
Tartufle Sat Hi ()Ll Sat () \m tutti Suni 3 itlpiii. T i‘lpm UiiL-li 'lhc l<S-\\ll) [tlt'St'lll \lolicic\ llllttl'litUS and otlltagcollS totttctly lldllSltllL'tl lltlii \ciitx h} l l/ lotlicad \\ lmm} toila} as ll

\t..i\ i5” \t'tilS .tL'tt


:3: llltltt' \llt't‘l. 5;: ()llllll “(I

\\ \l

Into the Dark l iitil 'lliti 2t ()cl.

ttlpiii L5 Llll \Nhlc l‘lL'llUHS Illt'St'llIS llHS llt‘\‘- pla_\ \kllllL'll h} Donald \lt Icat} looking at tlic lmc hctuccit truth and tictioti as a giotip ot tccnagctx \cnttnc iiilo lllt' \ktttttlS in \cal'clt ot a \ll.tll‘.,'t‘ old lad}

Scottish Dance Theatre Sat 2 % ()ct, " {tlpm LIS ;\ dotihlc hill ti'om llltS littgcl} talcmcd contciiipoiar} daiicc toiiipati}. tcatttiing llt'\\ \xorltx h_\ lanct Siitilli and I |\ l,orcnt. Scc tc\ic\\


35 ,\|licil l)ii\c. (LS-15 Hit ‘5‘”. I'll. \\'( ‘. \\ \|

Dreams and Aspirations: A Celebration of Black History l'ntil Sat 2 i (M, “. itlpm tl'i‘i/Sat mat

2. illpm l, to t Hi to cclchratc Black lllSlttl'} month. thc llancc llouxc l‘l'lllL'S togctlici [tittlt'SSIttlltllS and iiicmlicrx ot thc coiiiiiiumt} tor lllIS tlicalrc. tlancc. lllllSlt' and \oiig c\tia\agan/a. 'lltc ccntial piccc IS a drama rcxol\ ing around thc lilc ot \lartin l.titlici' King.

The Crying Body 'I liti 3| Sat 33 Oct. Spin. LIZ (UH. ltclgian chorctigt'aphcr/ dircctoi .lan l'ahrc “as last \ccn in Scotland prcxcntiiig his grotindhrcaking Suit/t lat/tr al lltc Jill): latliltlittl‘glt lntcrnational l‘t'SllHll. 'l'ltix timc around. hc\ c\ploring notions ol thc hod} in llll\ cnxciiihlc ptccc ttt\ol\ ing cight actors and tlatlcct'x.

No Comment l‘l'l 2‘) t\ S'at 3o ()ct. Spin. L‘l tL5t. \ccdcoiiipan} portray lttlll' \HtlllL‘Il-S L‘\|\t‘l'lt‘ltt'L'S til \ tttlL'ttL't'. ti'aiixgrcssion and dcxirc using ph'uical thcatrc. dancc and \pokcn \tord.

I TRON THEATRE (ii'l'i'ongatc.552-1307.

Standing Wave l‘iitil Sat 23 ()ct tltol Sun/Mont. .S'pm. LS LIZ (L5 Lot. ('ollalioratix c \\ot‘l\ hctuccn thc 'l'ron 'l'ltcatt'c (‘ompan_\ and Rccling tk \Vrithmg. tclling tlic Slttl'} ot iiino\ati\c l‘thllx cotttpoSct' l)clia l)crh_\ \hirc. \\ho lttllltttlSl) pl'titlttct‘tl lltt‘ III' “III” lliL‘lltL‘ tunc.

Cut to the Chase lltll 2.S' tk in 2‘) ()cl. St‘t‘ KitlS liSlttlgS.

Souls for Sale Sat 30 ()ct. 7pm. 'l‘t‘ott tundraixcr \\ilh a llalltmccn \pll‘ll \\ itli

music. tood and \timc \cr} \pook} lhcattc lot ttiithct into plcasc \l‘llltkl souls“ lion to uk

Habitats lllk‘ 3 \dl (\ \tt\ T lMPH] L71 1|: “5 Lot l’hillippc \liii}ana\ pla} looks itito lhc li\c\ ol tlitcc \ct§ dittctcnl pcoplc and tlic \t'xlt'lS tltc} ltltlt'

Penny Arcade: Bad Reputations \\cd itk'lliti~1\'o\ .Spm L I” i {M \cu \mt pcitoiiiiancc .tt'IISI l’cnn} .\i‘cadc Idlle ahout \\ltat it tltcaltx to tic: had girl and gum icon \kllll liclp ttotii \ottlc danccrs and pcitoriiicix. l’arl ot (ilaxga_\'


GLASGAY! 2004 \loii l Stiii H \t\\ 'l llllt'S \ai} Scotland's annual cclchration ot ga_\ ctilttnc lillS ( il.i\go\\ oncc again. \\ itli thcatic. dancc. music. comcdi and tilm c\cnt\ thiotighout thc cit}.


l.;itl}\\t'll \Va}. \ltixscllitirgh. (M5 thll ll’. H. 'l"l. \\('_ \\t\|

Brunton Youth Theatre Show Sat 3‘ ()ct. ". illpm. L5 ILIS tamil} tickct it .\ llL‘\\ shim pcrtoi'incd li_\ l5 IS )L‘ltl' oldx trom thc lirtinton Youth 'l'hcatic. The Truth & This is Your Life \M-d 3,” ()ct. "50pm. Llll tL5 Lti.5lli, Ricocltcl l)ancc l’todtictionx pi‘cxcnh a \idco dancc \xork h} Katrina \lcl’hcrson and a li\c piccc ahout \lttlllllg‘ pcrspcctncx h} ,\ti\tralian chiircographcr. l.tic_\ (itici‘in.

Hard Times 'l'htt 2S tk Ill 3‘) ()ct. Tillpmt thl tUi.5ll L5i. .\ motlcrn-dtn adaptation ol l)icl\cn\' classic “in cl ahout thc incompattliilit} ot thc litiinan \[lll'll \\llll tlic uncomprtmusing logic ot llltlllSll').

A Clean Sweep Thu .1 \m. ,‘pni. £9.50 1U» L5i. \t'\\ compan} l’ltttot l.a Vic llSt'S L'ltl\\ mug. dancc animation and \ ixual Slot‘}tcllittg to c\p|orc thc orditiar} \kol'ltl ol litttlScltoltl hruxhcx.


33a Morningxidc Road. 323 l I55. ll’. lll The Show of 2004 Thu ZS Sat 3i) ()ct. 7pm. LS 1L5. a\ailah|c t'rom .lannall lr\ ing (ll 3| (iol ZJI l.l. 'l‘lic \ttidcntx ot' thc .luxt l)ancc ('ollcgc \lltt“ ott' \\ hat thc} \c lcarncd during tltcir annual shoucaxc pcrtormancc.


l5 3‘) \lcolxolt Slt‘cct. 53‘) (illllll, III,

M '. \\'.l\|

Reelin’ and a Rockin’ Stiii 3-1 Oct. Spin. L l 5 Ll(i.5ll. .IillL' (il'L‘tilL‘Sl Sl\llL'\ Shim li\crl l'catut‘ing l)a\c l)cc. \Vaytc l-"ontana. l)a\ c ltcrr). \likc l’cndct'. Brian

l’oolc. Ion} (‘tanc \Hlll thc Big ltcat Band and \pccial gticsts tlic \olallS

* Merce Cunningham Ill 2" t\ Sat 1o ( )ct " iltpin LS {IS 5” lltc giant ot \iiictican modcin dancc ci'lltt'S to ldiiihuigh \\ itli tut» maiot \xotltx. including a \koild picimcrc l’oxt shim talk lit 3" ( )tt Scc tcaturc

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat Slim 1 Sat (\ \o‘. T illpm. 3pm. 5pm & .Spin

Ll i 5“ L31 5“ \iitlic\\ l.lo}d “chhci'x clamic tamil} musical \ISIIS l-dinhuigh


l:|m Rim. l.cith \\all\. ‘1" WW |l’. \\(‘. \\ \l

Emma’s Child Inc 2 Sat h \o\

T itlpm iSat mat 3 illpmi Uilbli l._\ltlt lialltx diiccls lhc l'l\' ptcimctc ot Kiixtiitt' l'hatchct'x \cnsilnc and cmotn c pla) tolloumg thc ctlcctx ot ati adoption that docsn't go to plan.


3|.c\cn Slit‘t‘l. 52‘) NW“. Ill. lul. \\('. \\'.\| The Price l‘titil Sat lulct‘ ". illpiii

l\\t‘tl Sat tiiat 2. illpmi, Lli LleStl ithl Ll“.5lli, l)ircct ti‘om thc \cht land. \Varrcn \lilchcll stars in :\l'lltlll' \lillct'x coiiicdic drama as lltc tcud licmccn t\\o cxtratigcd hrothct‘x IS pla_\cd otit ttL‘tllllSl lhc backdrop ot thc .'\lllt‘l‘lL‘;tll l)cprc\\ion.

* Hamlet 'l'tic 2o Sat ill ( )ct "Millpm t\\'cd tiiat laitlpm. Sat mat 3.30pm). L|3.5lt LlS5ll tL‘l.5tl Ll5.5tli. .-\

\ lSllltll} stunning and cniotionall} gripping llamlcl dircctcd h} Yukio .\'inaga\\a and starring .\lichacl .\la|onc_\. l’ctci' ligaii. l'i'anccx 'loinclt} and Rolicrt l)cmcgcr. l’oSl \hou talk \\lllt produccr 'l‘hclnia llolt \Vcd 27 ()ct.

The Crucible INC 3 Sat (i Nov 7.30pm t\\'cd mat l..5llplll. Sat titat 3.5llptltl. L'l.i L3H.5()tLl(l Ll7.5(ll. Arthur Millcr's ptmct‘ltll and mo\ ing pla} is a talc ot~ thc tragic conxctiuciiccx ol' dotiht and \tlSPlL‘lUlt during thc Salcm \\ itch trials. This production L‘ttlltL‘S trom thc ’l‘ouring ('onxortitim and Birmingham ch. l’oxt-xhoxx talk \Vctl i \o\; [WC-Slit)“ tllSL‘lleltilt lit 5 .\'o\. ()plll.


l5a l’cnn_\\\cll (‘ourL .il5 2l5l.

Tam O’Shanter in 22 & Sat 33 ()ct. SL‘L‘ KltlS llSlllth.

The Story of the Little Gentlemen lttL‘ 3(i ()ct. SL‘L‘ KltlS llSllngx.

A Few Thin Slices of Fog tn 3‘) Oct. SL‘L‘ Kttls listings.

For the Fun of Blending Mouth and Ears Ill 2" t\ Sat Wtch St-c lxitlx ll\llll‘_'\


l.\ I: (itccnsidc l’lat c. [it \\(‘_ \\ \l

Verdi‘s Aida ltlt‘ 2o Sat 1H ( )ct tlttll l'litii " iltpttl L'l-l 5” :12 5“ t‘hisniati \atiottal (lpcia pcitoint thc \\otld picmtcic ol a tic\\ l_\ \‘itlllllllSSIi‘llt‘tl production. ti'adttionall} \tagcd and “till ama/tng \pccial cttccts

Jekyll & Hyde the Musical Int-

3 Sat h .\o\ T illpm i\\cd t\ Sat that 3 Sll Sll \llISIL‘dl Lilxt‘ oti Rohct't 1 outs Slc\cn\oii\ c\ocatt\ c Lilt' til titlltdllt't‘ dtltl lllt‘ t‘ttlc l‘.tlllt‘ lictuccn good and c\ tl

tixfil non 1.131

.it tpmt L“


2Ro\litirglt l’lacc. 55h ":33

Highway Diner: This is Where We Say Goodbye I'liti _‘.\' Sat ill()tt llaiii 5pm L" iL5i \lttlli tacctcd pcrtormancc ttom aitixltc collcctnc llighua} llmci. tiicoipoiating pocti}. tilm. thcatic and dancc

I ROYAL LYCEUM THEATRE (itmdla_\ Sliccl. 31S tS’lS [l’. ll. l l. \\(‘. \\'.\|

Othello Sat 3 i ( )ct Sal Ill \o\ inot Sun/\loni 3 itlpm. T Al5pm LT L‘l lLl Ll‘ll. \lllSllL' diicctot \lark 'l‘hoinxon rccrcatcx Slialtcxpcaiox dark talc ot poucr. lust and icalouo mall llS grccn c}cd glot'} \xtlli a ca\t that mcludcx \Vil ,ltilIIIStttL ('laic \ttillc and Liam lii‘cmian


ll) ()t'\\ C” (I‘L‘l'l'ilt‘k'. i-lti HHS. l“ ( I. \\ \l Politics in the Park 'l'liti ll ()ti 7.30pm. [-1 lL'245lli, l,}mic .\lc(‘al|tmi atttl l'.lI/al\ctli Stl'acltali \tat‘ Ill lattt llt'gglt‘\ lttlt' Hl t\\o \lSlct‘S,

I TRAVERSE THEATRE (‘amhridgc Strcct. 223 Hill, Il’. ll. 'l l. \\'( I \\';\|

Private Agenda (Voices from the Frontline) l'iiiil Sat 3 K ()ct. Spin Ll l H.115“ L‘tr5lli. lintcitaining and cnlightcning documcntar} pla} trotii thc 7:34 'l‘hcatrc ('oiiipan}. uhich dilliS to c\po\c \omc maddcmng truths ahout Scotland's puhlic \cr\ iccx. :\ttci \lltl\\ tllSL'llSSlttll \xitli L';tlll[tlt|}Jllt'l'S and \lSl’x. An Actor, an Author, Un Acteur, Un Auteur l‘t'l 23 (let. 7.50pm. Ui

iL-l l. .-\n int'ormal cclclit'ation ot l‘t'ctich thcatrc as Rohin chticci pci‘toriiix picccS troni thc \xork ot l.atircnt (iaurdc. including ('omhat l)c\ l’oxxcdcx

Theatre Guide

Arches Citizens Gilmorehill 612 King's

Thursday 21 Caged Head

' Lady Aoi La Musica The Lynching

The Full Monty

Friday 22

Caged Head

The Lynching

The Full Monty

Saturday 23

Caged Head

The Lynching

Sunday 24 Monday 25

Caged Head

Whistle Vernon God Whistle/Ruffian, -1 ‘18 Whistle in the Dark Whistle in the Dark

The Full Monty

éWhite Knuckle Ride

Tuesday 26 Caged Head

Wednesday 27 . Caged Whistle in the Dark. . Whistle in the [)ark . White Knuckle Ride

Miss Saigon Miss Saigon

Oran “0" Laughing at Fuhrer Laughing at Fuhrer Laughing at Fuhrer Buridan's Ass Buridan's Ass Buridan's Ass Theatre Royal into the Dark SDT . i . Tramway Body/Dreams : Crying Body/Dreams ECrying Body/Dreams Tron Standing Wave Standing Wave Standing Wave See Folk Brunton Brunton Youth i See Jazz Truth/This is Your 5 Church Hill I r I T _ T c Festival Theatre See Classical See Classical Reelin' 8. a Hockin' 7 _ - _ ~ - - _ a _ - 8 King's Theatre The Price The Price The Price Hamlet Hamlet 5 Playhouse See Rock a Pop See Rock a Pop Verdi's Aida Verdi's Aida u Royal Lyceum See Books Othello Othello Othello TRVCI'SC Private Agenda Private/An Actor Private Agenda 5 r r France: Scotland

100 THE LIST Ot‘fni Nit“. QC ‘2