I Reg Anderson’s Comedy Lounge lllk' l iglitlinim: 43 *1 llic Show. l.k'lli|. 5510105 Spin L5 iL‘i Inn and HUIMS lioin thc l.ttl‘_'illt‘l tiio ot \ Iadinin \lplauxh. l’atinl. Rulinh ()ucntin l<c_\nold\. plux Sundciland'x llllt'Sl \HIHPL'IL' Ru:

I Bruce’s Sunday Social Club lilk' Stand. 5 \oil. l’lau'. 55S "I":

S itlpin. L1 tL ii \Ittxnal tttacxllo Sand} \"leon and \th /t‘alandci Stinon \h Kinny} [‘lHch' lhc laugh at l’lk' lituu'} \ Sunda} j__'.tlilL'llllf_'

Monday 8


I Red Raw lilk' \latltl. < \«Ilix l’ittt‘t'. 55S 535‘: S Winn Ll ('oincd} lit-funny“ ti} out then hk'\l linc \xitlt \uppoil lioin (Ulllpt'lk' Hiatth} and ilt'dtillllk'l Stt'wn Unix

G asgow

I Red Raw lhc Stand. “i \\()()(H‘||](1\I<tl.|\l_‘ixq‘ih‘i‘ihiissv

S Winn L) Hialt'h) and IlL'dtHlllL'l

l \lttttllti \uppoit anotht'r lcani ol yonicd} ttt'\\\'ttlllt‘l\ ax tht‘} takt' lhcn' lnxt SIL'P\ in lilk' \xoild ol \tand up


I The Fred MacAulay Show 'l’lic Stand. 5 York l’lau'. 55S 5351‘lptn, L.\‘. 'l “U 'I \' [\L'I'Mtllgllll}. radio hioadt'axtt'r. all round t‘acontctn‘ and \tand up comic hringgx anothcr \liu‘ ol lnx lllllqllt‘ huinout to Inidncck. \\ith \uppoi‘t lt'oin punt |)L'\ ('Iat‘kc.

Wednesday 10


I The Fred MacAulay Show ’l'lic .Slttttd. {H \Voodlgltldx Rodd. (LS—l) (rllll (ill55. .S, Vipltl, LN. SL‘C llllk' ".


It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad World 'l'lic Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 5372. “pm. L5 tL-l i. I:\\an .lohn. \Vill .r\ndrc\\ \, (iai'th ('i'uikxliank and ('olin llcggic gucxt at tlnx hi inonthl} \ht'lk'h \Iltl“.

Thursday 1 1


I Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlctn'x. l'(i(' Building. chli'cu Sttt‘ct. ll.\’7l)7v sari)? Spin. L”.~ .-\ harrcl ol' laughx l'i'oin charming: \tand up l’atrick Monahan. l’otntn} .lolinmn. |idd_\ HI'lltlStHl and hardcorc .v\nicrican l)a\ id l’ulton.

I The Thursday Show The Stand. 555 \Voodlandx Road. HST” ()(N) (ill55. .S'. illpin. Lo 1L5 t. Dchonaii‘ hoxl

Ra} niond \lcarnx introducm \pik) \‘lnt'k Kilt} l-lanagan. Ian \lacphcrxon and Sat.


I Ash Dickinson & Hazel Morrison ('alt" Roin (‘cllat' Hat; 1" \VLNI |\’L‘_L‘t\lk‘l' Sll‘L‘L‘l. 5.5- ~15“): Npltl. LR. .\lu\it‘ and coined} ll'Ulll poct .-\\h “It‘klllxotl and t'olk \ingcr lla/cl .\lot‘t‘i\on,

I The Three Tuns Comedy Night 'l'hc 'l'hrcc 'l'unx \\'inc \aultx. " ll Hanou‘i' Slt'cct. Unit)” 552345. ‘lpni. l‘il'L‘C. SL‘C (Hill 4.

I The Thursday Show 'l'hc Stand. 5 York l’lau‘. 55S "3‘3. ‘lpin. Lb 1L5 I. l’rankic Bo} Ic lincx up lhc talcnh oi .\u\\ic cntct'taincr .\lart_\ \\‘il\on. |.cith ho} (‘olin Rainon and thatch).

I The Snatch Social the liquid Rooni. "c Victoria Sti'cct. 325 3504. H)..5Upttl 3am. L—l iL'3.5th. Sec Thu 4.


I Bruce Morton Introduces . . . ()i'an .\loi'. "3] "35 (ii‘cat \VL‘xlcrn Road. 353 Slim). Spin. L.\' lUH. Rmidcnt conipci'c Brucc .\loi'ton p|a_\\

itI|\llw[ll\i‘iliti.;l \1i\?ltit'i\31.1i§:~.zfiti (il.i\~_'~‘.‘. h.:tdn.aii (rat; I tit;

I Ha Ha Comedy t )'\.-:El\, L“ Sauxlnchail Sttcct. l5; 1;" L l" in.ludit1.‘ unit; to pint lino (Miniin \lan \tidctwn lllilt‘till\\'\ iict'.) lattglttu nia\lnn.- l).'\( Earl..- [myth nonch \ l‘. (icy and “owl;

I Jongleurs Comedy Club Jongh'uix. l (i(' Building. ix’cnttc'a. Stict't. ‘lSEHq S—HWI" \l‘lll Ll: \x' lhu II

I The Stand llic \tattd. 111 “mullan‘h Raul. ii\"o (a lll (\I l55

S ‘llptn L“ iLtw l’cil.) and ix'cu‘d lll ctiual int-aunt'x kttt} llanacan l\'.illl\ up \klli] di} huinoiht Iohtl ( )ll\\'l. Sa. Hiatth} atid \tl\.tlt \iwlllv‘lt lot a lllL'ill ot lauglh

I The Vault Comedy Club llit- \attll. l l Ill l’ttililh\il.t\‘.\ Road. bl" Ht Ht“ “inn L5 lhc l’cttit'i nonnnatcd l’aiiot play IltHl lit th‘ ninth”) t‘l Ila /.r':'l \tII'.‘ idlllk'. \‘-il|h' ( iiactnc lili'llt.t\ and Klt‘lalt Hlllh‘l \lattd up lll \uppott


I Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcutx. ( )nnn (‘t'ntitz (ilk'k'llfldt' I’latt: llS-ll" .Sqllfilr -\ |5|nn Ll: (ii.t\\\t"_'l.tll lunn} lad_\ lane} (iodh‘) \il.tl\'\ tht' \potlijght \Hlil laddic tilt and hunt ItNlct Rinx Hath}

I The Stand litt' Stand. 5 Mil l’latc. 55.\ "353. ‘lpni L“ ILYH Na} in! tunn_\ nian \lart) \\i|\on ioin\ point-d} loit'cx \kllll loyal Iaughtt'i ptnu (‘oltn Rdllltllk'. Ian \l;i\'p|ict~oii and hmt .lanc \Iapka} The Bedlam Improverts lh-dlam ilL'dllL'. Ili‘ Ht'hlo i’lat't'. WV); Ill.3ll]\iii. L V5tliL' ‘1. SW I ll 5


Kevin Bloody Wilson i’a\ lllittl Htcallt'. III lx’cnlicld Sticct. “I |.\‘1(i ".illpin SL'L' i‘l'l

I Ha Ha Comedy ( )'\cil|\. l5" Saucluchall Slit-ct. ‘5 i -l Vii Split. Lb;

L Ill including; cult} to pm! \hou tlm'o. SL'L' ill I:

I Jongleurs Comedy Club .IUIIL‘IL‘UIS. l'(i(' HlllhilllL'. chtimx Stu-ct. nx‘n‘ .\"ii‘n“ Spin. L13. Soc 'l liu l l.

I The Stand ’lhc Stand. Hi \\'ood|and\ Road. llh‘ll (illll (“L55 3.5”[tllt LES. Su‘ l't't l2. although .lant' \larka} talax m t't‘ ax hoxt

I Madcap Comedy Club 'l he Siaic liar. HS Holland Sti‘cct. 3 {I 315‘). ‘lptn. LS lL~1 l. (atllk'd) ttx‘L‘ Rlcllttld .\|h‘ll l.l|’\L'\ to thc lnnclight \\llil \ltppot'l lioin \aq. .loc Hat‘dt‘axtlc. \crl \h'l'at‘lanc and conipcrc Hill} Honkcrx.

I The Vault Comedy Club the Vault. l | Ill l’ollokxhaux Road. (L1H lit ltl". ‘lpni. LS SL‘L‘ it! i:.


I Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlcurx. ()nini (‘cntrtz (ilk‘k‘llSIth‘ l’lat'c. MSW)" SWH)“, Sl5pni. LIE Sct‘ l'l'l I2. I The Stand ‘l'hc Stand. 5 \ork l’lau‘. 553 "3‘3, ‘lpin. LS. Scc l'l'l II. but \\|Iil winpcrc Sthan \loi'i‘ixon.


I Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 'l'lic Stand. .1 1* \\oodland\ Ram, n.\“o (inn (ill_5.5, x. lopm {.1 it; I i. Bt'atch} ioinx thc loinicr Clasp} [\land i'cxidcnt lot' a night ol gigglcx


I Whose Lunch is it Anyway? llic Stand. 5 York l’lagc. 55S '35:. 1pm. l’i‘cc. Scc Sun '

I Kevin Bloody Wilson i‘c\ll\ai Thk‘dll'k‘. 1.5 I" \lg‘t‘lvlli SUCH. 5:” (\(NN'_\\[‘111. LS \uxtt'ailiak outhapk ottt|a\\ rcgalu \\llit hand} mug»

I Reg Anderson’s Comedy Lounge 'l‘hc lightliouxc. 32 3-1 'l‘hc Slioi'c. i.L‘Ilh. .554 L’405. Spin. L5 iL'3I. lop laughx troin gingcr \xondcr .lohtt i'illll. ('hrh chr}. Jo Jo Suthcrland and conipci'c ch.

I Bruce‘s Sunday Social Fund lia-

\'.;"..'. 5 \i 5-. l’.....' 55\ \ Writ :1 1* \\t.i-..uf i". \Z Haas lk'xltrtl

lat: \l.:\;‘?‘..':\i~:: and \z' to '31:\ \ a: ‘7 1“.

I Pornaoke Lounge l :u. Ezl‘:..~aa\ l’fia; 55* ‘55' ":‘n. L\ L5 ( Iqatc pm: \x‘ltiltiif.:\i. thc \cnm on thy xi witf‘. kip thfli fl); l nah \atlst. x’atn ( iqrztlj. atat .oznix'u Rod \tccl; at i dzzthtnz'lzk fizxt l'otn i'\.tl.1i'h\‘ltl;'ill Styx; \.t\tii1pinnidcxtlh tunlu tuncx to kccp Iltc tun Zi‘iilll;'

Monday 15

Gtasao” I Dan e, Monkey Boy, Dance llic Stand. l;1\\oodland\ lx’oadl'V‘I'NNl (M55 \ *tti‘n‘. Ll lhc monks} l\o_\\ Wand} \clwn. lx’a}iiiotid \lx‘dll‘A. loc lit-«nan and lit-x \hl Call‘ \lattd up 'u. ith tlic aid ol guitar and [‘l.tlli‘ lot a night ot

innxit al nnpim Lonicd}

l d:nburgh

I Comedy Benefit Bonanza ( "at; lx’o_\al thli‘ Hat. l" \\.‘\t |\’\".'l\lt'l Stict-t. “I ll 41337?“ \[‘111 L1H ('oiiit'd} luscndx Suxan \‘i‘lllv‘lt. l’anl Sncddon. \lkhtlk'l Ix’cdinond. | tankic Hopi“. l icd \Iat \ttla} and ( 'iat-J Iltll all liilk' up in aid Hi l)l.l}\'[\'\l i\

I Red Raw lhc Stand. 5 \oik l’lau'. <<\ 553*: \ Hil‘lll Ll lx'thi} .lllti licadlinui.|oln1(ioidonnntiatcaIiandtnl ol point'd} \njginx into tlit' \\.i}\ ol \lattd up

Tuesday 16


I Red Raw lhc Stand. §§§\\oodland\ RoatL iix‘iiiinnhnfifi .\ liipm t3 .Itrhn (ioidon and Mid} Sn atc thc aph to lollou lot a t'lutt‘h ol point-d}


I Jason Byrne lik‘ Stand. < \uik Maw. 55.\ 53": .\ Winn LS ll|\|l nnpi‘m \ldl and l’t'iiici nonnncc .i.i\ott Hunc t'oincx to [\‘\\H \\ ith lnx out) llllltlllk' hiand ol liccloiin tonitoolci} and high cticigg} lun Scc pit-\it‘n

I Hairy Watt Comedy Club Hcttot \\att l'niwixil} l nion. lx’iu'ailon. ‘15]

5 i 4‘ ‘lpin, L" HJHISIH' lioxl lx’a}niond \h‘dlllS illlL'\ up “It” [.llt'lll\ ol Scolx (tibial) legend Hm \lpl can and inuxit'al llldL'SIlH Sand} \clxon

Wednesday 1 7

G asgow

I Jason Byrne HIC Stand. *h \\t)t)\”‘|[]\l\ Rimtl. that) (\HU (1H55 .\,§tl|\iii LS St't' lllk' lb


I A Kick Up the Tabloids 'l lic Stand. 5 \oik Plan: 555 “3": ‘lpni L5 iL-li RUSH]de poliltgal \atn‘ixh l’aul Sncddon. l l.ll1l\l\' Ho} h'. \thatt \lttlllvtll and John i'illll wan the ht'adltncx lot the i‘k'\[ tattd \\ttl\lt topit'al In hih lioni atiow tht~ \\t‘lhi

Thursday 18


I Jongleurs Comedy Club .h‘llgh‘lllx l (i(' Building. chttcv. Sti‘cct. HS—tl“ .Sqlfll“ Spin L" l'un lining and taxi [tau-d L't‘lllk'tl} lt'otn \ndtc \ tngcnt. \kllil ath \uppot't lioin illlh‘ lad} iatt}ah'C l).t\l\. ion} lav. and th‘ilal'd \loiton

I The Thursday Show 'l he Stand. .111 \\oodlattd\ Road. nx‘nmin (inSS \ Winn L0 i L5I R.i_\niond \lcarnx

Check out the

on page 13

Penny Arcade: Late Night Review A it

i “\V .\._.: "

Bruce Morton Introduces . . . t) it ‘.i‘.n min?“ it :(i' it .it‘ (Elia: it

art: itltirr taut (it éilwttit; t‘agtlttn 17f Tllll. ()HI‘ film, (i:’.i.‘;i,'v:','., / ,Ii (-2 H No; Four Poofs and a Piano doth”, lit/88' MUHH‘: l>gittrl tit-’iti )1, for moth (Littllli tr>ttilooli:i‘,i. .Jiztf‘u’. (i/(i.‘§(]( l‘.‘.. .8} 1/: ,' H The Fred MacAulay Show ( )ur faxotirili: timid»,

l’wib ’,’>."i'i’; ll’i‘d‘» ’tt'it‘:

unit's/00k fiilit'lt'llllllitllf) with

.‘33.’i/>d. I l/l/li‘N/i’tji’i‘, 11p: ‘) Hwy; S‘rami’. (i/(isgt >‘.‘.'. 1'." n/ W Nov. Jason Byrne llw: ball of wind, talk; cobbler", “Mn (l tigiir of nights. $3M: titi:‘.’t6:‘.‘/, Sta/iii. I..'/'/,~bz/igli, [(1‘) 1/, fifqilri’l, (i/{ifltfliitt li/irr/ f i" ."r ,2 v.

Tony Law ltw; wank. (,‘zi'itiil'an tituturwli (trim l‘a‘, thing, llifa a

(mum; nadir; l‘) tit.“

.‘Jort‘ko, '.‘,’(,!l'f_tir;‘ ."r' itit'étl’i 7’) (in Tilt: nxtra ,ar’l HI??? iii,

lYILlT5li'Yll‘; a": vii/anti" «transmit (iii/l insatit: boot/iv. Jung/ni/IS.

(ii/('1.‘)(]/)',‘,; Hag, 1.1-; ‘im,’

intioduu'x c\ (mam //i// \ldl ltanu'ua \laititiu. Joillt (ioidon and Rnhatd lhotnwn


I Big Word Performance Poetry 'I hk' 'lton. ‘I Huntci Stinaic. HlL'il Slit-ct. 33!» H” ‘l ‘Ipin L" iLIi lh-adpan l)tllill”l\ \\.i\ii1§;l.}i‘ik'.il.l’ctci \h'\.tttdct. th’ildld \h‘tillllleHlt and \llllll llll\llL‘\\ Sarah \\li\tlll roll out thc \cth and thc hillfJih \‘-llil \llppttl'l Mom .\I( K h-nn} i.llld\.t} and .IL'HI Rollx

I The Three Tuns Comedy Night 'I lit 'l ht'cc 'lun\ \\ inc Vaultx ll Hanowi Sticct. NEW“) 55345 ‘ipin I'I'CL‘. \L‘L' iltl -1

I The Thursday Show ’I ilc Stand. < York l’lau'. 55S “2—3 ‘lpni Lo IL5i l'i‘ankic Hinlc play hmt to point-d} pouurhouw Junior Sittipwti. thu not-\o- cuddl} 'lcdd} and John Kim.

I The Snatch Social 'l he i,lqlllti Rooin. ‘lc Vlclttl'la Stru-t. 335 3504

Hi Ulpni iani L4 iL‘ 5‘): SW 'lhu 4.