Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce and Rachael Street.


Acttvtttos 8 IV/onts

MacMillan Art Show Scotland Strch St hooI \Ill\t'lllll. \Iltst'llttt ol I ducatton. 335 Scotland Sncct. 3s“ tl5tltl

Ill.llll (torn Itcc Ilttc oI Scotlandk I.tlj.'t'\I .tll \Iltt\‘.\ ‘.‘.llIl <-\t't "(Ill \‘.UII\\ HI .ut lot salt" It} .nnatctn and [tlt'lt‘\\lttll.ll .lII|\l\. nn ludtn}: patntrngs and sculpttn‘cs Ill .ud ol .\ .\Ii||an ( anch Rcltct Family History Open Surgery \Ittchcll Iihtat}. .‘Hl \otth Sttcct. 3S" 3W“) 5 thnt II.t\|II_L' _\our I.ttnt|_\ Instoi} \ot \utc \‘.Ilt'lt' to look' Ihc c\ttctt\ .ttc on hand oncc .thJIII oIlcttng: hpr and .ltl\ tcc .ll tlns drop tn c\cntn;_' \lllt't‘t}


Conversation Pieces: Lord Provost Elizabeth Cameron Ro};tl (‘onccrt IIaII. Sttathcl}dc Stutc. 3 SauclnchaII Sticct. t5; soon. Icittprnt L' ‘51). ad\ancc; Ll. on thc da}. 'I'hc lord I’ro\o\t pncs a ratc instgjht ittto tltc tnncr workings ol hci ollicc and \It;ltt'\ sonic c\pcrtcncc\ ol hcr \attcd pohttcal carccr

Town and Gown Lecture: Moving Towards a Zero-Waste Society Sttathcl_\dc lino-hit}. .\lc(‘ancc litnldtnfg. 5. iitpnt. l'rcc. Ix’ohtn Ilarpcr \ISI’ attd I’ctcr .Ioltc\ I‘RS,\ Icad tItc tllst'IISSItlll. I)IS('l'SS'

Penny Arcade: Bad Reputations IIHIIIllk'dll't‘.(\5'IIUIlgtlIC. 553~13(»7. Spin. L'IH t [St .\'c\\ York pcrtortnancc .llllSl I’cnn} .\rcadc talks about what II tncans to hc a had girl attd tluccr icon

\\ ttlt hcllt ltotn sonic danccrs aitd pcrlorntcrs. I’art ot (Ii/(IVJHL'


Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson - Poetry Hordcn Hooks. ‘IS Buchanan Strcct. 333 7700. optn. [5. .-\n ttppttl'ltlltll} tor adults to c\p|orc tltctr crcatnc potcntiaI.

Activities & Events

MacMillan Art Show Scotland Strcct School \ltisctun. .\lu\cutn oI' Iidttcation. 335 Scotland Strcct. 3S" (Wit).

I Iatn (tptn. I'rcc. Scc 'I'hursda} -I. Reading the Leaves 'I'chai Hunt. 43 (Mayo Ianc. ‘5“ ~153-l. .S' Ittptn. LI .loin gucst \\rttcr\ lot an cwning ol poctt‘} aitd ctcatn c \\ tiling; I’rc\ ltttl\ rcadcrs Ita\ c tnclttdcd I.tttll\L‘ \\cI\It. /.oc Strachan attd \nnc I)ono\an. I‘or Iurthcr inlortnatton or to hook a rcading contact \alini Paul at t‘cadtnylltclcmcstH ItotntatIcont



' ' tit" ‘3 I "

Remember, remember, it‘s the 5th of November when we commemorate that old skool terrorist, Guy Fawkes, and his attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605. Funny how things

turn around. Here‘s where you can see it all go off with a bang around Glasgow and Edinburgh.

\ I ' ,

.(Wtf‘w. ll 5.. r .«A ..\I 1'4

.I(:"‘ v, r ,/,r . r,,- I,‘

V‘rn‘ r...


Glasgow Rugby v the Borders IIu§_'Itcndcn. i3 Ilugltcndcn Road. 35‘ Nos ".Rttptn. LI3 LI" «Lt» £I3t. (‘cIttc;_'uc ruglt} match \\ ttIt lhc \Varrtors pla} Inf: against IL‘IItm Scots Irotn thc Hordcrs,

Activities & Events

MacMillan Art Show Scotland Stt'cct School .\Iu\cunt. .\Iu\cutn oI Izducatton. 335 Scotland Strccl. 3S" (WM. Ittatn (\plll. I‘I‘L‘L‘. .SL‘L‘ 'Iilttllde} >1.


Glasgow School of Art Christmas Emporium (ilaxgon School ol .-\t'l. 'Iihc .\I'.th\intosIt (i;tIIcl'}. It? chlrcn Strcct. 353 4530. Ill'dltt ~tptn. I’t'cc. Snap up nork It} studcnts. tutors and graduatcs ot tltc school tncludtng it‘ttt'llc't‘}. Itandprtntcd 'I’ shuts. handbags. paintings. photographs attd lots ttl ttlIIL‘t' gill tdL‘th.


Celtic v Kilmarnock ('cluc I’atk. KL‘I'I'}tI;tlL‘ .SIl'L‘L‘I. I’dl'lxltc‘dd. SSI .Sh55. 5pm. 'I‘Itc Iloops \HII Itc hoptng tor a \\ ttt o\ct' thc ISIIIICS [U \kltlL‘lt IIICH‘ SI’I. IL‘dd.

19-21 November

Assembly Rooms Edinburgh

(tfcust ol't'onct’t‘ts. ccilid/ts. scsst’ons

tt'ot'ks/tops. recitals. talks

N Inns!ci'clusscs


Brochure: 0131 346 0977 Tickets:

0131 2281155

30 THE LIST -1 '7‘ \

Activities & Events

MacMillan Art Show Scotland Sttcct School \lttsctun. .\Iu\cutn ol I.duc.ttion. 335 Scotland Slrcct. 3S" II5HII

llattt (tptn. Itcc. Scc 'I Iltl ~I

Monday 8

Activities & Events

MacMillan Art Show Scotland Sttccl School \Iuscutn. .\Ill\ctllll ol Izdttcatton. 33.5 Scotland Strcct. 3S“ “5””.

lltatn (tptn. I‘rcc. Scc Ilttl I


Beginners Capoeira Workshop (‘arnnal .-\rt\. 3nd I-Ioot. H .\Ihton Sttcct. 553 NIH—5. o ".Rttpnr U) (LII Icarn IIll\ gracclul lira/than Inarttal art.

Gordon Smith Iron 'l Itcattc. It: Irongatc. 553 43(7. “tun. .lotn "I Itc l’s}chic Iiarhcr‘ (iordon Stntth at thc Iron Ihcattc lot' a llttthchl cxcntn; ot hcaltng thought. contctdtng \\ lIIl tltc thcasc ol Ins ncxx hook /'/n' ('n/tt'ln'tu/t/t lint/i. a

gutdc to dcahn; \\ ttlt hctctncntcnt,

Tuesday 9

Activities & Events

MacMillan Art Show ScotIand Sttcct School .\luscunt. .\ItI\L‘lllll ol Izducatton. 225 Scotland Stt'cct. 2S" HSoo.

Ittant (tptn. I‘rcct Scc 'I Int J


* Look Who’s Talking: Tony Benn 'I‘hcatt'c Rtt};tI. 3S3 Ilopc Stt‘cct. H3 «moo. Iptn. £5.5H tUt. Ihc tornth cahinct nnnistcr and labour \ll’ tctlccts on his carI} )cars and thc protound tntIucncc his parcnts hax c had on hrs hchcts toda} at thc Iaunch ol Ins l1L'\‘. Ittlttlx [)41I't’ [II If! tt' [hill/t SCL' IllIIISI I)IS(’I'SST


Meditation Classes (iIasgt w. .-\c‘;tLIL‘llI}. ('UIL‘I‘I'UHIx SII'L'L‘I. It. llII‘IH. :5 tt.‘ i. Rcducc strcss and c\pcr1cncc a pcacctul mind through thc dcxcloptncnt ot conccntratton. Izach cI.t\\ tttcltttIL‘\ a talk and tunc tor tncditatton.

Wednesday 10

Activities 8; I vents

MacMillan Art Show St otl..nd \tn-ct School \lttsctnn. \ltnctnn ol I‘dncatton. 335 Scotland Sttcct. .‘S‘ “5”” lltant (ilnn Itcc Scc Ihu 1


Mackintosh Splinters (_)ttcctt\ (tom ( 'htnclr S'tt ( i.ll \\ ttltc Road. ‘)-I5 3 *3] (t ;H "Inn In thc lt'\t'.tl\ll lot lll\ Itook (Inn/t \ /\’t Hun

I/tn Alli/roll .\ (‘o /\'\l 1,; fruit l)a\ id Stark catnc .tcltt\\ tnlotntatton \\lllcll sttt'pcstcd \Iacktntodi \\.t\ ln\o|\cd Ill thc tIt'Slt'll ol tnoic htnldnnrs than ltlc\ltttt\l_\ IIIttllt'llI Ilc

discttsscs Ins tI|\ctt‘.t'llt‘\


Beginners Capoeira Workshop ('atnnal .\II\. 3nd I loot. VI \IInon Sttcct. 5.53 So?” I) 5‘ thtn Hut, ll SL‘L' \Ittll N

Thursday 1 1

Acttvtttes & I vents

MacMillan Show \ctllldlltl \llt't'l School \Ittscutnc \lusctnn oI Izdttcatton. 335 Scotland Sttcct. .3S'.' “5”” Main (tptn Itcc Scc Ihu I


Frank O’Hare I’Htltlt'l\ I’MntlA. ‘IS‘ Buchanan Sttcct. 333 ""HH (torn I tcc 'I Itc I‘t';tllc\\ I.|\ II|_L' Ittc coat It lt‘ltlllts \Hllt \ttlllL' \ltt'\\ tcductnj: (‘Intstntas \lll'\l\;tl tips.

* Look Who’s Talking: James Naughtie IllL'dllt' Ro}.tl. 3S3 Ilopc Strcct. H3 wont) lptn Lifio 1 LI) [Ht/(1‘. prcscntct Iatncs \attjghttc c\pIorcs thc tclattonshtp hctuccn Ion} “Ian and thc IVS. as told Ill Ins ncu hook. //n It t It/l [Uri/.Illlt’l’lt (III. /on\ lf/tt/r (un/ [In [’11 \I(/l In \ Scc llIIIIsI. I)IS(‘I'SSY


Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson - Poetry Iittttlcts Books. US Ituchanan Stt'cct. 333 "700 (nun. L5. Scc 'I htt -l.