Ii-"~I'I:I~ " ':.I-' l:"' . .'I:"Il-:_.f't. (PG)91minO . , 11.1,. ., t, N lg

Film news and giveaways for beautiful cineaste types

An Event... I, ., i “:11”: I (15)86min.00 i " -' .

I of " 1' E ,‘fjth w:rv',v‘:rv. i o r I} 'n i-i'vx o .W'h It. b ,z. 't .2 o [LL 1 ti” itiiw'..'.' ::- ' t i. '1 t

I It’s the biggest news ever so .: Hitl'lgt'igif‘ v~ i' v :' : you better pay attention. Mark .ii: ti [il/ {it"‘Vlti" i ' Valley of the Dolls Robson’s nan! [dir’riw i i :i- 2 : --: i 1974 classic disaster movie lillili‘” / it ' i. Earthquake is being screened at it ’litrwgviwi v r u :-- t,‘ :'*',_ the Cameo Picture House in '3‘.(:' "it'7‘it it in v i .

;: {3,337} ‘. w RE ousmucnou

Edinburgh with its original Helm"; tit tin-f :T' v : ~ 'v ' . .- .: (12A)89mm ....

Sensurround sound system on (,1 tin: "tfllht" urwf. iiii-r'w ~‘_ in '.'--: ' iv :"_ ; w»: v Lira-u, t" w v Friday19,Saturday208nd zir‘iv .:'i'i’. “Huang”- .' z'tzzi . .:.5 ts. :' :V:':" iv?» tvatt'vnf‘»-.tti;r»-tift?w. .i-tv'wltiirio-u Sunday21 November. The last gum inn m i». :~.:v~.w :twir iv: l v ; "T :v iv 1 t :' t" :ixtv iiiir i it ,' rt 1 i-z at ofthese dateswill be ina 11th m thuhti mi! li"’l';tit ‘.-- i. '. a 1".2‘. 2. xiv .i ~: iv: 1":‘v'w m. ,mivit- :v w i t!‘ -‘»--

double bill with The Day after whztt ttitr itliiltti' 'iite'iviwi, 'l r' f'wvti ‘i--*'.' '3’. ' tutti {ti ii‘itr’ "mt? rimwr‘fIm-rw a mi Tomorrow. This is an extremely I (St/mm mm.» it ‘. :. i'w uni: . i' 2.. ~°. r l tti'w. itwgtii. an atom writ t in-ii h Nw. rarechancetoseethis rm": .v‘r-th tt'wi -i .t't‘

. . '>' J.’\ gtxtr ,' . underrated disaster movne the “FM” " '1‘ .r..; :,.,..i..-g ,W...‘ git. Wm}, m i: tin. mm t, rm

way it was SUPPOSGd to be seen. _""ti"‘ 1 qi‘itt w ‘i'if ti‘ 4111 wt?“ iv" 1:? fait'v'. .‘.t‘: it fi‘it. it «t Booknow-01312284141, Hti‘Mttwidwu l‘t' ttwk “.‘..'mit'.w;!.'ti itflwyturtm cameo@picturehouses.co.uk - I : ~ 1' '. \. ‘ii riii f'w “'l'tt!"fl"‘-, til‘ it 1 mt v: ,i Ml“. I Amnesty International is behind a “"11 ’3’“? "W" *““"“ ""m 7"" ""1" new, very interesting film festival. It takes place during the 1.6 days of action on violence against women

which runs from Thursday 25

L;:l\.“.i;‘ Ht!

- t t ‘1 fi‘:|(1kllt' ,‘\I'Y]‘.‘. ti ) Tl‘5‘4 L'Hh 1‘.t)t;i‘|‘, ii‘:("'I!Y‘11}T»tt'i 1 mi: tiw "w lli’ii' "‘v "-i I'iIH UNE IMAGE) , I a, ..., .t K’tlxvlkir‘wl.“ “'11” wvt‘l"""" ""

stuiii‘nixih t Mititittit SHY‘MH' t .o-i. It”:

November (UN day for Elimination [hurt ,! Ann»; \Jt‘i tfi. r'v ; “out iii A? liltlhti '5 l’ r: i‘h’iliil'it'! firm-t wt Hit“ of 3” Violence Against Women) Um” ft ,hr“; ~.z f 'tiufi. "_ PM», 4,. tiiw iimg uzift'mrt .‘..‘Hi it {vixmriiil Friday 10 December (Human Rights (inf t inimii‘ti ,“ti"l1']1;,tll\l|t[iVJ‘x‘i(“d/r‘h’iljl day). Women's organisations all v" *' """' i " ' ' ‘t around the world use the 16 days ' i ' 7‘“ " to highlight the plight of women W‘~~' - ' ' i' who are Victims of Vioience and Ritili‘til like i‘lf; timing}. (Liitt'K'f; [)ttww'r; : tar vi". : --' :"ui-n discrimination Visit tiir‘wttuiizt! (ié’lilii is; stitt’ tiiilit‘r' Hi stuff. f’tt-'v‘wf,, " f wwwamnestygrgUK/SCOuand or tizitiitittirztl (tittl (itiirittafuhhttigu!. E 'tii'fh’“, t wwv " f' "H ' °_, :' :1 ' i. phone 0131466 6200 for more Atiziiitééti it“. tht- Nit-swim: ‘vt Ti‘t- 'i‘t'ma mi." ; 7' :a’pi t"'3 details $10!“.l)‘.VilHiitil‘J[(vt‘ixtt,{WK ..:".. t' " ' WIN A P'NK PANTHER DVD set Ittlét tatttis; titt- tilit'Kl .iit'Wa‘» t’ xi " t: z :' z' .: ' :AR 0 British tiim. K'1tttltiltf8iiiiii‘i tti‘ itJti'i. .tttx w T Oh.‘ COLLECTION Dtéiit‘ti. zit; t'.'.'<: ageing; flifi’ttfi‘i 3.?13 Nm'. " M :' : coepz‘easvszwie stittrtuttxittttgitr.B11? .'.t*t-"t:?)m:;“ ' " i: . " :" -- :l ’a. : '. :' : Pinkpanther ‘.iti|!i‘|f%'t (It‘i‘ti'fyt‘i/("‘t‘fiiii'”: E33." l"'_.. . I" .‘ . 1-" Cartoon It: .'.‘;1r;ih>:itt:;i‘;>iw':z:ttr .‘z '0 t . ' Collection to '. h . I , gwe.awa¥' For “rim. 8'“ 91% titt'it't ':\ 1. " 't: ' 2' the flrSt "me ii'tcwittw‘ tit; "‘::I BUT.“ ' ttw’: .'.’(,'i'":' it NW", “0:1”,-

ever on DVD you can own the ultimate cartoon collection which includes 124 original

ttttvpt M” "(1"“trti xiii, stain-i '2' t' (its: 1 i,. ‘L‘: ,tt"t‘,‘r1/,‘.i“,‘(),.rt’yjl' ;

PM" 511:11(".»\i‘i;t .‘."«‘-r‘. c: f"-‘-~:' :1: ".v-: 51"’1”’!‘»“" 1?:

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iwt'wmts iti'ii. firth-q" ‘3 iii '-

.‘:v at antivith ft“: "WI: 01.41%; “eat at ivrizirivii/i? Amt !‘ We.

are "iit't7l'fl‘fll. .‘.'i’, :w: the. UN“)

theatrical Pink Panther cartoons ,\ \, g f g r t, I, , , .r , . . ’\\,}t"it'_“7 "K tb‘ttft'l t \tt" 2" I"«t’}i":’3{i.. 8"“0'”:","Mlt‘f’iTUtt

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e 9 iii-pg Damp}; f My; ‘1 $1}; - 1 \. Hennwscit. .'.".', U‘i‘i’li’fl'r'tq to

plus 37 minutes of unseen footage. To be in with the chance of winning one, just

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h «r‘; mm \ ' w t \ 11M (1;: (1' a: U’J‘i ‘M’Wrt-“J’I‘J 0' Iat'ert “'18 Nov’ usua' US: But A t "v " ' \ ’jia‘fl’i .‘g. was. after t to / aria ru es 8 , 5 pp y. ." ‘8‘ ' .st‘w t 2’: \ t,ef.'.r;:;" .'."::‘, f, ('2' ’i .‘Méit Niigiit hair: at tips: :‘ " (224,” >1 ’,‘:-’,.":' ' rtr'at/xr adds

48 THE LIST -1—‘8 \L“