Classified Personal


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124 THE LIST T—Jt Oct 2004

0 I Saw You on the steps UlIISMIC IIIHII-IIIIICIXUII (IUIIL'EJC Monday 20th Sept. You dark. wearing loyely hlaek \hll'l and hlaek hootx mobile phoning. lleld door tor you but too shy to \peak [0 you.


0 I Saw You on 22/09 on 20:30 train troni lidinhurgli to (ilaxgow. You wore pink. like l.ady l’enelope. llay e I \een you at ’l‘ in the l’ark.’


. I Saw You drunken (ierman at the Sons ol' Saturn iSatani gig 25/9/04. You were looking loyely in yellow as all surrounding you wore hlaek. See you soon . . . but only it you \Hlxll that jlllllpL‘l'I \\\ [7506/29

. I Saw You gorgeous hi'iinette girl with \poken word questionnaire. New ingtoii Rd. 3-1 Septeiiiher. .\Ie dark haired graphie designer type. I'm not lill5. but [-107 Sorry. ('an I make amends \UlllL‘ lime'.’ [7506/50

V I Saw You Hi 24th Sept. Walkabout. You: Very eute dark. short-haired girl who managed to put a Iiuge smile on my l'aeell I took a photo of you & your mate. You couldn't understand my aeeent? Me: \hayed headed hloke out with workmatex. whieh Ix why I eouldn’t really get talkin' to you. You had a gorgeous smile. Wanna meet up'.’ [7506/3l

V I Saw You in I'll Barrio l'l‘hurx 23rd Sept i. I got all the \IL‘[)\ wrong. you atteiiipled to salsa with my brother. Do you want to help me get it right ne\t time'.’ [7506/33

V I Saw You llt'xl ti\ a \llllkl\.\L‘tl loyely. \eeond an my minnie mouse. Now, my litte diamond. I see you not nearly enough. loy e you long time. (“1" [7506/33

. I Saw You (ireen top crossing l’aliiierxton l’laee. 9am Wednesday. He talking to l‘riend with baby. ()ur ey'ex harer met. I wish I'd run alter you. Lets meet for eol'lee. [7506/34

V I Saw You working in .\l&S in the Wayerly. You with your Ratho w ayx. me looking eyer l-lllxleretl. [7506/l

0 I Saw You \\‘l.\'l)\' POPS smiley [Q \lL‘epy in your lltititly‘l l'll ney er force you to abandon kittens. l promti l.o\e you \X\ [7506/35

. I Saw You with red dreads and piereed now. w alk- ing throuin l’orty High Street with a ‘xpanner' in your hand. \Vllttl kind [)l‘ work is that‘.’ [7506/36

V I Saw You both l0ili September on the Superlaxt to Zebriigge pretending to read Yellow Dog. I drank w hite wine and enjoy ed the \how. Write me. [7506/37

O I Saw You at the l’eartree on l9th Sept. You looked a hit like .\'oel Fielding but 'larger honed'. We ehatted. You were from Iixsex.


' female seeks male

V FUN loving, genuine lemale. 37. copper hloiide hair. \ery \oeiahle. good eoiiiniuiii- Ctlltil‘ & listener. .SL'L‘k\ like minded male. lor Il‘lL‘lltlSIIIP. maybe more. (‘all me on 0906 756 5557 [k t‘lllL‘l‘ Ill I732S

W HONEST attractive, affectionate n/x \egetarian lady. 49. lo\ ex ll]tl\lL'. lll\ltiry tk nature. Seeks tall. \egetarian kindred \pll'll til L‘lltll‘ut‘ICl' [K \[thlllllCL‘ lor sharing. earing. enriehing relationship. ('all me on 0906 75l Ill-I5 [N L'lllel'

403 I 809

W ATTRACTIVE youthful, slim & euryy lady. 54. enjoy \ einema. daneiiig. Iiluex [k ja/x. Seeks tall. n/x man. 4—1-54. Iol' eompanionxliip. (’all me on 0906 75l Ill-I5 [N enter 4036S09 W SLIM attractive female, 5'I0. long hlonde hair. blue ey ex. seeks attraetiy e male l'or poxxihle IIIR. ('all me Ull 0906 756 3557 & enter I3275-12l

’9 IMPETUOUS Glasgow female, 32. dark hair. blue eyes. 50. \\'l.'l‘.\l single male who likes to haye l’iin. ('all me on 0906 756 3557 & enter

l05l I699

w GLASGOW brunette single girl. 30\. 55. blue L‘}C\. slim/medium huild. hasieally \eeking really niee guy. (’all me 0110906 756 3557 «S: enter IS9I5335

w MAXINE blonde hair tk blue ey ex. w ears glasses. enjoy\ going out. haying lim & hay ing a drink. ('all me on 0906 756 3557 & enter 13907235

BLUE eyed female, 5'9 with shoulder length hi'ow n hair 8; medium huild. likes pulw. lllllSIL‘. einenia & dining out. \VIII'M male with similar inter- e\l\ l‘or pthime relationship. ('all me on 0906 756 3557 & enter I 177-030

0 EAST-KILBRIDE female, 47, "/3, may easy-going. l0\C\ lil'e. \YIII‘M earing. kind male l'or eompany a to share good times with. ('all me on 0906 756 3557 [k enter l8885325

V I'll THERE! Sylvia, 5'4 hlonde with blue eyes. \i/e IX. 46. no children. like\ cooking. walking. sw imming. einema. pubs. clubs 6’; holidays. ('all me ()n 0906 756 3557 & enter l327942l

V MARY petite, dark li.iii. hiown eyex. thatty t\ tiientlly, enjoy \oei.ili\ing .\ gardening. I like going out with tiientlx meeting new people (Kill me on 0906 "56 355“ .\ enter

with .i \aiiely ot interests Seekx gentleman. loi lllll. laughter .\ [‘0\\ll‘l} iiioie (Kill me on 0906 “56 355“ .\ eiitei lskaljfl

V BLONDE East Kilbride leliiale. 5". MN I: ll. lioiii \C“ \‘.l\ll[‘. \L'L'I\\ lll.llt‘ liil lllt‘lltl\lll|‘. [\\\\\ll‘l} iiioie' (all me on 0906 “56 355“ t\ entei lllS5699

'5“ BLONDE hair, blue eyes. kind t\ honext. likex eluli hing .\ \\l l\l liieiidly. gen iiine male. to \Il.ll[' great Illllt‘\ together. ('all me on 0906 "56 355" t\ eiilei I05669‘l

'5 ACTIVE female, 5'5, loves keep lit. kit'k lio\ing .\ walk» Seekx .ietiye iii.ile loi ll'lt'lltlSllll‘. Iiin t\ iel.iiion\liip ('all me on 0906 “56 355“ t\ eiitei I335i~13l

'9 HONEST caring Jedburgh Ieiiiale. iiieiliuni build. 54. i‘ed.’hloiiile li.iii. likes (ilk/“IR Ill[l\l['. ilant'ing [k einenia. \\'l.‘lf\l iiiale. loi lriendxhip oi niaylie ielation ship in the Illllll’t'. ('all me on 0906 756 555—. [K [‘lllt‘l ISSH7225

“P HELEN slim build, 5'3. quite hiihhly [it‘l'\till;llll_\. eaxy to gel on w III]. I work out .il the gym. enjoy ilaneing. lllti\lt'\. walking. people entertaining l hay e a H iSl )0. ('.ill me on 0906 756 3557 & elllt'l' |S903235

V GLASGOW, 26, 5'10, fair hair. blue eye\. [lllllt' lllll. single mother ol 3. \ery (ESUII. like going to piilw. ein enia tk quite lllgllh in, ('.ill nie 0110906 756 3557 [K [‘ltlt‘l l327643|

w NORMA 44, 5'9, slim, hlontle. work as a \tllt‘\ iiiaiiag er. I had many dillerent lioh hiex. I enjoy watehiiig lootliall. I enjoy going lor walks (k I enjoy playing goll. ('all me on 0906 756 355-. & etiler IHI6HZ5

V KATHY 44, dark curly hair. brown eyes. 54. great per \onalily. loyal. always enjoy a laugh. \VIIIM someone who I\ a laugh \onieone who l\ loyal & caring. ('all me on 0906 756 3557 [k enter IHI55435

9 JANE 52, 5', brown ey ex/hait‘. wear gla\\e\. I like eineina. reading. theatre. oeea \ional drink. ('all me on 0906 756 5557 (k L‘lllel'


U WENDY 5'6, short dark hair. lia/el ey ex. \Illll. 33. single mum ol 2. in my \pare time I like to eliill out with my l'riendx .& haye a laugh. I alxo like to eat out go to the einenia. (Kill me on 0906 756 3557 & enter ll7><0|30

V JEAN 52, 5', brown hair, brown ey CS. enjoys eine- ma. theatre 8e going out lor meals. reading. & \pclitllllg time with my grandehildren. ('all meon 0906756 3557 (‘4; enter l3506433