
Facing Window (La Finestra Di Fronte) I lFI O. Il‘cr/an ()xpclck. llal}. 200M Raoul lioxa. .\l.IxxIIIIo (iIIoIII. (ionaIIna NIL-Homorno. l-Illepo \IgIII. \t-Ira YIIIIIa/ llllillllll Young IIIIIIhI-r ol mo (llH‘xdlllld INlL'l/IIgIIIrnIH lcclx ht'r‘ lllL‘ In RoIIIc Ix your: nouhcrc hort'd IIIIh hcr Ioh .II a poIIllI} latlor}. xlIL"x .leo dccpl} lI‘IleIach h} Ihc lack ol .IInhIIIoII thmn h} th lIIIxhaIId l-Ilepo I\'I3;IoI An unhkcl) lrIcIIdthp u llll .I coIIlIIxcd and upxcl otlogcnarIaII SIIIIIInc I(iIIoIIII llIaI IIprIch (iImaIIIIa to at! on th IlC\llL'\ SIIIIonc. ll I-IIIchI-x. Ix a toIItt-IIII‘aIIon L'dlllp xIII'\ l\I)['_ \xho xI\ dctadI'x on Ix xlIIl cnorrnouxl) allutcd h} lhc dcalh ol lIIx IIIalc Iowr l‘laut'd pI-Ixonal IranxloInIaIIon drama that lL‘llL'\ loo hcgn II} on IIx IIIt'lodI‘aInalIt' tonIInaIItt-x (i/mmm ll/Hl Iln'um; (i/uxgon, I'll/llllullu'. IziluI/Iuru/I Fahrenheit 9/1 1 IISI COO. IMIt-hacl \lIIoIc, 1.5.3lNl-1INlIL‘hacl Moore. (IL‘IH‘gL’ \V lluxh. l)oIIald Rlllll\lL'lIl. l.Ila l.IpxcoIIIhc_ IZJIIIIII Another polIIIt‘all) charged dot'IIIIIcnlaI') lroIII ()xt‘ar \HHHL'I' \loorc. llIIx lllllL' lalxIIIg aIIn al lhc lhIxh .IdIIIInIxIratIoII MIMIC \L'l\ lIl l't‘t'l‘L‘illL' lllL‘ I'H‘lllx llldl haw ll'tl IIx ll'Illll lhc JIM“ pII'xIdcnlIal clccllon lo lllL' ltlIIIIIl} (K'L'llpélllllll Ill ll'iltlr l'Il/II'I'II/II’II U/l/ Ina} IIol haw lllL' ahIIIl) Io \lllll you-IIIIIII'IIIx hIII Il‘x xIIll an Incrcdlhl) pImcIlul. xpct'Ial \oIt‘c ol oppoxIlIon and pIolt-xt h \Hll alxo prox u to hc Ihc lIIght'xl gI‘oxxIIIg doclnncnlar} ol all lIInI' III .-\IncrIt‘a. \\ Ilhoul a douhl. (IInn'II. lit/lIl/llll'u/l, Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! I 1M .0... IRuxx MC} cr. [8. l‘lIIIII 'l'uI‘aIIa Salana. 33mm. 'l‘lIrcc go-go danccrx rclcaxc llII-II' lI'IIonIIx h} drI\ In; xpoI‘lxt‘arx through Ihc dcxcrl and hchm In; aggrcxxncl} [Imardx lllL‘ll. ('laxxlt‘ MC} L‘I‘ cull—lraxh (irmu'nor. (l/(HQI’H. Festival Express I 15:... (Bob SIncaloII. l'K/Nclhcrlandx. 200M 'l‘hc Band. IIIc (iI‘alcl’ul l)cad. Janlx Joplin. Ihc H} In; llIII'Illo llrolhcrx. UIlIIIIII. Scc I‘m IL'“. pagc ~17. l‘l/Nl/H’llu'. lit/lIl/llll'tll.

Five Children and It Il'I 0.0

IJolIII Slt‘phcnxon, l'K. JIM-ll Kcnnclh

lh'anagh. /.oc \\.III;IIII.IkcI. l‘rcddIc llIghIIIorc. Jt'xxIt‘a (‘laI'Idgtn lzddIc l//.IId Mont-I. XVIIIIII, Scc rcumx. page J"

.VI'lI’I In] I'I‘lI'IlH'

Freaky Friday ll’(il O. I,\1;Irk S \Valcrx. l‘S. ZINHI JaIIIIc lu‘ (‘urnx. l.IIIdx.I} l.ohaII. \lark llaI‘IIIoII. llarold (iould. ('had \llt‘hacl .\lurra} 07mm l.Ikcahlc I't-Inakc ol lhc popular I‘l7o .lodIc l‘oxlcr coIIch). ('I '/ (‘lulc'lqu/I. ('lII/r/IIIIIL; (’( ~/ I'Jlllll’lll'gll. lit/Ill/NHL'II.

Garfield ll’(Il C. Il’clcr “will. 18‘. 2004i lh‘cclxIn .\lc_\cr. Jt'IIIIIlcr l.o\c llcmll. Slcphcn ’l'oholouxk). lhll Murra} I\oIt‘cI XlIIIIII. Dope} duIIIh axx \ceron ol' lhc popular xIrIp and ‘l'\' cartoon. Not hall ax had ax }oII Ina} xuxpccl. lhough Murra) Ix \xaxlcdr (irnrm/ I'('l('(l\('.

A Generation I III C... l.’\lllll'/C| \Vajda. l’oland. I955) 'laIICIIx/ l.I\llllllk‘l\l. l‘I‘x/ula .\1odr/_\Ikaa. 'l‘adcux/ Januar. 83mm, lII lhc llllll llIal Roman l’olanku Crcdllx \Hlll xIarlIIIg 'th‘ uholc ol l’ohxh cIncIna'. llIc gcncranon III qucxlIoII Ix Ihal “lllL‘ll grcu l‘I'oIII adolt'xt'cncc Io adullhood


Duke Bluebeard’s Castle

Bela BartOk


Arnold Schoenberg

A visually stunning and highly dramatic Doublc Bill ufm'u lll’(’llll(’lll century nmslcrpivccs

Theatre Royal Glasgow 8, 12, 14, 16 October 0141 332 9000

Edinburgh Festival Theatre 21 & 23 October 0131 529 6000

56 THE LIST 7—21 Oct 2004

The race is on in Boo. Zino and the Snurks

agaIIle Ihc hatkdIop oi \a/I ottupanon \Vllllt' the hIII.II_\ IIII'xxaggt' \a/IxIII had llIcIt'toII‘ ('oIIIInIIIIIxIII good at my \(llk' oi Ihc lIIIII Ix onnI'uhaI lIc.I\_\ handcd. lllk'lk' Ix xIIll plcnl} lo .lIllllllL' IIIol lk".l\l an k‘.lll_\ appcaIant‘c lIoIII lllL' Ioung: l’olaIkaI llllll\k'llvl. l’dl'l Ill \\.I|Il.lxt'.I\Hl1 (iI/HIIIII'II/l/(i/J. (l/(1\L'I’\1. III'IIIlII 'I‘IH Ia/IIIIIIIIq/I

0 Happily Ever AfterII ll \IllllIIll} llt‘ll. l:d\\aId llt'll. lhuu‘ \\ SIIIIlh. l'\. IlNlII \IIIt't'x ol \\ Ill SIIIIlh. \\ hoopI (ioldthg. |)I'II/I'l \\;leIIn;_'loII .IIId lllUlL‘ h'JIIIIn, Sch-(non ol \lIot‘t'IIlIIt' .IIIIIIIalId l;III'_\lalcx. xIIIIahlc loI‘ hr: and lIlIlc lule ahkc, l’aII ol Ihc Black llleoI} \lonlh (Illntulrll/l/(l/s. (i/IHQIIII

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Il’( il 0.. I:\llonxo (‘IIanIL l'S.ZI)I)-1Il)anlcl Radt'hllc.RIt‘haId (iIIllIIlIx. l’aIn l-I'I'I'Ix. l‘lItlid Shau. (l.ll_\ ()ldIIIaII l-lIIIIIII ll Ix lhc xIIIIIIIIcI hcloIc llaI'I‘} 'x llIII‘d )car at lloguarlx. hul \Iho cart‘x" /.\I.l.\' I/Ic'uln. (i/IMQIIII

Hellboy I l2:\) 0... I( illlllL'llllII dI-l 'l'oI'I'o. l’S. lell-ll Ron l’t‘I‘IIIIaII. John llIIIl. Schna lilaII' IZIIIIIII. \lcut'an hoIIoI lIlIII aulcur (iIIIllt-IIIIo dcl 'l‘oIo'x lahoIII ol low adaplallon ol \Ilkc \lIgIIola'x t‘IIll hoIIoI t'oInIt‘ dclIwa on L'\L'l_\ lcwl .\I'/I'I In! I'I‘li'Ilud

0 Hero I l2.-\I O... IYIIIIIIII /,lI.III§.'. ('hIIIa. ZINHI lt-I |.I. 'l'on} l.k'llll_‘._'. \lagglt' ('ht'ung. ‘l‘lIIIIII \‘IIIIoII‘x t‘oIIIIou-eral lakc on lllC |Ilc ol' lanlpI'IoI ()III. oIII' ol llII- hloodIt'xl IchIIx III ('hIIIt'xc lll\lI)l_\ l'IIqu'prIxIngl}. ht" \xax oIIc ol .\lao ’l \k' 'l'ung‘x hcrot'x. lli'ru Ix a IIIIIId hloxx lll_L' old xt'hool-xuoI’dpla} -hIg_'h» IIIIIIpIIIg: Iakc oII llIIx IL'I'I'Ihlc lllllL‘ III lllxlUl'}. licaulIlull} lIIIIch h} canIcraIIIaII (‘hrIx l)o}l¢. lhIx Ix .Ix hrcallIlakIIIg ax Il Ix rcaclIonaI} .’\ Io} Hi you can Ignorc llIc IIIIdt'I‘l}Ing_' laxt'Ixnt' IoIIcI (ii'III'I'II/ I'¢'/¢'II\I'.

Home on the Range III 00 l‘Inn. JolIII Sanlord. [8. JUN: Slcw BthL‘llll. JIIdI l)cIIt'h_ (i\\' liaIlC}. Rowaan Barr. F’hllllll RIIIIIoIII‘cd Io hc l)IxIIt-} 'x lInal hand-draun cartoon. llonn on [In [I’d/rut Ix a ll'udllmnnl talc (ll lhc old \Vt‘xl lllal lolloux Ihc adwnlurcx ol IlIIu' IIIIxnIaIt'ht-d ‘hox Inc hounl} hIIIIlcrx'. .\lag_'3_'Ic Il‘ldl‘l I. .\lIx 'l'allIma)‘ I l)L'llL‘lll and (irat'c IJt-IIIIIlt-I' llll} I. \\ ho xcl out lo [rack doun a t'alllc I‘IIxIch'.


collccl \IHHL' I‘cuard mom") and xaw lllL‘ll lill'lll lI‘oIII l'oIt-t‘loxurc. Ind-able ll dL'xpt-I‘aIt-l} dull. aIIIInalIoII .-\ laIrl} lllL‘del'C xL'nd oll lo a t‘laxxlt‘ gcnrc. ()(I( on Huh I HIu/I'I. l'x/IIl/lll/"Jll. lat/IIIlIurg/I

The Hours of the Day (Las Horas Del Dia) I ISI 0.. IJdllllL' Roxalt'x. Spain. ZINHI .-\lc\ lh'cndcrnuhl. Ayala Roca. .\larIa :\lllHlll;l \larhnw. l’apc .\lonxorIu. \It'cnlc RoIIIcro. lIlZIIIIII. ('lollIIng xlIop on ncr .v\hcl IllrcnchnIIhlI lo\ cx lIIx IIIIIIII and hIx gIrllI’Icnd hut [hurt- Ix angcr lhal lIIIhthx Iandc hIIII. a

px} choxIx that Icadx hIIII lo lull hrulall} SpanIxh dIrchoI' JaIIIIc Roxalcx' xlud} ol lhc ‘hanalII_\ ol cul‘ Ix a LllllL'll) deIIIrhIIIg IIIo\ Ic llIaI IIcwr tlllllL‘ \L‘L‘lll\ to reach the lcxclx ol lllL'llilL‘L‘ or IanghI lhIx IIItcrcxIIIIg \xrncr and dII'choI‘ xccmx Io haw Inlcndcd. ('unn'o. lull/Ilmrg/I.

Hungarian Documentaries Illungar} I For the nut xI\ t‘onxu‘ulnc \Icckx a llIIIIgarIan Illk'lllllL’llldi‘} \Hll hc thmn cwr}

\IIIId.I_\ al ‘pIn III Iht' l IlIIIlIoIIxI' IIIIIMIIIJII [din/noun

l Vitelloni (Spivs) Il’I 000. 'lt'tlk'llk" l't'llllll. Italy l‘H U l l.lll\I‘ IIIII'III'nghI. \ll‘t'llI' \oIIlI. | Ianto l .ll‘ll/l. lI'opoldo lIIt'xlI' Ill 'IIIIII lI\I‘ IIIIIldlI' tlaxx l.I}.Il\IIIIIx. xpoIIfgIIIg.‘ oll IlII'II loll». tlIaxInx' lIIII. jgnlx .Ind pIpI' dII'aInx III .I xInall loun on UK" \\lll‘lll\ uhlxl jJI‘l llllU .lxxIIllI‘Il xtldl‘I'x lhc ( )xIIII IIoIIIInalI‘d xIII‘I'nplaI .lllk'lll.ll\‘\ l‘k'l\\k'\'ll \Illllk‘. IoInpaxonn .lllIl hlcak hIInIoIII l'I‘llIIII'x l‘lI'JlxllllI'llt'll IIon [C Ix .I IIIIIxI xI'I' l’.IIl III lI'llIIII xI'axon Isl/III'IIIIHI. II/III/IJIIg/I

In Cuba They’re Still Dancing In I. IRIt'haId l)o\\ III'x. \ollaIId. I‘l" ll V'IIIIII

\II .maId \Hlllllllji doIIIIIII'IIlaI} .ll‘I'lll IhI- l.llL‘ -\_~:ncx \ltl I-aII'x \IxII Io ( 'IIha \ lIlI' long; xot’Ialle and Ian ol I aim Il.lll\ lllf.‘ aI (ll.l\_L'I‘\\ 'x l’IIllIu k (.t‘llllt'. \ltl t'.lll \t'I'x ('axlIo'x It‘gInII' lIle hand ax th' IIIIIIhax llk‘l \\.I} llIIouth lllk' llIililt'dlld IIthII llll‘ III ll.I\.In.I .V II’III/I '\ (I III/I, II/IIIlI 3 Internal Affairs I IS» 000 I\\.ll Kt‘llll}: I .III XIII laI \la. llonj: Kong.) (’lIIIIa. lelllI \nd) IaII. loII_\ II‘IIngs. \IIllIoIn \Vong: (‘lIau Sang. l IIt lx.III;:, kcll} ('lII'II. SaInIIII (‘hcny ‘IXIIIIII l/(Ill xl_\lI' lloIIj.' Kong xI-I IhIIllI-I lhal pla'xx on lllt‘ t'oandI-Iahlt‘ doIIII'xIIt' .IppI-al ol llII-xI- [\kII plIcnoIIIt'nal lcadx (’op ( 'han llt‘llllle lI.Ix l‘k‘L'll “Mildly! lHl _\I';le .1x .I llk'k'll \IIH'I UPL'lleC IIIxIdI' lllt' lI.IIdx l.III II .1“! lllt‘.lll\\llllk'. Ix .I xI'I'II'I IIII-InhI-I ol IhI' lII.Idx \Iho hax IIIllllIak‘d llII' polItI' loII I' \I.Ilh .III L'qlldl lt'u'l Iil \lltu'xx ,-\x lllt‘} lI‘I'Il lllI‘Il hoxxt'x IIIloIIII.IlIoII on lhc planx ol lhc orggalnxanonx IlII'} pII-II'IId Io xt'Iu'. Ihc} holh ht'yIn Io lL'k'l IhI' xlII'xxI'x ol Iht'II douth hu'x (II/mo /.I/III/Imgl1

Infernal Affairs III Ii: 0.. I\\aI Kenny laII/SIII l‘.ll \lak. Hon}:

Konul 'lIIIIa/SIIIyapIIII'. SIN) ‘I l'.Ill\I)ll ('lII'II. Shaun \IIL: \nlhon} “on: ('hau Sang. l'I'aIIt'Ix ,\;.' ll‘lInIII 'lIIIt'. IIonI ol llII- \.l\l la} dt‘ad .Il lhc L'llll ol Illl( IIIII/ ,l/lIIlI'L xo your: back III IIIIII' Ix a mum \I..I_\ Io l't‘xllllct'l lllL'\C jJIL‘al l.I\IIlHIlI' t'llalatlL‘lx “’lldl'x lL‘x\ PlL‘Illtldl‘lt' Ix lllt‘ llllllllllllxt'l.\ du‘Ionn Io l‘llllfJ hatk lt'IIIIjg'x IIIad polIII' IIIolc XIII]; and ('lIcIIIIy‘x llllIlt'lUWL'l top ('han III lthI )oIIIIjch lllL‘.llll.lllIIll\ I( 'han and Yum \ou \lIIIj: and ('han .llL' IIII‘II'I} \lllll‘fllllllf: pl.I_\t-Ix on a \IIdt'I xl.I§_'I' :\II IIIIpI‘cxxIw xcqucl lo .I xlIgghIl} “\L'l Ialch poht'IL'I gangxtt'I IlIIIlch ('Inmw, lJ/lll/lllli’ll Inside I'm Dancing I ISI ooo Il)aInIcnI)’l)onncll. l'K.3lNl»1IJaIncx \lx‘.-\\u}. Slut-II Rohcnxon. RoInola (i.II.II. llrcnda l‘l'lL'GCl Ill-lIIIIn Scc lCHt'u. page 43 (it’ll! I'II/ I'I’lI'IlH'

0 Into Africa: The Black Kingdoms of the Nile IIht I mun-Nu llcnr} (iach/“all 'lo “a” lclm IonII. l'.IhIopI.I. I‘N‘II J‘IIIIIII IIHIHI“. I" III:

JlIlI Inn Klimt/nun or (In .\'Il« lUk'll\C\ oII Ihc KIIxh IIouglIl} \Ihcrc Sudan and lzlhiopIa .llC IIoIII 'l'hc Kll\llllL'\ alxo rulcd lamp! loI mu llNl _\carx. and llIIx IlIK'lllllClllill'} lL'll\ lllL‘lr xlor} l’arl oi Ihc Bl;ng llIonI'} \lonlh (ii/IIIIII'c'IIII/(i/3. (i/uwuu,

Into the Mirror I ISI .00 IKmI Scong-ho. South Kort-a. I‘M.“ Yu lelac. KIIII \l}t-IIIIg-IIIIII. KIIII ll}C-lld ll‘IInII Su-

rc\ 1c“. pagc 4‘) (ill ' krill/"I'M .SII‘I'I'I. (HI/won, (i/uxgma, l (i(' ('IIII'IIIIII lldlIl/llll'L’ll. /.(lllll’lll‘ull