(X )Ml l)Y DRAMA INSIDE I’M DANCING (15) 104min 000

Irish director Damien O’Donnell (East is East) brings his particular brand of cheeky, crowd-pleasing humour to this lively tale of a couple of young, disabled likely lads who set up home in a Dublin city centre flat. Shy cerebral palsy sufferer Michael Connolly (Steven Robertson) is on the way to becoming institutionalised at Carrigmore Home for the Disabled when gobby Rory O‘Shea (James McAvoy), who has Duchenne muscular dystrophy, arrives and turns out to be the only person who can understand Michael’s speech impediment, befriends and subsequently springs the fella. One night, while drinking the proceeds of a day‘s charity collecting, James chats up headstrong Siobhan (Romola Garai) and gets her to agree to become the boys‘ care worker. The crack doesn’t last, however, as love inevitably comes between the threesome.


lhe tuxtaposition ot the coming-ot-age tale with political upheaval may not be an original concert. but the weaving of personal and political concerns can prow a headv brew. From ditticult birth to tumultuous adolescence. only child Ramon lManuel LO/dllOl never has the opportunitx to settle. perennially the new kid on the block and a target for bullies at everv school he attends. He copes only due to the intervention of imaginan Native American friend Water Cloud ~ and his adherence to three strict rules: nex er tight. never snitch. never cry But rules are made

the boy hero ' '

i. .. ' u T“; ..:... 5*: "a l-Ieertwenglng and mm”. u KI

As scripted by Jeffrey Caine (best known for the Bond film GoldenEye), Inside I'm Dancing bears a superficial resemblance to that other comic drama about disability and institutionalisation, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Indeed, the rebellious, life-loving Rory has much in common with RP McMurphy, while the journey Michael makes from passivity to independence recalls that of Cuckoo’s Nest’s Indian chief. And in Brenda Fricker’s Carrigmore head honcho Eileen, there’s a benign flip side to Nurse Ratched.

What Inside I’m Dancing lacks in the allegorical punch of Cuckoo’s Nest, it makes up for by celebrating the independent spirit, both despite and because of severe physical disability. Heartwarming and worthwhile as that may be, what really impresses about the film is a refusal to fall back on cloying sentiment, nor to condescend to either the film’s audience or its smartly defined and superbly played odd couple. (Miles Fielder) I Genera/ re/ease from Fri 15 Oct.

Salma Hayek-s.;tar'ring farce LIV/rig /t Up. Buoyed by exuberant performances from the young leads. this shows an emerging directorial talent who now lLISl needs the rest of his craft to catch up With his Visual panache. iDave Martini

I Film/rouse. Edinburgh from Fri 75 Oct.


Hungarian-Amencan first time teature director Nierd Antal's debut revolves arOund a Budapest Metro ticket inspector named BulcSu played by the marvellously laconic Sander

to be broken, and Ramon finds that it is otllv by shedding these childish shackles that he wrll ever grow.

A warm look at the end of tasCist rule in 1970s Spain. the film mines much drama from its contrasting characters. both shv Ramon and his extrovert

48 THE LIST 4—." Oct SOC-1

friend David lFeIix Lope/i but also the adult influences on their lives - fas‘Cist teacher Don Felix and MaleSl priest Padre Matias.

Stylistically arresting and sensitive but never saccharine. this is a huge leap from Cuadri's unev en debut. the

Csanyil. Once top dog. Bulcsu's fallen on hard times following a personal tragedy. Now he lives and works 24 7 undergrOund where he leads a team of misfit inspectors against a rival gang and the public. who despise their rough and ready authority. Meanwhile.

a bx tint :w'ia

‘:¥l‘ti:1l‘li'lil l‘t‘iil‘lt‘ be'watl‘itrai'lsa"1.1.‘a‘r'xil‘dressed ill a rabbi :nlt’. .ti‘wlrlt its ‘M iirltlt‘e Hull‘su up tri'r tlw- uni ternaoi ti and into the light.

Surreal rattle tl‘ar: war. r\lll.tl"» Mill is ‘asllictletl as llt‘ll‘ court-it, .lliil flrri'ler :Beliisui's gang igirrit- on a tilt like the Kmsti irrii Oops, .-.hili- running the- l.lll§i, rict s irrii-tbillrt vi u should tr‘, outsiilii (‘llll‘llltll lhis lii-.i‘.il, rnetaplioiirtal tilrn also operates as a parable about lllr' and death. ‘.'.’llll the Metr. standing in for purgaton, its escalati >rt. to street level being a stain-.av leading to heaven, etc. Beyond that. the drabness ol the below ground Metro world contrasted with the light .it the top ot the escalator suggests a pre and postcoinrrrunist Hungary

The narrative irieani lers somewhat. and the message is a bit lii:a\\,' handed. but it's an intriguing debut nevertheless. (Miles Fieldeii I GFT. G/asgow from /-/i It, Out. Fi/m/iouse. [HINDU/(fl) from Hit/1)." Oct. Carrier), ['(I/llifl/Itfll from In .”.‘-)


lllllll ll H MAN ON FIRE (18) 145min O.

‘A special thanks to Mexrco City. a very special place.‘ reads a message liirl'len away in the tinal credits for [)eri/el Vl/ashington's second action collaboration with director lorry Scott (Cr/{risen Tidel. The previous 124 minutes, however. suggest that Mexico City is only a special place it you're interested in kidnapping cliildreri, since the country .s portrayed as being rur. by a corrupt. Devil .‘.”)lf}llll)[)lll’l police force who turn a blind eye to sue"! behavrcur.

Into this walks (greasy; a supposedly alcoholic ex Marine bodyguard played by Vr’ashirigtori, a picture of health as always. Creasy is an arriiable mari, and guickly lgo'ios with Pita Dakota Fanning, liis eight-year-cld charge.