
lt'x ahout nothing. It real|_\ ix. Well. that u ax .lerr} Seinteld and l.ttl'l'} l)a\ id‘x intention; to make a \lltm ahout nothing. eeritring around a xtand-up eoinedian and Iron he getx hix material. 'l'he} \\\ iltl} realixed that thix eould talxe in aii_\thing. .-\nd it did: dropping mintx into xpleeneetom) patientx. throu ing giant loa\ ex ol' i'_\‘e hread at \\ indoii x. lighting \\ ith xoup na/ix. and aeeidentallt almoxt lxilling “littlL‘x \\ ith goll'hallx.

l.ll\L‘ ttlt_\ good L‘tllllc‘tl} xhou. lllL' Illilglc‘ illixt'I-Il/i'li/ l\ the ehemixtr) hetiteen the lead pla_\erx. \\ ho remained eonxixtent tor all nine xeaxonx. In that time it \i'ax \oted .\meriea'x hext tell} \lltm e\ er h} a numherol‘l'S ’l'\' magx. It remainx a laiourite lire _\eai'x alter it ended and ix altxanx \}ing \\ ith 'I‘ln' .X'i’nipxoiix tor the nurnher one xpot in the heartx ol' xmall xereen lanx Statexide.

'l‘he quartet ol rrrain ehai'aeterx all enjo} a \ariet} ol neuroxex. 'l‘her'e'x .lerr} tp|a_\ iirg himxell'). ex-girllriend lilaine. unhinged neighhour‘ ('oxmo Kramer and hext l'i‘iend (leor‘ge tin ('ur/t )our l'firI/iuii'mrir. theiex a territie running gag in \ihieh .laxon .'\le\ander t(ieot'gel and Julia l.ouix-l)re} l'ux tlilainei den) that (ieor‘ge \\ ax e\ er haxed on l,arr'_\ l)a\ id; mueh to the eo-ereator"x pained ehagrin l. The) are all loxerx in their on n \ta}; none of them ean hold don n a xtead) relationxhip. the} xtruggle to ha\ e health} inter‘aetionx \\ ith an} of their lamil) memherx. indeed \\ ith almoxt an_xone in xoeiety at all. ’l‘he_\ are the .-\meriean dream gone jo_\ouxl_\ xour. .»\ taet \xhieh the} not xo mueh taeltle ax uholeheartedl} r‘exel in.

.\loxt ol~ all. the xho\\ ix addieti\ e. l.il\e l-‘rii'iri/x r \ihieh \\ ax inxpired h) the hlank eamax. random l‘ormat til-St'lllli'lt/ repeated \ ieningx reap lie;i\} renardx. ()nl_\ o\ er tirrre \\ ill the xuhtle rrragie relating to the in}xteriou.x \andela} lnduxtriex. the enigmatie Boh Saeamano or the xpeetaeularl} hralexx Sue lillen .\lixehl\e ttlre heirexx to the Oh? llenr} eand} har t‘ortunei trul_\ mean xomething.

Fun fact .lerr'} ix an ohxexxi\ e eolleetor or No thingx: l’orxehex and \\ hite training xhoex. lle ix reported to ha\ e nine of the former and ox er Slit) pair'x ot~ the latter.

181'HE LIST." t“? -1 \. .


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the Tates

.\'o dotiht it” \i e \\ ere to \\tllCll repeatx ol' l‘)77 domextie xiteom Sou/i. it uould all xeem a hit tame. But haelx then. the xuhieet matter 1 \o_\eurixm. homoxe\ua|it_\. adultery. impoteneei \\ ax deemed xo outrageoux that hiin prolile ad\’ertixerx rel'uxed to pla} hall on the lirxt night. Slim l‘axt \x'ax one notahle exeeption. euriouxI). Fun fact Bill} ('r} xtal \\ ax the open homoxexual in quextion. playing a \ettlt'iloqtlixt ealled .lodie.


l'nelex ha\e made great eomed} l.'l(/(/(IIII\ l-imri/r‘x l5exter and .X'ei'irli’lil'x l.eo l'or [\Hll hut our lamurite ix Junior t l)omiiiie ('hianexei from not partietilarl) hilarioux rnoh drama The Soprano» 'l'light i‘ixk'.’ I'Ve heen farting in the xame euxhion t‘or xi\ montth and ‘l'd line to he at _\our_iuhilee. hut the liederal go\emmeiit \Lt)\ l ean't lea\ e the houxe. and m_\ larrril} keepx me xedatedf are typieal linex hour the grump} old man. Fun fact ('hianexe hax reeorded trio alhumx ol er'ooning



\Vhile eartoon \ rolenee hax heen a long-xtanding ['8 TV xtaple tmainl} iii eartoonx. to he honexti the .Im'ltuxx phenomenon took it one or [no xtagex t'tiither. Some people ma} [:1GC ol‘l‘enee at people humping the haek ol'

a xhark or nearl) drouning in their o\\tt taeeex. hirt it ll doexn't harm the innoeerit. \xhat'x the prohlem'.’

Not so fun fact .~\t the age ot eight. .lohnn_\ Kirov ille nearl} died l'rom tlu. pneumonia and hr‘onehitix.

Billy West

lla\ irrg xpent _\earx pro\ iding imper‘xonatronx tor the [It’ll‘tll'i/ Stern Show, \Vexi grahhed a hit or eartoon \oiee lame ax Stimp}. the xtreetu ixe xideltielt to the hluhhering Ren in the \iekelodeon animation. .\latt (ii'oening \xax xo imprexxed that he gax e llill} the plum role ax l5r_\. the pi//a de|i\et‘} ho} tranxported through time in l'illllll'tllllil. .\'e\t tip. he \\ ill he the \oiee ol llugx llunn} llll'[Ill/1'(lllt/llHlI/llillg'lll [m \i'um.

Fun fact He pro\ ided the \oiee ol~ lilmei' l’udd tor luturixtie \ ideo game The .llurnr'i. 'l'hinlt ahout ll.

Xander Berkeley

lt‘x hard to imagine a more humourlexx xhou in the unixerxe than 24. hut light reliel \\tt\ dredged hour the mire h} eounter terrorixt hoxx ( ieot'ge .\laxon. lle \\;l\ exen eraeking joltex‘iuxt helor'e plummeting to the earth “ith a nuelear horiih t'or eompan}. lt \\ ax ximplx the \ia} he told them.

Fun fact He l‘oi'ged a relationxhip \\ ith Sarah ( 'Iarlte tnaxt) Nina) on the xet til 34 and it led to marriage.

Yogi Bear

lle ma) hax e heen xmarter than the a\ei'age hear. hiri in 1958. llanna-Barhera \Kth adioeating xhamelexx eriine h_\ giring airtime to a pienie haxlxet thiel'.

Fun fact 'l‘iio Seottixh t‘oothall pla)erx ealled .lohn llughex tone l‘rom the (lll\. the other eiirrentl} managing l‘alkirlti \\ ere hollt nieltnamed Yogi.

Zach Braff

'l’he eentral hall ol' gool‘ in the gotilhall-l'riendl} hoxpital eomed} Si'l‘ll/M. Xaeh Brall got liix tirxt hr'eak pla} ing Wood} Alleri'x xon in .llirii/iutruii .lllll‘t/H‘ .l/HIt‘I'l. an e\perieriee \\lllt.‘ll lil‘ttlltlL‘\L‘l'ilk‘\ pointedl} ax ‘xur'r'eal'. But it'x ax the roolxie medie .ll) l)orian that lie hax made hix name. Brall' ix rumoured to lltt\ e xtated that Illl' ()Illi't' l\ [llL‘ lilttllllml llllllg he lltt\ L‘\ L‘l' \L‘L‘lt.

Fun fact Br'all attended the xame xehool ax l.aur‘} n llill.

Curb Your Enthusiasm is on E4, Thu 21, 11.40pm; Seinfeld DVD is released by Columbia Tristar, Mon 1 Nov; The Simpsons Night is on Channel 4, Fri 5 Nov