This page lists a selection of organisations which provide expert health, advice and support in Glasgow and Edinburgh. The List gratefully acknowledges the support of the Scottish Executive in funding this page.

Alcohol and Narcotics


Alcoholics Anonymous 511\\'clllnglon Street. 226 2214 Mon l‘ri 0am 5pm. 0845 7607555124hourl. (ironp \uppol'l to help tackle alcoltollxtti. Dumbarton Area Council on Alcohol S2 Dumbarton Road. ('lylehunk, 952 0831. ()llel's general inl'ormation and ad\ ice including one-to- one counwlling tor )oung people. Glasgow City Council Addiction Partnership \\ \\ \\.gl;l\go\\.gti\.tlk :\ range 01 cit} —\\ide \er\icex. including specilic support to )oung people ilt\ol\ed in drug and alcohol axe. Glasgow Council on Alcohol

lxt l’loor. llrixlol and \cht llouxe. S2 l'nion Street. 226 3883. lniormation. ad\ ice and one—to-one counselling l'or under 25x and other\ al't'ected 6} alcohol. RCA Trust .\1irren llotlxc. Back Sneddon Street. 1’;ii\le_\. 887 0880. Project giVing 12 25—}ear-oldx ad\ice on addiction ixxuex.


Alcoholics Anonymous

33 ('ockhurn Street. ('all 225 6000 l'or meeting times.

Crew 2000

32 ('ockhurn Street. 220 3403. Mon Sat 1 5pm. Thu 4 Spin. lnl‘ormation on (111135 and \e\ual health and triendl)

ad\ ice from trained \\t)l’l\'L’l‘\. Edinburgh 8. Lothian Council on Alcohol 6 (’lilton 'l'errace. 337 8188. Information. ad\‘ice and \llpptit‘l. Turning Point 3 Sinith'x Place. 554 7516. Mon Fri 9.30am 5.30pm. One to one counselling l'or addicts and support tor their ltlllllllt‘x.

West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service 43 Adelaide Street. ('raigxhill. l.i\'lltg.\ltitl. 0| 506 430 225. Counselling. help in dealing \\ ith t'amil} lsxtlex and help in working touat'd\ emplo} ment opportunities.

Youth Action Project c/o (‘ommunity House. 33 Aller l’lace. lilihurn. Livingston. 01506 461 SSS. .-\d\ ice and information for )oung people about \lllisltttlL‘L‘ llllxtlw.



0800 ()17 S2S2. .\lon liri 9am r I 1pm. Sat & Sun 6 I 1pm. Free confidential information and support.

Know the Score 0300 587 587‘), www.knou''o. (‘ontidential drugs information. 24 hours a day. 7 tlil)‘.\ a week. ('all.\ made from a landline will not show up on a phone bill and are tree. ('all.\ from a mobile \ar} in cost depending on network and ma) shou up on your bill. The website hax lots of advice for aii_\one al‘i‘ected h} drugs and details ol‘ local support sen ices. Smokeline 0800 84 84 84. l{ncouragement and support for thoxe

\\ ho want to stop or have recentl) stopped smoking.



The Sandyford Initiative 2--6 Sandyt‘ord Place. Sauchiehall Street. 2| I 81.30. xx\t'\\'.s;iiid}t‘ Drop-in clinics Mon—liri 9am»— I 1am. B} appointment at other times until 7pm Mon—Fri. There is an emergenc} drop-in clinic held on Sat mornings. 9am~lam t‘or emergenc) contraception only.


Dean Terrace Family Planning Service 18 Dean Terrace. 332 7041.


.\lon 'l‘hu 9.30am 7.30pm; Fri

0am 3.30pm; Sat 0.30am noon: drop-in clinic tor under 25x. Mon. ’l‘ue. \Ved

3,30 4.30: drop-in clinic for under 20\. .-\ l'riendl} and conlidential ad\ ice and counxelling sen ice mailahle to men and \iomen of all age\ on contraception. pregnanc} testing. 111\' lL‘\l1ll:_‘.

Mental Wellbeing


Breathing Space 0800 838 587 or \liltlc‘om 0300 317 161),

u \\ “ 6pm 2am. l-ree. contidential ad\ ice tor an}one leeling 1o“ or deprexxed.

Sexual Health and STDs


Body Positive Strathclyde l) Sand_\'1‘ord l’lace. Sauchiehall Street. 248 9285. \\ \\'\\'.hod)positi\\. Drop-in centre open Mon. Wed. 1‘ri 0am 5pm. 'l‘ue & Thu. 1 lam 8pm. Information and support for people \\ ho are HIV posithe.

Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic (GUM Clinic) The Sand) lord lnitiathe. 2 r6 Sandyliu'd l’lace. Sauchiehall Street. 211 S601. Drop in clinic\ Mon Fri 8.30am 10am. B) appointment at other times until 7pm Mon liri. ('onlidential adVice is offered on contraception ax

\\ ell ax \upport. counxelling. testing and treatment for people \\ ith \e\uall} transmitted dixeasex. including 111\' and .-\11)S.

Rape Crisis Centre 0I4l 552 3200. \\ \x \\ .rapecrixixxcotlandorguk. Tue Wed ck Sun 7 9pm; 'l‘hn 1 3pm. liree and contidential \erx ice ot't'ering int'ormation and \upport to “omen and girl\ who ha\e been \e\tiall) ahuxed or axxaulted.


GUM Clinic l.;llll'l\10|l Building. Laurixton Place. 536 2103. Mon Fri 10am- 5pm h} appointment. l-‘or urgent prohleinx. there ix a “Lilh'lll clinic \\ here no appointment is necexxar} t'rom 8.30—10.()0am. .\1on~1‘ri.

Edinburgh Women’s Rape 8. Sexual Abuse Centre 0131 556 9437. \\ u\\\. (‘all for opening hours. See Rape (‘rixix (‘L‘lllrLX (ilaxgou.

Solas 2- 4 Abbe} Mount. 661 0‘).\'2. Mon-Med ck Fri 1 1am 4pm. Thu 1 lame

Having your drink spiked is no longer an uncommon phenomenon

I The mantra ‘it’ll never happen to me’ is one we’re all very fond of. Yes, we’re all invincible and life’s nasties only seem to happen to other people. But just in case that’s not true, the best we can do is arm ourselves with as much information as possible and be aware of the


Drug assisted rape is on the increase and can happen to anyone, both male and female (11% of drug rape casualties are men). But it’s easy to feel powerless. If your drink has been spiked with an anaesthetic such as GHB or ketamine, there might be no change to the appearance, taste or smell. If someone you like the look of approaches you and offers to buy you a drink it might be the norm to accept, and does the threat of drug rape mean that this is no longer allowed? How can you tell whether your friend is dizzy after one too many drinks or the victim of a spiked drink? Plus, the danger is not confined to seedy little bars and back alleys; unfortunately scum like nice bars and clubs too.

The most important thing to do is to stay aware, and use your very own built-in danger reader instinct. Never leave your drink unattended, don’t swap or share drinks and if you start to feel in the least bit strange, dizzy or unusually drunk ask for help from someone you trust. Pretty obvious rules now, but very easy to forget after a few


No one is telling anyone to stop going out but keep your wits about you and your eyes peeled because the threat is real and it’s happening

to real people. (Morag Bruce)

6.30pm. 111V and .-\11)S inlormation support centre and cute.


National AIDS Helpline 0th0 567 123

Sexwise 0300 282 930. 2am 12pm. l’rm idex inlorniation and ad\ ice on \e\ualit_\ and \e\ual health tor )oung people.

Sources of Advice \VL‘lMlIC ill the (.lIl/L‘lh' :\tl\ lc‘L‘ Bureatn. including a branch locator to help _\ou tind )ttllr nearest ol'lice. Crimestoppers 0300 555 I ll. ('all at an) time \xith int'ormation about an} crime. ('all\ are tree and cannot he traced.

Victim Support Line 0345 30 30 900. limotional \llppot‘l and practical adx ice for amone at‘t'ected h} crime.

Women’s Health & Support


Glasgow Women’s Aid 41h l‘ltiill'. <0 Bell Street. 553 2022. ‘l. 30am 4. 30pm Mon l'ri. e\cept \Ved Much I\

0.30am 1pm tor drop 11]. and atteinoon h} appointment 001}. 1)i‘op<ui and telephone L'Ullll\L'lllllj._' ll)1'\\(llllL‘ll.


Edinburgh and Lothian Women’s Aid 4 ('he}ne Street. 315 3110. Mott. \Ved. l-ri 10am 3pm. Thu 2 "pm. Sat 10am 12.30pm. Reluge. \upport and help tor “omen \utlering ph} xical. mental or \e\ual ahuw lrom their partner»


Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 03“ 1234 «24 houri.

Refuge 0808 308 WW. National cllai'lt} prm idlng ~ale acctlliltnodalion lot \iomen e\periencing tltHllL‘fllc’ \ iolence.

' C'.‘ THE LIST 117