/V1rnhes a Ererus

MacMillan Art Show Scorlund Slrcct Sthool \quctun. \qucurn ol l'lIlItdIIHII. 335 Scollund Strccl. IS" H5th I lurn (irirn I It't' \L't' VI Illl I


Strange Behaviour: Theatre and the World of Money Ilurltv-u}. 35 \Ihcrt I)ll\t'.II.\-l5 Hll Nil Illurn 5pm LIZ 5“ it} 5”: Suxpccl ('ulturc [trcxcntx .r du} ol l.iII.\. dmrrxxronx und \klrtI\\Illl[‘\ c\.unrnrng thc \ rowncr porno hcluccn lhc \xorld ot lhcutrc .ind ccononncx DIS(‘I ‘SSI Conversation Pieces: Eddie Friel I<<~}.il (‘ontcrl IIuII Struthchdc Surlc._‘ Surrchrchull Slrccl. Ill-II ‘5 i Sllllll Iprn

Li 5” lll .rd\.incc. 2.1 on thc door 'I'hc Irllllll‘l \‘IIIL'I L'\L‘tllII\L‘ HI (ilCJIL'l (iI;l\f.jll\\ .lIIlI ( ‘I}dc \.iIIc_\ Iour'rxl Bour‘d gncx u pcrxonul lll\lj.‘IlI rnlo thc dc\cloprncnl\ lhut hu\ c put (ilu\go\\ on tIlc rnlcrrlultonul rnup. D|S('I 'SS'


Property in France .\l|runcc I'l'uncuhc Dc (il.r\_‘..'o\\. il’ur'k (‘rrctrx i“) IISI.

5 ‘lprn {Ill Idcux und udx rcc on Inning or rcnting u propcrt} rn I'runcc.


Gift Fair I’ollock (‘ountr'\ l’urk. Illoll I’llIIllc‘k\II;I\‘.\ lelL (r-l‘) ()375. Illurn 5pm. Scoltrxh I\;l\l‘lI lIl'\lgltl't'\. ul'll\l\ and (tall “orkcrx pr‘cxcnl u \\ rdc \clccllort ol ('hrrxtrnux gill rdcux.

3i: Memorabilia SI:('( '. I'rnnicxlon ()uu}. (IS—ill II-III -lIIIIIt, (.lIIIk't'llIl'\. Iilll' HI \t‘l II iIlItI cull 'I'\'. with gucxl uppcurunccx lrorn thc Irkcx ol Dirk Bcncdrct l.I li’irmr. Du\id I’rmx \c tS/rrr' Ilirn r. Ingrid I’rlt l/lrllllnlr'l' llurmr r. Richurd Kctl (Low in lhc Bond Ino\ Il‘\l ux \\cII us Ioudx rnorc und hull u lIH/l‘ll IllilllI (ill‘I\. St't' IllIIl\I.

Food & Drink

Farmers Market \lumlicld l’urk. l’urlick. lll 733 Ill) I‘ll. Illurn 3pm. .\ chuncc to hit} lr'cxh producc du'cct l'r'orn lhc turrncr'x.


Celtic v Inverness Caledonian Thistle ('cltic I’urk. Kcr‘rylulc Slrccl. I’urkhcud. 55] 3053. 3pm. 'I'hc SI’I. ric\\corncr\ tukc on (‘cllic


Gift Fair I’l‘IIUt'h (‘lIIlIIlI"\ I’dl‘lx. JIIMI I’lilllic‘kxll;l\\\ RoulL Ml) 0875. Illutn 5pm. Scc Sullrrdu} I3.

* Memorabilia SIi('(‘. I‘innicxlon ()uu}. “STU (l—Il) ~Illllll. Scc Sul l3 and IIllIl\I.


Scottish Rocks v Sheffield Sharks Bruchcud .»\rcnu. Kingx Inch Roud. 501

I I-lll. 5pm. [8 [l5 rL'5 L‘S‘r; lurnih £33. 'I'hc Scollixh lcurn hutllc it out \\ ilh lhc Shurkx III IIII\ BBI. ('huinpionxhip rnulch.


Town and Gown Lecture: Developing a Capable Population Sirulhchdc I'nncrxrt}. .\Ic('uncc Building. 5.3llprn, I'rcc. lickclcd. Duncun Ricc. pr'rncrpul ot .\hcrdccn l'uixcrxil}. und I.indu .\Ic'I‘u\ rxh (‘Blg prtncipul ot‘ .'\nnicxlund ('ollcgc. gi\ c lhrx Icclurc. 'I‘Ickctx cun hc rcqucxtcd l't‘orn ('cnlrc lot' I.ithong l.curning. I.c\cI 5. (iruhurn IhII~ Building. 40 (icor'gc Slrccl. (il lQli or cull 548 SIRS. DISCI’SSY


Beginners’ Capoeira Workshop (‘urnnul .-\rl\. 3nd I’Ioor. 3-1 :\|hion Slr'cct. 553 803". [h tf-II. Scc Mon 8.

Tuesday 1 6

Talks In Pursuit of Happiness - Art 8.

Melancholy ( ‘(' \. ‘5” Sulrchichull \trcct. 152-1‘llll "put I rcc hut tickctcd In conncclron u ilh thc ('(‘ \\ c\hrhrtron on rncIunchoI_\ \rrrrllr/u". l)¢ rrrurn thr\ rnlorrnul lIl\c‘ll\\lHII dcul\ u rth lhc \lIIIIIL'tIIl‘II\ hctnccn thc .tt‘l\ .rnd rnclunchol}. c\pIor’rng IIIII\IL. nrudncv. rnunru. I.llll.l\} und llhl‘lldllr'll I)IS(‘l'SS'


Meditation Classes ( iI.r\go\\. \cutlcrn}. ('oIchrook Slrcct. (i illprn L5 «Lil Scc Iuc

Wednesday 1 7

Spon Scotland v Sweden llunipdcn l’urk. It'IIlL'l'I‘} I)l'l\L'. (iIli (iDtNI Spin


Beginners Capoeira Workshop ('urnnul .-\l'I\. 3nd I'Iturl'. i.1.\|hron Slrccl. 553 Shi", () 5' itlpm. Ur rig—Ir Scc \Ion .\

Thursday 18


Art:Speak! (‘(‘.-\. 35‘) SulrcIucIluII Slrccl. 352 JOHN. 7pm. I'l'cc hut ltckclcd. "Ihc lirxt III u ncu \ct‘lcx ot tulkx locuxrng on lhc \\tll'I\ ot lll'll\I\ \xho Ii\ c und pructrcc lll Scotlund \Iurk \c\ rIIc dixcuxxcx hrx pliologruph} .ind \ rdco \xork \ho\\ing r'cccnt liIrnx including c\ccrpl\ Il'ont hrx rnuror lilrn \lork cur'rcnlh in progr'cxx Ill I’orl (iluxgtm. DISCUSS? Conversation Pieces: Ian Kershaw I{o_\uI ('onccrl IIuII: Struthchdc Surlc. 3 Suuchrchull Slrccl. llHI 35 i Nllllt). Iprn. [3.5” III uthuncc; H on lhc du}. 'I'hc IIl\Illl'I;llI discuxxcx IIitlcr‘ und Br'rturn‘x purl lll thc gt'rmlIl ot' \u/i (ict‘rnun). us dclurlcd lll Itix hook .tlulmg I'II'rr'rrilx nil/r I/rl/t'r, DISCUSS!

Toby Paterson (lullcr‘) ol \Iodct'tt .\rt. ()uccn Strcct. 22‘) WW». (till “. illprn. I't'cc. Bch I-lillircx pit/cu rnncr lob} lltIIn uhoul Ill\ \xork ux includcd rn lhc Rcccnt .r\cqui\itron\ c\hihrlron. DIS('l'SSI

Town and Gown Lecture: Fostering Resilient Communities Slrulhchdc I'ni\cr\il). .\Ic('uncc Building. 5.3llprn. I5rcc. .-\rchhi\hop .\Iurro ( 'ontr und I’r'olcxxor' .>\/i/ Shcikh. Iidinhurgh l’nhcrxu}. gi\c lhrx lccturc. 'I'ickctx cun hc r'cqucxlcd lrorn ('cnlrc l'or |.il'c|ong I.curning. I.c\cI 7. (iruhurn IIile Building. «Ill (icorgc Str'cct. (il IQIi or cull 5~l.\’ IIRZ. DISCUSS?


Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson - Poetry Bor'dcrx Books. US Buchunun Slrccl. 333 77llll. (rpm. (.5. BLT lIIlll 4.



Theatre Club: Season’s Greetings IIL‘SIDQII llillt'illl't'. I5 2‘) \IL'UISUII SII‘L‘L‘I. 52‘) (illllll. IIISIIJIII I3..‘~llprn. £3.5ll. .\IrI\c Ridingx dixcuxxcx .v\Iun .-\_\ ckhour‘nK turnrl} CUIIIL‘tI} .Si‘rlvrIlK (rl'i‘r'llillg'x. DISCUSSI Sir William Gillies Memorial Lecture Ro}u| Scottixh :\cudctll_\. 'I‘hc Mound. (II 3| 235 (m7 I. (i. I 5pm. I‘r'cc. lickctcd. .Iohn I.cighlon. dircclor ol lhc \un (’rogh .\lu\curn in .-\rn\lcrdurn. gncx u Icclllr‘c cnlitlcd lii'rnt'i'rr (ir'rrrrrx (Hill .I/irt/rrr'u: I’I‘r'u'rrlrrr: [/H' Rur/ Iii/I (jug/1. DISCUSS!

Banipal Live Sundcrnun IIouxc. 'I’r‘unkx (‘onc‘. 5.5 High SII‘L‘L‘I. 53—1 (IINI (ifitlpm, £4. 'I‘hc lir‘xl 0 cr' tour ot .-\ruh uulhorx in lhc l'Ix' hringx togcthcr tour r‘ctllm ncd poch und tiction \xrilcrx trorn Iruq. I’uIc\linc und I.chunon. ol'lcr‘ing uudicnccx lhc opportunit) lo c\p|or'c .~\r'uh clrItur‘c. historicx und c\pcricncc\ through lhcir rnoxt rcxpcclcd uritcrx.


Day of the Dead: Beginners’ Skeleton Drawing Workshop .\'ulronul (iullcr'} ot' Scollund: (‘lorc Iiducution (‘cntrc. 'I‘hc Mound. (£4 (illtll. (i 7pm. l'iliL'C. :\l‘li\l Dcnixc \Villht‘l l'deCS IItl\

drawing claw. ll\lll;' IIlc' turrnun \I.c'icto:1 .1\ \uhrcct rn.:llcr

ACT”. 7:38 3 h .t’"::%

Winter Observing Evenings I\’«‘}.:I ()I\\c'r‘..:ltrr} \mlor (critic. Blackford IIi'.) om will \ l5r‘n. L 1 5"-L: 5" tuimlx lIcI.c't L" I 1nd out hunt. to xr‘ot \uttrrr‘. .Iur‘rlcr. rnclcor \IIlt‘xl-t'I\ .rnd cr‘llll'h ll‘. Ills

dark \lrntcr \I._\


Lunchtime Lecture: Frances Fowle \utronul ( iuIIcr} ol Scotland, Ihc \Iountl. ll: 1 till)“ I.‘ 15pm I rec I I.III\\'\ I oxalc

I cwrhulrnc ( ~urulor \utronul ( r.iIIcr_\ L'l‘.l‘\ lhr\ I\'\IIIIt' on \l\'I\III\tI\ItI\ I1 Blcxxm \quhurn In lcun Ilrr‘pohtc I lundrin


Day of the Dead: Skeleton Drawing Workshop \ultorlul ( lullt-rx or \corluntl

('lorc I duculron (critic. Ihc \Iound. rr.‘l

(Cllll 3 ill ~I illprn L3 5'! \cc Ihu llh

Saturday 6

/\(:tr\utr(éss é; l,\’r2rlt:;

Performance Poetry: Michelle Scally-Clarke ( 'ornranm. lll ( 'ornnicn rul Strccl. I crtIl. 555 5h}: S Illpni Ur I nc I’crlorrnuncc I’ol'll} dutc tcuturrng thc rnxprrutronul \Irchcllc Sulh (lurk chncrtrtg .r ncu \clcctron ol pocrns lll hcr oun hull \lor_\tclhng hull \rngrnfn \l'\It'


3D/2D Craft 8. Design Fair \xxcrtrhI} Roornx. 5-1(icorgc Strccl. 33“ 31.75

Ill illurn -I. illprn. LI rallpr. unch l.‘\ lrcc ('onlcrnporur} crutl. dcxrgn und .III\\«III\\ drrccl trorn thc rnukch IIIt'III\t'I\t'\

Foorl & Drink

Farmers Market ( mill- lt-rrucc. to: 5‘Hll ‘lurn :[Illl \ chuncc to hit} trcxh producc duccl lrorn lhc Iutrtlclx


Hibernian v Motherwell I No I\)l'.tlI. ;\II\Ioll I’Iucc. lrlrl I.\“5 iprn lhc cIrN'I} rnulchcd Ihhx und \Iolhcmcll \quurc up lor IIIl\ Sl’l. rnulch.

Scotland v Australia \Illt‘lu}lic|d Sludrtun. Rncmlulc ( 'rcxccnl. i-Ilw 5llllll

5. illprn.


Diocese of Edinburgh Annual Lecture St .Iohn\ ('hurch. I’r'rncc\ Slrccl. T ltlprn. 'I‘hc Ithlop ol Izdrnhur'gh. lhc Right Rc\ Brtun Srntth. gncx u Icctltrc cntrtch l/Il' .lt/H'Illlll't rr/ lirrI/r: li'tlrr'l my III r/n (lull in (In Slxt (‘r'rrlrrr'l I)IS('I'SSI


Mark Thompson: Writing Workshop I<o}ul I._\ccurn I‘hcutrc. (irrndIu) Strcct. 3AI\ JSJS. Illillurn I3 illprn L5 \r'tntu dir'cclor \Iur'k 'I‘hornxon. \xho rcccnth \\rolc tItc dccpl} c\oc.rlr\c plu} I Ilia/mini \rrizjx In “It .I/rmlt. \hurcx hr\ \cctclx tor \xrrtrng u \ucccxxlul plu},

Public Playwriting Workshop 'Il';l\t‘l\L' IIIIt'iIIIK'. (alllItlllIg‘L' Slll't‘l. l-llM I Iurrr 5pm. {Ill 1 UH. .\ pruclrcul p|u_\\\rrlrng \lorkxhop Icud h} I.rndu .\IcI,cun. \xhoxc It ccnl \xork .\/rmmnr uppcurcd ut lhc 'I'r'u\cr\c .l\ purl ot thc I'c\tr\uI I'rrngc.

Activities & Events

Derek Acorah I’Iu}holl\c. IS 22 (irccrNdc I’Iucc. llhqll (illo i-tZ-l. " illprn U55“ L'I".5ll. Spirit rncdrurn Dcr'ck .‘\L‘lll'.lII lukcx hrx lll_\ \llcuI \Ilou on tour


Paranormal Investigations - What Are the Facts? IIIIIL'UMIPIIILRII Srlclt‘l}. :5 (ir'cut Kings Slrccl. lll ‘15 .\ ill 35“

3 5pm. £3. .-\ \crtunut‘ \\ rlh dr\cu\\ron\ on thc topro ol rncdrurnxhrp und Il.tllllllll‘_'\. \xrth 'Ir‘ictu Rohcrlwn. uclrng prcxrdcnl ot lhc SCUIIHII Socrct} lot I’\) chrcul RLNL‘JI‘L'II.

Around Town

.l . n

Name lilrrt I tIII'lIItI'Il l. Background Him r:; I rrwritlrl lit trio [*a'tlr Elntfilirxtl'u I'\‘\III1IIIIlI "TWHI tr: unit I“ .1

fit‘tltdllltli colir‘rtwuttw ran i»_-r First campaign Sauna Illr‘ ottt-r Ill Sr‘rrtltl'ltt. llid .71 th« Mi rILW‘}chiIlIllltIllllllItl] \'.’.l71.lrl hr and lll‘.()I\.l?lI 'nturrlr, TrIIt‘.II\'Ill] it pooplo on ;i porw rrnil It“.th Highlight of FoE Scotland In April IIlli} you ‘.'/i~ rrr t'm- voar long; ruirnptutrrr .ititizr‘nd tlu' (Maturation ot arr orrtrrrr mountain rn Harrrr; when; corrront r orripany Iatartio Agrirr-riattrr; plarrnml tr) srtra till: I rngorlrzn ‘slllllllllllil’l‘.' lt ‘.’/<’l’>1.’l\.’.’£ll ot .tIIllIItll‘. ‘."./I"-fl:II lxul gone on anrl on and Hum Irtltll‘n/ tllo‘,’ tolrlrul or) thou trritt- tirtrl lr‘tt that was run: troll ill a :kr orutil rrlorrrortt. Worst campaigning moment Back III tho l‘;)r'l):; WITCH lornrnr; rrlr(;loar powrrr station III I ant lotlrran wont on mtrtearn. Iliat wat, a black (lay t)<:l:(lllf;l: up lll‘Ili thun II had just boon a trlrrlrlrnr; I)lrI whorl rt wont (:rrtrr:al | toll. at; a lllll‘llllllfl. that W: trarl I;llIl.-(I Hairiest moment t t:||ow cantpargnm Dortalrl I\/Ir;I’hrllrrn\,' and l (:IllltImtI tlrr: grant Christmas tree that tho pooplr: ol Norwzc/ hatl sent to I rlrnlrlrrolr and pronounced that it mu; ‘3llII‘,‘FlIIll lrorn acrrl rain. Favourite spot in Scotland Gout) MIer l hr:arr.rrarr on tlu; north west suit;- ol Bl’jlllll Arqho whom throo DtlITl :rmo‘; look out lrkra oirl IIIHII poritlrrrrru; or: Ilili. t'i. the sort of place that it you Herr,- to (lrtl‘JC‘ there at barn and (luln't loavr‘: lrntrl Hilflprn you would utrll want to look at it. I Frrcrir/i; of the [Jill/2 Scot/arid IS 25 years old this year; and its ‘Srlvcr' Groorr’ CD. out now. celebrate}; that. I-rnr} out more on VVVV‘JV.{09"S(;Ol/(1/ld.()fg.ilk


Big Draw Adults Workshop l IIIIIIIl.lII.l‘I (i.rIIcr_\. ~15 \I.irI.cl Slrccl. 335 3‘“

Hunt iprn Llllr‘c‘r \lIl\I ch '.‘.IllI.\I1Hll to ct'It'I‘IdIL' [Ill “11‘ /)/ti'.'.

Monday 8


Veterinary Work in the Wild Icclllrc 'Ihcutr'c. I drnhrugh /oo. ('orxlorphrnc I<r~.rrI. ‘14 Hill " lllrirn Li \n rIIu\tr‘.itcd I.rII. h). Dr' (‘hr‘h I oggrn rcxcuhn: \oltu' ot hr\ uan. \xrth rhino und olhcr unrldhlc rn /ltllI\.rI\'.‘.c

-'- THE LIST 31