Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Brian McGeachan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Club Devotion \‘.Illl l),l \nnie. ('luh l)e\t»tinn. IS .lainana Street. S1" “\IH llpin lant ti tl tee [\ixxex Iltt-ix .t‘‘lL‘ llttllt the Heath} [(ilt'l eetittet \nnthet \lltlllkk' llll\ \teek tn enin} the tlehghtx ml llll\ neu ga} night Intirtex} ml the \llll‘ lttllltt'l'l} knmxn .t\ l’enelnpe\


I Quiz Night Helinntnea\_ hS \ ngtnia Slit't'l. 5.5: lb”: “CURB l'tt't‘ IlL'\l )tttlt \\II\ agatmt the hext and the hitghtext lll llll\ [tttpttlat ga} inainxta}

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Toxic lgu. ll I’ieaitl} l’laee. 47S "43-1. Ilptii iatn, U. \Veekl}. \t‘\\l\ll eluh night littlll \the ltl.‘t\lt'l’ .latne\ lunguurth. leattttiitg awtrtetl guexh and a llll\L'\l lllll\lt‘.tl hag (ll turntahle tt'iekx.

Glasgow Fridays


I LGBT Centre Cafe Bar I I l)l\tlll St. 33!» 5H5“. ‘lpin l3. l’i‘ee. \Veekl}. ltk karaoke night.


Burly 'l'he .\rehe\. 253 .\i'g} le Street. 505 IIH5. lititlptii .iain. t'ltl IL'SI. \lultthl). .S (let. lturl} eelehratex ll\ \eeuntl Itirthtla}. Stt'iet tlt'exx mde: eunxtruetiun night

I Fresh at the Polo lounge. S4 \Vilwn Street. 553 Illl. ltlpin Rain. [5 IUI. \Veekl}. the uni} plaee Ill the heart Hi the en} tor a hot and meat} e\pertenee .\lltl_\ antl \hehelle prm nle a llll\ l‘l ehat't and tlanee IllllSlt‘.

Edinburgh Fridays

Bars I Polysuper-Disco Club \t-xxttmn liar.


The first biopic of American composer Cole Porter, the imaginatively titled The Cole Porter Story, was a technicoloured whitewash. Starring the urbane Cary Grant, it obeyed the prudish conventions of the 1950s and obliterated any hint of the musical legend’s sexual preferences. New film De- Lovely provides a realistic portrayal of the bisexual Porter’s life and melodies, with Kevin Kline in the starring role. This Hollywood movie is jam-packed with renditions of his classic songs, including ‘Let’s Do It’ and ‘Anything Goes'. Watch out for cameos by Robbie Williams, Elvis Costello and Diana Krall.

I De-Love/y (PG) is on general release at cinemas across the country

Shh Huhhn Street. 5“ ""5 lttptn :attl l tee \M'ekl} \ l’ttl}~tipt't selection mt tainp .tttlllt'tth


I Blaze lgw. 14 l’ieattl} l)l.l\\.. VS "4:1 lxt. :lkl tk 4th l H wt eaeh lllt'lllll

llpin 3am Li hetut'e inninight. L4 .tllL'l l-uttntghtl} l).| .l.tttte\ I ungxwrth \I‘.:Ik\ Ihe ga} \xeekentl \\l[ll a ehait anti Iunk} huthe \lllllitllltlkh

Glasgow Saturdays


I Consent llugxheatl Hat. it» \I‘llll

l lt'tlL‘l’lt‘lx Sllk'k'l. \lltll Sal " ( )etuhei Spin lain tLXSI t5 \lnnthl} \ next night tor the niehe tnaiket teplaeing the pupulat (‘luh \l}\t_\\ lllll.tlll\ lllllSl \lllll

lt‘llSll“ eat. .tlltl lllL'l'L' l\ .t l‘lat'lx tllt'\\ etttlt' I Lush the Polo lounge. S4 \\ ilwn Street. 553 l 13]. lllpni iatn L5 «tit Satut'tla} \utttg\ rountl again. and it‘s tune ittl' ltl\t‘l\ til the luxh lite to mine In the and III the part}

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Polysuper-Dance Klub l’ultxuper \emen Bar. Shh Huhhn Street. 5 VS ""5. lllptn Iain. l'iee, \Veekl}. (heex) tllSU‘ pop lur l‘ll_\\ antl g‘ll'l\ \\llll I).|\ l’ttl}\tt[tt‘i‘ l’ete. ,\h and guextx.


I Wiggle ligu. l—l l’teartl} l’laee. 4"S "4H. I lptii .iatn. \lnnthl}. Sat ‘lth ()et. RL'\l\lL‘lll l).l\ lllL‘lltl} \Vt'lltl} and lit” l’leaxetl hlentl eainp \\ llll L'la\\lt‘\ and llt‘\\ \lllllltl\.

Glasgow Sundays


I Angie ‘0’ Merehant l’ritle. Ill ('atltllt‘l‘lgg‘x .504 l:\'.5. l'il'L'C. \VL't‘lxl}. Ililll\ pupulat' har la} \ elaini to hmting the eanipext karaoke lll Sentlantl. “Hit the \ttperlatn e .-\ngie ‘( )' utilieiattng as the mistress til eereniuniex.


I Decked The tunnel. S4 .\litehel| Street. 304 Itltltl. llpni .iani. £3. \Veekl}. lhut'tt Leisure ha\ e Iatinehetl a next night billed as ga_\/nti\etl hard house night. [I aim marks the \teleunie return to the (ilaxgtm \eette ul' l).l Sara.

I Pink Devotion ('luh Demtion. IS .latnaiea Street. S47 (lSZt). llpnt 3am. t3 tli'ee \\ ith ther/paxxi. l“ iee Weekly The club l'nrinerl} kntmn ax l’enelupe‘x has undergone a name change and introthieetl ; queer night on Suntla} \ and 'l'hurxtla} \ “ith the tll\lllL‘ I)J .-\nnie.

Edinburgh Sundays


I Taste The liquid Ronni. 0e Victoria Street. 325 3564. llpni 3am. t5 hel'ure ll..‘~tll‘In; L'S tt‘h ineniherxi alter; tit) nutt— lllL‘llll‘L‘lN on guext 1).! nights. Weekly Sample the superb and last} hrexx tit llttlhc and garage in thix “CCGCllkl eelehratiun til all things queer and dike}. l-‘eaturex founders l'ixher & l’rtee ill the main runni. Baek rtmni rexttlenh l).l\ Martin Valentine and Stex en Wattle“ pla} tleep llttIISL' and ['5 litttlw.

I BootyLUSl-lous \ledtna Itintlet' Negueiantxt 45 4' Ipthmtt Street.

ltlpnt Rant. {3 It: het'tire initlnight I. \VL‘L‘lxl}. .\ l‘ltk‘k part) lltlSlCtl l‘} l).l l)alL‘ l.ll\ll. plus rextdenh Sinnnune lilaek. l’tnipxter tk (iee and trend} Wendy

I Blooms Karaoke. :5 (it'L‘L‘lhltlL‘ Place. 550 033 1. (mm 3am. 'l‘htx txw Iltmt‘ tenet in the mm 11 nt' lithnhurgh'x seene ix alua) \ a strong enntentler Inr the metal L‘alL‘lltlal'. lllt‘ \L‘tltlL‘ aim litt\l\ a tllSL't‘ e\et"\ night t'rnni llptn.

Glasgow Mondays

Clubs I Passionality tube. 34 Queen Street. 333 SW”. ll..‘~(tpin 3am. £3. \Veekl}. II'


TURNER KANE Perfect Tackle

If sex is the best contact sport imaginable then rugby must surely come a close second. The homoerotic quota contained in the average 80- minute game rivals anything that can be found outside the bedroom - with the possible exception of post-match bonding in the baths.

While football stubbornly remains the preserve of the staunchly heterosexual, if not the homophobic, rugby's association with public school

and university education has helped it become the most gay-friendly of games. And then, of course, there are those oddly shaped balls.

Turner Kane’s new novel Perfect Tackle exploits the sexual mystique surrounding the sport to dramatic effect, with a fast-paced plot that carries the reader along. Young Guy Holbrook is chained to the office desk as a junior executive, has amateur status in the local rugby union, and his relationship with his partner Hugo has gone stale.

His route to a new life comes after taking up an invitation to play professional rugby in the north of England. It's here that Guy falls under the spell of a handsome and attentive sports therapist. There follows a scintillating mix of intrigue and derring-do, on and off the pitch.

The novel also explores the fascinating theme of male friendship, which a number of contemporary novelists are examining - occasionally breaking new ground in the process. One key example is Will Rhode, author of Paperback Raita, who has used his recent novel White Ghosts to explore the complexities of male friendships. In that book he uses the backdrop of two ex-school boys meeting up in Hong Kong and discovering that, for them, there’s a thin line between laddish pranks and laying each other in the sack. White Ghosts is not a gay novel, making the sexual subplot all the more powerful. But while Perfect Tackle lacks Rhode‘s depth and subtlety, it certainly delivers as a narrative packed with explicit and brutal truth. It‘s worth picking off the shelves to warm the winter nights under the duvet.

(Brian McGeachan)

the eheap drink and eraeking \llllllle til I)! Shaun tlun'l entree _\uu utll nl )ttur puxlr “CClNL‘lltl \lllltllk‘l' then the regular talent on thxpla} Ipi' girls and hit.“ |ll\l inight.

Edinburgh Mondays


I Polysuper-Cheez \Itmtt ('luli. ()inni (it‘llll'k‘. (it't‘t‘lhttlt‘. “7‘33 4~~1~ll~l

ltlpin Rain. {4 till \Veekl}. .-\ littl}\t‘\llal. \ll';ll;_‘lll ll'tL‘lltll} ga} eluh night “fill a eunl. ltaxxle-lree inuntl \\ here. iti their nu n \wrtlx. ‘e\er_\thing goex'. With 1)] Pete Hinmwrth. I)J \iiiie\ .k 1)] Midi,

Glasgow Tuesdays


I FUN ('uhe 34 Queen St. :33 MN“. ll..‘~llpni Rant. [3. \Veekl}. l'pr thme \Hlll the \ta} ing and \penthng ptm er to emu} another lllltl\\L‘L'l\ tlanee-a-Ihun. (‘uhe presenh ll\ second night nt lllll\lL'al nia}hetn txee l)a\\lttllalll_\ l.

Checkmate L

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Wbe ltgtt. l’lt‘al'tl} l’laL't‘. lax Tl ii

I lpni .iain. £3 It: ineinheixi. \Veekl} .lainex lengmirth ptm nlex Ihe \Ulllltl\ llp\l;tll\ at llll\ \pat‘kl}. ehat't} patt} ulnle Nathan Seantlehur} p|a'\\ an R‘n'lt nn\ tltl\\ll\l;lll\.


I The Hut) at l.(ili'l~ (.L'llll't' lttl' llL‘allll «K \Vellhetng. ‘) Htme SI. 53i Illlll.

4.3M Titlptn. Drop tn Itir Irientll} anew lu lexhian. ga). htxeutal HI‘ ll'.tll\}_‘t'lltlL‘l inlu. euntaetx and \er\ tees. 'l‘hix \eix tee |\ alxtt [it'tn ltlL'tl Ull \Vt'tlllL'Stlil} alttl 'l lltll'xtla}.

Glasgow Wednesdays


I Allure The tunnel. S4 \htehell Street. 304 ltltltl. 1 1.30pm 3am. £3. Weekly The llL'\\l\ll ga} ttight IS brought lu )ttti limit the lll'allh hehintl ('nhe'x l’axxiunaht} and [IN prunnxing happ}. eheex} pup.

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I lcebreakers (‘(’ lithium. :1 (ireenxnle Place. 556 404‘). l-ree. l;\et} 3nd tk 4th \Vetlnextla}. 7.3“ ‘).l5pni. Lung-running. lrientll) and no \ll‘lll‘g'S group I'oi‘ neu I} out and new In lathnhurgh.

.r‘ 99'. ,-1THE LIST 69