I Free Sundays at the t’iiixerxal

llplli laiii l‘rce \\eekl_x Hip hop. ltiiik. xoul. reggae. llHtl\L‘ aiid ran all in llll\ great. x iituallx unkiioxxn xeiiue iuxt hehind Sauchiehall Street

I The Good \fibrations Sound System at liquid lounge llpiii ‘ain £5 t£4i \Veeklx chidentx 'l he l)oxxnloxx n lltixtlel’x and The Rex elige \plll at llll\ great ('arhon-inxpired part}

I Mungo’s Hi Fiat the Btlll .Spm lain l'ree helore llpm; £5 altei. Weekl}. Scotland‘x numhei one reggae dancehall L'Hllt'clne. lUl'lllel'l} l'e\ldelll\ tll llle \Voodxtde Social. do xxhal the} lox e “1th at their nexx xentie. plax mg in a \otllid

xx xtem \tx le. and packing in the maxxex

xx itli their iootx i'iddimx aiid mic action.

I Optimo (Espacio) Halloween Party at the Suh(‘luh. llpm iam £0 t £5i. Weeklx. .-\ii annual lll\l|llllltlll. xx ith the era/_x peepx that till llll\ cltih xx cek iii. xxeek otit getting extra lreak_x,

I Pee Wee’s Hot Wax Session at the Btlll (‘luh llplli 3am. £5. 3| ()ct. .\loiitlilx. l’aul \Velxh celehratex the Mexican dax ol tlle l)ead lol' llalloxxeen. .\ cool idea. and a cool itiglit in xtore

I The Priory at Blanket. llpm 3am. £5. \Veeklx. 'l'hix cluh'x xoinething ol a mixnomei'. l‘tilexx ol courxe dancing all iilglil to \ltldelll anthemx alid Rth ix lioxx _xoti detox. ll’ aitd the 'l‘unncl'x Richard l.ex lllxoll are llle hoxlx.

I Sundays at the Buff at the Bull'('luh. llpm *ani. £3. \Veeklx. Some Bull dixco grooxex and lunked tip ia/I l'rom Bull nexx gu_x Stuart

Glasgow Mondays


I 2 Many Sisters tll tlte (ila\goxx School ol'.'\rt. l lpm 3am. £lll. Joint altei'xhoxx pai‘lx tor the might} Scixxor Sixtei'x and Soulxxax gigx mm 3 Man} l)J\ ptittiiig iii a \et along \ide tlle SS lotlt' l)J\.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Bin Bag at the (ilaxgoxx School ol Art. I lpm 3am. £l tlreel. Bargain haxement ltldle tunex. harreloadx ol- cheap drink and a hunch ol' kidx that uxed to lix e in good hottlex.

I Later Lounge at the liquid Lounge. 0pm 3am. l'ree. \Veeklx. .'\;ll'tlll l’etrie t(‘linical l cookx up a xtoi‘ni xx ith xome L‘ltt\\lc ll‘dekx old ttlld nexx.

Glasgow Wednesdays


I AAA at the liquid Lounge. lllpin 2am. £3. \Veeklx. .\'exx midxxeek drum a haxx night l'eattiring \Ullle ol' Scotland'x l)th talent on regular rotation.

I Allure at the 'l'unnel. l l.3tlpm 3am. £3. \Veeklx. (llaxgoxx 'x nexxext gax night

xx ith the xtitiiig and xei'x talented 1)] Darren Young dixpatching xome xuperh tuiieage.

I Club Tromolo at the Bull ('luh. 0pm Ram. £5 it‘ll. 27 ()ct. Monthly .-\tiother ex ening ol~ lllll\le alid perl‘ormance at the Bull. .\luxic li‘om Quinn pla_x ing their xpaeex electro guitar pop. (‘a_x to doing their e\panxix e rock thilig and Black .-\hhath plax ing .-\hha \ollg\ in the \tx le ol‘. . . . \Vell. enough xaid.

I Period at the Suh (‘luh l lpiti 3am. £5. 3" ()ct. .\lonthl_x. (iot )out' pei‘iod‘.’ Stick a mtixical tampon up it ax l.eiia and (iill expound on the greatnexx ol' Wednexda} \. Vicor .\lol|ox t\ the xpecial guexl tonight.

I RIP VIP at the Bull (‘luh 9pm 3am. £3 tl-‘i'eel. 3 .\'ox. Monthly .-\ nexx night of xkexx ed cluh xentiinent. the xx ax it xhould he. The 1)] can he found at tlte har. there'x lix e lllll\le. a xlide reel atid l'ree niaga/inex. (iet into lhl\.

I Tongue In Cheek at Bamhoo. ltl.3tlpm ~ .‘xam. £4 (£3 l. \Veeklx. .-\ nexx night ol’cheek'x tun from the Batiihoo people. The irreprexxihle Miguel pla} x hip- hop and Rik B in room one. xx hile Roxx xpinx tip a \torm iii the part) lounge xx ith classic funk and dixco.

38 THE LIST _‘7 Oct—J No. Q.

Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Born to Be Wide at the Venue. lllfillpm iam. l'rce. 3| ()ct t\ 4 .\'ox l‘tll‘llllg'llll}. .\ltl\le iiidtixtl'x xocial cltih that plaiix to hi'ing muxox. iournalixtx. pi‘otnoterx. record \hop \\Ul'kel‘\ and lllll\lel;tll\ together. With a xaried xoundtl‘ack lrom xarloux induxtrx hodx.

I Bounce at l’o .\'a .\'a. ltlpm 3am.

£3 £4. \Veeklx. Studelit night doxxli l’o Na Na quite litel‘all} get\ the place iumpin‘ xx itli a mix ol hip hop. Rth and drinkx promox.

I Carnival at Rlil) \‘odka ('luh. llHllpm 3am. l’ree helore midnight; £3 alter. 4 \ox. l)ancehall. haxhiiient and hip hop all pt'exided oxel‘ h_x .\lel alld l).l Joho. I Club Simba at the (‘ellar Bar. ltlpiii 3am. l’ree helore l lpm; £3 alter. \Veeklx. 'l’lie (‘ellar Bar continuex itx reclamation ax a qualitx cluhhing xenue xx ith thix mix ol' inlectiotlx :\l'l'icall. (‘al‘ihheall and l.atln hetttx.

I Club Together II at the Venue. ‘lptn 3am. £4 £5. 2| ()ct oiil}. litlinhurgh \llltlelll radio xtation l-‘rexh .'\tt‘ Prox ide the a cluh printer lol' nexx \ltldelll\ land a part} l'oi' ex erxone elxel ax the} hring ten cltihx under one tool. So a hricl introduction to all lidinhui‘gli'x hottext nightx xx ith drum tk haxx. hip hop and lunk on the top llool' l'roin Manga. l‘lippin‘. ()hxceiie and .\lothei‘l'tink. llouxe. pi'og and techno l'rom 'l'axte. .-\ccex\. Dogma and .\la‘ie\lica on tlle middle lilool‘. lilectronic\. hotlxe tlltd lixe xtull iii the cooler l'roin l'ltragi‘ooxe and l’ogo Vogue.

I Dfrnt Drum at ligo. llpm 3am. £4. 4 .\'ox. .\lonthl_x. :\ xkexx ed take on the cluh l'ot'lllal l‘l'ollt this txx lxled indie/electro night l‘eattiring llohhex atid ()li l’indlax. 'l‘hix monthx lixe actx arc xtill the.

I Do-lt! at Faith. l lplti 3am. £3 £4. \Veekl}. 'l‘he ZBad l)Jx la_x doxx ll xe\_x and xaxxx urhan rh_x thmx tor a glammed tip croxx d leaturing Rth. hip hop. dixco and \otll.

I Fast and Hide This Train at the Bongo ('luh. ltlpni 3am. £5 (£4). 23 ()ct. 'l'xxo cltllk lol‘ the price ol' one. l5;t\t ollel'\ the hext iii high energy rock 'li' roll. garage and ptilik xx hile Ride ’l‘liix 'l‘rain goex all rehel countrx oii xtitii' axx. l.ixe actx at the linal l’axt are Magicdrixe and The Mending lleartx.

I Filthee Disco at ('it}: lidinhurgh.

l lpm 3am. £3 helore midnight; £4 alter. \Veeklx. l'rhan muxic lor the modern cluhher from D] liilthee and l)ixco Dan. I The GOuLaG BeAt at ligo.

ltlfitlpm 3am. £4. 38 ()ct. Monthlx. l’tink. garage. nexx xxax e and good hone-xi rock ‘n' roll l'rom i'egtllai'x lx'aka. (M). Mr Moo Moo and the l’rimitixe l’rge l)lx.

I The Snatch Social at the Liquid Room. ltl.3tlpm 3am. £4 t£.‘~.5t)i. \Veeklx. lap \Vater .’\xxard xx inner 'l‘onx (‘arter and Hair) .-\lll\\\ot'lll conipere at thix liltlix caharet-dixco l'uxion xxith hip hop and lunk) tunex l‘rom Bahex and 'l'reiidx \Veiidx tmonthlx rexidenti.

Edinburgh Fridays


I 33/45 at ('aharet Voltaire. lll.5lll‘tti- 3am. £5. \Veeklx Soulltil houxe l'rom l)Jx Leon and ('axper.

I Access at (‘aharet Voltaire. lll..‘~llpm- 3am. £thc. 5 NM. 'l'eehno. electro and houxe from the Dropout l)lx tBodx lunk. Rehah. lluxtler. Blend and ltoxi xx ho are joined h_x ()xia tor thix one on xpecial at the ('ah.

I Audio Deluxe at the lloiiexconih. 10.30pm, 4am. £l5. 2‘) ()ct. Smooth.

\oullul houxe at llll\ xhindig hoxtcd h_x le\lxlelll (‘raig Smith illuxh lluxh i. xxho

ex en hax the like ot lx'eiinx 'llope' (ioli/ale\ xinging lll\ l‘t.tt\e\ '("iaig lta\ done a ieal good ioh educating xoui cioxxd' .loined h) .lelliex -\llen l'oxxeix t\lx \ .la//_x .lelli xxho \l‘llh a night ot llttthe iatliel than the hip hop hex hccome \o lamoux loi Me I'm in i-.

I Beatroot at l'go Ill Fltpni 1am 15 33 ()ct l‘unkx houxe aitd techno lioili Rxan lurnei alid laili (itl‘Mtll i lokxohlut xx ith \pecial gtiext loxxalian txxho hax hcen compared to l‘clix da llothecal in the pa\l. \o expect alternatlxc electio alongxide chunk) houxe and rull techno: llxiiig tip liom l.ondon. plux plentx ol dllllk\ [‘llllllxN

I Big Toe Reggae Hi-Fi at \\ee Red Bar. lllfillpm 3am £~1t£3i I" ( )ct .\\ the name xuggextx. reggae and othel dtihhx grooxex.

I Bio-Rhythm at the llonexcoinh

llpm iam. £‘l t£" xludentx and \langa lllL‘llll‘el'\I. 23 ()ct. \loiitlil}. ('ontinuing their rexerence loi all thingx dance. xxliatexei the genre. xx e hax e a guext xpot li‘om l‘l'e;tk\ king l-req .\'axt_x.

I Blaze at ligo. llpm *aln. £-l. 22 ( )ct l'oi'lnightlx Jamex l.ong\xort|l ignilex the gax \xceketid. xxith plent_x ol £l di‘inkx proinox to luel the ll'l\tllllle\.

I Blow Your Head at the \‘aultx lelllel xia .\'ieo| lzdxxardxi. lllfillpm iam. £1. 3‘) ( )ct. lzuan Rohertxon llll\e\ tip the ltiiik. claxxic hip hop. dl\co arid lltttl\e xx llll extra \pice lroiii the hack ol the rack.

Dogma present Cari Lekebusch at the Venue. llpm 3am. £thc. 3‘) ()ct onlx. lhe t‘ettl deal III the xxoi‘ld ol techno. ;l\ l)ogma \et tip lllt\ one on \pecial taking ox er the Venue. Sxx ediin techno maxter ('ai'l l.ekehtixch tll l’i'oductionx/ llxhridi goex lix e. a rare arid heautilul xiglit.

I Evol at the l.lt|llltl Room. lll..5ll[llll 3am. £5. \Veeklx. lidiiihurgh'x longext running indie night. With the tixual llll\ ol the hext current and claxxic alternatixe. el'o\\o\ er tunex. it‘x an lll\llllllltlll. and xx ith tlte recent addition ol tlte hack l'oolll tlloxx manned h} the xeiierahle ('lioxx and llori/ontal on de\ and laptopx \\ itli an ‘anxthiiig htit iiidie‘ remit i. the luture lookx like a happx place hit all thingx lixol.

I Finsternis at the l’leaxaiiee (‘aharet Bar. llpm lam. £3. 32 ()ct. The lighter side ol' goth til xuch a thing ll'lll_\ L‘\l\l\l

xx ith a mix ol dark amhient. iieo-claxxical arid ethereal track. The team are _ioiiied h_x txxo local electronica actx t\\’ounded Knee and the Still .\lachinei lot" xome dark allihieiit. ('heck xx xx xx.linxternixoi'guk lor more into.

I gobble Gobble: party 0.1 at xx'ee Red Bar. ltl.3()pm 3am. £4 l£.5l. 23 ()ct. 'l‘he heginiiing ol' xomething heautiliil‘.’ .\lr (iohhle and ()llicer .\like proinixe ‘the cluh. helore noxx. xtiti could onl_x dream ol”. 'l'he hext in pop. electro. ptiiik and hip hop.

I Kaosphere at The Venue. ltlpin 3am. £5. 2‘) ()ct. Monthl}. lt'x a night ol noixc. induxtrial and dark electro. Ripit ol l’ai‘tx plax x alongxide Straiph and l)l\ (iuiiter Saxenhamtiier and Death Roxx llardoii. Vixual proiectloltx enhance the experience. I Manga at llone) comh. lllfillpm 3am. £9 t£7 memherxl. 5 .\'ox. Monthlx. Scotland'x premier drum tk haxx \e\\ltlll

\\ elcomex lllgh ('oltll'axl llloxpilttl Recol‘tl\l ttlotigxlde .\l(‘ l’l'ollwe. (i-Mac. .\l(' Sonnx. .\larc lil’ and DJ Beliexe. lioi' more into check xx xx xx.cltih-iiialiga.co.tik. i.‘ Mocha Rocka! at Berlin Bierhaux. llpm 3am. £7 t£5i. 2‘) ()ct. .\lonlhlx. 'l‘xxo ol lidiiihurgh‘x hext collectixex loin lorce\. Space l‘httce l‘exldellh l’epe Santamal‘ia and the Blotlde l’laxh hung the RNB. hip hop. lunk. dixco and more xx liile 'l‘ok'xo Bltl take care ol~ the hotl\e. l'lfSl hirthda} time xo a hit ol gtiext action lor _xou ax houxe legend and Sxx iiig (’it} head man (irant .\'elxon llxx in.

I Modern Lovers at ligo. l lpm £5 helore midnight; £(i alter. 5 .\'ox. .\lonthl_x. l'p-heat mix ol Northern Soul. deep lunk. hammond tan and retro xoundtrackx xerx ed up hx _xour lltl\l\ (‘raig Jamiexon and .-\ndrexx l)ix ine tl)ix ine. liunk Roomi.

I Nuklear Puppy at I go topiii lain L I“ U nieinheixi I" ( let l\)e\ldelll\ .laxon ('oite/ alid l’hil \oik keep the liaid dance llag llx mg in the capital and haxe picked up noiniiiationx lot Bext \ct‘llhll (‘luh _‘lltlz tioiii Wilma; and Bext Small ('luh lioni the Hard llance \\\.tttl\

I Obscene at the \cntie Ill zllpni

Ialii £ lll £ l.‘ _‘3 t )tt lhe tliidcigiound di'tiin t\ haw night ietulnx. ioiiied h_x

lump tip laxouilte \l\ kx Blackniaiket and the \ui'ieal John B t\leta|head/ Beta Recoidingw

I Pop Fiction at t‘itx l diiihtiigli

llpili ‘aln \\eekl_x lieiidx \\endx alid iegtilai guextx «inc Bettx loidl lax doxxn a the coolext hlend ol pop, lunk. \otll. dl\ct'. lx’.\ B. lilp hop .iiid houxe xx ith a teal xenxe ol ltlll l’leaxe note that

thex 'xc niox ed to a \panking nexx \eiiue iuxt up the load lioni their old liatiiit l’lelitx ol tlllllk\ pioiiiox on ollei an" all

I Roadblock at l’o \a .\a lllpili

ittlll l'lee llelole l ll‘lll. £5 .tllel \\t‘t‘kl) Ill \ikki aitd lllelltl\ dig tip the WI} hext in ltiiik. dixco. lx’t\B. houxe. kitxch x‘l.t\\le\ aiid pait_\ |.tlll\

I Solescience at the \eiiue 1 oil

llpm iain £5 t£-li _‘3 ( )ct \lontlilx .-\ltei laxt nionth'x htigelx \uccexxlul ('lii loxxll action xx ith (ieiie l‘.tlll\. the Solexeience hox x hiuing III the lhopout l).lx lot llll\ date .lackin'. ltinkcd tip action

I Something for the Weekend at 'l'exiot Roxx l'titon. lllpili iaiii £thc \Veeklx. l'ndelgiotind indie iock night Ill axxociation xx ltli indie xoc

I Special Blend at the \.ttlll\ tentei x ia .\'lco| l'.tl\\;lltl\l lll 5lllllll iam £1 _‘3 ()ct. l'.;tl'\\;t\ arid the llon hiexx up a lextixal \etxing ol lunkx hieakx. heatx alid lte_\olld.

I Stet at the Boiigo('|uh llpm iaiii U). 2: ()ct. Well he honext ll.\ .t llttld one to \tllll up. xo xx e‘ll liax c to let them do the talking. ‘\\'ith a putpoxcltillx erratic aitti. a iiigllt at Stet \ellltlle\ ohiectixelx through xonic lieldx ol xuiging haw. ltll'e\l\ ol niici'o xainpled clickx and xxhii‘i‘x. exen di‘lx mg through the marxhland ol exki-dtih and grime ' .loined h} the cutting edge xoundx ol \pecial gtiext l.ad_x Soxei'eign. Su- /Ut‘lll'lt.

I The Trap at \Vee Red Bar lll. illpm 3am. £3 (£2.5ll xx ith l.o\ e Ratx hadgei 5 .\'ox. Rock ‘n' roll. northern \Htll. indie. electi‘o aiid lti//_x loot tappei'x xx itli gtiext l).l\ ll‘tllll the hexl indie cluhx aiotiiid the

I Thrust at 'l'he Bongo ( ‘ltih. llptti 3am. £lllt£Hi 3*) ()ct. .\lontli|_x. It'x techno arid houxe xx llll xpecial guext Valentino Kan/_xani playng on three deckx. .-\lxo pltl} lllj.‘ l\ lexldellt “J S“ ed alid Stexeli .\lc( ihee and .\litch_x.

if Trouble at the (‘ellar Bai (lpm 5tllll £4 £7. Weeka 'l‘he Beat .l;i// lithelllelll l\ i'ehol'n ill a \lightl) dillei'ent loi‘inat ax the 'lrotihle gu_xx hi'tiig their iaI/ inllecled dance \election hack llotllc. Kirk l)egiorgio makex lll\ ladlnhui'gli dehtit

xx ith a lixe laptop xet ol ia/I enthuxed teclilio at the e\L‘ltl\l\e alhum launch part} ill (let). Sxxiltlx lolloxxed h_x the Butch ('axxidx Sotiiid Sxxte-iii tZ‘) (let I. inaxhing tip the reggae x ihex to pioinote dehtlt alhum Him/1m lireix.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I After Dark at ('ahat‘et Voltaire.

llpm 3am. £l2 helore midnight; £l4 alter. 30 ()ct. chident Neil Bai'tlcx llll\e\ tip a Saturdax night \L‘lL‘L‘llttll ol xoullul hotixe. lunked tip garage atid dixa drixcii xocal tt'ttekx. Joined ll} “elected maiiixta}. and the man hehind Kingx ol 'l'oinorroxx. Sand} Rixera. making hix lidinhurgh dehut,

I Ascension Goth Club at 'l'ex tot Roxx l'nioii. 10.30pm 3am. £5. 3” ()ct. Monthlx ln axxociation xxith lidiiihurgh l'lli\er\lt_x \ (ioth and Rock Societ'x. thix cheer) mix ol tip-to-date darkncxx l'eaturex all the latext goth. rock and induxtrial greatx. Ax _xou max haxe alreadx guexxed it‘x a llalloxxeen xpecial thix month.