female, 24, seeks genuine.

.arrng t\ telralrle lll.tll uitli (i\()||. lot [iti\\l|l|L' relation \hlli (fill my lil] ll'HlIi 55h 155 t\' enter llfifill it!

‘9 31 yr old Glasgow female, 5‘“ \‘.l||i long |l.tli Separated \\ il|l one elitltl Into} going otit \‘-|||l Illt'llt|\. \|ltt[i pitig. \\ II \I kind inale loi lrienddnp tk pmxilil} inoie (Kill tire on It‘ll)!» "5o ‘55“ N enlet ISN‘L‘335

W GLASGOW male, 5'6, long datk |l.l||. \et} eax} going. |o\e\ \IIL l;t|l\lllf_'. lia\el .\ \pending tnne \\ll|l latnrl_\. (all tile on “Wm “50 ‘55“ & enter IITNII ill

0" KELLY 5'4, brunette, size Hill 3. outgoing. |\IIII|‘|}. |l|\t'\ elultxrpulw. reading N keeping lit (all me oii titiliti "5o ‘55“ k enter leoHl5

W BUBBLY PERSONALI- TY 5'3, long Itl'tmn eurl_\ liart'. niednitn linild. loxe to lia\ e Illll. go oiit t\ liapp} Ill general. ('all me on It‘ltiti ~5h ‘55" t\ enter le5 i-ll5

JANET 5'3, dark, slim to medium lniiltl. liolilnex inelude li‘a\e||rng. reading. ll|_L'|I|\ rn/oul. ptiltx. |r\e llill\lt'.| |i\e oil the South \ide ol (ilaxgtm. (‘all me on HUI") "5h ‘55" t\ enter IXHNIZ5

“I” 35YR OLD, 5'2, brown Iran. green e_\e\. inedititn |‘til|t|. like to go otit tk lia\e Itin \\Il|| ni_\ |Iit‘llt|\. Iilj_‘|i|\ III/Hill. \\\Ilil ining tk reading. ('all tire on (I‘lllh ‘50 ‘55" N enter l.i_‘"JZI GLASGOW profession- al female, 3". .\luni ol one. eollar length red hair. lu'ou n e_\e\. a\erage Itod}. |I|\L‘\ goitig out tk ltaxing lun. (‘all me on (I‘lllli 5'50 3.55.“ (K L‘Illt‘l' IIIIMVI'N “W BUBBLY big, single iiitiiii. lull ol' liIe. like\ old Il|lll\. \\a|k\. reading & inore. Seekx \iinilar inale. lor Illll. li.ipp_\ liliit‘\. ina_\|ie more. ('all me on (Milo "50 355," & enter INST-133

96‘ WEST End Glasgow girl. 55. \IIIII lititld. into pulix. elnlix tk inglitx III. ;t|\o eooking. \\'|.'l'.\l genuine niale. lor |l'lL‘l|t|\|iI|‘ & relationxlup. (‘all mg an (intro "So 355‘ & enter ITTI5-il5

V PETITE tanned female, en|o_\\ \porh. Illll\IL‘. daneing. karaoke. t‘ttltliit'}\tt|t‘. \L‘il\lt|t‘. looking lor \trong-rninded. dependable. p;t\\ltiti;tle. kind. eating. genuine tnale. ('all tire on nnno “So 355“ x enter IHSRNN

\ . _ \/ male seeks female

V GLASGOW MALE, Danny, 44. (ill. \\ ell I‘UIII. like \uiinniing tk generall) hanging out & ltax ing Iun. ('all me on (I‘lllo “So 355" x enter l3l43435

V BLUE EYED Highlander, back in (i|;t\g0\\ l‘roni tra\e|\ abroad. looking for l'eniale l'or roinanee. (‘all tire on (I‘ltih “5| III-1.5 K L‘IilL‘i‘ ~III55XIW

’«9 GLASGOW guy, 35, passionate, eont‘itlent. .t||i» letie. \eek\ \|llll. .itttaetixe lernale. Ill ‘5 lor \peeral. iotnantie relationxlnp. \Ilhl be genuine tk earrng \\I||I a |ti\l loi lile (all me on II‘NIh "5| II|45 tk enter 4030M“)

‘9 GLASGOW male, not had-looking. ‘3. 5|”. dar'k ltatt' & e_\e\ \\'|.'l‘.\i Iiapp}. 2555 lun leniale to we \\|i;tl Italilk'lh ne\t. ('all me on Will!» "5| III-15 «k etiler ilHZKll‘)

‘3‘ PROFESSIONAL male, fit 50 \oinetlnng. \\ ide \arret} ol Ililt‘lt‘\|\. Seekx |l|iL‘l';t| inind» ed leinale. lor lun tune» (‘all me on titltlti 75| II|J5 tk enter etnlxxnu

“13‘ PROFESSIONAL male, 31, Uh} gtiltig‘. ()3. green L'_\L'\. ln'oun liair. ento)\ \oeralixing. dining otit. ptilrx tk elulh. Seekx \nnilar leniale. lor Inn tnnex. ina_\lie more. (‘all tne on (Willi “So 5.5.57 «K t‘lilt‘l' INI “HIS

63’ HAPPY male with a (ESI )ll. ()3. lair liair. medium- large build. p|a_\\ ruglt}. like\ \oeialixing. |ltt||t|;t}\ & da_\\ out. Seekx xiinilat‘ l'etnale lor t'elaltottxlilp. ('all me on (Willi “50 3557 & enter IXNNNZZ5 IRISH male, happy go luek_\. 55 “Mi \Illli Iiuild. dark liair & liltie e}e\. lull time uorker. likex karaoke. daneing. minnning tk ten piti houling. \\‘|.'|'.\I It'liitlk' to \liare interextx «k tna_\lie more. (‘all me on (Milli 75(i 3557 & enter

|77l l-135 OLD-FASHIONED Lanarkshire inale. hard- working. \\'l.'l‘.\i l'einale \\|l|l xiinilar otitlook to \hare great lIlliL'\ together. (’all me on (Will) 750 3557 & enter tumour)

W DARK HAIR 5'9, medi- um huild. green e} ex. looking lot' a genuine. rexponxihle letnale. ('all tire on (Min 756 5.5.57 (K L‘liIL‘l‘ IX‘IIIHZZS

“he JOHN 6'4, dark hair, \er_\ laid liaek. enio) nioxt thing in lil‘e. liolida) \. drnex. niglil\ in liIinh otit. .qut look- ing to meet \oineone niee. ('all me on noun 750 5557 N enter ISM-7425

@ MUSICAL male, enjoys p|a_\ing guitar. art & outdoor purxuitx. l.ooking l‘oi' l'einale

\\ Il|l \iniilar interextx. ('all tne tilt (I‘lllh 75(1 55.57 «K L‘liIL‘l' l.\’.\")l225

W GLASGOW male, blue- eyes. lirou n hair. tall «k \IIIII. looking tor a loeal girl. to draw \otne qualit} time \\ itlr. (‘all me till (WIN) “'50 5.5.5“ «k L‘iilL‘l'

INI “#35

TALL dark, handsome male. 55. like\ \oeialixing. Seekx art |IUIIL‘\I woman to bring out the brighter \ide ol‘ me. (‘all me on Hum» "56 5557 «K L‘IilL‘i' |q~25425

v 5'5 brown eyes, I work \\ itli people \\ Ito ha\ e mental health prohleinx. inter- extx are going out to rextaurantx «k pultx. (‘all me on (NH!) 750 355." & enter III lollh’

9 HAPPY-GO-LUCKY ~15}r old lidinlwurgh male. looking lot a liapp) normal. for roinantie relationxliip. |.o\e\ xxx innning & keeping lit. (‘all me on (Milo "56 3557 «k enter ll".\‘5l3(l

"7' PETER 5'10, slim/medium huiltl. lilue e_\e\. luoun Itatt. ~13. em) going. ()||.v\(~ looking loi \HIIIL‘UIIL' lionext lL‘|l.t|‘|L' (all me on tt‘ltio "5h ‘55— t\ enter MINI-1:5

PHIL 5'9, brown hair, blue e}e\. enio} going otit par t} ing tk elultlnng. or exen \Il ting at home tk uateliing t\ l enio} p|a_\tng goll. I am in lull tnne einplo}nient tk “II .\I .i nree |.id\. (all me on lllltllr "5h 155“ x 'enler 1w rolls

SINGLE DAD outgoing Jll }C;tl' old. \inoker. (ill. |l|\t'\ outdoor \portx tk tra\e|. \\ |f|f\l a lad} \\ll|I \Illli|;ll' intere\t\. ('all me on (Willi "5h ‘55" «k L‘lilt‘l' IIT-‘X | 5H JOHN 5'8, medium |‘lll|t|. like elrtnlnng |ll||\. taking boat out .\ eateli Ii\|i. | dotll Iixe too Iar lroin tlre \ea. ('all tire on (With 7.5“ 5.5.5— tK L'lilt'l' ||_")| “I

' *ChanK

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