Bread and Tulips (Pane e

Tulipani) ( 13: 0.. (Sily io Soldini. ltaly. 2000i l.icia Maglietta. Bruno (iaiiI. (iiuxeppe Battixton lllmrn See rey iew. page ~17. I'r/nrhuuye. lat/Hi/rureh

Bride and Prejudice i 12.-\ l O. ((iiiririder ( ‘hadra. l'K/l 'S. 200-1i '\l\ll\\;tl'_\tt Rai. Martin llenderxon. l)ame| (iilliex. \ayeeri .'\ll(ll‘L‘\\\. llil rmn. It had to happen xt miter or later. The Jane .'\uxten/Bol|y wood croxxoyer irioy ie I\ here and rather imderwhelmrrig. I)arcy (lleiiderxoni ix an .-\iiierican who tallx in loy e w ith an iinxuitable Indian girl (Rari w hen he attendx an arranged marriage

w ith a lireiid. 'l‘he xubxequeiit fall out ix bounced between India. l.oiidoii and l.:\ through xoiig. dance and other t'ttllll'l\;tllt‘t‘\. l’leaxaiit but forgettable. .bt'll‘t It’t/ I'(‘/('(I\l'.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason ( iii .0 (Bet-inn Kidion . l'K. 2004i Renee /.ellweger. ('oliii l-irth. lliigh (irant, IllSmiri. See mter'yiew and icy iew. page 50. (ieIie/u/ re/euye. Chantz - My Louis Armstrong Years ( l 'i (Mohamed Kotiiida. l’rance. 300-li 85min. l‘lllll about a mother and xoii iriuxical duo who are ax happy to perloi'iii on the xti'eet ax xome ol the world‘x biggext xtagex. (i/uwun l-i/ni Iheulre. (i/uyemi .' l’r/mhouye. Izr/rir/rureh. Chaos ( l5i ... (llideo Nakata. .lapari. I‘I‘Ni Maxato llagiwara. Miki \akataiii. Ken Mitxuixhi. Ill-1min. liiterexting early abduction drama from the director of the Ring lilmx and Dark lliuer. iiiyoly'ing the coiiyoluted xhenaniganx of a buxinexxmari. a gardener. a mixtrexx and a w ife. By turiix weird and my xterioux it ix iriter'exting to xec how .\'akata adapted hix delicate loucli with the chilling into xomething more gotliic later on. ('(i( ' ( 'hiemuy Iii/irihurgh. lirluihurgh. The Cloud-Capped Star( ISi O... (Ritwik (ihatak. India. l‘)()0l llomiii. Neither a Bolly wood e\tra\agaii/a nor the pi‘ecixe lyricixm of Satyaiit Ray. (ihatak'x ey'ocalion of a woman'x xtruggle to retain hope in an uiiiiixt world ix a highly mannered. forcefully emotional melodrama. 'l‘he piri'poxe ixii't ximply to dexcribe the daily grind of poxt-war India. but alxo the wider effeclx of modernity on a xoeiety already contending with itx ow ii priinitiy'enexx. I’illri/iouye. lit/inhurjeh.

Coffee and Cigarettes ( ISi .000 (Jim Jarmuxch. l'S. 2003) Tom \Viiitx. Iggy Pop. (’ate Blaiichett. Stey‘e Buxcemi. R/A. Stey e (’oogan. Alfred Molina. the White Stripex. Uhtttili. What indie auteur Jim .lar'riiuxeh xtarted in the l‘).\’0x ax a xeriex of off-the-cuff xhortx made with at‘lot'\ he'd ith! t‘otttplclcd features with. he fmixhex off here with thix anthology of the l l filmx lie‘x made to date. Iggy and littti'x catty ai‘guiiient over the need for the latter to hire a drummer remains the bext of the bunch. although R/A. (VA and Murray\ talk of ‘tea' alxo comes cloxe to geiiiux. Seeing the filmx in a xiiigle xittiiig higlilightx the jun-inflected y'ariatioiix on a number of recurring themex: people

playing tliemxclyex (xort of). barely xupprexxed riyalriex. \oiciiig of conxpiracy theoriex. Stranger than paradixe indeed. St’lt't'ft't/ I‘r'h'uyr‘.

Collateral ( l5) .0. (Michael Mann. IS. 3004) Tom ('ruixe. Jamie l-‘o.\.\. Jada l’inkett Smith. l20min. Director Manii trxex and abuxex the

Holly wood xtar xy xteni in thix i‘un-of-the- mill thriller that inilkx ey'ery’ thriller cliche iii the cow xhed. LA taxi driy'er May (l-‘oxxi picks up Annie (Smith). a [S attorney. ax hix lirxt ride of the eyening. 'l’hey .xlioot the bree/e and at the end of the ride. xlic' dixappearx into the night. linter (‘ruixe ax hitrnan Vincent. When the firxt job goex wrong Max becornex Viricent'x unwilling xidekick. So far. xo ordinary. then the plot goex downhill. Mann howey‘er tixex ('ruixe'x iconic xtattrx (.xtirely he can't die?) to maintain audience interext until the bitter end. Selected I‘t'l('(l.\('.

=51 The Corporation (PG) 00.. (Jennifer Abbott and Mark Achbar. (‘anada. 2003) l-l-lniin. l'nuxually' xearchiiig (‘anadiaii documentary of a how a y'eneer of reaxoiiablenexx cloakx the rapacious

actiy itiex of modern-day corporationx. 'l'lie filmmakerx‘ key argument ix that if the entirely profit-driy'en corporation were a perxon. it would haye to be claxxified ax a pxyehopath amoral. deceitful. guilt-free and dey'oted to .xelf-iiiterext. lntelligently combining arehiy'e footage. graphicx and intery'iewx with ('li().x and with left-w irig criticx. The ('or/mruu'un may not haye the entertainment value of Morgan Spurlock'x


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54 THE LIST 4—18 Noy 200-1

Super Six .lle. yet itx conceptual aiialy xix ix far more w rde ranging and xiibxtaiitial. incorporating eyamplex ol corporate e\ploitation in Boliy ia. India and liidonexra. and e\plainmg how lBM profited trom the Final Solution Selu let! u /('(I\(.

The Damned and the Sacred (Dans, Grozny dans) «la (Jox tie l’llllcl. Netherlandx. 2002 75mm. ('ontroy erxial award w inning film that l0llti\\\ a bunch ol child daiicerx from the rayaged city of (iro/ny on their litiropean lout‘. Part of ('inema.\'et litirope. (i/memi I’ilm 'I'lieuire. (iluyuon .' I’r/nihouye. Iii/irihurg/i. De-Lovely ( l’( il 0. (lrw iii \Viiikler. l'S. 200-1) Keyiri Kline. .-\xh|ey Judd. Jonathan l’ry ce. l35mrn. ()ctogeiiei'ian (‘ole l’orter‘ ( Kline) ix xittirig in an empty theatre. watching hix life llaxh before him. accompanied by a my xterioux man (My ce i. We xee tlieedited highlighton l’orter‘x life. with yarioux contemporary xingerx Robbie Williamx. Alanix Morixxette drifting in and out. xinging liix xtandardx. But we rieyei‘ get to the core of thix intriguing xongwritcr. ‘l'hix nioy'ie ix written by Jay (‘ockx and directed by Irwin Winkler. who hay e worked on write of Martin Scorcexe‘x bext xtufl. xo it should be a lot better. Sadly. though. it‘x luxt sterile and tedioux. Dominion. I'.’i/i'iilriugli. Dear Frankie ( l2.-\l O... (Shona Auerbach. l'K. 2004i limin Mortimer. (ierard Butler. Jack Mclilliorie. 105mm. 'l‘lie Scottiin mother and xori drama that xtole heartx at thix yeai‘\ ('aniiex l’ilm l"c'xtiy;il getx an early prey iew xcreening. (iltixgmi I’I'lm Theatre. (iluygmi.

The Dish ( Ill 0000 (Rob Siicli. .-\irxtralia. 2000) Sam .\'eill. Keyiii Harrington. Tom llllllilll. lt‘x l‘)(i‘). Apollo .\'l ix about to land and Neil .»\rmxtrong ix due to take the fir'xt human xtepx upon the moon. .-\ bumbling team of country boyx. at l’arkex Radio 'l‘elexcope Facility in New South Walex. are rexpoiixible for proy idirig the imagex xcheduled to appear on (Him teley ixion xcreenx around the world. l'nfortiinately. they xeem to liaye lo.xt .-\rmxtrong in xpaee. 'l'he rexultiirg teiixiori ix high. the optimixm iiilectroux and the outcome axtotinding. \Vith unfailingly quirky humour and xmcere performancex. the rexult liax to be one of the moxt uplifting and entertaining hixtory lexxonx ey er filmed ()r/erm xi! The Quay. (i/uwrm. (i/uyumt. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (Parent 8. Baby Screening) ( 12m .0. (Raw xon Marxhall Thurber. l'S. 2004i Vince Vaughn. Ben Stiller. ('lirrxtiiie Taylor. Rip 'l‘orn. 92min. Ayerage Joe gym owner Peter La l-‘leur ( Vaughni hax 30 day x to raixe $50000 or (ilobo owner \Vhite (ioodman (Stiller) will btilldo/e hix gym. Luckily there'x a dodgeball tournament in

Kadee Strickland relaxes for a moment in Anacondas: The hunt for the Blood Orchid

Sin ('ity w ith a grand pii/e ol ' (take .i guexxi l>eriierited baxketball xpoitx iiioy ie xatiie that coutamx enough xiglit gagx aiid liuiiioiorix quipx to allow one to oyeilook the ximplixtic plot Stiller’x boideilirie irixaiie body btltlilt'l l\ lillattotix (fll'\l( rioi. (r/ilyguti.

Earth 1 l5! .... (lh't‘pa \lclila. ('ariada. l‘NSi .-\.tlllll lx'liaii. \aiidita liax, Ralitil Khaiiiia lll5triin. It‘x taken a long time for the xecoiid pait ol Indo (’aiiadraii Melila‘x tiilogy about India to ieacli our xci'eeiix. 'l'lie prey ioux tilrii Illt . \\lll\ li dealx with a lexbiaii relationxliip. ix luxt out oii yideo. w hile Hitler I\ carixriig an iipioai iii lridra where it'x ciiiiciitly tilmmg l)t'.tltll_‘.' with iiixt ax yolatile xubiectx ax the otliei lilmx. [till'lh lookx at the catacly \llllt partitioning ol liidia iii I‘ll" l’oweilril material which eiigagex with itx xtory ot clirldliood ti'ieiidxliipx dextioyed by national C\t'lll\. Ill/illiouu. la/Hi/tu/gh

Exorcist: The Beginning I IN

C (Reiiiiy llarlm. l'S. 300.1: Stellaii Skarxgard. I/abella Scoriipco. .laiiiex l)'.-\rcy. Remy Sweeney. lllrrim laiikexter Mer‘i‘iii( Skar‘xgardi. ix aii c\ priext tiiiiied alcoholic archaeologixt adiilt m tolomal l'.axt .-\liica rii I‘M” lle iedixcoyeix lll\ religioux taith when he lllic'(i\t'l\ a pagan xite of human xaci‘ilice beneath a By /aiitme church. It alxo iiiileaxhex a teirible cy i|.

dr‘iy mg Merriii'x piedeccxxoi mad. rendering local boy Joxepli catatonic. and Hit itriig a bloody iiixtir‘i‘ectioii by the tiigliteiied

'l urkaiia people Rubbiin prequel to the gi‘catext horror lilni eyei told (rim ml I'r‘h'tlyr

Fahrenheit 9/1 1 ( iii .00. (MichaelMoore.l'S.300-1iMicliacl \loolc. (ieor‘ge \\ Biixh. Donald Rumxleld. lila l.rpxcombe. lllmm. \iiotliei politically charged documentary lrom ()xcai w riiiier Moore. thix time taking aim at the Biixli adiiiiiiixtiatioii \loorc xetx to recreate the ey eiitx that hay e led ux hour the 30‘ l0 piexideritial election to the bloody occiipatioii ot Iraq lil/llt'fl/lr ii ‘I/I/ may not haye the ability to dirt! goyerriitieiitx brit it'x xtill an incredibly powerful. xpecial \oice ot oppoxitioii and protext. It will alxo proye to be the highext groxxirig dociiiiiciitaiy ol all time iii \iiiei'ica. without a doiibi \m

(i IIIIlI'\ ('im NIH, Ia/irihuruh

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