I Pressure at [DC .\ichcx \t-xi 3o \‘o\ I Pukka Funk at thc ’lunncl

llpm iani £5 «Ur “cc-kl} Maxxixc iicu night lor thc 'luiincl. bringing togcthcr thrcc ol (ilaxgoxt‘x hcxl knoxxn DJx. Krix chgan. Iain 'Saniox' 'lhomxon and -\J, l'.\[k'cl bl): Hhcx cox lhtx onc‘x bccn haich .ix SchatidK .tll\\‘- cr to llcd Kandt. I Pussy Galore at thc (‘orinthian

‘)pm 2am £thc \Vcckl} llugg} in hix lit‘xt cxci \tcxt coaxt icxidcnc}. pla}mg alongxidc Jim Da llcxt in thix grcat (ilaxgott \cntic

I Return to Mono at [DC Suh ('luh llpm ialil. £ltl t£Sr l3 \ot. Monthl}. ch. it'x thc \cr} linc Slain hack in thc xpnitual honic ol liouxc and icchno. l'.\pccl a iaptui‘oux crowd and much li‘cak} dancing throughout thcir li\ c hour

I Risk at lhc ;\rchcx. Ill. illpm iam. £.\' t£hi. 5 Not onl}. Rixk Mitch} ol thc l'nit. .lamic Mc(ii|l\cr_\. John l.anih and Moxa l'unk ('luh l.i\ c makc thix onc ol thc moxt lilixtcringl} lunk} nightx on ollcr. 'l’hc l'nit hotx don't luck around.

I Rockit at liaiiihoo. Illillpltl 3am. Ur i£.li. \Vcckl}. ()nc room houxc. onc room xotil and lunk and xomc cliillotit in thc loungc. .v\n immcnxcl} popular night. ()n 5 .\'o\. thc} \tclcomc lhc \cr} linc llai‘dxoul li‘olli Dt'lct'lcd Rccol’dx lot” it night Ul lllL' lincxt cutting cdgc lunk} houxc.

I Stateside at liquid l.oungc.

llpm 3am. £5 t£3i. \Vcckl}. (ict _\cr arxc Statcxidc lor a night ol ltiiik. xoul. ia/l. hip hop and hrokcn hcatx \\ itli rcxidcntx .r\aron l’ctric and Michacl Rallcrt}.

I Timelines at tltc Suh (‘luh

llpm 3am. U”. 5 .\'o\. Monthl}. :\ night i'clcicncing thc icoiix ol' lhc dancc agc. lroni local licro (iraham \Vilxon. Alan ()ldham ix lhc lcgcnd at thix month'x 'l‘imclincx part). Dctroit ix in thc liouxc. Xi't' [)I'c’l It'll.

I Misted and Braintire at :M'L‘lltltix. llpm 3am. £l2. 5 .\'o\ onl}. 'l'liix lilixtcring night ol Scottixh hardcorc muxic l\ all in xuppol‘l ol' th‘ ('hildrcn'x lltlSPlCC .-\xxociation ol' Scotland. 'l‘hcrc arc ahout .ill pcoplc DJing at thix, xo \xc'll kccp it hricl and mcntion Jl".\. Jon ('amphcll. Simon l'ndcrground. Smurl’. Bonchcad aitd l'lli'a~xonic.

I Utter Gutter at lhc Ri\crxidc ('luh. \t‘\l dillt‘ 3h NM.

I What? at tlic liquid loungc.

lllpm 3am. £5. \\'cck|_\. ('roxxmcr houxc muxic lrom Maxh and ('hrix llarrix. hoth grcat dccia) t_\pcx in llicir o\\ n \xa}. .\'icc h“) S. loo, \L‘H‘l' llL'All‘tl ll tltixl} \Mll'd Ulll (ll. thcni. l’olitc to thcir mothcrx. ctc.

Glasgow Saturdays


I A Boa de Noite at thc Scottixh ('arnhal .-\i'tx ('cntrc. 0.30pm 3am. £5 tdonalioni. (l NM onl_\. (iroup Scn/ala hring thc art ol'('apocira to (ilaxgoxx. \xilh a night that incorporatcx martial artx. cncrgctic dancc. xamha claxxcx and a li\ c lltlltd. DJ [aguciro ix on [DC dcckx. xi) lhtx ix going to hc a hlindci' ol a night. \Vcll north chccking out and xtipporiing.

I The Buff at lhc Bull. Spin 3am. l‘rcc hclin‘c llHllpm: £5 al'tcr. \Vcckl}. lx'cxan Stmcnx and Mark Rohh cook up a littlc nc“ xchool jaz/ huxincxx at (ilaxgtm 'x mm tall. xoul and l'unk club.

I Club Cuba! at ('uha .\'ortc. 9pm 3am. £lll t£5l. \Vcckl). (ict in touch \xith _\our l.atin Spirit at thix night ol claxx_\ dancing. Duncan and Shannon xuppl} thc l'incxl Latin hcatx. Makc xurc )ou arrix c carl} to guarantcc cntr_\.

:3: Colours at the .-\rchcx. Illaitlpm 5am. £2t). h .\'o\. Monthl). \Vhat thc hcll'.’ lt'x anothcr maxxi\ c night l'rom (‘olouix and thix timc thc) arc bringing a DJ no lcxx in xtaturc than thc \cr} \cncrahlc .Mr (’arl (‘o\. Michcl Dc llc}. Jon Mancini. llugg}. Darrcn Dcc. Dcanc (i and Ian \Vhitclaxx arc all pcrl’orming on thc night alxo. .\'otc thc latc liccncc thix ix going to hc a hcdonixlic onc. i

I Divine at (ilaxgoxx School ol' .-\rt ldo\\nxlaii‘\l. lllpm 3am. £(i t£5 £-li; £3.50 (iS.-\ xttidcntx. \\'cckl_\. Dccp l'unk. Mix and .“(lx groo\cx and a lo_\a| cro\\ d go

into thc llll\ .it thix \cr} long running (ilaxgtm rcxidcntx' night h \o\ xcc a xpccial gucxt xlot lrom ('lirix 'Bcanx‘ (iL'tltlk'\ llit'llc «K Scl‘dSllatlt

I Emergency at the Universal at [DC l'ni\crxal. llpm zam. Lthc (i \o\ Monthl} lt‘x lhc lourth l'.mcigcnc} l:\cnt. \\ itli ('lirix lroni llugliouxc and \ndrcxx Hack. [\ktl pcoplc dL‘dlcalcd ltl lllt' dcxtruction ol gcnrc houndaricx ()tntc blood} right. u c xa}

3:5 Eskrima at (ilaxgtm School ol .\it. llpm 3am. £5 i£»l £(n \Vcckl} ()n (i _\‘o\ thc_\ \xclcomc l’laxtitpic Dc Rc\ c. l’oxthuinan and Spc/ialmatcrial loi a night ol unhridlcd in\cnti\cncxx hchind tlioxc lcgcndar) dcckx. Rc\c ix an lntcrnational D_l (iigolo. xo xliould hc a high claxx part}. I Freakmenoovers at (ilaxgou School ol .v\rt. lllpni 3am. L“ t£4 £(n. \Vcckl}, 'llic licxt dcdicatcd hip hop club in thc cu}. in thc inclting pot ol thc .\rt School cxcr} Saturda}.

I Haptic at lhc liquid l.oungc,

I lpm Rain Llll t£Sr liNth Moltlhl}. lillS gi‘cat tcchno night hringx iii Mark llcll ol Scopcr and lluhha and 'l'imni} Stctxart ol thc ncxx :\|ummxtx and Digital Boogic. (iianni. (‘olm and Stcxtart arc thcrc. ax al\xa_\x. to Icnd a hand with thc plaxing ol lhc rccoi‘dx. ll _\oti gct a chancc. chcck otit thcir lilagpolc-inxpircd l’R photographx. 'l'hc} ‘i'c gi‘cat in a cottaging tramp kind ol WU}.

I Homecookin’ at llclo. lllpm iain. l‘rcc hcloi‘c l lpm; £5 allcr. \Vcckl}. DJx Stc\\art Mc('allum and Joc lliggmx kccp thc dancc lloot‘ lumping all night long. mi\ing Rtkll ti'ackx \x itli thc odd claxxic or old-xchool litHllll'llL‘. .-\ ncxx \cnuc conccpt. hut lhc xamc altitudc to hax ing a good timc. xo gct on it.

I Homegrown at ltanihoo.

lllfillpni 3am. £3 t£oi. \Vcckl}. Stc\c Middlcton. Dominic Martin. and Scott} ll likc to ptit on a hit ol' a xhotx l’oi' thc llainhoo maxxcx on a Sat. l'iunk} liouxc muxic and xomc top notch Rxli.

I Inside Out til lhc :\l‘clk‘x. \L‘\l tlillt‘ 37. I Jet Set Go-Go Lounge at lltidda. llpm 3am. £thc. \Vcckl}. ('olin llarr and Janicx llcxt dccidc to turn on lhc l’ncci xt}|c at thix ncxx. glainoroux part} at Budda. l’atronx arc imich to hook a lahlc and gct dccadcnt.

I Lashed at thc :\l‘L‘llL‘x. “hillle 3am. “5. l5 Nth. (ict l.axhcd oncc llltit‘c \\ llll l.ixa l.axhcx inalchl. BK. Jl’K. .laxon ('ortcl. l’hil York. llngg). llaxx Spankcrx and Michacl l’altcrxon.

I Life at l.il'c (Corinthian). ltlpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl). .\ l'oi'niidahlc night ol' lunk tor thoxc \\ ho likc thcir cntcrtainmcnt maturc. hut xtill iaiiimiii'. Roxx Macmillan prcxcntx a xclcction ol~ xoul. lunk and dixco augmcntcd \\ ith original Ioopx and xamplcx to guarantcc a ncu takc on lamiliar xoundx.

I Lite at ('oi'inthian. 9pm 3am. £thc. \Vcckl}. llcautil'ul ncxx modcrii bar and club at thix gorgcoux lngram Strcct mcga— \cntic. 'l‘lic} ;i|\x;i}x put a lot iiilo thcir \cnucx. xo tr} to makc an cl'l'ort. \x ill _\ou'.' I Lush :il lhc l’nlo lantllgc.

lll.5(lplii 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. .‘\nd'\ 'x in thc ’l‘roph} Room \xith hitx li‘om thc (itlx to thc .S'llx. \ihilc 'l'om prox idcx an llll-ll'tllll dancc xclcction in thc main room. llax to he thc prctticxt ga) club in thc cit).

I Miso at thc l5th \otc ('alc.

.S’pm midnight. £4. .\'o\. Monthl). 'l‘hix lcl't-licld clcctronica night hringx tix anothcr cool gucxt in thc xhapc ol' Random \lllltlk‘l‘. llc'x lxlltl“ llll' lllx till-lllc-l‘L‘alL'll- track approach to production. and that‘x \xh} hc litx right in at thix grcat night in thix gi‘cat \cnuc.

32¢ Numbers at lhc Brunxxt 'ick llotcl llaxcmcnt. ltlpm 2am. £5. l3 .\'o\ onl}. 'l‘hix a|\\a} x “ax onc ol thc hcxt clcctronica nightx in toxx n. \\ itli an approach to muxic that ix unparallclcd in itx lll\L‘llll\CllL'\\. .-\cti'cxx l\ ll\ c Dll lltlx dtilL‘. and [DC DJx ‘at'L‘ .\'ok La Rok and Marcia Blainc School l'or (iirlx. \ixualx conic l'rom thc \mndcrlull} - namcd Rctina (ilitch.

I Point.0ne at ('luh (it). l lpm 3am. £thc. 13 .\'o\. l.i\c xct l’roin clcctrtirtcchno produccr l)}ii;ii'c'c‘ pltix DJ xkillx l‘rom Analog liingcrprintx and Jackmaxtcr.

I Red and Gold Room at \l'la

lllpm iatlt licc hctotc llpm. :\ altci \\cckl} Hill} \lilhgan manx thc dcth at thix littc night ol I atin hotixc ll )otii hfc nccdx xpicing up. look no tuithci

I Shine On at (‘oiinthian llpm ‘am Lll‘t' (llllklllll \lllik'l .tlltl RUSS \lacimllan rock thc tomt altci a xcxxion in thc litc l‘at lotx ol luiik and tun all round ax thc icxidcntx takc in thc gcnicx thc}

I Sola at (’luh l l\ill_‘_‘ ‘lpm latii :5 \M‘ckl} DJ Julcx pla} \ xoullul liouxc and Man \lackcn/ic pla} x ictio cldSSlcS in thix mcc and taxi} ncxx hat cluh lll \clxon \latldt'la l’lact'

I Subculture at tht- Suh ('luh

llpm zam £lll \\cckl} Haiti and Domcmc'x houxc part} Ixtill thc hcxt in thc countr} t gctx hack to haxicx thix loitniglit “till a rcxidcntx onl} linc up (‘omc along and )ou might cnd up iiicctmg gu}x namcd Sticll in tlic toilctx ()n h \t~\. tliciox .ni appcarancc lrom .\mc. \xhicli xhould hc grcal

I Together at thc l itiuid loungc

llpm iani £.\ o \o\ \lonth|_\ Mclting l’ot himg yin anothci \cu tinc niuxicalh dcdicalcd club night. \xith xpccial gticxt llill) Scnlhon ol \luxic llo\ chidcnt ix .\ndrc\x l’iric. xo )ou'rc in \ci_\ xalc handx lll tcimx ol lhc xoundtiack. l imitcd capacit}. xo gcl doun hcrc nicc and cail} I VEGAS! at thc chlrcxt lcri}

‘l. illpm 3am. £0 t £3. (l \o\ \lonth|_\ \ll lllL‘ ct‘c\\ .HL' llt'l‘t' ;i\ \il'l i.\.\" Ditcx llx ci'al} llnng oncc morc, l'ltllllxlt' Sumatra. llugx} Scagnll. Dino Martini and l.ciin} l.ax \cgax puncluatc a lmcrup that alua} x [llL'ttSt‘x lllt' cl'tmd. l'.\t‘l‘}itllt' lllakcx .ttl L‘llot‘llittll't‘\\llp.\'l1(i.\S'\l}lc.xo}ou xholild. loo.

I Voodoo at thc (‘atliouxc 5pm ‘lpin. £5 (Lil. \Vcckl}. Scotland'x onl} allci‘italh c tindcr ISx cluh. 'l'hc xiglit ol all thc \xcc puntcrx qucumg up l‘nion Strccl liax put thc l'car ol (iod into lhc good pcoplc ol (ilaxgoxx loi' xomc timc noxx. xo il )oii arc undcr thc agc ol IS. \th} not xcc \xhat all lhc lllxx tx tilhilllf'

I Winchester Club at [DC \\'ootlxitlc Social. ‘lpm 3am. £4. l3 .\'o\. \lonthl}. 'l'hc \Vinchcxtci' rcttirnx m \oxcmhcr \x ilh a raw ti‘cal a li\c appcai'ancc lrom ’l'hc Jamcx ()i‘r ('omplc\. .-\ltcr\\ardx it‘x thc \Vinchcxlci' DJx all thc \\a_\. \x ith a niuxical xclcclion that cotild includc Stcx ic \Voiith‘i'. Supci'tramp or thc Siiiitlix. or all ol thc ahmc.

Glasgow Sundays


I Bite at thc (‘alhouxtt llHllpm 3am. l‘i'cc hcl'orc ll..illpiii; £3 t£|.5th altci. \Vcckl}. .-\ mildcr mi\ ol indic and rock than )ou'll lind at thc cit} 'x prcniicr i'ock \cnuc on hi or Sat.

I Brazilia at ('Inh l.l\ ing. ‘lpin iam. l-i'cc hcl'orc | lpm. \Vcckl}. .\ ncxx hat that tin'nx into a club. in thc (‘ornci' ol Mandcla Squarc oll' Buchanan Sti'cct. lt'x DJ action and li\c pcrcuxxion all thc \\a_\. will tuhiqtiitouxi rcxidcnt 'l'ill l’cachcx and a hoxt ol unmcntioiiahlc tilllL‘IS.

I Cabaret at thc 'l'unncl. ll.3llpni iam. £4 i£3r \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc 'l'uiincl'x xccond ga} club night. 'l'liingx arc dclimtcl} lahuloux at thix Sunda} night part}.

I Disco Badger at Bamboo. llpm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. Scottic ll. Dominic Martin and Robin kccp lhc Sunda} throng xalixlicd in thc \cnuc \xhoxc marriagc ol Rtkll and houxc hax hccn an untpialilicd xucccxx.

I Duckie at tlic :\r'clicx. lllpm 3am. £‘l «£5». a \th trill}. .-\ Illglll liil‘ 'ptitil} gangxtcrx and lc//_\ campxtci'x‘. lcaturing Mixx .-\m_\ l.amc. .-\ l'ctx ('untx lrom l.ondon. llatliaii l'.\aitx. l'rxula Martinc/ and Robin \Vliitmorc. 'l'hcrc'x alxo dixk iockc}ing lrom Rcadcrx \Vitcx. l’uri ol (i/mgm.'

I Free Sundays at thc l'nixcrxal.

I lpm 3am. l-i'cc. \Vcckl}. Hip hop. ltink. xotil. rcggac. houxc and ran all in thix grcat. \ii'tuall} unknoxxn \cnuc iuxt hchrnd Satichichall Sti‘cct.

I The Good Vibrations Sound System at liquid Loungc. llpm 3am. £5 till I, \VL'CH}. RCSldClllS 'lhc Dim liltm ll

The latest club news

We mentioned New Year for the first time last issue and it you’re one of those prepared types you might want to hear what some of the other venues have planned. Starting in Glasgow: Mish Mash will be taking over Cuba Norte; Harri and Dom will be holding fast at Subculture with the Sub Club String Quartet (at the Sub Club obviously); there’s underground disco from Billy Woods and Simon Cordiner’s Melting Pot at the Riverside Club; the Carling Academy goes all old skool with another huge Back to the Future party and the Arches host Inside Out. Expect plenty of guest superstars all to be confirmed at this time.

I 1 Over in Edinburgh, it Blondie and the Seissor Sisters in PHDCCS Street Gardens jtlSl ain't (lowig it for you we have the likes of Headspin at the Bongo Club for another year of the best in funk bombs; Taste go all NYE at the Liqutd Room; Joy take over all three floors of the Venue wrth a hit of help from Mingin'; Huggy's Stereotype showcases the best of house from 2004 at Berlin and finally hard dance specialists Nuklear Puppy are jOlllOd by Anne Savage at Ego. Look out tor our Hogmanay speoals for both Cities in the coming weeks for more into. 2""; UTI are key in organising a huge event out at Ratho Adventure Centre, Edinburgh on 20 November (3pm-3am). Optimo are doing a room, as are Motherfunk with guests and regulars from Access, Influence and Rogue State across three floors (including the quarry). And there’s an enviable guest list including Richie Rufftone (dex and FX), Bandulu, Acid Junkies, DJ Bone, Dave Tarrida, recent F-Communications signing Vince Watson with his live UK debut, Percy X in his electro X-Man guise, live stuff from the Wee DJs and Stephen Brown.

lltixtlcrx and thc chcngc xpin at thix grcal (‘arhon-inxpircd part}.

I Mungo’s Hi Fiat thc Hull.

Spin 3am. l’rcc hcloi‘c llpm; £5 altcr. \\cckl_\. Scotland'x numhcr onc rcggac dancchall collccth c. lormcrl} i‘cxidcntx at thc \Voodxidc Social. do what thc} lot c moxt at thcir ncu. \cnuc. pla}ing in a xound x} xlcni xt}lc. and packing in thc maxxcx u ith thcir rootx riddimx and mic action.

w, .: THE LIST 39