This page lists a selection of organisations which provide expert health, advice and support in Glasgow and Edinburgh. The List gratefully acknowledges the support of the Scottish Executive in funding this page.

Alcohol and Narcotics


Alcoholics Anonymous

50 \Vcllinglon Slrccl. 22o 22H .\lon l‘ri 9am 5pm. 0845 7(19 7555 (24 hour). (iroup xupporl to hpr laclxlc alcoholixni. Dumbarton Area Council on Alcohol 82 l)uinharlon Road. ('lylchank. 952 ll88l. ()l'l'crx gcncral lllllll'lllillltlll and ad\ icc including onc-lo- onc counxclling l'or )oung pcoplc. Glasgow City Council Addiction Partnership \x'wu'glaxgonpgomik. .\ rangc ol' cil_\'-\xidc xci'\ iccx. including xpccilic xupport lor ymng pcoplc inxohcd in drug and alcohol iixc. Glasgow Council on Alcohol

lxt l‘iloor. lirixtol and \chl llouxc. 82 l'nion Slrccl. 22o 5883. lnl’ornialion. ad\ icc and onc-to-onc counxclling l'or undcr 25x and olhcl‘x allcclcd h} alcohol.

RCA Trust .\lirrcn lloiixc. llaclx Sncddon Slrccl. l’aixlc). 887 0880. l’roiccl gixing l2 25-}car-oldx adxicc on addiclion ixxlicx.


Alcoholics Anonymous

58 ('ockhurn Slrccl. ('all 225 (M90 l‘or incciing linicx.

Crew 2000

52 (’oclxhurn Slrccl. 220 540.5. .\lon Sal l 5pm. Thu 4 8pm. Information on drugx and xc\ual hcallli and li'icndl} adxicc ll'lllll lraincd \xorkcrx. Edinburgh 8. Lothian Council on Alcohol (i ('lil'lon 'l'crracc. 337 8l88. Information. ad\'icc and xupporl. Turning Point 3 Smith'x l’lacc. 554 75m. .\lon l-‘ri 9.30am 5.5(lpin. ()nc lo onc counxclling l'or addich and xupport l‘or thcir lainilicx.

West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service 43 :\dclaidc Slrccl. ('raigxhill. l.i\‘ingxion. ()l5tlo 430 225. ('ounxclling. hpr in dcaling \xilh l'ainil} lxxllL‘x and liclp in working lmlel'dx L‘lllpltl} incnl opportuniticx.

Youth Action Project c/o ('ommunii} lloiixc. 33 .-\llcr l’lacc. lilihurn.

l.i\ ingxion. ()I5llo 4(il 588. Ad\ icc and inlorination l‘or )oung pcoplc ahoul xuhxtancc niixuxc.

Read the label to suss out what hell/sh stuff might be in your grub.

I Mono Sodium Glutamate (£621) The granddaddy of flavour enhancers and found in most foods that have no reason in nature to taste of what they claim to. Lamb flavoured crisps? Can cause palpitations,

migraines, anxiety and hyperactivity.

I Aspartame (£95 1) We're told so often that natural sugar is bad - and that it’s much better to use this chemical which is 200 times sweeter. Dearly loved by diet drinks manufacturers, and the potential cause of

dizziness, headaches and seizures.

I Hydrogenated vegetable oil This is the by-product of hydrogenation, a process that turns liquid oil into solid fat. Yuk! If the ingredients list it, then the food may also contain trans fats, which can form during hydrogenation. These iiber-nasties increase blood pressure and the risk of coronary heart disease. Can be found lurking in anything processed. I Tartrazine (5102) Every day is sunny in the world of yellow colourant tartrazine! It’s produced synthetically from petroleum and is sometimes used to make egg yolks that bit brighter. Can cause skin disorders,

asthma and hyperactivity in children.

1 18 THE LIST '21 Oct—.1 Now 2300-1




()8llll 9l7 8282. Mon l-ri 9am llpni. Sal & Sun (i l lpm. l‘rcc conlidcnlial llllhl'lllallMl and xupporl.

Know the Score 0800 587 5879

\x \x \\ .knoxx llicxcorcinlo. ('onlidcnlial drugx lllltll'llltllltlll. 24 hourx a da). " da_\x a \xcclx. ('allx inadc ll'tllll a landlinc \\ ill not xll(l\\ up on a phonc lull and arc lrcc. ('allx li'oin a niohilc Hit} in coxl dcpcnding on ncluork and ma} \ll()\\ up on )illll' hill. Thc \\ clixilc llax lolx ill

ad\ icc l‘or anxonc al'lcclcd h} drugx and dclailx ol local xupporl xcr\ iccx. Smokeline H80“ 34 84 34. lincouragcnicnl and xupporl l'or thoxc

\\ ho “an! to xlop or hax c rcctnll} xloppcd xinoking.

Mental Wellbeing


Breathing Space 0800 858 5.x? or .\liniconi ()8llll .‘xl7 loll,

\\ \x \\ .hrcalhingxpaccxcollandci l.lll\. (ipni 2am. l‘rcc. conlidcnlial adx icc lol‘ an_\onc l'ccling In“ or dcprcxxcd.

Sexual Health and STDs

Glasgow Body Positive Strathclyde 9 Sandxl'oi'd l’lacc. Sauchichall Slrccl. 248 9285. \x \\ \x.l\od_\ poxili\\. Drop-in ccntrc opcn Mon. \Vcd. l‘i'i 9am 5pm. Tuc & Thu. I lain 8pm. lnl'ornialion and xuppol‘l l'or pcoplc \xho arc ll|\' poxlll\ c. Genito-Urinary Medicine Clinic (GUM Clinic) Thc Sand}lord lniliati\ c. 2 6 Sand} lord l’lacc. Sauchichall Slrccl. 2| l 860]. Drop in clinicx .\lon l’ri 8.50am lllam. l3) appointincnl at othcr liincx until 7pm Mon l'ri. ('onlidcnlial adx icc ix ol'l‘crcd on conlraccplion ax \xcll ax xupporl. counxclling. lcxting and lrcalmcnl l‘or pcoplc \x ilh xc\ll;ill_\ tranxniincd dixcaxcx. including HIV and AIDS. Rape Crisis Centre llHl 552 3200. u n \ Tuc \Vcd & Sun 77 9pm: Thu l 3pm. lircc and conlidcntial xc‘fllc‘c ol‘lcring inl‘ornialion and xuppori lo \xonicn and girlx n ho hax c hccn or tear Ihc} ma} hax c hccn xcxuall} ahuxcd or axxaullcd.

Edinburgh GUM Clinic Laurixion Building.

qu diving It might t'oe’ Clearer than boom hut low/e sit/i" John ooh/rid thr- ii how

We're all familiar with the notion that drink driving is behaviour reserved strictly for cretins with a death wish and no regard for the safety of others. But alcohol isn't the only drug that makes you lethal on the roads. Those that you smoke. inject, snort or swallow in tablet form render you just as incapable of driving safely.

The symptoms associated with driving while under the influence of illegal drugs are largely the same as alcohol: impaired co-ordination, over- confidence and increase in risk taking, loss of concentration and a reduced ability to judge speed and distances.

Your true state will quickly become apparent when you‘re pulled over by the police and asked to pass a ten minute co- ordination test.

If convicted you could face a minimum of a 12 month driving ban, up to six months in prison and up to a £5000 fine.

Taxis and night buses have never seemed such good value.

laurixion l’lacc. 5 it» 2llli \lon in Want 5pm h} appointincnl. l~oi ingcni pi‘ohlcinx. llicrc ix a hall lll clinic \xhcic no appointincnl ix ncccxxai‘} lioni

8,3” lllllllani. .\lon l’ll.

Edinburgh Women’s Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre ill ‘~I 55!» 9455', nu \x.i‘apccl'lxixxciillandolg lllx (‘all hit opcning houix. Scc Rapc (‘iixix (.cllll‘c. (ilzixgou.


National AIDS Helpline ll8llll 5o" l3i Sexwise H89” 282 9W. 7am l2pni. l’rm idcx inlorinalion and ad\ icc on \L‘\ll;llll_\ and xcxual hcallh loi )oiing pcoplc.

Sources of Advice


Crimestoppers nxon 555 Ill. (‘all .ll an} linic \xnli inlorinalion ahoul an} criinc. (‘allx arc lrcc and cannot hc ll‘accil.

Victim Support Line U815 ill in 9llll. liinolional xupporl and practical ad\icc lor an_\onc allcclcd h} crnnc. li‘x conlidcnlial. ol courxc.

Women’s Health a. Support


Glasgow Women’s Aid Jill l-loor. in licll Slrccl. 553 2022. 9.30am ~l. 5llplll .\lon l-‘ri. c\ccpl \Vcd \xlnch ix

9.50am lpni lor drop-in. and allcrnoon h} appointincnl onl}. Drop—in and Iclcphonc counxclling lor noun-n.


Edinburgh and Lothian Women’s Aid 4 Hit") nc Slrccl. 5 l 5 8| lll. Mon. \Vcd. l‘ri Illain 3pm. Thu 2 7pm. Sat Illani l2.3llpni. Rclugc. xupporl and hclp l'or \HllllCll xullcring ph_\ xical. nicnlal or xcxual ahuxc l'roin lhcir parlncrx.


Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 027 l23~1i2~l houri.

Refuge 0808 808 9999. National charit} prmiding xalc zicci)mmodalion lor \Hllllcll cxpcricncing doincxtic \ iolcncc.