; FRANK BLACK Black Francis Demo -- : . .0. T T I : K unstal Frank Black Francus v : . O. (1417". :: , ,uu luke. Bright Eyes are gllntlng on ' ' '

lmtl‘ wan-7' hf the” shut; com mtl‘. two angles: thus; t'l'tr‘u'fll‘ lake It [119," Saddletlreekl .0. 1 ' 1 z I 1‘ '

ruzlkrn, (m mulezlnng; punk lute space ()(ittlt‘,’_ pRlMARY 5 1‘ I " H ' V Y '

'l tlzz‘ :ESmlrlle Creek» 0... l3 an aching North po|e - " P ‘H " ' 7 country folk 'xtnlrler Slrllllzlrly Strlppetl OOWH but i v :' 0.. ; ; -;. -‘ ‘f :' ' . ' ‘.'.‘~':ll Naked. Pallumair's; <;ho:n| (l()t)ut ‘lns' bEATH [N ' 1' " ' ' l't-tltjtlt’lt'itl O... Illl[)l(:53f3(}f3218 rt depresses. VEGAS .

Hut tlzrr, We tnvth out '.'.Ihr:;pere(l by Ella Guru

Satan‘s Circus ~‘ \‘ \.'.'t")f;‘: “(lllllmt‘rfh’ rr‘umhllhg IS heeferl up WIth a ‘- "

ll' 0.. ‘l‘

more thew-{ll MIN; 0!: ‘Park Lake Speakers' I I ' ' z ' 1 . I ' . I them 0000 . t‘fleanwhlle. The Jim Muir 9" *" ' ' ' ' ' ' Slideshow 'lhrouuh Industry to the Stars; EP' " : ' " . " H " 1 E f' \’ Il-B:).'xv:l;arl'ts (lg-allssulel 0.. serves; up some 6‘7“; . ' H H "V' H ' t "' H H ' ' moat mm nenrlahle hop melancholy ’P H‘ ' ' I" "’ 1' V" M” " '

No hmuettes; or moon-walks from Usher this; 1 E). _" V H ' . H ' " ' I . ‘H ' ' furtnlglht. ll:s; poutrnu H88 hole ‘Cont -‘::$Si()llf§ Part H“ r 1’: "'1 " 5”" 1“ m" [‘"tt'" 1.1”" ' ""'”'

:x-W :" .: ~'* twat; E; run" ‘1, :t .'..‘::i‘- l-:.u:‘ l’ m " '- :" '- 2:

ll' ll Aluml O. hat; restricttetl the usual «retail: grahhing HOOD to vogue mg} and. er, ,t '

\ .. :>. 95’.1v:(£r;‘_ / "‘ . , :.: hrutghlng hls; fitClétl hall; bnnllarly uninsplrlng Is the ' " ' f‘h’ ' ~‘ JAMES GRANT ' I

.. , \ 'r: r? era's? tl‘ni- ‘t "l ' 1‘ house tinlélllttllthOl‘. 'Runnln lMNZS) O. by (' 1‘ ' Holy Love

1.. 41‘_' MI”? (1t . l‘ ' ‘ll l'xf‘}. -' .-

- .:'ff'\:fr":: "' f'tt'tr-fi'gt‘erfl‘url \ ...\ ' - u w 2' John Cutler ft Pete Simpson. whale Candee l U fun um. 00.. . - " me My“ w'r‘ :; .: z': Jayé; eheatp elm: tr:m<:e (ingthCEB Back l-or Me " ‘1 ' " q \l‘ 1 I ' m vvrv*.,r rv. 'r 'I r \l / ( r\ 1.] y ‘I ' elntxyntlvel 0 should be molded at all ‘l ' \ "\ ‘t ' "r . l'“'1.l “I “fin "‘H": "" mists. At least the hao (,ulture Clasn has " ' ' ' >' ' o ' . ' o W t j")( l“, ' ' . I'XL‘"H> 'r. ' "' ; . . ' " I" ' .l.' ::;>gl=.‘.heu somethlng; 21 mm mole Interestlnq rh the ' ' ““ '1‘ l r"; '. ' '. gum films ‘?w .vl‘w. 't 3" v ' '1; 1; mp0 ot lntergalzu:tl(: (tztrlttehall twonk ' . . . And " ' r” y‘" 1 ' " " I I ' : ' l5'\ "' ' fu/tl1(,,' ‘T<:/‘(f/(l "'l‘ [lance lWalI olboumln... from Jacques ‘/ ‘r‘ 1 ‘1 3"}, :.- 71‘:"’T?*K:<‘H:glf‘-KT Lu Cont ft General Degree. r 9 ALSO RELEASED i ., ,, .,O .H‘,. .L‘ . *rth '.i_'r-l"‘;-'l‘jr,t“, buck lll tuteountry, Duntlees Hazey Janes “5 V " - a 1. ' 1 2 ' m- ' Act/L? "w "l "en’s! tits n.’ RL Burns'de A have turned that country rock frown upside down ' ' ' mum/(H de I; ,1, _ ,. t‘ t or- :‘sz v '1 ,’ ‘4‘, My”) "(’11. ' It ,t: Ill‘\l t mth the folk pop jitllgllltg of After All lMeasured F r J Y (’ l /—)O(.,,Hm VM‘MH ,M . “I , y ' n " r 1 W10 ,‘ 1,)(lt‘y, o \i’ Qt) , , ; (I \ t Hecortlsl .0. Alamos offer up somethlng a l " "‘ (NW): I),m_,(,,,m "' LVN.” " " "‘,'- k; .f "r r lf 9"\ , '-l1l.,",( , t,\ . ,\,).,’r' \)J‘ x ,.)ll( little more frisky In the form Of rugged pop-Duhk »‘ ' “' "I'M-"W" } )' H " " L " W "' " ,Yflrmmtmn- «All K.” ./ - r . a" tril"..",..‘ "' f. ..o‘ / (3 ".v/ , .t’) ‘.r’7'r//rl<l‘ ‘tl ’l.t‘t"‘ " " ( '""'~‘ '*‘ nugget l\lllhnl>\,vklll ll’et Plrztnhal 0.. .HS " "NWT ”' “Km” \1‘ "‘ “‘ N 1‘ RUM low”. BU“. I a, H 0 \' \ ‘.', \\ Q? ‘r ,, )‘ ‘) . " 1"yyi 1 . L1 n) l| not entirely (lea: what they re trylng to say. but I ' t ‘M' 1 "' H ' 1‘ [Wt my)”. .l y m \w y (H ' .' ' ' : lwwurflrl'lltFll."‘ l' (at w h 1‘ ma‘w. " t lll.l\ t. M .htnn rt. U55th but no legs mean, ' - » , . :v w- ' z “um r a « w low: The Beautltul lune l or Lenv0mn<te «Must Destroy South ("r Wer q . I _,~ :0“,' r .,vvv , v‘ ,r r t-' it!‘.,""‘, .,I ' .'./,t .‘ v 'r {(. ("I 1)} 1/ (11.1.1 Mum: Atlantrel 0.. by Do Me Bad Things ' \‘ " M : "I "I m ' ' ‘1 /{ {If/1 j}: I, / 1,, ‘.,r‘ ;t‘«r._ ‘vu" "‘ ;.r\'wy 'Ic‘ rw‘ ' ’(?(/Itll" {(331,} I" as; A well llgtlttnttetl. multI-vocal rock-out. whlie " ' ' KM y ' ‘1 U My I' 0 m} C‘ r n i'.‘ ’° c I v ' t V . "r v t v \j’y \)()y ‘1) “Ll/V Y}: New Rhodes have a most charman mop— “' M P l W V p M r ' \ _ n 0“ ~. on;.,.‘ ,.“-‘. 00 1‘ . o""., f}- t-\ v,‘ , ,r' b} —~:\’i )v M‘) shaker on thelr hands With 'l Wlsh | Was You “‘ I ' "’ “'IM”(' " \N” ' rjr (l n V " "‘.. ‘." "‘ "‘.. "1"tv‘,,.('r l. /‘ rv‘l '.' ;.<‘_ 8"“, NH] | _u t \w ., . . (1-, } ,t) , ll I) t. ' ( v I ~ 1 n~., v - ‘w “3, vvxl lr~t\ f)?! t‘th‘ ‘51. all With so much sofa-balunq musm; on offer. lt \“ " " " , on“ . , (6 ,, t , , \ v\,,l’ /:r ;I~ I .17: I 1‘ ,r, ,:t V“ \ “L . y (‘f ° I \:;Hl/"! .)I takes the lend or enehantlng eccentnolty ol ~ " ' ' l ' ‘1 " t t . .. . - .:: . m. u, covers. from H O to Joanna Newsom:) Sprout and the Bean tDrag ' .m R, H r I c (‘1 , \ , ,' ‘o r‘ A ;, 0 l ,‘ (i K) ‘ITJS. -) 1’“: My» 0... to stand Out of the crowd. Single .\ ._ ’\ ‘/ ' "‘ 7 W -, r 0 ,1- - ' n w 2+» . a 2. .ma n of the Fortnight hon-«ever. goes to KT Tunstall E’ K (“ j I ~' 3' “tr ~m‘T r r ' ' 1' «WW «-';::- 80$ Matchbox 8- .er the durum, anu memos hrtm Me a Rope Astronaut / w . . I, I. I'\ v 0 \u r , .lf: loutcaste) O... . in which you can almost 5 ; ~ g. " Lme 9'saster/ , ,Vt‘fl...” ,i ,\‘:‘,~/, ‘,\. a “,1. ,‘A o,‘,,'o(,:!/I ‘,l-' [,r"\\~{l~(_);'// If hear the leaves talllng from the trees. ' " " * " R )5‘" )0 {I j - . ._ .l‘._ l .H: in Q "r\(;", {_ 0‘" ‘, x3 tIVt _ ‘« :‘rvl ,r \‘ / y""_\?( r\ (rum: "( )’f lek tdmundsom .. ._ _. . _, t’l. (.H, ,H‘. J. k) / , ,t l . , Bed ll, A S u . (w- .. " ;.> “"14: ' \;"(1f {)r r'r If a 1" " ‘, ,lt'Tl'l ‘g’, ’, :HStEillnFfltt U" {MC/VJ \.\. 1' 1- 1' {0‘ -~:‘. "f >;.'1f?‘t:':s'~; 3' rank mt: -’:“’,‘"‘.r " "I. 1,.ff'r: garaqfi‘ “0"”9 “9‘” HELP SHE CAug-r ' ' " '31-: z 2-: {EL-01'» ‘1‘ EM: (438.“ ’T\‘:{:'l’l‘:'ll"l igr/g ;:‘ y‘ these muck; Lonrlorv SWIM " H " I H . I Mark R rune/w (1,r,"r Oahu. T371; would—be rook gosz Fashionista Super - CIA" ' I M \‘l p‘fdf‘f :2'1‘} '3'“: S"‘:‘:' The Hacker Rel/{1}” ' ' "-- ' '.- i»ix‘.-"" .." ' " .. Mk", j"\ v"‘,’.lf'.l".,’." (5:)4J‘rn ‘7 DW, t, (. ‘_) -(“, I . _u t.. _ t . I A , H .t , A , , I , I // /A\)/ v \Ev‘:\‘.‘:;: \‘ k)‘\‘::;" \x .7. ' ':;'I vy-D, v‘ .x .rw I..\.‘v_\ I]; tf'V: Sj'v‘flcnf) t/lj‘ Klttinws O... V v . -.,~ .‘ _ :'rrlt t _: .. t . -' 2 r' . .r . Llfeblood . .1: r _.-: I. “:1, My: gnggflhoug softlg Z;t‘t‘::1'.":):lt.t"‘ :§\"‘:}'.'.:"S ' f4" l' .' .. 77:7 G'U' °_ '71’, SIR“, a(;COrllpi:C(; .r‘gdulggg :\ fat/“A. \:1 4: ."_ I ’:£:"‘-’;’} "(ix/f}? t 0' "f m some solo ‘.‘.t t. t: ‘3" 350. £32": 8:. t::r=s:=".:> c: v. «2-.I:;;\.:i'_‘_'1-.° “.7 " '3»;- LETK ".sszxese'tmew/91:" metlculous maChlne Scat ‘~\'-;- 5-3-3 "t: 810" tow t" . -—u-;d:: f"::,t:‘:":: ":;. TE; "9'. '7 S Last, 9:? in}. muslc. . \ \t \r t‘ , H13 P 8.x ._ \\,\I\ c, *. x n“. : , \ . , o, i". , 3 :3 I ,1 1/

76 THE LIST .1 \