
I TRON THEATRE Blithe Spirit l‘ntil Sat ‘) ()gt " 3Hpin

(i3 'I'rongatc. 552 42o". ich A; Sat niat 2.3llpin it £13 :2“ 5H F'eShmes§ 3‘ “‘9 Standing Wave 'I‘hu stir :3 on liiol run LI” sot .x'nt-i (‘rmrrrax (neit— Traverse. Edinburgh Sun A; Moni. Spin LS LI2 i£5 UH. xupcrnatural coincd§ xtarx I’cnclopc

('oIIahoratiw nork hctuccn the Iron Keith. 'I‘hc talc ol a man u iih [no u l\L‘\.

'I‘hcatrc (‘oinpain and Rot-ling tk HIIL' ol \khoin ix a ghoxt

Writhing. tt-Iling lhc xtoi‘} oi innoxaiiw Bill 8 Ben and Andy Pandy l‘i'l

I‘Nillx UHIIPUSL‘I I)t-Iia I)crh_\ xhirc. uho I5 Sun I" Opt. Soc Kidx Iixtingx.

IiillltllISI} L’i‘t'atcd llIL' I)I' Il'liu Illt‘IIlL‘ * The Price Inc I‘) Sat 23 Hot

tunc. 7.3llpin i\\'cd Sat inat 23¢)pini.

£13 £2051) till) LI".5l)i. I)ii'ct‘t troin

Ed' b h llIL' \VK'SI lilltl. \Varrcn .\lllk'llL'll \\ In In Arthur .\IiIIci”x (HIIIL‘tlIt‘ draina ax IIIL'

loud hctuccn tuo extrangcd Iti‘othci'x ix

I BRUNTON THEATRE pla} L'd out agaiiixl the backdrop oi tIit'\\\t'll Wit}. \Itixxt-Iliurgh. (m5 224“. .»\incrit‘an I)cprt‘xxion. ll’. H. II. “(I \\'.-\| Huff Puff and Away Sat 9 ()L'I. Set- I NORTH EDINBURGH ARTS Kidx Iixtiiigx. CENTRE Freshmess Triple Bill \Vt'd I3 ()cl. I5a l’cnn} xx cII ('ourt. 3 I 5 2 I 5 It See Kidx Iixtingx. Huff Puff and Away l'ntiI 'I‘hu " ()ti Good Things 'I‘hu I4 tk I'ri I5 ()ci. Soc Kidx Iixtingx. 7.30pm. L'lii iL‘nSiii. lsortlt-rlinc 'l‘hcatrc Perfecting Eugene \Vcd l3 ()t‘l. St-t- ('oinpan} prcxcntx I,i/ I.ot'hhcad'x ncu Kidx Iixiingx. romantic Iai'cc. xhouing him a noinan ol Misery I'ri I5 ()ct. 7pm. to iHi. Soc a certain age dcalx u ith being traded in (ilaxgon. (iiIinorchiII(il2. Ior a _\oungcr niodcl. I CHURCH HILL THEATRE 33a I PLAYHOUSE Morningxidt' Road. 22S I I55. II’. III IS 22 (irccnxidc I’Iat‘c. (IS-N) 0003424. You Can’t Stop the Beat Thu 7 Sat Ill. \\'('. \\'.-\| ‘) Oct. 7. 30pm iSai mat 2.3(lpini. L'Itl Gary Wilmot - My Kind of Music W750i. Allegro ainatt‘ur inuxical xocicl} I‘iri S ()ct. 7.30pm. {Io £22.50. (Bar) PI'L‘SL'IIIS I'rui ('rin ’i Sin/i l/It' li’r'rii. a Wilmot. ilCCtHllIiillllCtl It} the London inuxit‘al lcaxt l'caiuring the hcxt nuiiihcrx (ioxpcl ('hoir and a l2—piccc orclit‘xtra. Iroin cwr} \Iiou the) 'u‘ donc xincc the) xingx IIIIISIL' from the \VL‘xt Iind ino\\ x. Iorincd in I077. Grease .\lon II Sal Io Oct. Mon ’l'hu La Vie Parisienne Wed I3 Sat Io 7.30pm; l‘ri & Sat 5pm tk S.3l)pin. ()t't. 7.30pm. L“) 15). Iidinhurgh haxcd L'It) £2S.5I). 'l‘hc Colourl'ul goingx-on at ainatcui' opera coinpan} ()pcra (’aincrata Rylcll High particularl} the roinaut‘c pcrl‘ornix ()l'l‘cnhach'x Ix! l'ir' l’ririxir'mir'. oi xquarc olit-ol-tim ncr Sand} and touin gu} I)ann_\ ix the xtull' ol t'Iaxxic I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE I TRAVERSE THEATRE I FESTIVAL THEATRE excapixin. In addition to a plot \\llIClI (irindla) Strut-i. 24S JS-IS. [I’. II. II. ('ainhridgt- Slit-ct, 22S I‘lllxi II’. II. 'I I. I3 2‘) Nicolxon Strcct. 52‘) (illllll. III. groans with l'ruxtratcd paxxion. hrixilt'x \\'(‘. \\'.-\I “K '. \\',\| \\'(‘. WA] \xiih gang icnxionx and xuingx u illi lL‘L‘II A Madman Sings to the Moon l'niil Three By Beckett l lllll Sat ‘) ( m The Reduced Shakespeare \‘L‘I'VL‘. thc xongx arc the xoundtrat‘k tor a Sat ‘) ()ct inot Sun/Mont. 7.45pm iSat ". 3“pm, (It) it-I 51) L5 5th. 'I llt‘.lllt' Company, the Complete Works of generation. Inuit) )carx on. (il'i’tlu' ix inat 2.3(lpini. £7 £2] iL'I {I‘M Anard- (iodol pt-iloiiiix a [Hit oi lt'SSL‘l lxllii\\ll William Shakespeare (Abridged) xtiII thc nord. \\ inning. poignant hlat‘k Conn-d} It} Hula-it pit-cox: (HI/t) [iii/urwiiii. Rom"): I'i'i S & Sat ‘) ()ct. 7.30pm. £8 L'Io. \lai'k 'I‘hoinxon loIIouiiig tht' anguiin ol In) 'l’lir'rii/r' / and /I. Prepare to u'itiicxx all 37 til I ROXY ART HOUSE thc ordinar} gu} liaich It} xot'it‘t}. \\ ith Ideas Men l'll S & Sat ‘) ( )t‘t Spin LI | Shakespcarc'x plays in ‘)7 llllllllIL‘\ Mill 2 Roxhurgh Place. 550 9222. the brilliant Ion} (‘ounit- i'ciiii'ning to iU5l) Ur5lli. .\ nt-u xhou iroin t'oinit' hilarioux results. See a rap \crxion ol' Flame and Fury Sat ‘) ()ct. S 9.30pm. the lead role. gt-niiixt-x Ridit'tiluxnnix L‘\Iili)l‘lllj_' a world ()I/It'l/U. iii/Ills .»liirli'mii'r'ii.\ as a cooking £7 (9.5). See I’olk & World. \xht'i't‘ (team it} ix tht' ultiniatt- \‘tII'INllillt' programme and Hum/vi pcrl'orincd New Me (Nueva Yo) Stin II) Out. I TRAMWAY Iii'tMllIt‘l and the hardcxi to iiI\I.illl. I‘oruai‘dx and hackuai'dx. 3 4pm. £5 (£4). ('haro Santa Maria giwx 25 .-\Ihcri I)ri\t-. 0845 33” 35M. |'I"I’. Freshmess Triple Bill Sat in ( M The Merry Widow \‘l'cd I3 Sat In her own unique \icn on uorld poIiliL‘\ \\'(‘. \\'.'\| Soc Kitlx Iixtingx, ()ct. 7.I5pin i'l'hu & Sat inat 2.I5pini. and currcnt all‘airx. lollouing on Il'tilll Dreams and Aspirations: A Tam O’Shanter Sun l7 ()t‘i. St-t- Ix'itlx £I5.5() £255“ (£12.51) £22.50). The her tour of Spain. Ital} and .-\incrica. I’art Celebration of Black History \Vt-d Iixtingx. (‘arl Rosa (‘oinpain rclurnx to Iidinhurgh of thc Hispanic l't‘SIIVill. 2() Sat 23 ()ct. 7,3(lpin iI'ri/Sai inai Private Agenda (Voices from the with a Iax‘ixh no“ production of I’ran/ Where’s the Power? (Donde Esta 2.3(lpini. tn it-Ii. 'l'o colt-bratt- Black Frontline) Inc I‘) Sat 2 3 ()t't. Spin I.chai"x low sun} and light opera .xct in El Podel?) 'l'uc I2 ()ct. (i.3()pin. £5 Ilixior} Month. the Dance Home hringx [I I 1H5” £05”). Inuit-Hauling and thc decadent I’arix of ND. (£4). Drama and dance piece exploring together prolt'xxionalx and inciuhcrx oi enlightening tltk'lllllk‘llldl} plat iioin the the di\'idc hctnccn the poncrliul and the L'Ullllllllllll} Ior thix ihcati'c. dance. 71S-I 'I‘hcairt- (‘oinpany uhit'h aiinx to I KING’S THEATRE powerless and potential nap to iltltll‘L‘SS intixic and xong t'\tra\agan/a. 'I he cxpoxc \tllllt‘ inaddcning truthx about 2 I.c\‘cn Street. 52‘) (i()()(). Ill. 'IVI‘. \\'('. thix prohlcnt. Part of the Ilixpaiiit~ central piccc ix a drama rc\o|\ ing around Scotland‘x pulilit' xci‘\ Ik'L'Si .‘\lIL'I xhon WAI licxtival. the lite oI' Martin Luther King. dixt‘uxxion uith t'anipaignt'rx and \ISI’x Theatre Guide Thursday 9 Friday 10 Saturday 11 Sunday 12 Monday 13 Tuesday 14 Wednesday 15 Arches V Caged Heat Caged Heat 5 Caged Heat I Caged Heat Caged Heat I Caged Heat Citizens Therese WRuifian Therese RNemon God Therese Rr'VernOn God lady Aer Lady Ar): Gi|morehi|| 612 Company ' Company Company I I King's Shell Seekers Shell Seekers Shell Seekers Full Monty Full Monty Ramshorn Britannia Rules ; I g E Electra I Electra Theatre Royal Scot Op: see classical Scot Op see class See Cli‘,’ l W: Tramway : Butterfly Butterfly Butterfly I , I Butterin Tron Standing Wave Standing Wave Standing Wave Standing Wave Standing Ware Brunton See Film 5 See Kids I I See Rock a Pop E I See Kids Church Hill You Can‘t Stop the . . .You Can‘t Stop the. . r YOU Can’t Stop the r La Vie Pariswmne - Festival Theatre ineduced S'speare Co Reduced S‘speare Co I I I I Merry lMdow u King's Theatre Blithe Spirit Blithe Spirit Blithe Spirit See Rock a Pop PIGYIIOIISB 2 Gary Wilmot 3 See Rock 8 Pop I I Grease Grease I Grease Royal Lyceum A Madman Sings A Madman Sings A Madman Sings “traverse l Three by Beckett by/ldeas Men IThree by/ldeas Men I I See Books I

96 THE LIST 7—2i Oct 203-: