once the comedians step down, the place will transform into a club, offering live music and DJ sets until 3am. This format is not a new one Jongleurs itself follows a similar pattern - but Bonkers’ night is set to be a more intimate and innovative affair. ‘My policy has always been to encourage new comics by including open mic spots and it's been pretty successful in the past, with Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe Ill and Des Clarke starting out at Madcap. It’s the kind of place where new faces are going to learn their trade.‘ Thankfully the music will avoid the cheesy chart and party route, but will instead feature live acts playing R8IB, acid jazz and dub.

(Rachael Street)

‘L\‘ he‘ll» Il-l\‘\\. \1.\.‘.‘.\I l\\\'.‘j.\‘,ltl .1llxll.‘.7‘. \ltl’llclwzt sum. ~77 Tr1q'x'v.

mlt III..I l‘lL. I!“ I ..\,t


The Bedlam Improverts II.-III.I:II

llIcalIc, lll‘ llnq.» l’IJH- "_‘< lewl lH llIIIIII L‘*H~L*I lllt'lt‘llllIlI‘l l'l.‘ Illg'lll l.~.LI;'lIch III'.I~l‘.II.;' :IIIII‘I .IIIIIIUIH‘

l‘dlllt IIMIIIIIII. tlllilllm'll t‘ll\ .II:I‘L \l‘I'lll.Illt‘~'ll\ tIIIIIt-Ilt Jongleurs Comedy Club

li‘llL'lt‘lll\_ l IIIIIII ( t'IIlIc. ( II.\'!I\II‘..‘ l’|.It\'. I“ ’II" \ "I .ll' \ l‘IIIII t. l _‘

('lIcck} l\II_\ \\ lIIIl\I‘l \l‘..1l\’\ .I \I.::'t‘ \‘Jll‘. l.lllll\' \l.illll\'\\'ll.( llll\ll.Ill l\’c:ll_\ Inal‘III I\ l\~\I kIIII'MI lllll\l\ I.III ll‘l (III\ I \'\'( IcIleI.I\‘. .lllxl \\I\l\ lI.I|I.III IIIIIIIt'xquIIIxI (II-IIII lim/ The Stand IIII- \I.IIIII, \ \nIt I’!.I. g '3 ‘IIIIII L IUII \ l1t'.lllll‘. lIt‘lpIII-g l‘l \\t't'l\t'IIIl tIIIIII-tlx IIIIIII ;.'I.IIIIlIl.IIlIl_\ liIIItt' \lIIIIIIII, l).l\l\l l\.I\ \.II.IlI l t'Iljch .tlltl «lint k lllt' lII‘\l \ll\.lll \luIIIwII

Saturday 25

(‘I Eifsl l( Iv:

Jongleurs Comedy Club .lUllj.‘lt'lll\, l (I(' liIIIlIlIIIy. lx’cIIIIcu \llk't'l. INTI“ N'H 'II‘ \I‘III e I l \I-I- Hill 3*

Madcap Comedy Club III.- \I.II.- ll.II. | l.\ lllllldlltl \llk'k'l. H731“)

I\ {lIIIIII 95 IL ll (li‘ltll’ll llllllllllll llk'.lll\ lll‘ lllk' \xt-I'kl} \l.l\l\.ll‘ llllt' lll‘ \I. IIlI \lllllt'llh \III‘IIIIII llHlII \I‘Il \l.l\ l .lll.Ill\'. Kt'\lll liIIIl-gt'x .IIIIl lit-wk l Ig'lIllInII l‘lll\ t'I.I/) tIIIIIIIt'It‘ IlIlI} liIIIIkt'Ix

The Stand lllt' \I.IIIIl. Hi \\IIII.2|.IIIIl\ l\’ll_|\l. II\"‘II (Illll no“ IIIIIII l,\ \W I II ll

The Vault Comedy Club IIII- \.IIIII. lllll l’HllHlx\lI.l\\\ lx'uml. (I l" llllll' ‘IIIIII L8 It‘llll (IIllIt‘lx. ( lllltll‘ll llIIIIIIIIII .IIIIl \\.IIIt'II \pt'ctl [ILA lIII l.Il|j.'ll\ III lllk' t'IIIIIIMII} III cIIIlt'.IIIII_~,,' IImI l)\'\ ( '|.IIl\v

.1\ .I lt‘llllt‘l lxIt hillt'


Phil Kay HIIIIIIIIII llIt'.IlIt*. l .IIl}\‘.t'll \\.I}. \lIIxxt'IIIIIigrlI. MI“ .731” ' *HIIIII l. I.‘ IL'IIII \I‘t‘lllJllt'l‘lh t'lnv. lllllf.‘ .IIIIl lIIle rung} IIIIpIonIInII lIIIIII lllt‘ IIIII III\III;_' St'ulxIIMII

Jongleurs Comedy Club .ll‘lllek'lll\. ( )IIIIII (’cIIIII‘. (llt't'll\ltl\' l’l.I\'t'. llhfillfi hall-‘llfl \ l‘pIII Ll; \t‘t' l‘Il 3-1,

The Stand lllt‘ \I.IIIIl. * \IIIk l’lmc.

55X TIT} “pm :5. 3w l II I-l

Sunday 26


Phil Kay \II.I. lllk' ( )ltl ( ~lIt'tNt'IIIJIkt'I, I‘ l‘) \\.I|l\ \IIt't'l, <43 .‘llll \IIIII t' IUII Syolldntl'x llt'k' lIIllII tIIIIIt'Il}'\llH l.ll\t'\ )nll HI] .I \IIIIml |I|lllllt'_\ IIIIII llI\ lllll‘lt'tlkldl‘lt' llll.I_L‘lll.IllIIll I’m! «I! Mr .l/I'II III/III (‘I/\ /I mun!

Michael Redmond’s Sunday senice lllk' SLIlltl. ;;; \\INNll.IIIIl\ RIIIIII. II.\“II (ll Ill («Hi .\ lIIpIII L I It i. Likc .I pt'u .II \lIt'lmt'l lx’t'IlIIIIIIIIl\ Icgul.” Slllltld) t*IIIIIt-Il_\ \I-IxItc \kllll \'\ll.l LIIIfglIx lIIIIII putle l).l\ltl l\.I§ .IIIIl S.II.I|I l ml;ch


Whose Lunch is it Anyway? IIII‘ ~\ltlllil. R \Hll’x l’ldt't‘. <45 “:F‘: ll‘lll l'It't' lx’t‘gIIl.” lIt-t'xlflc t‘IIIIII'Il} \‘.l/.ll\l\ l’.IIIl (iI.IlI.IIII .IIIIl \III.III \lIIIplI} lllt' III» lllt' IIII.I;_'III.IIIIIII \kllll .lllillllt'l \lItt- III ~\IIIIIl.I_\ IIIIpIm .It‘IIIIII

Reg Anderson’s Night of Comedy lllk' l.I;_'lIIl1IIII\c. *3 *1 Un-'IIlI.551‘l»lh< \I‘Ill 1‘ It: IIIt-IIIht-Ixi 'l I]‘ Iva t'IIIIIt-tl} IIIII'IIII;'\ lI’oIII llIL‘ ll.IIl\l_\ t'IIIIIIt .li‘L' Ila-nan. llIll l)t‘\\.ll. \\lIlL‘} l'llL‘lL‘ .IIIIl \lllltlt‘lldllil \kIIIItch' Rug; .l\ t'IIIIIpt-Ic

Bruce’s Sunday Social Club lIII- Sldlltl. 5 \III‘k l’|.It‘c. “5 “I”: \ {HIIIII L31 I‘JI. \VIt'kt-Il lImI llI‘IIt‘c llm lllI IIIII’utlIIt't'x It';_‘II|.II llIIIllI [lIIlet'l\ l).III l.\.III\.IIIIl\It-\t-II l)It*l\ .II lll\ll.1l‘ cIItl l‘l \\Ck'l\t'll\l :_'.1lllt‘llll_‘_'

:~ Comedy


Reg Anderson’s Night of Comedy - w 2' 3

Miles Jupp

The Universal Comedy Club“, I, .I': .z: ':

Carey Marx I. '- If

Monday 27

l ‘IIIIsIIoz‘.’

Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance I \l.lllll. {it \\ll|'\ll.ll|ll\ l\)l’.l\l ‘H Ill " NI“ \ {lIIIIII ll llII' llllllllt”. lIII \IIIII}. \t'lvlll. lx’.I\IIIIIIIIl \lt'.!lll~ lI llk't‘llJll .llltl l)k'\ \|\ l t'.IlI IlII‘ .IIIl III _-_'IIII.II .Illll l‘l.:lIH lIII .'. III 'I

lIIII‘ lll‘. lllll\1\.Il IIIIIIIm \Illlll'll‘.

l llllll; Illlll

The Bedlam Improverts IL»! llIuaIIc IIlI liIleIv l’l.l\ «

|II 4MP”. Hume <I \I-.- I II ". Red Raw llII' \l.lll«l \III'I l’l: 1‘ i.‘ \ (lll‘lll 9| llt'.l\lllllt'l (II " \lt lllli'll .IIIIl IIIIIIIII'II- \I. 'I. ll: Is lllk' .Itlx lH lHllIW. lIII .2 llihl Ml ~l II lII‘jJIIIIII'h

Tuesday 28 ,4 1: ('lli m )I

lllt' \LIIIIl \K-II-Ivl'a


\I.IIIIl lll‘ l‘t‘;'lllllt‘l‘~ II. IIIzl lll.'l‘ la llllt‘\ IIIIIlI-I IlI.‘ .III\IIII III IIIII; (Iv \llt‘II (‘ll.lllllk'l\ .IIIIl lIIIIIllIIu'I ( IIlII,



Jupp’s Juniors llI.‘ \I.IIIII ‘II.

l’ldt‘t'. §‘-\ ‘3‘: ‘ll‘lll 2‘- I? ll lII

uIIIIt'Il} l.I\IIlllllt' \lll;‘\ llll‘l‘ llIl'IIvl‘

lIII .llltl tIIIIIIII-J III 1qu ‘~l..l".

‘.\l>lltl_ llltllllllll‘,‘ (IIy: \l. lIII-_'II \.

Rmmm IIII \lllt'\ lIIHI gr:

1THE US I I' /