Sucking the blood of popular entertainment

I ‘l Jltilirltllrrtlllll (herriruurvl ‘.'.’on‘illinr; free ,‘ flown t' r: nien'onw. uh ,en. the Leech naf;

llr“,‘ll f;[)t'll(llll(l non r.- tenrr: rn the

plamlrr lair; ‘strexxn lltllrlll, parka .. Peffermill Ill the leaf. (lexirai >lt: muliurlrt; ol Aulrl lit-elm: .'.'lth a train. l7 Ml Freegans. \"Jhal are l reeriarrgl‘ V/hx, the are those who follr lltr: of lllr: \I’omhle anrl pravtrut-

l lt:r?<;.lllli;ll‘-. l reeoant; t;ee ham‘ ill all consumer goods, llllHlltl at; little at. [‘( ~:;§;rhlr+ anrl ll‘.‘|lltl oil the: ‘.'.'ar;tt- 2,»? lll()(lt:lll capitalist fillt‘lrr'r~.. In it doing). the, axoirl grunt; an‘, lai>our to a system l)£li;tf(l on fllllltrlllltl anrl t>ppr(>f;3;l()ll, ‘.'.'llllt? at the :;an‘e time rerlumnr; ‘~.'./a:;te. After three (la‘tt; of rummaging; through other pmle; rubbish (llllllltl a l reeoan introtlur‘tory seminar the l eer‘h war; the prourl owner of three llllflltllltffl Charlie Dimmock r‘alenrlartx anrl a pair of rolierskatet; that hatl heen adapted into some krnrl of AC Milan lnhule loothall hoot. l \er‘ Tarquin. the (‘ourt‘w guru. harl to arln‘rt that :t \.'.ra:; not a great haul. hut these thinos; are so often seasonal. [.1nr‘ourauetr to share the hoot‘,. the teeth t)l)‘.l\ttlt%l‘, toltl these penm hint‘her puhlit‘ school chaps: to take a hike and :apent the rest of the afternoon ‘.'.llll a certain Ernest Bay. a procurer and seller of retro items on the internet .,

I It's not all «natal chandeliers ant: champagne in the ‘.'.0rl:l of entertainment. \ou knotty It}; also about plumbing. Faulty plumbing at that. A few weeks ago \ou n‘a‘. recall the Leech precursor The Insider letting up about US rock nomllemersters the Dave Matthews Band and ltov. they irritated a tex‘.

People :well. about rt’t‘ at‘tualr. m emptuno the contents or their tour bus septu‘ tank on the” hearts: as the.

passed under a bridge on a :‘ea‘. on

12 THE LIST ‘1 'r- .“



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1 PPOfiAMY wcmm'r unwritten

You're lying around somewhere gorgeous, loved one by your side, reading a gripping novel. You gasp. Your companion looks up from his/her activity and smiles patiently. Five gasps down the line ano he/she has said belt-up-and- bollocks-to-the-sharing and now you feel a bit lonely. Listen to the book on a CD, though, and you can take that literary journey together: on a plane, beach, in bed, in the car. Marvellous.

What is the point of putting time and money into long fingernails? Some women regularly spend up to £80 on making sure there’s a long strip of hard, fake stuff stuck to the end of their fingers. Determined to get out of tying their own laces, are they? Or to be able to do anything useful? What's worse, though, is long nails on men. If a bloke can’t be bothered to cut his fingernails, you can bet your life he’s got a very smelly bedroom.