Does Madonna have a future In cartoon VOIce-overs?


Shorter days and crispy nights, icy noses and fluffy hats. Looks like the snowy season is upon us. Time to enjoy our. . .


lozrtooraturo Ill Vt at 1h Arttartttttta o't tho coil to <21 ovov (lay on Earth -129 degrees Fahrenheit

l'otal too mm of tlto Lugosi outtloor‘ M10 rink. luttlwu lltohlartrl Prttiriottarlo Ilt Japan 3.8 acres

DzatttotOr of tho laroost snout/flaw: ovo' touoh M1 15


" -, " Aidan Monet

«m: :w'”

The List’s announcement of the 50 Best Scottish bands of All Time inspires heated debate.

Lonoost ro<:ort iotl trrrto a

ho hattort'u llllli§lt7 lovorts woro tltI\.‘oh hack to thotr ro<1ortl But It was tho\.'ltal)lo that :;t.t:h a 113’. .'.<>tll<l 'Lfi‘w foaf'iw". :' : mum”, hm) BMW, M m, I”, t‘ttllt't‘llttltf; to to otaluato thotr lot/or; arrtl hatot; Ill tho thoio was; Hohato throughout tho sz::>ttt‘;h Vittoria ,7' w 1 _.f (;Ut)(,t.ll(.3(tmt,1 hour and ‘.".'tli\t' oi arthouht‘omoht of llro / 1:;t'5; ftl) Boot Sttottis;h htahtlotl 'so (:allotl tlorttltos' ht. Hit: [)a It" t’n! . I}, 2' ' 17 minutes Halttlt; ot All limo last rrtohth. hot |ll(2|tl(llllt] tho Ilkot; of Mttltto lJto atml Marl l<r‘ t: tw !' f' o " lho It )ll fttt, lauhohotl on Rt Otttohor at Utah Mor Ill Glasgow whllo Soot/arm" oh Strtrtfat (iirll‘l)ltlii'ti it, urntxt; lt a le"‘l 'i z " Hillhffifil <f‘~’0l"0(30l<1<3‘(l ltiouttht tottothor atttstt; lrotrt tour <lo<:atlo:;. lrom tho Boatlot; l)()llll to discuss hroatlor li§f§ll<35§ lit 53': wiiltsll 'rttrm: 5"“‘~"-’f”” ”‘ m“ US- i” m" MI

Bakor Ski rofzor’t llt Wostoth

lhlltrohtttttt; :;lutllo oorltur; ot l ohhlo [)orthooah. thlough tho folk It was hot oh|\, tho host hartth that .'.‘,'H' taint! ; to: f't»~ , , , t , , , Washtrtotort 1 140 inches toxortttortottholrtt‘totllhlobtrtho[)arttlahtlthoh()t:;otorroi of llf;l()fi)()tll(3{tl hoax/Scottishl>ah<ltatha: .‘.'t:‘:l,‘lll ‘::. ~ lilt‘tlt‘flllf§tllltl Man. (Ihalhtothotiohtomporarythaott:ol tho taathosupplohtoht (taur;o<lt‘<;htrt>‘.ort;. ‘.‘.:‘.?':t." 'j'wa _ I . Worlds taroost artitlual [tolttatlos and l ratt.‘ l ortlrhahtl. tho list It; a (lollrtitlvo \‘uhos; who uhtlorttrouhtl llltlfSltl Stioltt; lht: Irte:t;:,;t:tt-t at :t ,' , . " (JltrlSilllélf; tree 80 Hitllt‘t‘lt‘JllXt‘lll'lfllt‘ttiTttl’itFEHllStit)Illld. Coo t:;hrh mitt'.'.ohs;tto:;sut‘tiam tawo k .l l t‘ S n L J tonnes/52 metres Attitzttxohtholrr;t ‘.'.llt‘tliit?lttlt?tltilt?ltllllltilllll(3|ll(l(?(llll(?llli)(?lt$ \Jxlthatartott, t)i(3()lltlllt%lttf; nott‘otvnatuta w " 2 ot Motion“. ltollo ahtl Sohastiah. (‘zootllmo Mr Mattlxortxio. Arah f§()ltt(? (EltlUltttlllll‘tlh altutwmg All/(fume numb” 0f (jury/1W” Stttttt. His. Mull ll::;tout‘a| Sottloh ahtl tho Sottsatlohal Alox l-arly holltht; shovxs Strrtplt: MW in liwtlw :“'l ir-l : f :' hours; (tumor) January gr» llal\o\ Bahtl ‘.‘.lill tho souhtltrattlx tor tho ovortirto proutlotl ht tarts art:- lltgthtltt} thotr now: now lltzri tl'r-z .t ,f '11} l ' " w Oulu. Finland 3 hours and Aral» t‘tratt'r, ,»\|tl.tlt Mottat aittl tllrrtz: ‘Boartsx' (-‘totltlos ot Bollo until January. thoso ‘\.'.’i‘.() :tlto hapw to»: "11l‘W-T ' ; v 45 minutes and Sohasttatr Hatiit t}; Vlt‘ t‘tallomn also loht ht; support and thttlutlrho ()rahot: l)ttt>lt('f;, 5‘3"," ttfl‘ l u; r 'w' \‘.‘|H ho plawto sottoz; in. tho artists; on tho list and (lohattrtt; tho rrtusrtial t?(ltl|l)lll(?l‘:t frorr: Swarm (, {tr‘ 1 firm? 7 t " ~- “Mg”! 0' H” “mm " . , ,, , , r‘ v 5‘ ;'r \l‘.l -d eh oh oh hit; tillttfl'tl oh Hatllol ahtl Hatlro bt‘otlahtl. Mark Rotslultlo l (?:;tt‘.;tl Ih (lottotwattot; “. n? , x 1 . l"”90\’tn’( (M' y “C k r CZOCl‘ O )t'l’)i:t; 158 m Hohortsoh, Mo! 83:; musit‘ otlttor arttl otlttor of tho lop :ttt, ruh tlt)‘.'.lt of tho hattztts, the: rorsult '_"t'.'l ‘. :w t.' w: ' :‘attl at tho lauht‘h: 'At titlt‘» ttmo ‘.'.'hoh hot". StTttlilSlt thustt: is; th tJttltLlilP. ‘.'.tth t'to [l't/Htfair of t'tu'u 5:48.;1 \ l I t j i 1 1 k I T ' ' {ear of the first Winter totht t‘oo titti‘ ‘.‘.'tl \‘.:t o. \.'.o at ‘-ta lht ‘tlz; )))<)l rt: '> my“ >1 w‘ "w non; ‘.’ )' w ' .’ 2' 1‘ ‘t u t t t ‘)t tr; tu t\ tt I t .2 . it, .. C /[ Olympic games. he!“ I” rollot‘t tru|\ groat rhustt‘ trout tho hast. ttrorloht ahtl tuturo. t‘t‘t't'w’tifl

Chamontx France 1924 TOP Nurrt’oe‘r of years Since the

I After the wash-out of Edinburgh’s Hogmanay last year, things are oldest known ice age

looking back on track for a full-scale party east and west. The Highland 2300m

Gathering is taking form just outside the capital at the Royal Highland

Centre, lngliston. Supergrass are confirmed as headliners. Year Of the “'5‘ game 0’ Back in the centre of town New York is shaking its disco pants with mOdem 'CC‘ "OCRGV' O'ayed

glam kings and queens, the Scissor Sisters and Blondie giving Hogmanay '” Montreal ‘875

some Big Apple glitz.

And not to be outdone, Scotland’s indie rabble rousers Snow Patrol are Glasgow's deeDeSl SilOWla“ the band taking Glasgow into 2005, backed up by Sound Development ’n' Feb 2004 29 "‘ch93 Agency and the Midden. 31 December 2004 is looking like a blinder.