lli' III/'1 Illllll ) and The Hun/man's ('u/l (released in l‘)‘)7 snnn al'IeI' hreaking Iip \siIh l’.| Haney and “as nnl_\ seen lleeIingl} in ZIXB‘s .\'(u'lummu.

l’arI nl' Ihe ehange in snnnd is In dn \inh Ihe arrangements. l'lll' Ihe lirsI Iime nn Ihese I\\n ne\\ alhnms. reenrded in Paris. ('a\ e has Ilsed a gnspel ehnir. 'lI lrees )nn up ineredihly‘ he enIhnses. '“llll Ll \UIL'L' llkL‘ IIIIIIL'. lllL‘ L‘llIllI‘ :lIlIls II lL‘\ ll} ll) Ihe \shnle Ihing Ihal I eairl dn nn m} nnn.‘ BIII Ihere is alsn a range nl' mnsieal sI} les nn Ihe I\\n alhnms l'rnm Ihe l'lamenen “Supernalnrall_\i In '.\'aIIn‘e linv. a li//'\ pnp snng \\iIh deliheraIe eehnes nl' SIexe llarle}'s '( ‘nme 1p and See Me. Make Me Smile‘.

"l‘here \\11\ a deIerminaIinn Ihis Iime \\ iIhin Ihe hand In make a I‘eenrd \xhere an}Ihing gnes. We

\xnnld nnI he hn\ed in h_\ nIn' n\\n nnIinns nl

\\lI;Il the Bad Seeds slInIIlIl snIInIl like. Sn \\ e eame IIp \\iIh "NaInre Rn)". \nrmall) \\ e \xnIIldn‘I ha\e pursued it In Inrn iI inIn a deeenI snng heeaIise \\ e \xnnldn‘I hax e \IanIed IhaI kind nl' Ihing nn Ihe reenrd. hnI Ihis Iime \\ e did.~

Sexeral hand memhers share \sriIing erediIs \inh ('a\e nn a lien nl' Ihe nInnhers. "l'here are limiIs In lln\\ lar }nll ean gn siIIing alnne in an nlliee plnmhing Ihe depIhs nl )nur snIil In \s'riIe snngsf he e\plains. ’l ln\ e snme nl Ihe snngs l‘\ e prndneed dial \\a_\ hIII l‘d enme In realise IhaI iI \\as mine dillienlI In \\ rile IrIIl} IipheaI snngs siIIing here in Ihis rnnm nn m_\ n\\ n \\ iIh a piannf lle LlllIMs a lnng pause \xhile he lighIs annIher rnll—np. 'BeeaIIse Ihe} iIIsI snIInd like shit..

Snme diinngnishing marks nl‘ ('a\e's \xnrk. hn\\ ex er. dn nnI ehange. The Inn alhuins eaeh ha\ e Iheir nnn idenIiI}. .Il/nn/nir Blues has Ihe ran. pulsing. nrganie energ} IhaI aeenmpanies his llVL‘ pL‘l’lIIl'lllilllL‘L‘s. \shile 'I'ln' l.~\'l'(’ (I/‘(h'p/II'IM ls mnre in Ihe IradiIinn nl his relleeln e hallads. ‘lI‘s niee In ha\ e Ihe I\\n alhums." (‘a\ e sa} s. ‘heeaIIse nne nl' nIn' prnhlems \\ iIh pIIIIing a reenrd IngeIher

has been IhaI \\ e make l\\n dil‘l‘erenI sans nl‘

musie: \er) lnnd musie and \er_\ snl‘I liragile mnsie and Ihis ean lead In sehi/nphrenie albums. Snmenne nnee remarked IhaI I had the emnIinnal range nlia lilili‘-}t‘IIi'-Iild. Snmelhing like Ihal.‘

Ills senIenee ll'alls Ulili. as nl‘Ien ll dnes. 'l‘llls Iime i1 is heeanse he‘s laughing again r :11 himsell‘. ‘\\'e hax e \shaI are ealled 50-50 hands in .-\nsIralia. .-\I \xeddings and bar miI/xahs. Ihe} pla} 50 per eenI upheal l'nr Ihe _\nIIng kids and SI)

18 THE LIST -'- ‘7‘ ‘\

heal (ll.

1 ll .‘ \‘_ f r .9. , -- I fit

6" I


per eenI slnu l'nr mums and dads. 'l‘here has been IhaI kind nl‘elemenI gning nn with us‘.

.-\lsn Ihere in Ihe ne\\ alhnms is annIher key ('a\ e ingredienl (ind. Rnck‘ slurs who get Ihe l.nrd [end In make Iis eringe. BIII (‘ax'e is dil'l'erenI. lle ean sing ahnuI his l'aiIh \x'ilhnul lnsing a tan hase dial is mnre seeular Ihan nnI. ‘l Ihink Iheir aIIiIude is prnhahl} "nh iI‘s ~iIisI .\'iek gning nn ahnuI his (ind shiI again". 'l'lie}‘i‘e nnI hn} ing Ihe message. hIII Ihen l‘m nnI selling il.‘

llis nun \‘ie\\ nl (ind ennIainIs nn hinI nl

e\angelisaIinn. nn missinnar} spiriI. nn ('erIainI}; nn ('lil‘l-like smngness. ‘Y\l_\ relaIinnship \s'iIh (ind is anthl'Iil aI Iimes.‘ he sa_\ s. ‘hIII alix'e. lI's IhaI kneeling nn Ihe pehhle Ihing‘.

\\'e\ e heenine suddenly \‘L‘l'_\’ heax’}; "l‘haI’s L‘IIUIIglI (ind: he sins. lle's gnl a ten [)I‘IIIL‘L‘Is in Ihe pipeline. he repans. He has \H‘illen Ihe musie l'nr and reenrded Ihree Iraeks \siIh Marianne liaiIhl'ull nn her new album. And he is renewing aequainlanees \x‘iIh einema. llis sereeim'riling has alread} prndneed nne independenl lilm. (iliusl . . . Hill/1e ('i'i'I'l Dem]. :\llll(lllgli his enllalmralinn \\ iIh Ridle} SenII and RIissell (‘rnxxe nn a l'nllnu- up In (i/m/iulnr has llnnndered a ‘l urnIe iI and sulliee it In s11} iI didn‘t e\'enIIiaIe. The} deeided iI \xasn‘I gning in Ihe right direeIinn‘ shnnIing is due In sum in Ihe aIIIumn nn 'l'ln' l’mpnsiliun. an .'\nsIralian \\'e.sIern \\ riIIen h} ('a\'e.

lI \sill make a ehange lrnin Slur/t 2. He‘s alsn dning Ihe musie. .-\nd appearing in iI‘.’ "Inn handsnme' he grins haek.

Nick Cave plays at Carling Academy, Glasgow, on Fri 5 and Sat 6 Nov (6th Sold out). Abattoir Blues/The Lyre of Orpheus is out on Mute Records.

As Nick Cave hits a creative peak with his 13th (and 14th!) releases. we have a look to see how others fared with that fatefully numbered album.

Bob Dylan: Blood on the Tracks” ~

Rolling Stones: Goats Head Soup l i

Elvis Costello: Mighty Like a Rose A l v r l

.Il.'.ui.‘ .i I II lw'I‘o'I‘ lira: .'.'

lll‘illi '.'.I'Il an] aniIII'Ia ff:

(:Ill.'./I'.l.'l" it ‘r likilll‘ i“'ll‘

.‘.'I:llll:ll llo'Iiin llli vi iii

allaur nl pm I. lll(l1llll‘_I'll‘l ll‘-£Il(:ll(ll (I?) III: {Iltlrllllil“’l fn uliill Harm ii!

(lii(;<:linn_ C.

David Bowie: Low liitwiivul Ill l‘iltlllll ‘.‘.IIli l‘liri'i lllI). l'lri‘xxirnigirliuinail I:lHLll’)lll(. minim-r, Iilli' ~I illv' Innnl llllIlelllilIIllllfilllll, ‘fllilllIlllHlllllIlllllllllfilll .lllill'i', ()l llli. Inlluiimzifanr <>l .i« iris-r

The Fall: Extricate

lllI: \,‘.r()ll(lI:llllll, (:lléillf, Mail- I fiinilli‘f. inunrrlwl (IlllIHll I'. l)£ll‘;lll(:l Ilizm l‘:(l [Milwnii'm

hair ‘.‘/I::r.«i: l)lll / T‘lf/Ijlfr‘

nnI nnlj,’;i(,I;I;1,mililr:mull. I‘ll .:

lzill gilliiiii: (lll‘\/‘.“/(l‘,’I l)lll II lI:lll'(:f;(:lllI:(lllII:ll l)ll‘:l(l{lll|£1l",lf .‘JlllllllI: lriii Ya!) .ll

lll(: Slléll)‘: nl ‘lnlrmliniii: lliinri'. 0...

Prince: Diamonds and Pearls limlnu; llI: lmuanw: .2 fi‘,'/llll)()l, l’niw: .‘xau kiirirlirv; Elllhllll‘, ()I I()I) (lllillll/ .‘Jlll! alaninin imiiilanI/ and .‘Jllll‘: Ilii‘, lm; lllllll< ()l lllIl'.l‘:lllll slim/i; llllll‘ urn/Ml Ill l’l'll .‘.’|lll ‘(}(:II Oil and “(Lruanz' (1‘. an liiqlimiiil', iI turned (MI I!) l)‘; lll‘; |;i',l IrIily (ll‘fill album


REM: Around the Sun Sinai,- RI l/l l)l(/','/)lll‘,‘(I iron .’J£illll’).’/I:i'. l’) (llwlfl: lllélléllllllll’l creeper, the; llél‘./(:lll(ill€1(l‘:’lis '311 (good To bad alliIiin FEIIIU. llll', l’,',?1(ll,’

Illi: nnr; Ill four. 0.

Ike and Tina Turner: Nutbush City Limits Prrxllicml l); Phil Spa-film. and Willi liml Ila; a? Mr, most extreme and hula; fuelled. Ha- x/rnrv; :1 couple of Ihe nian searing meal perlnrrnanr/n war from lll’, True" .‘.’lf(; Tina .‘Jllll Pin/0r Den-I; l/lonritain Hiqli' i1'1’lTl":ilTl¥;liElCl<.....