Family damning

TOM MURPHY is one of Ireland’s foremost dramatists. His early play, A Whistle in the Dark, the violent tale of a dysfunctional Irish family and its partial relocation to England, he talks to Steve Cramer about identity, the family and the state.

There seemed to be an element of dislocation, in a complete sense, in your characters in The Wake and Too Late for Logic. What drives them?

in. I think dixlocation ix thc right \Hlt'tI. 'I‘hcxc arc tlprootcd pcoplc. Ilonlc for a lot of pcoplc ix not a gcographical. linitc placc. l’coplc arc dixlocatcd in placc. hut alxo ill thcir mindx. 'l‘hat dixlocation alxo happcnx in I‘CIIL‘I‘. lhc) ~t‘L‘ “Cd [0. litll tlIxtl ill xL'th'L‘It ttI' ittlltlL‘L‘llL‘C. Innocence is not what the average audience would equate with the characters of A Whistle in the Dark.

\Vcll. lhc) ‘rc dixlocatcd l'roln innoccncc. from a promixc

that \\ ax hrokcn. I’romixcx madc in lair) talcx. or

promixcx ntadc h} thc (‘htlrch You ha\ c pcoplc likc llarr) in .t ll‘ln'ti/t' in [/It' Dark. llc'x a pimp. and hix moralx arc total”) at an anglc \tith thc rcxt ol‘ lhc \\or|d.

th hc ix thc moxt romanticall} inclincd and idcalixtic of‘

thc charactcrx. I’coplc ha\ c on occaxionx xaid to mc that in} charactcrx arc \cr} harxh. _\ct thc harxhcr lhc} arc. thc inorc romantic thc_\ arc. c\cn gtillihlc and innoccnt. The play deals with violence, both physical and emotional. Even given that it’s now over 40 years old, it still retains a certain capacity to shock with this violence.

'l'hcrc ix thc morc xcnxational action ol~ .xomconc hrcaking a hottlc mm a hcad. but that xccmx to dixtract l‘rom thc inncr cmotional turmoil l'm tr_\ing to gct at. 'l‘hc fact ix. thc l‘amil} ix pcrhapx thc moxt undcmocratic inxtitution in our xocict).

What does the play tell us about the Irish abroad? 'l'hcrc \\ ax a lot of angcr and ragc in mc \xhcn l urotc

thc pla}. though I didn‘t ncccxxaril} knou it at thc timc. 'I'hc hctra}al of thc church through I1_\[i()L'l'I\_\. thc hctra}al of thc xtatc ol' itx t)\\'n pcoplc \\ ax xuch that pcoplc kit in thcir thotlxandx. th thc_\ \xcrc lcl't \\ ith lhc l‘ccling ol‘ hctra}ing thcir countr}. \thich had in tact hctra}cd thcm. 'l‘hc rcprcxxion in thix countr} \\ ax tcrrihlc at that timc: thc rcprcxxion of thc church. In tocing thc linc and conforming. a tcrrihlc xtrcxx \\ ax placcd on _\oung pcoplc. Somc pcoplc didn't knou \\Ilitl to do \\'llIl thcir l‘rccdom \thcn thc_\ got tl\\tt_\ from that atmoxphcrc. 'l‘hc craic camc in hratxling in puhx and in thix gcncral ctllt ol' \ iolcncc.

The family at the centre of the play is, in many ways, repellent. How have people responded to it over the years?

\\'hcn it lirxt “cm on in tum. \xolncn \tcrc \cr}. \cr} t‘rightcnctl of thc pla}. 'l‘hc} tcndcd to rcjcct it. No“ il‘x hccn donc lair!) rcgularl} xincc thcn. and thcrc n ax onc donc at thc .-\hhc_\ in NW. \thich \tcnt to thc Ro}a| (‘ourt ()n that occaxion. of‘ thc lllil pcoplc \\ ho camc up to mc at'tcruardx to xa_\ '\\cll donc‘. and xo on. 9‘) xccmcd to hc \tomcn. ’I'hat‘x quitc a xociological xhilt. What I‘m ama/cd h} ix him man} pcoplc rcxpond to thc latlicl'. Hc u ax thc charactcr I thought u ax incrcdihlc from thc xtart. l \tondcrcd \thcthcr pcoplc \\()llItI hclic\ c him. But xo man) pcoplc haVc xaid to inc 1th had an unclc or f'athcr t‘igurc \\ ho u ax jtixt ax t_\rannical. So ma} hc thcrc arc pcoplc out thcrc \\ ho. dcxpitc thc intcnxit} and cmotionalixm of thc piccc. \lill xa} of thcir lamiliCx. ()h (iod. I \\axtl't alonc altcr all. That xort ol idcntilication \\tltlILI hc good.




* Hamlet Yukio Ninagawa's credentials are already well established with Edinburgh audiences through his work at the International Festival. Now the director. whose influence is such that he has become the theatres Kurasawa. is back with what is arguably Shakespeare's greatest tragedy. Michael Maloney, the prominent film and television actor, will lead. King '3 Theatre, Edinburgh, Tue 26—Sat 30 Oct.

* Merce Cunningham The return to Edinburgh of Cunningham. considered by many to be the world's greatest living choreographer, is bound to create a stir. This veteran figure of world dance presents a programme which includes a combination of real and virtual dancers in a contemporary dance cyber-treat. Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, Fri 29—Sat 30 Oct.

* Deep Rimming in Poplar The new play from the outrageous Tim Fountain, fresh from his sex tales at the Fringe, features the superb Bette Bourne as an older man having trouble in his relationship with a younger bloke. A comedy of old versus tongue. Citizens' Theatre, Glasgow, Wed 2— Sat 13 Nov.

* A Whistle in the Dark Tom Murphy’s great early play is here revived at the Citizens' Theatre. Focussing on an emigrant Irish Catholic man, his wife and his violent and displaced family, this promises to be a powerful evening of emotional intensity and violence. Citizens' Theatre. Glasgow, Fri 22 Oct— Sat 13 Nov.

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