
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Thursday 4


Don Paterson: The Book of Shadows Boi'ttci's Books. 93 Buchanan Slit'cl. :23 5.7””. 7pm. livilt‘ t‘t'lt'hl'alt‘ti pot-l rcatls from his latcst \xork.


Banipal Live Sandcnian Housc. 'l'i‘unks (‘losta 5.5 High Sti'cct. 524 (Hot). (Mltpin. H. ’l hc first cwr totir ot .r\rah authors in tlic l'K hriiigs togctlicr' tour i'cnoxtncd pocts aritl liction \ti‘ilci's lr'oin Iraq. l’alcstinc and Lchanon.

Anne Donovan .\'orth lztlinhtirgh Arts ('cntt‘c. 15a l’cnn} \tcll (‘our't. 5L5 3|5l. 7pm. £5 iL_i.5ft £3.50). (‘liancc to hcat‘ oiic of Scotland's inost c\citing \oiccs as I)ono\ati i‘catls lr'oin Built/Ira lhi.

Bill Duncan ()ttakar's 57 (icoi'gc Sli‘ccl. 325 4-105. 7pm. 'I'Iic hcst sclling author of. thc Sun/int; .S'i'liiml lor ('ii/i-iiii'xrx introthiccs his nth collcction of cssins and aphorisnis. Scc pi'c\ icu.


Reading the Leaves 'l‘chai-( )\na. 43 ()tago l.anc. 557 4524. H ltlprn. U. .loin gucst “l'llt'l's tor an c\cning ol' poctr) antl crcatn c \iriting. l’i‘c\ iotis r'catlcrs ha\ c inclutlctl l.ouisc \Vclsli and /.oc Strachan. l'or inor'c information contact .\'a|ini Paul at i'catlingtliclcincs(rt hotinailconi.

Saturday 6


Andy Gray Bordct's Books. 03 Buchanan Strcct. 222 7700. 4pm. 'l'hc l'oothallcr \\ ill hc in storc signing copics or his atitohiograph}. It’ri/liiinr.

Andy Cameron ()ttakar‘s Btioksliit‘c. l'mt h. Buchanan (iallci'ics. Buchanan Slr'ccl. 3.55 15””. Ipin. 'l'hc Scottish conicthan signs

copics ol his ncxt hiogr‘aph}.


Aileen Paterson Nt-txiiigion l.ihrar‘_\. l7 2] l‘ountainhall Road. 53‘) .5536.

2 3pm. l‘r‘cc. tickctctl. Acclaiinctt author ol' lhc Maisic hooks spcaks lo childi‘cn ahotir hci‘ storics. Booking r‘ccoinrncntlctl.

Monday 8


Gordon Smith Tron 'i‘hcatt‘c. b5 'l'r'ongatc. 553 42M. 7pm. .loin "I’ltc

I’s_\ chic Bar‘hcr" as hc gi\ cs its an cxcning ol' hcaling thought. coinciding u ith thc t‘clcasc of" 'I‘lrt’ ( 'nln'lri'i'ahlc 'li'riI/r. a gtiitlc to tlcaling \\ ith hcrca\ cincnt.

Tuesday 9

Q m m to O 2

Tony Benn 'l‘hcatrc RU};1|. 3\'2 Hopc Sti'cct. 332 0000. 1pm. £5.50 it-li. 'l‘hc rcwrctl t'or'incr MP and human rights carnpaigncr‘ tlisctisscs his carl) wars and intlticnccs as told in his rncnioirs. Him- to Ht‘ i1 “(l/tic].

Gervase Phinn Pan ilion 'I‘hcatrc. ll] RL‘liiiL‘iki Sll‘cc‘l. .553 13-10. 7.30pm.

t.‘ l 3.50. 'l'hc popular \\ ritcr sharcs his talcs ot' ltlc as a schools inspcctor'.


Mark Curtis ["or‘cst. 3 Br‘isto Placc. 330 4538. 7.30pm. Frcc. Thc intcr'riational dcwlopnicnt cr'tisattcr latinchcs his latcst political c\posc. ('npi'o/t/i'.‘ Britain '.\ Si‘cn‘r Human Rig/iii :l/trni's.

Wednesday 1 0


Scottish PEN: Writers in Prison Bordcrs Books. “3 Buchanan Slt't't't. :3: 7'7)” opin i'r‘cc. Journalist l’ctcr Hotinani. \\ ho hr'ought thc puhlic's .ittcntion to thc talc ot lsracli nticlcar \thistlchloucr Moi'tlcchai \‘anunu. talks about \tr'itcrs railctl for c\crcising thcir right to ti'ccttorn of c\prcssion.


Stephen Donaldson .'\\\t'lllt‘i_\ Rooms. 54 (icoi'gc Str‘cct. 2le 434‘). "pin. {3. Stcphcn Donaldson latinchcs l‘lit- It’ll/rm a] 1hr IZtH‘I/I.‘ 'I'lri' luxr (‘limnri It's or 'I'lronrm (‘oii'nanr

Adam Czerniawski 8. George Szirtes Scottish l’octr'} l.ihi‘ar"\. 5 ('i‘ichton's ('losc. ('anongatc. 55" 387p. 7.30pm. L5 it'll. l'nniissahlc opporttinit} to hcar l\\o prolotindl} inllticntial intcrnational pocts.


Frank O’Hare Bor'dci's Books. 93 Buchanan Sti‘cct. 233 770i). (rpm. l‘rcc. 'l‘hc licarlcss |.i\ ing lifc coach rcturns “ith sonic (‘hr‘istinas stir'\ i\al tips. Archie Macpherson ()ltakans Bookstor‘c. [hit it. Buchanan (iallci'ics. Buchanan Strcct. 353 I500. (Lillprn. l‘r'cc. tickctctl. 'l'lic tainctl toothall coinincntator' itisctisscs his Iatcst hook .loi‘k Shin: 'I'lti' Ih'liiiifli'i' liiogmp/n'.


Moira Munroe iitil‘tit‘l's Books, 98 Buchanan Strcct. 223 770i). .\'oon. 'l‘hc hUPtilar chiltlrcn‘s author r'catls from hcr ncu stor} hook. Harm's/i and [In Mining



Graeme Obree Bordcrs Books. l'nit In. Fort Kinnairtl Rctail Park. (i57 40-1 l. 3pm. Rarc appcar‘ancc h} thc notorious!) r'cclttsi\ c c_\c|ist as hc signs copics of his atitohiograph) 'I'lrt’ [Vii/nu Scorwuin.


New Strachan Bor‘dcr's Books, 08 Buchanan Str'cct. 233 770i). (\pm. l-‘ollowing thc sttch'ss of thc (‘hanncl 4 scr'ics. ch' Stt‘achalt discttsscs htslot'} rclatctt to his tonic. Tlit' I'inl lliirli/ liar.

Wednesday 1 7


Cate Litteraire .-\l|iancc l‘rancaisc tiL‘ (‘ilasgow 3 Park Circus. 33‘) 42M. ()pltt. l'ir‘cc. .Umrsii‘lil' Hail/rim is thc hook tindcr discussion.

Thursday 18


Sir Ian Kershaw Rina! ('onccrt Hall. 3 Satichichall Strcct. 553 3000. lptn. £4 H.550 in athancc. l. 'l‘hc \xorlit‘s Icatling c\pcr‘t on Hitlcr and thc Third Rcich. ttlsctlsscs his ittlcst tit“ Ci.

Peter Kemp ()tt;ik;ii"s Bookstor‘c. l'nit o. Buchanan (iallcr'ics. Buchanan Strcct. 355 1500. (1.30pm. Frcc. Pctci‘ Kcinp discusscs his ncu autohiogr'aph). ()r'liig Hillst1!)t/Bi’i'.\lt'lt.

Simon Singh Black-“ens it'ormcrl} .larncs Thin South Bridgci. 53 5‘) South Britigc. (‘23 8323. (i..‘~l)pin. Frcc. tickctctt. Singh tclls thc stor) of thc minds that tlcciphcrcd thc in} stcrics ot~ thc Big Bang. Aislinn Hunter Scottish Poctr} Lihrar). 5 (‘richton's (‘losc. (linongatc. 55" 28%. 7.30pm. £3 iL‘Z i. .-\n opportttnit} to hcar this cr'iticall) acclairncit (‘anattian \oicc during hcr short rcsitlcnc) in thc l’K.


{sir as


'Vertigo 7 itat‘i OOO

this entertaining tosh is from the pen of Glasgow's finest comic book Writer is about an Edwardian super spy and is inspired by the ultimate poseur. Oscar Wilde. Although it charts the same literary territory as Alan Moore's The League of Ext/‘t’iol'd/na/‘y Gentlemen. this re- packaged material pre~ dates it. The collection comes wrth a newly written preface in the form of a timeline for Sebastian O. sketching in a series of pen/erse adventures one wrshes might have been illustrated by Steve Yeowell. That. unfortunately. is not the case. A great shame. because this early 90s strip leaves one crying out for more.

(Miles Fielder)



100 Bullets: Samurai (Vertigo Titanl oooo


The seventh collection or Azzarello and Risso's ax'iard—wrnning Crime tales ditches the overarching narrative about a secret war


i vx‘tl‘ r . vaVV! \‘ A“ \v 7.3}

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re‘.ol'.t‘-s arotina l amp a .'.|.‘§t‘ as .-.itn

a line in spoken word

:2 'ntittia

.‘.ho lands himself ll‘ three kinits of shit: ‘.‘.|tti the guards, the prison iiil(i(i\ and a new blood who's appeared in the pages of fit” Buffets before, As met the dialogue. plotting and illustrations excel, itvtiles F ieltteri

ill JM( it 7H


You Can‘t Get There From Here il-antagraphicsi OOOOO

Ah, the eternal love triangle between Mad Scientist. Monster, and Bride of the Monster This latest offering from tilt) iriziii (>ri<;(> rtziirit:rt ‘The second-best Norwegian comic book creator of all time" riffs on Mary Shelley's ‘Modern Prometheus. adding a yital spark of comedy to her tale of sex. revenge and death.

Jason's trademarks are all here. from the anthr'opomorr)hic animal characters to his minimalist srxpanel page layout. an economy of expression grvrng Jason's work a poetic edge despite the madcap B-movre stylings. Over three chapters Jason whips up a maelstrom of love and loss. anchored by the mordant musmgs of a pair or hunchbackedlab assistants who orbit the protagonists. Despite a downbeat ending. the gentle ‘Hlt and “.‘JlSdOm of this tale is guaranteed to breathe new life into the most iaded reader. iDave Martini

MARJANE SATRAPI Persepolis 2: The StOry of a Return

twiliiwi torn-r si'Bx‘Vii'itttt‘rii' 'HH’. 'irii'iii \ll in, mini,»

t-t‘t‘vs I i".‘iv>."r‘ ."t‘

starts to ill! itfltit int thi- saute pop: the illfit

but ~k 'i'tt off. t‘ll' This in it .'.t‘ii ,‘It: tiliii'lr'l‘it K'lrt t‘ tourney. Manarit» ." a \.otiriir teenager iii Vienna Shir takes rift her head start I'ia'ttri out ‘.‘.’ltil the T.’_',tl’)i ~: \'.’elr<tiie‘i (riittigl trap and cattj. biti lit-1; rnostlyi. takes ii'illi‘», tries to ineet bop. tieitornes (tissi iiiiti: at the lack of [thltltlitl connection of her tell students and thinks. about her parents a lot Satrapi", honest, (tll't talent for open self deprecation are lll/ilir to the fore in ttil‘, delightful sequel. as she investigates the problems of being an educational lt:tll')i:‘: from a couriti, torn apart by lies (tll’t furidaineritalisrri, fine manages to be boil: telling and sirriplistir. iri these real life parables It ,h‘ll (11th. tilt: historical roots of the conflict mth lrair are clearly létl’t out ‘rwre. bii’ as .‘xrth her prexio'i'. work you rnrrst burr/“2' deep into her seerriirigly sirnplistir, and obnoii‘, life truths to illl’t tberri. Beautifully drawn. Satrapi. bold black lines and Cute caricatures underline the tragedies of these delicate tales. Satrapi sits alongside Sophie Crurrib and Joe Sacco as one of the few COrtt‘j‘SSIOriai yet honest at'tIStS of her generation. This is a lovely gift from a remarkable talent, We Should be so luck/ £18 to expect a third one, (Paul Dale;

‘7: ’40. 233/. THE LIST 35