Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.


Activities And Fun

Saturday Art Club Sui 3 K ()cl tk Sui ll) ( )ct. lftam lpiii. l'i‘ee. (iallery Of Modern .'\ll. Queen Street. 33‘) WW». I'llll .irt acli\ lllt‘S for children aged 3

If) relating to art on dixplay \\ ith

drayi mg. collage. \L'lllpllll‘c making and garich

The Paper House I hid Sun 34 Oct. | 5pm. £4 3i. 'l'encnient Home. I45 Huccleiicli Street. (iarnethill. 333 (H33. Help to create a model of a tenement IIHlISL' hy drau mg ohiectx from the flat. he It the kllcllcll range til‘ L'\ C” the liritlxc\ mhahitantx. .'\|| agc\ \xelcome. Part of the lire Ih‘rrii.

Giant Collage in the Gallery '|'|iii 3| ()cl. Illam noon. lice. Gallery ()| Modern .’\l'l. Queen Street. 33‘) WW». Help make a collage ta ( ilx\.\"l collage iiln ItllISI) i at lhix drop-in \yorlxxhop for age\ 3 l3 _\cai\.

Day of Dance I'l’l 33 Oct. ltiuiii

(rpm. £(i t|'ree \\ ilh ticket for |)rcam\ &

.-\\pii'ation\i. 'l'i'amuay. 35 .-\|hert |)ri\e.

03-15 33f) 35TH. .'\ chance to try (lllI tllllcl'clll I} pt'S til dance and celehralc the cultural tIl\L‘l'\ll_\ of ( ilaxgim tliioiigli hip hop. \treet. tap. iiye. ('hiiiexe and many more.

Bulb Planting Day Sui 33 ()ct. 'l‘ramuay. 35 .-\|hert Minn 0845

.t ttl35lll. Make your mark on the Hidden (iardeii by helping the head gardener to plant the \pring hulhx.

Music House Workshop Sat 33 ()ct.

|3.3l|pm & |.3()pm. £l. 'l'i‘aimyay. 35 :\|herf |)ri\e, 0345 330 35()l. :\|\o Mon 35 & Tue 3(i ( )cl. If) |().45am. II

I |.45am. | 1.45pm & 3 3.45pm. ('ranhill HL‘itcull. Hellrock Street. 337 0835. Sing mug and play pcrcthxion from Southern Africa to e\p|ore pitch. rhythm. and piilxe. l-‘or tinder liyex. Part of lily/rr'r‘irlrrmU-l.

Sunday Art Adventure Sui 33 Oct. 3 4pm. l-‘i'ee. Gallery Of Modern Art. Queen Street. 33‘) l‘)‘)(i. l)rop-in art \c\\ion for the under lllx. Kidx lllllSI he accompanied hy an adtilt.

Shadow Puppet Making Workshop Wed 37 ()ct. Illam noon. £ 1. ('i‘anhill Beacon. Hellrock Street. 387 0835. |.earn hoyy to make \hadoyy ptippetx Part of [Iii/)r'rulrrmrH.

Centro Lorca La Feria Latina \Ved 37 ()ct. l'irec. S'I'I '(' ('L‘llll'L‘. 333 \Voodlanth Road. 33| SSW». .-\n all day men! offering a taxte of Hispanic culture. \\ ith \Hrt‘kxhnpx in Spattixll llSlllg' fun xiingx. dancing and cral'tx. \uitahle for kidx of all agcx. Part of Iris/irrirlr'rniUJ.

Halloween Party I‘Tl 3‘) ()ct. p.30 ‘l3llpm. £3.75. (ilaxgoyy Science ('entre. 5|) l’acilic Quay. 43() 5()()(). \Vitchex and \\ i/ardx don your pointy hat\ and grah your magic \\and\ for |la||o\\een fun and fi'olicx. including face painting. fancy diexx competitionx. craft \yorkdiopx and \pecial llalloyy een \cicnce \IIU\\ \. Blinking :td\ iSahIc. Professor Bedlam’s Potion Show Sat 30 & .Sun 3| ()ct. noon. 3pm & 4pm. (iltthU\\ SclcllL‘L‘ ('enti'e. 5|) l’acitie Quay. 43() 5000. :\ \htm crammed \\ ith \\ hi/lex. flaxhex hang\ and e\p|o\ion\Y

CCA Kids Club: Cast a Mask! Sim 3| ()ct. noon 3pm. £3. (‘('.-\. 35f) .Sauchiehall Street. 353 4000. (IL‘I in the \pooky \pirit \yith thix fun—filled

\\oi‘l\\hop introducing the mythology of

Hallo“ ecn. \yhich \\ ill then he translated into making \cai‘y maku Res:lN:8 Sun 3| ()ct. l lain (\Plll. l‘ree. (‘('.-\. 350 Sauchiehall Street. 353 4000. Thix e\ ent runx ax pan of litllllll‘iwl. and giyex you the chance to ha\e a go at |)Jing. \treet dancing.

4pm. l‘ree. The Hidden (iardenx.

hreakdancing or loin .in underground lllllSlc forum. \Vith local .ll1l\l\. ltllhlc llltIUSll') reprexentatixex and record I.lI‘CI\ all contrihuting

Magic and Myths of Trees Siiii 3| ()cl. Pollock ('ountry l’ark. 3l|hlt I’olloclxxhau \ Road. U40 “875. Don your fancy die“ and find out ahout the iltagical \yoodland at Pollock Park.


Scottish Chamber Orchestra Wed 3 Not. 7pm. Royal ('oncert Hall. 3 Sauchichall Street. 353 Hill)“. Special family -orientated concert entitled ll lll'll I/Ir' Iiurl/r Smut

Theatre & Dance

Spinal Chord White Knuckle Ride Tue 30 ()ct. | lam tk 7.30pm. £4 i£3i. (iilmorehill (il3. ‘) l'ni\er\ity

.-\\ enue. Bl) 5533. .-\ hlend of dance. aerial uork and martial art\ ax part of )iml/Il'i'xl.

Bush Tales with Chameleon Puppets Sat 3.3 ()cl. noon Hpm. £ I. 'l‘ramyxay. 35 Albert |)ri\e. 3X7 0843. AIM) Mon 35 & Tue 3(i ( )ct. 0.30am noon x 1 3pm. £|. ('iti/enx' Theatre. I l‘) ( iorhalx Street. 387 9835. .-\ \hadoyy puppet \IIH\\ haxed on character\ from htlxh rock art. The performance Icadx to a \yorkxhop \\ here kidx can t‘ccordx axpcctx of their daily |i\e\ _lllSl a\ the huxhinen did in their rock art. Suitahle for age\ \e\ en lelS. Part of luxpir‘ulrmrUJ. Finders Keepers Wed 37 Oct. I |.5()pm. £I. ('ranhill Beacon. Bellrock Street. 337 9335. :\ge\ three-eight. ('lydehuilt Puppet 'l'heatie hring old African folk talex to life through trickery. fun and exciting puppetry.

Cut to the Chase Thu 38 it Hi 3‘) ()ct. 7.30pm. £5 (£4 l. Tron ’l‘heatre. (i3 'l'rongate. 553 4307. A ncyy modernixed \ci‘xiott of the “(Ir/HT ufSr't‘i/lr' no“ ti‘anxpoxed to the \Htl‘ltI of pop ax \\ c follo“ the f'orttinex (and mixf'ortunexl of teenage i‘ltcra diya ('harlene. l’or agex |3+.

Tom Thumb Sui 3()()ct. 3pm. £5 (£3.50 £3). (‘iti/enx' 'l'heali‘e. ll‘) (im'halx Street. 43‘) ()033. lixciting one— man \liou performed entirely on a kitchen table. lolltm ing the adyenturex of Tom Thumb and Ilix family.

Tam D’Shanter Tue 3 Non lt).3()

l 1.30am & |.3()- 3.30pm. £|. Budhill (‘entre. ||a||hi|| Road. Springhoig. 774 4733. Scotland\ most famoux ghoxt \tory re-told \yith liye muxic and lotx of. fun by Andy ('annon and Wee Stories 'l‘heatre. .-\ haunting performance for exery one oyer xix.

Huff Puff and Away Tue 3 & Wed 3 .\'o\. l lam (Tue mat 1pm). £1. ('iilmorehi||( i l 3. ‘) l'nhenity Ayenue. 330 5533. An imaginatiye and playful \hoyy expecially for three six year oldx. Be wept off your feet and \pun round into a magical floating world filled with muxical \torytelling and spellx.

The Puppet Lab the Magic Circus Thu 4 .\'o\'. |().3()-- | |.3()am & l 3pm. £l. ('iti/enx' Theatre. ll‘) (iorhalx Street. 43‘) ()033. The tale of Tommy lidwardx. the clown u ith a fear of heights u ho i\ desik‘rately in loye with I'll-l l.a Mour. the ti'ape/e artist. Suitable for agex three \eyen. Part of Inxpr'rrrlrrmllJ.


Giant Freedom: South African Stories Sat 33 Oct. | lam & noon. 9; |. 'l’ramyyay. 35 Albert |)ri\'e. 357 5()()(). |.i\ten to tales of thix great continent. and itx people. Suitable for age\ three

e|e\ en. Part of Iris/)r'rrrlrrmlN.

Beverley Naidoo Wed 37 ()ct. 7pm. L‘l (50p). The .-\ir|ie Theatre. llyndland Primary School. 387 9835. A \tory telling and \\ riting \yorkxhop \\ ith the acclaimed South African writer for children aged eight plux.

Tall Tales in the Tower Sat 30 ()ct. noon. Free. Tron Theatre. ()3 Trongate. 553 4307. Fun interactiye storytelling \exxionx in the Tron'x (‘lock To“ er for age\ three the.


Various venues. Glasgow, Sat 23 Oct- Fri 5 Nov

Glasgow City COLincil's 'lnspiration' festwal is now seven years old. yet l‘i‘) current form little resembles that of the formative years. From its origins, as a sohools' festival focusing on ideas drawn from literature. it has evolved to heeorne much more incluswe and n'ride-ranging. no longer limited to the .vritten word, or men to the classroom.

‘The feeling was that it should he extended, so we do more fainin event', now. and events Out of school time.‘ explains co-ordinzgitor Maggie Singleton. ‘lt also covers a broad spectrum of art forms and tries to get a balance of aetixitie', for the different age groups.‘

Even/thing from dance and musw; to visual art and poetry is now coxered. .’/lTll events falling into two age categories: pre—five and primary. and ‘Youthfest'. aimed at secondahy pupils and youth groups.

Many of this year's perfOrmances and workshops for the younger children have an African flavoor. in celebration of ten years of South African freedom Youthfent. meanwhile. features larger-scale events Such as ‘Urhan Artwork? in the CCA and 'Soma Skool'. Organised by Sonia Records. to give the next generation of budding talent more insight into the artistic industries.

One thing that's remained Since the early days is the airr of widening interest and participation in the arts. ‘The programme ranges from workshop ét’,ll.’|||’;‘,. which are schools-based. to performances. which are about lflf,[)|(ll|(} and motivating yOUng people. to events where they get Il'thfFllallOll about ho to get involved' says Singleton. And with prices sobsudised so few event< cost more than a pOund. there's no reason not to. Chris Bradleyi I For detar/s of pub/rc events see /istrngs.

2 OCT—3. No. 230/1 THE LIST 69