I Saw You cont.

V I Saw You l)ebsl l hayen't seen ynti lnr a lnng trrrre . . . I miss (ilas. I miss Sentland and linpe In see all nl ynu when he linisliei! rrry esam next year" l,n\e it all. many litigs and kisses' Ynur laynurite (ierman. (‘laas [7508/l 3

V I Saw You Willa. relaxing in yniir liarea tnp [k lnnking gnrgentrs. Ney er itiiiid the hnn- lra. lnng liy e m? Ynurs Inrey er. Seraggle. \\\\. [7508/l4

V I Saw You Spanish speak» rttg l'nlish lnnking girl. ls'eep seeing yntr in l’eekhams. I think ynti are beatitiltil and wntrld like ynu tn strnke riiy bald head. and pnssibly share my rum. l’ \ s \ [7508/l5

V I Saw You slnp iIt llyl'es Rnad In ask it w e needed arty help. Ynu were earry ing a ('he (itieyara bnnk and lnnked Sntrth Ameriean. .-\re ynu'.’ \Vnuld lnye tn ehat with yntr. [7508/l0

V I Saw You .\lr Maearnni hanging abnut strikers bar. l-aney enming silly daneing with tanned brttnette'.’ [7508/l 7 V I Saw You my sexy dark haired lrish man we itiel l'nr the lirst little in ynur llat then again lunr mnnths agn at a party mesmerised. we ehat— ted el'l'nt'llessly. ynur eyes sparkling as we tnunehed babay earrnts . . . Ynu'y e stnlen my heart l’nlanski. One day at a time. l.\ [7508/l8


V I Saw You (a llte dtingenns. yntr ealled me a muppet. then we elieked. we wnuld be a eapital enirple. [7508/[0

V I Saw You .lnw, ynu are still the stig nl my dtiiiip. See ynu at (‘hristmas. [7508/20

V I Saw You (Sunday 20th Sept) btts .stnp ntttside M&S with ynur bag w'hieh had a badge with a speeial message attaehed' I enjny ll tnn bttl ltnw abntit a enl'l'ee lirst'.’ [7508/2l V I Saw You in linpp. Ynti Innking tit. me in my blaek satin dungarees and red satin shirt. Ynu had nn nayy Selintt bnmber jaeket and blaek leather trnttset‘s . . . '.’ [7508722

V I Saw You treading water. bill was Inn shy In say . . . that nur sw imeaps matehed and ynti blew me away. .\'nw I'll be treading water trrttil that linpel‘ul day . . . when I see ynu nrtee again and ynu enme swimming my way. Aulil [7508/23

V I Saw You arid yntr were lint. blnnde hair. big bnnbs. ya knnw" \Vhat ean I say. I was breathless. nnw that is line at tirst sight. [7508/24

V I Saw You Xtina iti whnse nn third. Ynu brnke riiy heart just a little bit. l-ll\' ()li xxx [7508/25

V I Saw You Jamie with ynur bright eyes. When will ynti kiss my nrange lhee‘.’ That brilliant. I'll write that dnw'nl [7508/20

V I Saw You Jas. lnnkill seyy with lnng blnnde hair but w hn were yntr with .’ l in "

ehanee l'tl guess . Keep It real" [7508/27 V I Saw YOU blue eyed gangsta ynu intrndueed me In l)erek [N (‘liye hayen't laughed sn mueh irt ages. (ireat night? l’uri'rr. [7508/28

VI Saw YOU ()nll' lnnkitlg‘ beautil'til while eating a big bnwl nl delieinus ereamy Inmatn snirp. \Vill ynu be the rnnther nl my ehildren sn lean rtrb ynur mummy Iummy‘.’ \ y \ l’S why wnuld yntr keep a erayatte mi in the bath‘.’ [7508/20

VI Saw You l)arkstar lnnk- irig dey inttsly dey iant at ('altnn studins. see yntt there nest mnnth. [7508/30

9 I Saw You in the l‘ilmhntise. I think ynu're ealled .\liln. seriill'y blnnde hair and jumper with anehnrs nn it. l.ny e lrnm l)nminn. ynur admirer. Nice. lnyely hattds all nyer. [7508/3l

VI Saw You twin l)aye l'rnm |)alkeith. lt's beert a few years rrnw. l‘aney a pirit nl‘(iuiness snme time'.’ [7508/32

V I Saw You .\Ilss (‘ lnnking lint (0 Vegas. l.nnking l'nrward tn mny irig nnrth In ynur ensy wee pad . . . [7508/33

V I Saw You at the l‘ilmlinuse . . . as usual. Bjnrk takes in er the w'nrld and ynur laee Inn let me ' yntr. .\ .‘ylan \. [7508/34

V I Saw You nnee ttpnrt a time in a nitisie stnre ealled l‘npp. Ynu Used In sell me (‘l)s. ehnenlate skinned with nn hair. I tttiss y'ntl. [750b735

VI Saw You Jen (‘ selling ynur shnp stnek like a beautiful rtrg merehant nl' .\lnt‘neen. We lny‘e ynu Jen-() we dn' ()h Jen w e lnye ynu' .\' [7508/30

V I Saw You nn Friday the I5th. driving the number 10 at l0.l0. Yntt were l0 nlll nl H). I left the hits at the ['sher llall btit ynur magnetie blue eyes pulled me baek. Snrry l enuld tint ride all the way that night. llnw‘ abntit w'e enntinue the jnurney snmetime‘.’ [7508/37 V I Saw You. ntrrse (‘laire 'l’. in my life many years agn. l'd lnye tn talk tn ynu again . . . il' ynu read this please get in tntieh :) (' tlidinburgh). [7508/38

V I Saw You when we gate- erashed yntrr linuse nn 8/l0/04. We gnt y'ery' smashed tngether. l ean't believe shyness lnst me lnr wnrds later. and nn the bits l5/l0/04. l’elI rude snrry. [7508/30

V I Saw You in the 'l‘un nn 'l'uesday l0/l0 beitig bnred shit- less by sntlte nltl BBC esee with feta cheese all nyer his ehin. l was nn still! nppnsite trying tint tn laugh. (iet in tnueh and I'll listen. [7508/40

V I Saw You lllil.li.\" We met at Sharmili's bnuney eastle in File arid went tn l.yeeum nn 20th September. Ynu mnyed flat and jnb and l lnst ynu! Please get in tnueh!!! Chris. [7508/4l

V I Saw You in ynur new inb underneath the big blaek spire. Just wanted tn let ynu knnw that I'm prnud nl ynu and lny e yntr lnIs \ rand did I tell ynu llltll yntl lnnk lnyely [inlay ’I [7508/42

V I Saw YOU stI serene III (irassmarket .v\rmstrnngs l'rrday 22nd ()et as l rsliaggy blnnd lltltl \\ hite ili-sltll‘ll lt‘ted sti ltlll‘il tn enneentrate nn pay mg ynu lnr a kill. 'l‘hanks lnr getting the belt' \Vanna play dress—up.’ [7508/43

V I Saw You Beeky. ltlst wanted In let ynu knnw that l ant in line with ynu. bill I am ltll' lnn shy in tell yntt. ’l'ltittltas. [7508/44

VI Saw You \‘li(‘...\.s‘ (u egn 23/l0/04. [' tall blaek dress. dark hair lnnkirig lab. me blaek suit. blaek hair daneing like a ittadl near and nn pndrirm. ‘l‘nn shy In talk. spnke In ynur blnnde pal . . . are ynu ntrl there'.’ [7508740

V I Saw You l‘trdge. Yntt were wearing a neeklaee tn draw attentinn tn ynur bnnbres. l was wearing a belt tn draw attentinn In my tlt‘nnpies. llnpe yntr had a riiee birthday. eyen tliniigli ynu went hnme with the girly bny and bnyish girl . . . Bax/yehnps. [7508/47

V I Saw You all irt l’rague. l)i.\ie Mai‘jnrie. Leanne. the

lny isible .\lan. (ienrgina and Janette l’. yes sir. ynu girls were shakin ynur ass' Maybe nest time I take ynu In a dillerent plaee. btrt ynu pay' I will ney er l'nrget it' lirie B. [7508/48

GLASGOW brunette single girl. 30s. 5'3. blue eyes. slim/medium build. basieally seeking really nice guy. ('all me nlt 0000 750 3557 & enter l80|5225 T " SOMERSET FEMALE, female, 2 l. seeks a jumper- wearing. w arm-hearted tiiale with an appreciatinn nt milk- shakes. .serabble. walks & erumpets. (‘all me nn 00067 5 I0 l45 & enter 4035800




TALL eclectic & curIY'haired l )I‘M‘ll g‘ll l. dabbled with most things. seeks ttiale w rtli entry it lli‘lt .ibntil entities. inntlern liners ni milkshakes \ltsehiel t\ knitwear are nrilametl (all me Ull ll'lllh- Sill l [5 \\ t'lllt'l 4010800

FUN loving, genuine lernale. i". enpper blnnde hair. \et'y sneiable. grind tnmmirm eatnr t\ listener \eeks like minded male. lnr lirentlshrp. maybe mnte (all me nii 0000 ~50 355‘ t\ enter l_‘l |5228

BLONDE East Kilbride letttale. 5 5. st/e I: ll. linirr \eyyeastle. seeks Illale lt‘l lrrendshrp. pnssrbly mnre' [all me nn 0000 550 3555 .\ enter Ill.\5(i'l')

HELEN slim build, 5 2. t|lllle bubbly persnriality. easy In gel nn wrtll. l wnrk niit .rt the gym. eniny danerng. mny res. walking. penple entertaining l haye a \ ( i.\'( )0. ('all me nri 001 )0 "in 355” .\ eriler l8003225

KATHY 44, dark curly hair. brnwn eyes. 54. great per snnahly. lnyal. always eniny .r laugh. “I .l \l snmenne whn is a laugh snmenne whn is Inyal i\ earing. (‘all me nn 0000 ‘50 355" I& enter l8|55425

JANET 5'3, dark, slim tn medium btiild. linbbres ineliide tray ellrng. reading. nights in/nut. pubs. lrye mirsie.l liye Hit the Sntttlt stile nl (illlsg‘tny. (lllll tile [in 0000 5‘50 35.57 [K enter lNl-lNl25

GLASGOW, 26, 5'10, fair hair. blue eyes. ilirrte lirn. single mnther nI 3. \et’y (i8( )0. like gnirig In pubs. emema I\ quite nights in. ('all me nn 00‘ I0 750 355" [k enter l 32"042l

I‘II THERE! Sylvia, 5'4 blnnde with blue eyes. sr/e l8. 40. nn elrrldren. likes ennking. walking. swimming. ernema. pubs. elttbs & hnlrtlays. ('all me ("10000 “50 3555 & ettlet l327042l

MAXINE blonde hair tk blue eyes. wears glasses. etttnys gning nut. haying tun t\ haying a drink. ('all me nn 0000 "50 3557 [k enter INN—1225

35YR OLD, 5'2, brown hair. green eyes. medium btiild. like In gn nut tk liaye ltrn with my triends. nights in/nirt. sw rrrr rning tk reading, (’all me nn 0000 750 355-. [K enter l327742l

NORMA 44, 5'9, slim, blnnde. wnrk as a sales manag er. I had many dillerent hnb bies. l eniny watehrng lnntball. lettlny giilltg‘ litl' \yttlks [K I eniny playing gnll. ('all me nn 0000 5'50 355- & enter lHl0l425

JEAN 52, 5', brown hair. brnw n eyes. eniny s eine ma. theatre tk gnirrg ntrt lnr meals. reading. & spending time with my grandehildi'en. ("all me nn 0000 "50 355— [k enter [3500433

MARY petite, dark hair. brnw rt eyes. ehatty [k lrrendly. erijny sneialtsing [k gardening. I like gnirrg ntit wrtli Irrends meeting new penple. (“all tne ("10900 7.50 .555- N enter l8024225

BUBBLY PERSONALI- TY 5'3, long brnwn t [.Yi‘. lt.rll_1lletlllltt‘.l‘;::itl in ltlll. 1'i‘ will i\ ll.:l‘l‘\ 1'1 :‘eriezal ('all tire Nil “0th enter ls 3 L25

JANE 52, 5', brown eyes ltart, wear :‘lasses llrke

I inertia. reaihirjx. theatre.

lir‘ 2\\ ‘\

"\\.[\l\'ll.ll think [all me i‘ll ll'lllli "5h :55 .\ erupt lilX‘l l2:

WENDY 5'6, short dark hart. lra/el eyes. slirir .‘\ siriz'le rriiirii til spare time I like In I 'rrll will with in}. lrreritls .\ liaye .r lilllt'll, l .llst‘ llbt' [0 [Ill Will ‘,'i'

In the t inertia [.rll tire i'll tr‘ltlty \rr 1‘s .\ {1115] l] ‘sril {ii

GLASGOW male, 5'6, long ilalk llalt \et\ east. gnrire. lnyes snt l.ril\lll:', tiarei .\ spending time with l.tlllll‘. (all tire Hlt With \i» i“ .\ enter ll \ll *0

KELLY 5'4, brunette, size |0 l.‘. nirl;'nrir:'. brib lily. likes \ lirlis pubs. ieailrii~ t\ keeping lrl [all rite itll [l'lllly ‘5!» [is v ,\ t'llll'l l.\l031_‘5

43 YEAR OLD 6'2, eniny walks rlant lllt'. night s will nights in. ll.t\lll_'.' lllll, terriler tress eyeiythrng basil ally (all lllt' nit «with “in <55 .\i enter llm'A'l *0

ROMANTIC, loving, caring, easy t'rrtltff, latrl [tat l. rrrale. 55. seeks slim. attiat try..- letnale. .‘5~. lnr l lls' (all tire nn 0000" 5|” l l5 I\ enter trtVsriii

BLUE EYED Highlander, bat k Ill (ilast'H'w ltnrn ttayels abrnail l nnlirrx' Int lerrrale lnr It‘lll.tll\[‘ (all in.. nn 0000" 5l0 l l5 .\ enter 41H {s00

JOE 5'8, short dark hart. tuned birilil. dark eyes. dark skin. spnrts \\ ieirte "l.ltl[l ate ('all me nil 0000 ‘si, iss' .\ enter l 350512;

JOHN 6'4, dark hair, \ery lard baek. enrny innst things in lrle. linhtlays. rliryes. mghls Ill nights nirt lirst lnr-l. mg tn meet snrrrenire nrte ( all me nn 0000 550 355 i t\ enter l.\l V425

5'5 brown eyes, I \‘.itll. with penple whn hay e mental health prnblems. interests are gning nut In restaurants I\ pribs ('all me nn 0000 "st. RV .\ errtet l2] I0228

HAPPY-GO-LUCKY l5yr nlil lilmbtrrgh lrr.rle, Innkrrrg lnr a happy wnrrrarr lnr tnmari tie telatrnnship l.n\es s‘.'.lllt mmg .\ keeping lll (all me run 0000 "<(i “V A enter ll585l ‘0


5 l0. \ery spurty. (i8tlll. gnnil lnnkrng giry. well [‘tlitlllsk'll guy. nwn hntrse tk ear. \\ [l \l snme title whn likes in keep lit ( all me nit 0000 "50 ‘55“ t\ enter llnhhl 3H

'. .. lTl-IE LIST 125