artworks made b} Indian ttf'lhl Seha during lllS four month ('harlc\ Wallace 'lrust residency .\'l:\\’ SHOW


45 Market Street. 335 311%. Mott Sat llatii (rpm; Stiii noon 5pm, Somewhere Everywhere Nowhere l'iitil Sun 33 .\'o\. l'i'ee. International coiiteiiiporar) art from the l-rench Regional Art ('ollecttonx seen lor the first time iii the LR. lti collaboration W ith Dundee ('oitteiiiporar} Arts. See prei text.


l)epartiiieiit of .-\rclntecttire. l'iti\ei\it} ol l'.diiibtii'gli. 3f) ( 'liambers Street. 05” 3343. Mon l‘i‘i lflam Spin; Sat tk Sun 10.30am 4.30pm.

Patrick Geddes: The Regeneration of Edinburgh l'ntrl Hi 33 ()ct.

Villain 4.30pm. lixliihitiori to celebrate l5ll )L‘ttt‘\ since the birth of Sir l’atrick (ietltles.


'l‘he Mound. 63-16300. Molt l‘ri Sun Illam 5pm; 'l'hti Illam The Age of Titian: Venetian Renaissance Art from Scottish Collections .00. Roytl Seotllslt Academ} Building. l'iitil Sun 5 Dec. £7 (L5 l'. free to under l3» ('elebrating llte completion of tlte final stage of the

Phi} lair l’roiect. The Age of 'l‘itian brings together uorlcx W liich liaie entered Scottish collections alongside \xorlcx b} his contemptiraries 'l'intoretto. Bellini. Lotto. Vet‘oitexe aitd Baxsano.

Tuscan Drawings t'iiiil Sun l4 .\'o\. liree. Some of" the finest Inth and l7tli (‘c-iittii'} 'l'uscan drati ingx from the National (iallei') \ collection.

After Hours: Live Music Now 'l‘lui 2| ()L‘l. ()~ (Lillpltt. l‘ree. Scottish traditional music on the accordion W itli .lamex Ross. Like a Virgin: Zurbaran’s Immaculate Conception Hi 22 Oct. 1345 l.l5pm. l-‘ree. Lunchtime lecture h} l‘i‘eelaiice art historian ('laudia lleide.

“'etl tk 7pm.


7.5 licllord Road. 034 (i300. .\loit l5ri Stiii Illam 5pm; ’l'hu lflarn Andy Warhol: Art, Death and America .0. l'iiril l'l'l 3| l)ec. l-'ree. Paintings. sculpture and photographs by Warhol produced mainl} in the l‘)7()\ attd Slls rel'electing his increasing ob\e.\\lott W ith deatlt and mortalit}. plus portraits of artists such as Joseph Ben} \. .\lan Ra) aitd (iilbert and (ieorge.

:1: Ed Ruscha Wed 3 .\'o\ Stiii lo Jan. £4 (£3); Free to under l3x. Lox Angelex- haxed lid Rttxelttt i\ one of tlte most influential arti\t.\ ol~ the last 4t) _\L‘;ll\. kilo“ n for his piotteering use of" language and imager) draun from popular culture. This exhibition llleltttles \\Ut'l\\ from Wells to today. See leature page 30 and llitlixt. .\'l{W Sll()W.

\Vetl (Q 7pm.


l Queen Street. 634 (i300. Mott Wed ck lirinSun Illam- 5pm: 'l‘hu Illam 7pm. Modern Women 0.0 [mil Sun I3 l‘eb. l-tee. li\ltibition draun from tlte collections of the Scottish National Portrait (ialler). charting the successes of modern “omen. ittcluding Robert (‘apa‘x itnage of Jenn} Lee and .\loit'a Sltearer h} Karxh.

Keeping Faith t’ittil Suit b Feb. Free. Photograph) b} Luke Watson focusing on leaders/inlluential members of tlte major world faiths practised irt Scotland toda}. Keeping Faith: Artist’s Talk Wed 27 ()ct. l3.-l.5A—- |.l.5pm. l‘ree. Lunchtime lecture b) artist Luke Watson.

After Hours: Shaping Lives Thu 28 ()ct. 6—7pm. Free. Stor) telling tour \\ ith Donald Smith. director of the Scottish Storytelling Centre.

Women Behind the Scenes Thu 2\‘ ()ct. h—-7pm. Free. To coincide W ith Modern Women. a tour of the Print Room \\ ith Imogen Gibbon. curator of the

Relereiice Section. to \ ten prints.

drau mgs atid ftllfll;fltlre\ of iiomeii that are not normall} on tlhpla}. Please call lll 3| h3-l ()4 I” to book a place.


(icoi'ge IV Bridge. 33“ 4.55 l. \lott Sal lflam 5pm; Sun 3 5pm

Read All About It! l'iitil Sun ‘1 ()ct. ’l‘hc \tor} of the lleW \ in Scotlartd t\ explored in llllS exhibition \\ liich takes _\otl on a tourne} through Jflll tears of tie“ x.


l’alace ()l llol) rootlltothe. 55h .5lllll. 9.30am 4.30pm.

Enchanting the Eye: Dutch Paintings of the Golden Age OOOO l'iitil Sun 7 \o\. £5 it“ Hi. littttlll} ticket I l ,5. .-\ selection of Dutch paintings from the l7th centur). W ith examples b} Rembrandt. Vermeer. ('u}p de llooch and 'l'erbor'ch. featuring \ltll ltlc. eiei‘}da_\ scenes. portraiture and ltttttl\c'tt[)L'\.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnxerleitli House. .553 7l7l. Hail} lllaiii 5.30pm. =31 Robert Therrien O... t'iitil Suit .il ()ct. l‘ree. lmerleith llouxe reopens alter major refurbishment \\ ith the first l'K museum \ltttW b) l.o\ .-\ngc|e\-ba\ed :tl'll\l Robert 'l‘heri'ien Whose \\t)f'l\ recalls memories of the home and childhood. See llitlist. l..-\S'l~ ('ll;\.\'('li 'l'() Slzli.


3 (’liaiitherx Street. 347 4310/4433. .\lori & Wed Sat Illam 5pm; 'l'uc lflam Spin: Stiii noon .5pm. l‘ree.

Around Designers l'iitil Stiii RI Oct. ('ontempot'ar} ltaliaii product design b} the Milan-based duo (iiulio lacclietti and Matteo Ragiii “hose guiding philoxoph} is to make functional objects \xliich produce an emotional response. LAST ('ll:\.\’('l: 'l‘() Slili.

Treasures from Tuscany t'iiiil Sun RI Oct. £4 tL'Rl. An insight iitto the litruxcanx. an ancient Cl\ ilisation ol' highl} \opltixttcatetl people \\ lio W erc L‘t)llIL‘lllpUl'fll'lL‘S of the ancient (ireekx. featuring nearl) 5fll) ohiectx from the collections iii 'l‘uscan}. l..-\S'l~ ('ll.-\.\'('li 'l‘() Slili.

I ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ‘) Queen Street. (ll3l 33.5 3933

Lecture By Alison Watt Tue 20 ()ct. (i..‘~()pm. f3) t£7 l'l'lL'fltlS ol' the RS.-\ and students). lidinburgh based painter Ittoxl lumotts for her large-scale folds of fabric gixe tltl\ Iillh. .I‘IL‘bL‘I price includes a glaxx of. W inc.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l'he Mound. f)|.‘\l 335 667 l. Mon Sat ll)am~-~-5pin; Sun noon - .5pm.

Blind Sight l'rttil Tue 36 ()ct. l5ree. .-\it exploration of the relationship betiieett

\ ixual art and sound in a juketh st} le

W itlt 5t) tunes/sounds uorks and .50 (‘l) coxer designs. LAST ('ll.-\.\'('li 'l'() Slili. Land and Sea Fri 3‘) ()ct» Stiii 1‘) Dec. Artists ha\e long been influenced b} the coastline of Scotland. This Slit)“ e\plore\ and celebrates this ongoing fascination through painting. printmaking. sculpture. photograph) and installation. .\'liW Sll()W.

New Associates lit-i 2‘) ()ct Stm 2| .\'o\. Free. In progress project uoi'k and recetit pieces b} rte“ associulw ol. the

RS.-\. NliW SHOW.


Reiach and Hall Architects. (l l);trtttl\\;t} Street. 335 84-1-1. Mon “Fri 2 - 5pm. Noriko Umano t'ntil Hi 2‘) Oct. 2

5pm. Video art from Japanese-based artist. in association W ith lidinburgh (‘ollege of Art. LAST CHANCE TO Still.


23 (‘ockhurn Street. o22 (i200. Dad)

I lam—(1pm.

Inside Out 1 t'ntil Sun 7 .\'o\. Next uork b} Stillx' resident artists 3003/4

\ick} Bird. .le\\le lllmdell. Samantha ('laik. (’litts Hooks arid Sam Hill


l lll\t‘l’\ll} ot lzdinbuigli. South lliidge. h5ll 33lll luc Sat lllaiii 5pm

Naomi Campbell 1 lllll Sat 4 ltec lRotltltl Rooiiii \aotin ('aiiipbell c\ploie\ the tomaiitic iii t'\t'i}tl.i_\ .tcllitlh and \tlfttttlfltlttth iii llt|\ e\liibition of photograph}. collage and diau mg Leonard McComb t iitil Sat .1 Dec -\ maior \hou ot uork b} l.eoiiard .\lc(‘oinb R.-\. ltl\ llf'\l e\liibitioii iti Scotland \lllct' l‘lSl 'llie selection le.tltlfc'\ paintings atid dt'auiiig iii thematic \t'l'lL'\ of architecture. portraits and botanical \llltllt'\


\ational (taller) of Scotland. l’lic \lotind. (iZJ “Still,

The Age of Titian Conference 'l'liu :l (k l'l‘l ()L'l. l’lL'L‘ II\\U tl.t} conference \\ lllt scholars ttt \enetian \ltltllL‘\ e\plorriig the \Hllltl of \eiiice during the age of litran (all (‘hai'lotte ('ltevell olt lll .il 03.1 (\5 l: to boolx a free place.

Face to Face Sat 2 i (let. lilaiii l35ll|tltl l'ree. l)ii'ectot\ ol \alttttlgtl l’orti'ait ('iallctiex aci‘oxx the maid tll\cll\\ the role of the l’oi'trait (iallet'_\ toda}. Painting and Glass in Titian’s Venice ‘l'uc 3o ( )ci. l3.~l5 l..‘\lll‘iit. l'i'ec. Lunchtime lecture b} l’l'tilL'SMtl l’aiil lllll\ of the (‘otii'tauld llhllllllt'.

William Tell: Dali Fabricating 3 Myth Wed 3‘ ()ct. (i (i.~l.5piii. l-i'ee. Lecture b_\ l)idiei ()ttmgei. cliiet curator. (‘enti'e l’ompidoti. l);tl'l\.

Help Jim Make a Sculpture Sat it) ck Stiii RI Oct. 3 —l.3llpm. l-t'ee. “arch and participate as itl'll\l .litit Russell \\tit'l\\ ol sculptural pieces for Ma} ol the Head. Talks with Artist Denise Walker Sat 30 tk Stiii 3| ()ct. noon lpm. l'i'ee. .\ guided tour of paintings that relate to death and iiioui'iting lolloW ed h} aii e\ploi'atioii ol ai'tclactx relating to .\le\ican l)a_\ ol the Dead celebrations. Janet Street Porter in Conversation with Ed Ruscha Wed 3 Noi. o5”pm. £4 tUi. .ltlltl'llttlhl.

telex istori presenter and editor at large on the Independent on Sunda}. .lanct Street— l’orter ix a long-tome fan of lid Rtixclia. She first met him in WT: \xhen she collected his photographic books arid championed ltls \tork iii the l'lx'. She talks to the Lox Angelcs-bascd All'll\l 3f) _\eai\ oit. Sec feature. page 3”.

Private Galleries


73 .\lontro\e 'l‘crrace. Abbe} lttll. (i(il

l l(i7.

Vanessa Maurice-Williams l'iitil 'l'hti 4 .\'o\. lllaiti (tplll. .'\b\ti'act “(lib based on landscape images b} up and coming ttl'llxl Vanessa Maurice-Williams.


75/7‘) (’timberlaiid Street. “To 555 73%. Graham Flack Thu 31 ()ct 'l'liu lH .\'o\. l lam (iplit. ltiaugural e\lnbition for Amber Roome presenting large scale miinochromatic portrait uorlcx b} ladiiibtirgh artist (ii'aliam l‘laclc \liW Sll()\\'.


(i l)unda\ Street. 557 Jll5ll. .\foii l‘f'l lllam (ipm; Sat llain 3pm.

Gerald Laing l'iitil Sat 3ft ()ct. ('ontrmerxial paintings on the \tibicct ol the war in Iraq.

I THE DAVID YOUNG GALLERY .\larie ('urie House. 3‘) Album Street. 47S “H5”. .\loii Sat Illam .5pm. Daughters of Eve l'iiul iii 2‘) ()ct. Jo} ce (innit-('airns reflects the di\ei\c e\perience\ of women and the theme of uomanltood. .-\~ a Daughter of the I refuse to be nice an} longer and demure and apologetic because I haxe ph) \ical and intellectual imperfections. l celebrate \\ hat I lime in common \xith m} sisters. btit I also celebrate it hat sets me apart.’.

Wsual Art

I \l

Name Donna Leishman Occupation Web Artist

What this all about? A man's beard grows as he sun/ms a city of scuttling skyscrapers and ominous grey clt‘iuds. A boy Wllll hairy arms rides his scooter alongside a girl geing to her grandma's house. Donna Leishman's work is not like most web animation. It ain't created to make someone else's website look pretty. In fact it ain't created to be pretty at all. Unlike the slick cartoon or pop aniiiie work of her (Ionteinporartes. Lershman has created a roughly drawn and frequently frightening fairytale world. It's less an animation. more of a nasty game. provoking goosebumps rather than polite coos.

She admits to a youth ill-spent en fantasy role play games like Dungeons and Dragons. until she went to an school and became sophisticatt-zd'. Dabhling for a time iii fine art. she took on the world of animated computer design in a dual pronged attack through the worlds of academia and commerce. For her work With seminal NY designers bullseyeartcom on the Rosie O'Donnell Show. she has an Emmy nomination. She also has a Phd. a senior teaching position at Duncan Of Jordanstone in Dundee and exhibition credits that include the most prestigious events in internet art. t'And yes. if you want to raise yetir profile in a media that doesn't DhySlCally eXIst. yOu still have to exhibit publicly in places like Boston. Barcelona and Rotterdam.)

Leishman's work. unlike that of most of her contemporaries. aspires to more. Graphically she may be scruffing up the edges of slick cartoon. but deSign animation package Flash also gives her a narrative which she beefs up with help from her hero the post-feminist fabulist Angela Carter.

If you can‘t wait until November when The PosseSSion Of Christian Shaw goes live at wwwoamhoover. com. you can view her take on this tale of 17th Century witchcraft at The Lighthouse. (hm Abrahamsl I Donna Leishman, The Lighthouse. Glasgow. until Sun 28 Nov

2' 22"“. THE LIST 109