Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Club Living at ('ltib l.l\ ing. Upm 3am. £tbe. Weekly l)J .-\nd_\ tManager ol 23rd l’reeinet reeordxi pla_\x a Hed-Kandr-xt}|e llll\ ol tlte linext ltink} liotixe around at thix brand xpanking new eltib.

I Evil at llarll}. ItHllpm 3am. £2. \Veekl}. (ioth. induxtrial. ptiiik and tiietal meet at thix blaek-elad happening.

I Freakmoves at (ilaxgow Sehool ol :\rt. llpiii 3am. £3 t£2t. Weekly l'lti‘a-line hip hop night lor the xtudentx. with l)Jx l)ema and ,\'iee. ()n Ib’ .\'o\ the} are Joined b} a \er). \er} xpeeial guext indeed. DJ Premier ol (iangxtarr lame tpleaxe note entr} lor tlitx night ottl} ix £5 £7i. See preview.

321 Handbag Holocaust at the Barn}. lltpm 3am. £tbe. II .\'o\. Monthl}. lt‘x a great new ga} night with a pi‘exx releaxe that x;i_\x it all: "The (la) holoeatixt ix eoiiiing ‘eauxe handbag pop ix to\ie. .-\ night tor eltib kidx. glatii ptinkx. dixeo bitehex. uber drag titieeiix and labuloux lreakx. The eltib w ill eelebrate the weird and wonderltil eier)thing l'reak}. bi/arre and taboo. Bext of all thix w ill be a dixeo doll} arid ll'llll ll} -l'ree lone.‘

I Instant Access at Stib (‘lub

10.30pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. lb’ Not xeex thix line 'l‘hurxdai xtage ‘:\t|antix \'x Subetiltut'e' a night ol' Stib elaxxiex. Tliix ix going to be brilliant.

I Loaded at Liquid Lounge. l()pm 3am. £4 (£3 l. \Veekl}. 'l'hree live bandx kiek the



38 THE LIST 4—18 Not. 200-1

iitght oll. making w a} lor Joe Katie on deekx wttli xome indie. mod and will at lam.

I Record Player: at (ilaxgow Sehool ot :\rt. lit..‘~ltptii I illam. £3 «tree LII Weekly In the Me Bar the Reeord l’la}et'/ l)Jx lll-l't Sean and lltixhpupp} pla_\ to a paeked erow d ol traxhed laxhion itinktex and ltieked tip loretgn dixeo lreakx Tlte eltib that l'ran/ l‘erdinand aiid Seixwr Sixterx appeared at. long belore the tripe ltitik littltl.

I Skint at the (‘athouxe l lptn ‘~am. £4 t£2i. \Veekl}. A night that relleetx the rexurgent alternatti e xeene at the moment Roek. iiidte attd xome totigli eheitiieal breakx and beatx. witli a erow d mueli like the one )ou xee otitxide the (ialler) ol Modern .-\rt.

I Speakeasy at the t‘niierxal.

lllpm 3am. l'ree. \VeekI}. ll )ou teel like a lew drinkx alter the ptib. btit don't want to go eltibbing. Speakeax} tx tor ion. The mtixie ain't eomproniixed. but the \ ibe ix ehilled.

I SuperFreak at the :\rehex. lllpm 3am. £5 t£4t. ll .\'o\. Monthl}. Kink} :Mi'o bring ttx the eharniing 'Monke} ('uni Sexxionx' on thix date. and DJ l’rtnieS and .Mr Malro pla} ltink} reeordx on lour deekx. lt'x the xtudent lriendI} .v\rehex elub with a xhitload ol lunk iii itx trunk.

I Toptorm at the Bull. lltpm 3am. l‘ree bel'ore ll).5llplttl £3 alter. \Veekl}. I think we ha\ e to mm o\ er to 'l‘opl‘orm

theinxeli ex to xtiiti tip thix new night: ‘.'\n extramgan/a ol' muxie and tw ixted entertainment. think the Ruiu/ \ill'lt’fl l’t'rlormmit't' hoxted b} iour drunkext drunken tinele. Think end ol the pier. think end ol‘ the world. think otit ol' )ottr bo\l' With Radio ()ne'x (iill Millx and the Wet} tall' Keiin MeKa}.

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous at the Q ('lub. 10.30pm 3am. £5. II .\'o\. The tnonthl) ltaitgout tor ga} etilttire hating queerx arid elubland outxidet'x returnx with DJ llllxlipllpp} lirml} ineharge.

I The Buff at the Bull. 3pm 3am. l-‘ree bet‘ore lt).3()pm; £5 alter. \Veekl}. ()ld xehool ja/l at (ilaxgow ‘x iiew ext ja/l eltib. l)Jx .Mark Robb and Ke\an Ste\enx do the needlework. while the litixion li\perienee tiiix jaw. roek and ‘a whole lot ol' grome' iii a lixe lttxhltitt.

I Burly at the .-\reliex. lt)..‘~()pm 3am. £l3. ll .\'o\'. Monthl}. The Burl} bo}x and girlx join tip with Seottixh (‘arniVal Artx to xtage ‘:\ ('arniuil ol' the Sum Deadl} Sinx'. l5ire breatherx. .xtilt w'1tlkei‘x.jtigg|erx and perl'ornianee artixtx ereate the e\traordinar_\ earniVal attnoxphere. Purl ultiluxeui.’

I Canvas at Arta. l lptii 5am. £tbe. \Veek‘l}. [)1 Walter tiltt}‘x a plethora of lunk. xotil arid R&B at thix beautiltil Merehant (’ity bar.

I The Cathouse at the ('athouxe. ll).3(lpitt 3am. £l bel‘ore l lpni: £4 t£5i alter. \Veekl}. Riding high on the nu metal w axe. thix ix one ol' the buxiext iiiglttx in town. Roek. grunge. indie atid a daxh ol~ breakbeat aeroxx three lloorx at (ilaxgow 'x tt‘P Venue l'or roekerx and alternateenx.

I Club Living at (‘ltib l.i\ itig. 9pm 3am. l-‘ree betore l lpni; £5 alter. \Veekl}. Alan Maeken/ie pla)x retro elaxxiex and Seott Moehar putx a twixt ittto it with xotiie line houxe alxo.

I Coded at \‘atilt. l lpm «3am. £5 t£4i. \Veekl). The} 're from a reeord xtore. xo the tunex are going to be l'rexh and highl} l'unk}. aren't the} 2’ .-\ rotating roxter ol' l)Jx alliliated to 23rd Preeinet xtippl} the hotixe-led groo\ex _xou eaii rel) oit. Stexen Me(‘reer) ix the titaitt inan. btit the pool ol' talent ineltidex Bill} Kilkie. Bill) \Voodx atid Amanda l’riee.

I Concept Theory at the .-\rehex_ llptn~.‘~am. £(i t£5t. II .\'o\ onl}. ('oneept Theor} returnx to the .-\rehex alter a triumphant debut iii .-\pril with the ieonie (it!) (‘alled (ierald. Tit-Ix dtltL‘ xL‘cx the Theor} .xexxion bring itt Sonia reeordx' e\angelixt ol‘ deep houxe. Sobek. tor a bit ol‘ dowti arid dirt} aetion. Veril}. thix will roek.


One of Holland’s hottest garage, house production and DJ teams are brothers Roog (pictured) and Greg Van Bueren.

.._lu :i. “A;

They defined their sound across numerous 12ins, remixes and most notably on their album The Sound of Love & Dedication, and now they‘re joining the regular ranks of Defected as they guest at Rocket.

I F/'/ :3 Nov. Rocket (1? Ballroom. :3] l.'.t’t>:;l HHgHYI? \(if'w‘f, (Main (7-1 ' a.

7067. ll;)/ii--—;i‘(t/ii, it; (53);.

I Creation at (‘orinthian l lpm 3am. £tbe. \Veekl}. :\lter a warm—up in the |.tte Bar it‘x downxtairx with the gear lor l’aul Rea and Rex in .'\U\lllt. )our lioxtx at thix L'lilSSlL‘Sl UT \enuex.

I Cribs at Blanket. llpiii 3am. £(i t£4t. \Veekl). Darren I). Raynond \Voodx and Bill} Milligait are in tor thix night ol' lunk} hotixe. Riki; attd xtudent) titadnexx. A \er} popular elub right now.

I Electrobix at Bloe. ‘tpin 2am. £5. 5 .\'o\. Monthl}. l)irt_\ lloxpital are in el'leet here alongxide Kerin. Mel). Bill} Morrixon. Jerr} and Stei ie (i ax thix great eleetroniea night at thix line \enue goex lrotit xtrength to xtrength.

I Fluid at Traxh. l lpm 3am. £(i «£4 l. \VL‘Ckl}. Beat lllb‘x l.ix;t Littlewood. Seotl Maeka) and Raw B all pla} ax rexideittx at thix raueoux part} tip at the tiiad end ol town. l‘unk} houxe. urban pop and loadx ol eheap boo/e make it a w inning propoxition.

I Fresh at the Polo Lounge llptii iam. £5. \VL‘Ck’l}. MlL‘llcllC arid :\lttl} are lit eharge ot' the muxieal dtitiex at thix delieiotix. ga}/mi\ed Mereltant (it) elub. .Moxt w ho enter eome otit xmiling.

I Funhouse at Barll}. l lpiii 3am. £4 t£.‘~t. \Veekl}. .-\ night ol' elued-up punk atid eathartie indie pop nonxenxe. lt'x

pogo—a-gogo with Radio l'x Vie (ialloway

Mr Paul Needlex arid 1)] Alpha Miteltell. I Funk Room at the .-\rehex.

llpiti 3am. £l() t£St ll) Noi. Monthl}. lt'x the liar ()ut Reeordx lttth Birthda} Part}. with :\/_\lttlllli li\e. l)J Roe Hunter

atid the ineomparable lunk rooiii rexidetitx.

Bra/than lunk legendx .-\/_\muth eatixed quite the xtir in the mid 70x. arid now

the} 're here to roek our worldx under ('entral Station. \\'oo hool

:2: Goodtoot 13th Birthday at the Ri\erxide ('ltib. Midnight 3am. £5. 5 Not. Monthl}. Sa_\ happ} birthda} to one ol' the linext elubx tn (ilaxgow. l'raxer Dunn.

Mark and Sitiion pla} a xuperb xeleetion ol

Northern Soul. lunk and Rth lroin the lo\el} old \ in} 1. You know it inakex a LlllTL‘TL‘llCC.

I Gripe at Stereo. Spin tiiidniglit l‘lt't‘ I: \m. Montiin Magie l)add_\. ()xeaii. l)iek Sttill aitd the iiitriguitigl} ttaiiied ixt'o Spaxtaehrtxt .tte lll elleet at thix ewmng ol xkewed ltiiik lieax inexx Sliotild be brilliant

I LiveVEvil at (ilaxgow Seliool ol .'\ll

I lpiii 3am. £3 t£(ii. 5 Not. Monthly The iiioxt dedteated drum tk baxx eolleetn e iii the eit} return with another blinding night ot guexl aeltoii. Thix time it‘x 'leebee ol l’hotek reeordx xtippoi‘ted b} rexideiitx (ieeo. Morph}. \eloeet. l’aul Rexet. Sutton l) and M(‘ (iulu\. (‘lear the dtai}'

I Lite at the (‘ortntlitati lllpm tam. £tbe. Weekly. The (’orinthian laeelilt getx into lull xwing. with the lite bat and elub takitig met the aetion on Hula)» .v\|l the top l)Jx trom (il‘x other \enuex make regular appearaneex.

I Mixed Bizness at tile (ilaxgtiw Seliool ol .-\t't. llpiit iam. £tbe. l‘) .\'o\. Monthly liollowing a run ol brilliant datex meludmg thoxe with Paul \ie‘e atid l'mgathmg. Mi\ed lit/nexx ix proud to annottitee the lirxt .li\ e .'\ltl eient iii their exei lrexh exentx ealendar. The} are teaitiing tip with the et'eam ot the loeal aitd national eltibbtiig and mtixie xeenex. ineltiding Mr Serull. .\'tnia Tune arid Radio Magnetie to bring )oti a lantaxtie night in aid ol a lantaxtie eatixe. the ()xtam Reeoi'd Shop. The Mi\ed Ht/ l)Jx ltt\ e the plaee and thought it wax the perleet benelaetor to reeeixe the lruitx ol our tirxt annual eharit} L'\L'lll. (itiotl to!” them.

I The N00 Groove at ()ran Moi:

llpm 3am. £(t t£4i. \Veekl}. ‘l hix wonderlul. long running eltib goex w eekl} at thix new \Vext land inxtitution. Brian and .\'iek pla} the bext reeordx lroin exer} angle ol the ltiiik xpeetrum. Jan. xoul. houxe. hip hop and w hate\ er. :\ brilliant weekl}. iii a niee big ehureli. Juxt lor the reeord. two nteer elub proiitoterx )ou'd xtruggle to lind.

I Offset at (‘ube 10.30pm 3am. £8 t£5i. Weekl}. |)anee elaxxiex and ttill houxe l'rom rexideitt l)Jx. A \er} popular \enue and elub night.