Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.

Thursday 4

G asgox/

I free radiCCAls ( '( \0 5H \.llI\IIIk'II.lII \llt'vl. 13‘ I‘Hlll \[ml l_\ 1U.» \ \t'IIt'\ ml lllll‘lw‘. tmlltt‘llx tantIl llli'IlI .l\ [ml ml MN MW l.l\Il( '(' \I\ In .mmml IK‘\II‘..II \n' Insult-v.

I Johnny T’s Big City Blues Band \lmllm ( )m: ( lIil\‘~\'IIIII It'lmtt'. *II (filo ‘) zllpm iIk't' I 1w I‘lnm

I (IlllI)lll'(lIl

I Amy Winehouse IIIk' I It|llIlI Rmmm. ‘It \ It'lmlm \llt't'l. .‘I‘ Fol "pm It I * \Hllll‘,‘ mlmn \ lmth-l |.l// \lI\.lII\I \m} \\II|\'IIHII\\'

I Spontaniacs Hum \ .I.l// ('t-||.n. \ \IHlll\Hll \ln't'l. Ill" 57W! \ illpm ‘5 \lllj.‘t‘l I ll\‘_\ Kt‘lltlm l\ lomnI I\_\ I'II\'\I l.l|\|k‘l \unm I III I).l\t' ( mmm} '\ lllllli\.lll\t' j,‘lHll]\ \\IlH Imw lwt'n (It-\t’lllwtl [Inn lllmplm' Illolk \\lIIl IIcIIm''mt‘I\ ml .lmm \Illt'llt'll 0, winning ()Im'llt' ( ‘mlt'nmn \ct' lml Ill; TI y‘all-"32w }m1llxn'Il I. I I I

repertoire for the pick


I The Fusion Experience Ilu- llull ('Iqu II) Ii.llIl I ‘mc. .71.\ I'M". 5pm. i'lt‘k' lemit- L'IH illpm 1L5 .lIIt‘l l, \MxIl} mu} Iounyc \k'I Ill lIlt' Imut'l Im.

I free radiCCAls ('(‘ \. *5” Saut‘IlIt‘ImII Sllt‘t'l. ‘5: WIN). 3pm. l§.\ IUH. St‘t' IIlll I.

I (lllll)Lll'gIl

I Trio AAB IIt'IH}\I.1// (\‘IIJI. N \i(\||1\il|] \Ilt‘t‘l. Iii—i R:IIII .\, illllm Ll) Innmalm |.l// llmm lllc lin- .llltI Ill\lHll \t'llomlx. l‘t'IIHIIIIt'tI |\_\ Phil and Imm Ilant'lmll l\.|\ .lmI (Illllll\ lt'xpt't'mcltl and lellI‘ll'l\I Km Ill \'kt~Il/lt~

Wim Wigt Productions presents:



\ ESQ“. \ December 2004 i ‘1'"

& George mellym

Digby Fairweather’s Half—Dozen

5th GLASGOW. Royal Concert Hall 0141 353 8000

7th EDINBURGH. Usher Hall 0131 228 1155

.flThe Best Jazz is Timeless‘

90 THE LIST -'-

I Chaos Theory llu- ('t-llm ll.u. l (‘Imqu-n \ln‘cl. lo" 3* W. ‘lpm I It'\' lemlt' Illpm I lllyllml lunkt uml [\I.l_\mg' Inc anlmnxul |.l// .IIIKI \I.lIl\I.lI\I\ .n .1 \\.ll|ll up lmI IimuhIt-

I David Patrick’s First Class Quintet .\ll ()ut't'n \llct'l ll.” .iml I\)\‘\l.llll.lllI. ,\ll ()ut't'n \IICCIA .73!» *ll‘l" "pm. I luv \Ilonz' IIIIt' up 1th I\_\ pmmxl I ).|\ HI I’.lll I\ I\

I Madaleine Pritchard Hum} \ .I.l// (ik'IIdI. \ \IHlllMlll \llt't'l. Ih“ 53”” lllliIlllg'IlI (9 I llllIx mluxml \muIluI |.l// IlHlll IIIt' t-\ ("minimum-uh \lllt't'l \iillf,‘\\lllt‘l \\lIII \.l\m|\hom\l I’.mI IU\\II\IIH\\ .IIItI Humpclt'l Ryan ()lllg'lt'} lll \uppoll

Saturday 6


I Lorna Brown Quartet lln-l. W 1% .\\Illmll I .IIIK'. HZ I‘Hm i hpm I'It't' I‘Ilt' mn lIlt' up .lllm \nmphmmxl Ic.uI\ IIt'I IHlllMllllt' IIllHllj,‘Il wmt' Ill.llll\Il\'.lIll .lIIlI llliHIt'l'll \I.llltI.lltI\.

I Big Bob’s Jazz Band ll.” I“. I’lut'llmm IImlcl. I.“ Ilut'lmmn \Ilt‘t'l. “3 "35-1. i zllpm I I\'\' l\)k",'III.II xxxmpmg |.l// \t'\\||‘II

I Jazz Supper with the George Kidd & Jackie Murray Band (1m- Smult'c. I \l \mllt-uk \gll.:1c.5~1.\(»o_‘ll 5pm. L Ih “5 lInt‘ImIt'x [\km tmmxt'x .lIItI t‘mllt'm I ml Iw} IlHlllIN‘llhI KltItI. Ill\ Imntl .ut' IIt'Ik' lm _‘_'t'I §mlll low I.l[‘[‘lllf.‘ \‘-IIIIL' _\mu tall

I free radiCCAls ( ‘(‘ \. NI 5.1l1t‘lllt'I1‘1Il\llt'cl. 53 WIN zp111. Mull Lb IUH IIIC lt'xllml t’mllt‘llltIt-x \‘.lIIl 1w» “mm! t‘mllt't'lh lmlmlnf: IlIIIIIt'I \.ll'|.ll1mn\ mm l mu I’.llkt'l\

Ilct'llm \t'mmllt' I,II\\'IIII‘IC. \ct‘ pm luv. I Stephen Duffy 8. the Sandy Taylor Trio: Most Gentlemen Don’t Like Love Ilmn IIlt'dIlt‘. (H IIHIIL'JIK'. III)“. II’Plll. Ll\ I‘JH \ IlNIIx .lI \Illk't'l t‘uIluu' \m IIIt' mum and was ml (‘mlt- I’ui'lt-l. \IlIm I).l\ l\. (it-mm" (iL‘I'\II\\II1.lII\IIIlHIt'


I Jazz@Lunch w ()llt'cn \lm-l Ill” and I\)t‘\I.llll.ll11. \H (JIICCII \llt't'l. 33h SIN" 3 5pm I unthllmt' I.l// \‘.lIIl lIlt' Ml (Just-n \llt't'l [mum lllm I\1\I\ \kt‘ltmmc

I Gina IIcm} \ ,I.l// ('t'IIlll. \ \Imlllwn \llccl. 4"“ 43H“ \ 1“pm to I.1I\I I‘.1\I\.

Kenton’s ‘progressive jazz‘ experiments made him one of the most famous of all big band leaders. Tommy Smith has scoured the late American bandleader‘s of his arrangements for the SNJO‘s latest foray.

Inp I‘.1II.I\I\ \\lIIl .m Ix’AIl Ik't'I llmm \mt.iIi\l (m... Ix’.u'\ I.|lt'\l I‘.III\I. t'mmpllxmg' I .mm \IJtlIHILIIlI on \.l\. K\'\lll \iJk I\k‘II/lt' mn g'mlai. \I.u|m (".illlw mn Imw .nnl ( ill_\ \I\ olwn mn pt‘lt‘uwlmn

I BOQSt House Band Ml ()um'n \Ilt‘t'l It.” and Ix’t'leumnl. Ml ()un'n Slit-cl. 33¢! *ll‘l" ‘llun lllliIlllt‘IlI lim- \iUkIt'III |.l// yIJmltx IlHlll IIl|\ \I}ll.lllllt II\k' l‘lt't t‘

I Groove Diggaz llmyx \ _I.l// (it'II.ll. 5 \IHlll\Hll \Ilt‘t‘l. Ihq \‘IIII \IliIlllffIll Ui \ \il‘\\' ml IIIk' llmk IImIII I IIInImI;'II\ Im‘lmt'lt‘ Ilt'.l\}\\t-I;'Ill \mul mullll. lmlmmy \Ht.lIl\I Imn} limp .llItI IIIt' I.lIt'IlI\ ml \I.ulln KruImv. on \.I\


I Jazz Brunch with Bobby Wishart & Friends ( Lllc \mmtv. I \l \mIn-u "x \qlmn‘. i IN NU.” llomn L‘~.‘)*IIlit'IlitI|11;'Imunhamllvam t'mllt't‘l Ituuhnj.‘ \‘I\HPIIHIII\I \\ l\Il.llI .llliI Illt‘ll\I\ [um ItIk' IIIt' [\L'Ilt‘tl wumllmk lm .l It'|.l\m;} \IIIIKI.I_\ Inunyh

I Kenny Paterson \lclt'lmnl'x ('mlm'l. IN .Imlm \llct'l. “I Will

* Mun I Ik't' \ Ilt'\‘- I.lIt'III mn IIIt' \t«»llI\I1|.l// «MK “1chme [‘IH\I1It'\ \llliniIIl \mul .unI \\‘.lllj,' \otulx

I Big Blues Jam Mull... ( )Ilk'. (ilH\\t‘llHl Ik'II.l\t'. VII (filo iv Illpm i'It't' Ilm\lt'lI Il} IIIt' \t-v. Illum \lllIt'l\ \\ lIIl t'HIlIlII‘llIlth llmm \lmlio ( )IIK' It'leII.lI\ \lit'|1.l\ Rm I)mt' .lmI IIIL' \Hnmm Iilolhclx

I Ryan Quigley Quintet Ilmn IIIt'JIIt'. hi IIHIIL'JIC. “I 12!)” Hpm L" Qlllthillu. l p.1m1 t’mlmng \tmlllxh \IlIIIIIt'I llmnlt'lI h} Illllllpt'lt'l ()lnult'}


I Jazz@Lunch NH ()ut-t-n \tm-l ll.” .lIltI I<t'\I.lIII.lIII. MI ()llt't'II \Ilt-t'l. 33“ 5W)" 2 5pm. Sec 8.1! (v

I Mario Caribe Quartet Hum). \ .I.l// (‘cIIaL \ \Iml’llwn Slit-cl. ~10" 531m. X. Illpm. L9 IIlt' Illa/Illa” I\.'l\\l\I mqu up a IIk'.l(I_\ Int-v. ml [aim Ill/I I Paul Kirby Trio U\_\j_'t'n Hm a (iHII. 4 Inlilm.u'_\ Slit-cl. “a 90‘)”. ‘lpm mnlnlghl. I we I.\k'II|II‘_' \cxwm Ik'tI h} pmnm I’.m| Kim}. lualurm; Km m (ilaxgmu mm In“ .unI IllII K} It on \Il'llllh