Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Afrikan Roots al IIIL‘ Scniiixh ("aimial .r\rIx ('cnIic. 3pm 2am. L7 «HI. 2* Scp nnI}. llararc I)icad mi\cx IIInugIII»prn\nkmg I}ricixm \inII InugII .'\lrican l'II}IIlllIx aIniigxIdc 5“ch I and Ihc Scclinn. \Vcc (ilx. :\_\a\\ara. 'I'cIncn. I'ml} chgac and (Min IgIIaiiiic. .r\n npcii mmdcd appinacli In undciginimd cIIIIiIIIIIg.

I Blunt aI (‘nIIIcix 'I‘IIcaIi‘c. ‘Ipm lam. llip»IInp. Rikll and danchIaII \\IIII I)a\Id .\Iac. and IIcaIx. gliIcII and cIchrnnicx

\\ llIl \L'I.

I Club Living aI ('IIIII I.I\ mg.

‘Ipm Iain. L'IIIc. \\'cckl_\. I).I .-\IId} I.\IaIIagcr nl 3 IId I’rccmcl Iccnrdxi IIIII}\ a Ich Kaiidi \I}Ik‘ Illl\ nI Ihc lincxI IIIIIk_\ IInIixc arnund aI IIIix IIraiId xpanking IIL‘\\ club.

I Evil aI Ilai'll}. ll). iIIpm 3am. (I. \VcckI}. (inlII. induxII'iaI. punk and mcIaI nIch aI IIIix IIIack clad Iiappcning.

I Freakmoves aI (ilaxgim Schnnl nl .-\i‘I. llpm 3am. U It'll. \Vcckl}. l'IIra- Iinc hip Iinp niinI lnr IIic xIIIdcnIx. \\ iIII I)Jx I)cma and Nicc.

I Instant Access: It Takes No! aI Suh ('IIiIi. II).3IIpm 3am. [4 IN). \Vcckl}. RI) Scp xccx a maxxi\ c I” IIaIIIc \\ iIII Idccp IIrcaIIII .IiIII IIIIIcIIInxnn. Sidcix iIIdcr. Irian .Ia}a. (iianni I’alal/n. III 'I‘cchniquc. I).l I’rimc 3. Niall ('niicll}. .-\ima Hullicld. I).l Rumhalia. ScnI I’rnIIIcIIIx. I‘i‘ank .\IIIrpII_\ and rcxidcnlx 'I'ill' I’caclicx and (irnundxkccpcr (ilcnn ('. .I‘IIL‘} L‘IIL'II \L‘IL‘L'I IIIL' l\\n nI’ lIII'L‘C Irackx Ihc} Iliink hcxI rip Ihc L‘Illh up. pla) Ihcm and al IIic cnd nl' Ihc nigIII. a \x inncr ix dcclarcd. :\Ixn Ihcrc'\ :JIchI acIIniI Irnni \Vaiccd nl' Slum Villagc nn 7 ()Cl.

I Loaded aI l.iquid I.nungc.

IIIpIII 3am. [4 IN). \Vcckl}. 'I'IIrcc Ii\ c handx kick IIIc IIigliI nll. making \\a} Inr .Inc Kanc nII dcckx \\IIII xnmc indic. mnd and xnIII aI IaiiI.

I Polo for Me aI IIIc I’nln I.nimgc. Illpm lam. I'I‘cc. \Vcckl}. Inn. Ihc luck} pImIci'. Iakc IIIc Iiclm Iniiighl. ax rcqucxI cardx arc a\aiIaIIIc n\cr Ihc bar and in Ihc linnIlI. .\'nIicc I‘ni' IIIc unimaginalu c: 'I am \VlIaI I am' ix prnIiihich Ii} Iaxx and pIiIIIxIIaIIIc II) xpanking.

I Record Player: ai (iIIngIm Schnnl nl'.-\i'I. Illfillpm 2..‘~llam. U III‘cc (II. \\'cckl_\. In Ihc Vic liar Ihc Rccnl‘d I’Ia_\ cr/ I)Jx IIi-I‘i Scan and IIIIxIIpupp} pla} In a packcd cI'n\\d nl‘ Iraxhcd l‘axhinn junkicx and l'nckcd up I‘nrcign dixcn l'rcakx. IIIL‘ cluh IIIaI I-‘ran/ I'I‘I'IIIIIIIIIII and Sclxxnl' SI\IL‘I'\ IIppL‘IIl'L‘II aI. Inng hcl‘nrc IIIc II) pc Innk Iinld.

I Skint aI IIic (‘aIIinuxc. l Ipm 3am. £4 IL‘ZI. \Vcckl). .-\ iIIgIII IIIaI rcl'lchx Ihc rcxurgcnI aIIcriIaIi\ c xccnc aI Ihc mninciiI. Rnck. Indic and xnmc InIigII chcmical hrcakx and IIcaIx. \\ iIh a crnxx d IIIIICII IIIxL‘ IIIL‘ UllC )nu \L‘C nquidc lIlC (iaIIcr) nl~ .\Indcrn .-\rI.

I Speakeasy ai IIIc I'nixcixal ISaIIchichaIl I.ancl. lIIpm 2am. I‘rcc. \VCL'I\I_\. II. _\Ull I'L'L'I IIkC II It“ III'IIIk\ aI'Icr Ihc pub. I‘lll dniI'I “am In gn clubbing. Spcakcax) ix Ini' )nu. IIIC muxic aiii'I cniiiprnmixcd. IIIII Ihc \in ix cliillcd.

I SuperFreak aI IIIc .-\l‘L‘IIL‘\.

III..‘~IIpm 3am. £5 IHI. 23 Scp «k ' ()cI. .\InnIIil_\. .-\ lunk} ncxx cIIIh c\cr_\ IIIird Thurxda) Icax) In rcmciiibcri. ScI In nI'l‘cr a mi\ of DJx and |i\c Iiandx chx nn a IIIOIIIIII} haxix. Supcrl’rcak \\ ill \iclcninc Ihc I‘nllmxing n\cr Ihc cnming

mnnIIIx I'unk} I'IL'\II Icu \ Ihc .\'c\Imcn I)J IlaIIIc I“ ()cI. IIIc i. pIIIx Jniinic \Vilkcx and a (il) \\SI\' Iccnidx xlinucaxc al a I.IIL'| dalc IIIIcI RL'\IIII‘III\ aic I’ahln and IIIc IliIIcII (‘axxidx \iiiIiIII SxxIcm. 'IuinIaIIIc Scicncc. \Innkc_\IriI\c. I’rnlixcc and \axI} I’ and I‘ll” I’IIaI

I Topform aI IIIc Hull Illpm :aIII I'rcc IIcInrc III Illpm. £3 alIci \\cckl_\ I IIimk \\ c Iia\ c In Iurn n\ ci In 'Ianann IIIcnIxclxcx In xum up Ilux ncxx iiighI “\n cxIraxagan/a nl muxic and I\\Ixch cnIci’IammcnI. IIiink IIIc lx’nui/ III/'II‘H

’i Hui/mum IIancd II} _\nui diunkcxI drnnkcn uncIc IIIInk cnd nI IIIc picr. Ihiiik ciid nl IIIc \xnild. IIIink nnI nI xnIII I\n\" \VIIII Radin I )nc'x ( ilII \Iillx and IIIc ‘\cr_\ IaII‘ KL'HII \Iclx'a}

Chart <3 Party

I Dirty Thursdays .II IIIIIllIxL'I.

I Ipm Iain. {5 ID) \Vcckl}. (icl dccp dn\\ II and IIII'I} :Ix Ra} IlInlId \Vnnih .IIIII \IIL'CIII IIII\ Ilp \UlllC III lIlL' lIIan IIIIIII}IIL'IIIII\ RIkll in Inc In}. \IIIIIc IIIII} Mulligan xcr\cx Iip Ilic xIIIdcnI claxxicx and dirl} pnp Inncx.

I Firewire aI Ilainlinn. I IpnI lam. U IUI. \Vcckl}. (iIaIIaIII I~crgnxnn xpiiix Rikll and dual claxxicx III innni I. \\IIIIL‘ I).l InaxI Ix in IIIc ch rnnm pla}mg dec pnp and rnck. III IIIc Inungc. Rnhm II p|a_\x an chchic llll\ nl dixcn. lunk and xniII.

I Madhouse al IIIL‘ Shack.

IIHIIpm 3am. t5 IL'II. \Vcckl}. ('.I and And} Iakc _\nn In IIic hrink nl inxaniI} \\IIII xiimc nI Ihc man nuIragcnnx and L‘UIII‘IIgL‘nllx xlllIII'lll IIIIIIIL‘Ilh.

I Phunky Monkey aI llL'IIl.

.\'pm 3am. I'rcc hclnrc I Ipin; H IUI IIIIL‘I'. \\I‘L‘kl_\. Sc‘nll (iI'IIIIIgL‘I'. \IIIIL‘L‘ IIIIII Richic .\Ic( ‘nIm arc nII xpiniiing dulch aI Ihix iic\\ cIIIh IIIaI Innkx Iikc chIiIIg c\cn Iiiggcr Ilian Ilaha/Ii. I’IciII} nl drinkx prnninx. lunk} aIIIIIcmx and l'Innr lillci‘x Iuakc n a \xiiining IIIl‘lllllIII.

I SAS (Students are Skint) aI 'I'raxII. Illillpm 3am. U II'rch. \Vcckl}. \\'nrking niI Ilic prcII} xnnnd prcmixc IIIaI xludcnlx lIa\ c \cr) IiIIIc caxII. Ihix iIighI xIripx drink priccx riinI dnuii and hnpcx lnr Ihc licxI. I).l I)a\ c Ynung xpinx claxxicx. indic and dancc aiIIthIix.

I Rumble Thursdays ai lIIc (iai-agc. llpm-3am. £5 II'I‘cc Ui. \Vcckl). .\ maxxi\ c 'I'IIIIrxda} nIgIII lnI‘ Ihc Iinn/c~ xnakcd xIIIdcnI panIIaIiniI. Main hall muxic ix prn\idcd Ii} (icrr_\ 'Knighl Ridcr' I._\nnx and Bah} Brian pla} ing charI. cIaxxicx. aiIIIIcIiIx and rcqucxlx. 'I‘IIc aIIIc ix hnmc In Pain and SIcw and Ihc cnginc rnninx arc madc lunk) II} Ihc irrcprcxxililc \icnla.

I Shagtag aI Ihc 'I'IIiIncI. I IpnI 3am. Ihc iinxi iiIIaiIInIIx daIiIIg cIuII/gamc IIigIII cnnlinucx In Iuakc prnl'ligalc imIIcrx nIII nl' Ihc ‘xIIIdciII‘ pnpuIaIinii. Ilcach IIaIIx. I‘Iip llnpx and xiiii Ian InIinn inakc Ihix Ihc xuinmcr \crxinn.

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous al (iIangm ScIInnI nl .v\rI. \c‘\I daIc Ihc. I Afterglow aI Ihc I'Iii\ci‘xal.

I Ipiii 3am. t5 IL‘JI. .\' ()cI. Mniillil}. IixxcnIial mnd xnundx. lunk} III/l and nanIIcrn xniil lrnm IIIc I’rida} SII'ch rcgnlai‘x.

I Archaos aI :\I‘cIIanx. I IpIII 3am. £5 (£2.5lli. \Vcckl). .\IaianrcaIiI cIIarI dancc. xnlll illlkl CIICCW III IIIIL‘ III. lIlC IIIlecxl I'I'I iiigIIIci'x Iii III\\ll.

I Bachanal aI IIIc ScnIIIxII ('arni\al :\I‘l\ ('cIIIrc. .\'pm Sam. (7 IL'SI. I-l Scp nnI). ('alc ('arinca. I)ng dc Ja}a nIi Ilchadn. Ilclmnndn and a Ii\ c xamha drumming Irnupc makc Ihc IIiII Inr IIIix cIIIIIicaII) -inllucnccd cluh iiigIII in Ihc .\IcrchaIII ('iI}.

I Bass Invaders aI I‘ur} \Iiii‘i'}'x.

I lpm 3am. I". .~\ cnIIchi\ c dnmg Ilicir IIIing \Icll. nnI hnlhcring ahnIII Iaxliinii. (innd xlull IIII I'nIIIId.

I Better Days aI Bar BInc. ‘Ipiiir 2am. I‘I‘cc. 2-1 Scp nnI). Funk and dixcn II'nm I)Jx (Iidd) and Ix'c\in .\IcSIIanc.

I Budda aI Iludda I lpm zam LIIM' \Vcckl_\ I)iinkx pinIIInx and xnmc \cix xc\} RIKII Iinm I).l \ancc Iuakc Ilux nnI .I I‘.III [‘Iac I“ III \I‘III IIIK' \\ k'x'IxI'IIII

I The Buff .iI IIIc IlulI \pm 1am I'Icc Iiclnic III :“pm. 1‘ .IIIcI \M-ckI} ()Id chInnl iaH aI (iIaxgim \ ncxxcxI |.I// cluh I).Ix .\Iark Rnl‘l‘ and Kcnm \Ic\cnx dn IIIc nccdlcnnik. \xliilc IIIc I IIxinn I'.\pcricncc mi\ I.I//. inck and ‘a \IIInIc InI nl ginmc' III a Inc l.ixIIInn

I Burly aI IIIc '\IcIch Ill illpm Kim {Ihc NUcI \InnIIiI} Ilig ga} IIcaIIx. gi.I\II.iIc II\\\.IIII IIIIII) lni a xaiIniIaIIx xpccilic IIigIII nI IIiIIk_\ Iiappincxx Iluilx Ix IIIc .IIIciII.IIi\c g.I_\ IIIgIII Ini .III nl IIInxc \\IIII \\.lIlI IIIc xccnc \inII xnmc I‘\II.I \plu'

I Canvas aI \II.I I Ipm iam LIIM \VL‘ckI}. I).I \Vallci [‘I.l_\\ .I I‘IcIIInIa nl lImk. xnnI and RIKII .iI IIIIx I‘I‘JIIIIIIII .\IcrcIIanI ('iI_\ I‘.II

I Casa Futura aI IIic \i-clicx

llpm Iain. L'III IL‘M. I ()cI .\IniIIIII_\ 'I’IIc liIIiiic IInuxc p.IiI_\ picxcnIx (‘nlngnc‘x liichI icprcxcnIaInc nI minimal cIchrnnic muxic' IIInmax Ilrinkmann III\L‘I. ;\ grcaI IIIgIII nl lnr\xaid IIIInkmg IIniIxc and IchInn

I The Cathouse .iI IIIC (‘ailiniixc IlHllpm Iam L'I Iiclni'c llpm. L31 IL'II alIci. \Vcckl}. Riding IngII nn Ilic nu mcIaI \\a\c. IIIix Ix niIc nl IIIc IiiixicxI nIgIIIx III Inxxn Rnck. grungc. indic and a daxII nl Iircaklical .icrnxx IIIIcc Ilnnix .II (ilaxgnu ‘x Inp \cniic Ini inckcix and aIIcrnaIchIx.

I Club Living aI (‘IIIII I i\iiIg.

‘IpIII Iain. £5 Ilicc Iiclni’c I Ipmi. \Vcckl). .-\Ian \Iackciilic pIaIx rcIrn cIaxxicx and ScnII \Inchar piIIx a In ixI inIn iI \\ IIII xnIiIc linc IInIIxc aIxn.

I Coded aI \'aIiII. llpm Iain. [5 IN). \VL‘L‘IxI}. IIIL‘} 'I'C Il‘nIII a I‘L‘cnI'II \lnI'c. xn IIIc Iuncx arc gning In lic I'rcxh and IllgIlI} lunk}. arcn'I IIIc_\‘.’ :\ rnlaling i'anci nl I).Ix al'lilialcd In 3 *I'd I’rccincI inpp|_\ IIic IInIIxc~ch grnnxcx )IIII can i‘cI) nn. Slcwn .\Ic(‘rccr_\ ix IIIc mam man. IIuI IIIc pnnl nl IaIciII iiIcIudcx Hill} KIIkIc. Bill} \Vnndx and Amanda I’ricc.

I Crash aI IIIc Slicd. III. {llpm 3am. L" ([3). \Vcckl}. IiIIan and Mid} plax Ilic IincxI nI c\cr_\IIIing aI IIiix lilindmg SnuIIIxidc cIIiII IIIaI aI\\a_\x xccmx In Iic IIIIx_\.

I Creation aI ('nrmIIIian. IIpnI Iain Uhc. “Wkly .v\l'lcr a \xarm-np In Ihc l.iIc Ilar iI'x IIII\\ll\I;lll'\ \\ iIII Ihc gcai lni I’aul Rca and Km III .I\anm. )niir IIanx aI IIiix claxxicxI nl \cnucx.

I Cribs aI Illankcl. I Ipiii Iam. Ur (Hi. \Vcckl}. I)arrcn I). I<;i_\iiiniid \Vnndx and Hill} \Iilligan arc in Ini IIIix nigIII nl lunk} Iinuxc. Rikll and quchII} IIIadichx. .\ \cr} pnpulai‘ cliIII rigIII Hm“. I Electrobix aI 'I'nm InllI. ‘Ipm 3am. £5. 34 Scp. .\InnIII|_\. Spccial gncxI .\IicIIacI I’nerIa\x pl;I}x an cIchin. .\ InI. IIaIn. Iicxx \\a\ c ch alnng \\IIII rcxidcnIx Kc‘l'lll. SIIW IC (i. JL'I'I’} IIIIII \IL'I).

I Fluid aI 'I'i‘axII. I Ipm iam. l U i. \VL‘L‘IxI}. “Gill III().\ I.I\;I I.IIIIL‘\\IIIIII. ScnII .\Iacka) and Ra“ II all pla) ax rcxidciIIx aI IIIIx raucnnx parI} up aI IIIc mad cnd nI Inun. I'llllIx} Iinnxc. IIrIiaiI pnp and Inadx nl chcap Iinn/c makc II a \Iinning prnpninInn.

I Fresh aI Ihc I’nln I.nIIngc.

llpm 3am. £5. \\'cck|_\. \IIcIIcIIc and And} arc in cliargc nl Ihc muxical dIiIch aI IIIix dclicinux. g;i_\/iiii\cd \IcrchaiII ('iI} club. .\Ian \IIIn cnIcr cnmc nnI xmiliiig.

I Friday Street aI (‘uha \niic \cxi IIIIIL‘ Ihc.

I Full On aI I’riIIIcgc. IlHlem Iam. U) It": I. \VL‘L‘kI}. (iL'kkIII‘U). SIcuarI (irccn. \Villiam I)anicI. (ia\ IlniixInn. SIII Ilier and (iin I'crri arc _\nIir IIanx aI Iliix \Icckl} dancc niinI IIU\\II nn Ilnpc Sircci.

I Funhouse aI Ilarll}. I IpnI zam. H IUI. \Vcckl}. .\ night nl cIIicd-Iip punk and caIIiarIic indic pnp nnnxcnxc. II‘x pngn—a—gngn \\ iIII Radin I'x Vic (iaIIIma). Mr Paul \ccdlcx and DJ Alpha .\IiIcIIcII.

stings Clubs

Caledonia Soul Ilw I‘ ‘i'lgll‘lmgl "Hill _!.v\' S'ZII‘I‘ NI‘I'fII‘ I'L)‘\\;N‘itl1.x“,,\l Snul Ii ‘r'IImI

IIIIII'UIITR .I-(I! cl I'M» any manual

Irma II‘I III“

Ina-III :IIEKIIIIIIITVT ESiiI-wlx Iva?" ::2 tl‘w Illlv‘fd, IIII’ I.‘.I‘III}.‘5alI" 5i .1 (ill/II, 8.1! .' "2 fie 3':

Chakra l Enlit; .II‘I’I III II uIn-H; ix IIII: IIIIflI‘a? .II I-‘iir; II'IIII”IIUIIlI‘I IIIIIIII nI IIII‘III lulirw (III 2 Iain}. lunk; III any. IIII‘A If; Ilux I\;.'I'I :f lIlIlIII Irriu'll III? Inllimi ‘,’()lll grandchildren (II n iut :iI "Ell warn SUI/running 5'51! .’

Eskrima Presents the Fresher’s Rave 0.»le wall: IIII: {arr/III (if III! SI} IlllIlIII I}‘\,'I:~’I (IIIII

.‘i fie 1:»

Imam Iailnrl rn’iuiiuulnit; {II IIIl? I(}lIIl)II: nl (I(}I)£IIII;II‘}I‘,’ IIIaI m IIII: All SCIIIMII. I)MX wa‘x. VHIIIIII Spudd prunidr: IIII: IYIIl‘3lI,ElI {IIJIHIEIJIEIIIIIII (i/(ISI’IIIL‘. film w N AM, Sat 23') 550;).

Inside Out with Godskitchen I I'iI‘Ix Murilln It; III‘? IIII’IfS‘H‘J} (lllflfil Iliii. inniilli. (If; Ilmsa: Iwn IquI: ILIIIIIT, IIIIE‘L‘I III IIII: plum:- wr: III/J: In (:all IIII; AILIIUT}. HII,‘ Alli/IDS. Sal J“) Sup

Orient House I llIIllI: I)II()I AKA play?) (II IIIIT; (Wall (:V‘flli .‘ni IIII? very .‘JUI’III‘NIIIII: 'I {M} Ivlu‘ar, IIJIII,‘ Il;I<;I:;IIi'. I).J Shawl; I‘; Inn? (W: of IIII: Ulla-r (rim? I).l.', I'I éIIIIaiIIIeIIII;I:. \(illfllkflll (,‘I'IHIIWI/ A/‘Ir; (JO/Ilux Sal 1’?) 90;).

Education 'Inlmwslmr; l)‘.")I)I‘,‘ Iilziy IIII‘NUFSIIIMI I'I)’,()I’.I‘)I at Iliif; new (string (il iiiuliti; (II Ilw, ‘xnr‘,’ smarI Halli Slim-I (Lluli. .lng,’ Dix/mun and New ()rrlm In maul Polar Ilnok plan; waln‘aynl; ‘.'/‘:

can 0x0 naively reveal [um [um Sun 26 80;).

Mixed Bizness A IJEIIII< IIOIIIIEI‘,’ freshen; Spa-ma? as III’I‘,’ “HIL‘ICUIIII: NYC Iirndumr Paul Nicemixuiu Ill)II":IIll1IIUl/‘. breaks and CIII‘; III III‘; ’)‘~.‘Jll unique slylwa T/Ir; (S/(I!)_(}0I‘/ School of An. Sun 26 80;).

Solemusic and Bacardi Bbar present Dimitri from Paris er;r,/0rii;'rs fa/riurate Illl) house lounge mood pioneer. Dimitri From Paris; IS a true innovaIcr. so a greal Ill’ll‘il anticipated The BI/ffC/ub. Sun 26 Sep.

9'91 ' ./ .1 THE LIST 81