Rock& Pop

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to glasgow© and for Edinburgh to Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Fiona Shepherd and Henry Northmore.

Ticket information

Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from: Tickets Scotland . - ' ;. w Tickets Scotland '. ' i' -- 4."...47.

Ripping Records " y .'.' E-:' :I--


Thursday 21

G zisgow

I The Zutons and The Futureheads li.lllll\\ laiii 3-1-1 (iallongalc. 55: ‘lhlil. "pni RI )| .l ) I )l i. ()\ci l~l\ \hou. ()llll'lx} l ixcipiidhaii coiiiho. Iaking Ihc \hanic oIiI oi Ihc \.l\ii|\llilllL‘ ax a iock iiNi'Iiiiiciii. .\ l\'\\ llllllk' \Hll“,.'\ \Hilllil lk' lilt't'. Silllic .il‘l‘llk‘\ Io po\i punk inlhiciiccd (icoi'dic\ Ihc l‘llllllL'lli‘.iil\ “how co\ci ol Kalc lill\li.\ ‘l ll‘ll|l(l\ Hl l.“\ c. lim L'l\ .ilm\ c Ihcii o\\n iiialci’ial.

I Grand National, Blue States and Swimmer One King: ’I iii'x \\ah \\ah lhn. 31M SI \incciiI Slich III 53"”. Nillpiii. (iiaiid \aiional .iic a london haxcd duo oiiciiiij: lllL'll' on n Ialcc on Siiiilhx/Ncu ()idci inclanchoha on Ihcn dchiil alhiiiii Ail/.111: l/ll \illlilllii'l Nil/III.

I Wishbone Ash and Chain 'I'hc l'L‘l'l'}. l.‘ ('l}dc I’lacc. lllh‘lfi :05 5| I. Spin. L‘llfiii lloai} lolk rock \cici‘anx conic ioiiiid again

I Azzuri, Fans of Kate, The Deltas and The Kicks 'lhc .-\i‘chc\. 353 .'\l'f_'} lc Sliccl. 505 liili. .\'pin, in Rock and pop \houcaxc. hcadhncd h} Ilic hai'iiioiiic \plcndoiii' oi .\//l|l'l. l';lll\ oi Kalc hail li‘oin l.ondon.

I Lady Sovereign S'l‘lz'l‘. llIc ()hxci'mioi‘}. l3.\ l-lll l-,ldci\hc SIi'ch. 353 (Nil. Nillplll. [5. ()nc oi Ihc i'cal lliU\Cl'\ and \hakci‘x oi Ihc ciii'i'cni gi‘iiiic nio\cnicnl. a Hill} iiniqiic gcni‘c dcl_\ in; icinalc .\l('

\\ ho ha\ ali‘cad) xiippoi'ch ()hic ‘l'i‘icc. Ill). liaxcincni .|a\\ and Ihc Sii‘cclx

I Nacoya and Chief \ic'c'ii‘Slca/_\. 42l Sauchichall Sii'cci. 333 (Willi. Upiii £3. \acoia aw .i liink} ciixcnihlc. inihiciiccd h} cuwfilnng ii'oni llciidi‘i\ Io hip-hop.

I Yap lhc l3ih \oIc (".ilc. 5” (iii King ~\Iiccl. 553 INS. 0pm. [3. NM a inimc nighl ax \uch. hiiI a \pokcn \\oi'd c\cning_' hcadcd h} Ihc ioi'iiici' ii'oniiiian ol i'ockch ()nc .\liniiic Silcncc \\ ho. clcai‘l}. al\\a_\ \ had a pocIi‘_\ clcnicni Io Ihcii' lllll\lL‘.

I Azriel, By My Hands, the Fightback and Allergo llai'il} iiipxiaiixi. 3N) (lulc Sli‘ch llhqll ‘lli‘ (Willi ()\L‘I'- l-l\ \hou. .\llci';_'o aw .i Iccn dcth nicIal oIiIiiI ll'illil l’ci‘Ih,

I Forgotten Sound, Leveaux and Forced Asphyxia 'l‘hc (Killioiixc. I5 l‘nion Sii‘ch. 345' hhiio. ".Slipiii. U\ancci. £51dooi'i. ()\ci'-|4\ \ho\\. .\lcial hill.

I The Gain, Smytherjones, the Rodents, the Neumatics and Mummy Shortarms l‘ui‘} .\luri‘_\\. ‘ih .\la\\\cll Sli'ccl. III (‘5! |. .\'pni. £4. including cnIi'} Io poxi-gig chih. 'l'hc l’ui'} \ King; oi Bandx conipcIiIion conliiiucx \\ iih hand\ conipcIing Io \\ in L' llllil) oi~ ciinipnicni.

I Yellow Bentines, De-bass, Rutabega and Sound Development Agency Ra“. Quccn \lai‘gai'ci l'nion. 33 l'iii\ci\ii_\ (iai'dcnx, 33‘) 0'34. ".Fllpni. £3. including cnIi‘} Io pod-gig chih. \Vcckl} \ho\\ca\c oi )iillllg local handx

I Hugh Reed Experience \illiliw i in: (iioucnoi lloIcl. (iimxcnoi lciiacc mi l‘l}lL'\ Roadl. ‘41 “Sip ‘lpni licc l I lcgcnd Hugh Rccd. ioi'incil} ol liic \cl .cl l l1IlL'l'[\illl\'-\lllllil\ ciiiicni oiiiiii

I Christina Carter and Fursaxa I. ha (ix lia. l: ( llago l..illc. “71$; \piii 1:

l \ \ingci \oiiguiilcix \xho iiiipiox l\' \ocall} and on j_'

I Colin McEwan lindc-ilwox. lw Hum Road. 1‘” zlli.\ ‘lpni licc \coiixiic \cl I Mark Callender lic-.iii\cciic-. i (‘icwucll lanc. 3-1 (\"h \piii licc laid hack .iciilhllc \ci

I Latonic, Uncle Jack and Without Malice llo§_'\ llcad. \oi‘Ih l icdciick Sliccl ‘lpiii U local iiidic


I Roy Ayers 'l lic l.l\llllil Room. III \icioi'ia Siiccl. :35 35M "pin L125! .la/x llllllk \ ihi‘aphoiic lcgciid hchind Ihc cIci'nal 'l:\ci_\l\od} l.o\c\ llic Siiihhiiic‘ .ind \\ho\ hccn \aiiiplcd h} iicail} c\ci} hip hop .ll'll\l oiil Ihcic

I Eastern Lane, the Paddingtons .iiid Ordinaryson lliL' Bongo (‘lulx \loi'a} lloiixc. i“ llol}iood Road. ‘55 "hill, hl‘ni. U». lici'uick on 'l'uccd liiclo' \o. icall}. iI docx. (‘hcck oiil laxlciii I am- ll )oii donil hclic\ c ll\. ioincd h) Iippcd london oiiilil ihc l’addinggionx,

I Saint Jude’s Infirmary, Severin, Subbutteo Pitch Invasion and Chris Rigg \\ cc Rcd liar. ladiiihiiiggh ('ollcj:c oi .\l'l. l..iIii’i\lon l’lacc. 33‘} l»l~13..\pni I'i‘cc lloiic} coach \ocal\ iiiccl \cl\cl l‘ndci‘gi'oiind iiiilncnccx iioiii hcadhiici Sll ax l’op 'l'hcoi'} i'claIinchcx.

I The Lease, Rubix Touch, Djevara and Earthwalk \Vhixllchinkicx. -l Soiiih lh‘idgc. 55“

5] ll ‘lpiii, l'i‘cc, lndic and alIci’naIn c

H W l\.


I Streetmusic Arabe 'l'ollmoih. .l;Ill “ind. ill".\(i 2"»lllllll, “, iiipiii. l; I: «LEM. l-oi‘nicd in lhc (ill\ \.i\\ H (ihmanc look Ihc \iillll\l\ oi dancchall and hip hop and iiici'gcd Ihcni \\ ilh Ihcii' on n \loioccaii \Iillliil\ and ini'liicnccx.


>11 Dizzee Rascal and Ta: (Ruling; .-\cadciii_\. Ill ligliiilon Slim. 0005 “30 3900/0370 77l :(lllll. ~._illlilli. L l 3.5”. \H agc l'L‘\ll'lt‘llUll. Si|llll\\l\ilif_' _\oIiiig_' gai'agc .\l(' \\ ho coiiihincx Ihc \lll‘lllllL‘ and Ihc i‘idiciilom iii hi\ pi‘iigi'c\\i\ c llill\lL‘. Suppoi'l ll'Ulli i'ixing l‘K hip-hoppci' and l)ci' Jani \igning 'l‘a/.

I Kevin McDermott (‘oiiici' 'l'hcali'c. ll}ndlaiid Sii'ch. 357‘ 3808. "._‘\iipiii. {l3 ()\L‘l‘- l4x \how l,on:_'\Ianding_' local linolli'llc L‘L‘lL‘l‘l'IIlLN lliL‘ I‘L‘l\\llc ill lil\ hack catalognc on Ri\ci' Rccoi‘dx.

I Nu Grnd, Serpico, Sandstone, State Broadcasters and the Ocean FIOOI‘ lliL‘ l'L‘l‘l'}. ~13 (.l}LlL‘ l’lIIcL‘. lllli‘m 265 Si I. .\’piii. (5. local hand \himcaw. I The Subways, Pelter and Stillife King; 'l‘ui'x \Vah \Vah lluI. 372a SI \‘iiiccni Sii‘ccl. Ill 527‘). Nfiilpiii. £5. liai‘lici' llii~ )cai‘. punch} iiidic gai‘agc Ii‘io Ihc Sulma'n “(ill a conipclilion Io pla_\ on onc oi Ilic iiiain \Iagm aI (il;l\liilil‘lll'_\.

I Engineers, the Fallout Trust and Tom Verk liiil'll). :Nl (1}th Sll'L‘L‘l. nx‘n Uli" (NW). Spin. [5, S}n]l\llii|11g \Ullllil\ ii'oni liiigincci'x. \iippoi'ch h} )Iiiiiig \oiig\\i'iici' lUlil \ck \\ ho ua~ onc oi Ihc llll\ oi llll\ )c‘;ii'\ In Ihc (ii) l'c\Ii\al.

I The Amphetameanies and The Cheats \icc'ii'Slca/_\. 43] Sanchichall SIi'ch. 333 0035'. 0pm. £4. Rahhlc- l'Ull\lli:_‘ \ka piinkx ll'iilll local \llpc‘l‘gl'i‘lll‘. pinning a ncxx lil’ Sm Swim Him: Sin I m/. I The Void, Sugarman and the Past ‘I‘hc lfilli \Ulc (XIlLI‘. 5” (ill King Sll'ce‘l. 553 1038. 0pm. £3. .\li\ oi pop and hhicx Ulillilx

I Joan Kane, Green Room, Milestone and Anaphora l-iir}

\liiri‘} \. ‘lh .\la\\\cll Sum. 33] (‘51 l. .\‘._‘\ilpni. £4. including ciiIi‘) Io pod—gig chili. Local indic hill.

James Yorkston;

+ ADEM Will '2/ October at CottiersTheatre mmm

iiisii I: Milli

TllllllSillllW I'll! ABBIIES


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